Monday, 2016-10-03

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Zaramorning, storyboard! thanks again for the scss patches, betherly; you are a star and a gem! :D the js draft build seems fine at a glance, though I want to go through and check more carefully, so that may take a while to get round to (hopefully by tomorrow evening)09:00
Zaraand while on holiday last week, I noticed we were using ye olden bootstrap, so I intend to update that at some point09:01
Zarabut will likely be busy with other things today :/09:01
pedroalvarezI will give to the scss patches a go with my ansible stuff at some point09:03
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Zarabarcelona in 3 weeks, argh14:48
dmsimardZara: is that not a good thing ?15:18
Zara:D I've barely planned! (plus I booked a holiday for the week after and forgot to book a hotel... not looking forward to that bill)15:19
ZaraI am looking forward to it really, though :)15:19
SotKhave you still not booked? xD15:20
Zaranooooooooo I meant to do it on Thursday and then forgot ;_;15:20
Zarait's so bad15:20
dmsimardouch, probably super expensive and hotels full at this point15:20
Zaramaybe I can convince the convention staff that I live there...15:22
Zarait's sad; it was so cheap when I first looked15:22
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* zara_the_lemur__ prepares to install storyboard on desktop vm20:16
zara_the_lemur__also, persia, thanks for the krita tip a while ago (I think it was you?); installed it at the weekend and it looks promising.20:22
zara_the_lemur__hm, our install docs may need updating to refer to mysql 5.7 instead of 5.620:28
* zara_the_lemur__ tries to remember if there's a reason it's 5.6 atm; she tried to install 5.6 that just now but her package manager couldn't find it.20:29
* zara_the_lemur__ suspects the note about latest tox having a bug is also out of date20:36
zara_the_lemur__(I think it's been there since before I started working on StoryBoard...)20:37
zara_the_lemur__api installed, took a while on my slow VM21:04
zara_the_lemur__but no significant hitches21:04
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zara_the_lemur__we could do with precise install instructions for the webclient dependencies21:20
zara_the_lemur__(erm, not install instructions for precise, I just meant install commands rather than 'you should have these packages')21:24
zara_the_lemur__the warnings look a lot more dramatic on desktop ubuntu. I'll try to spend some time this week finding out which packages need updates (all of them, probably)21:27
SotK(its anything >= 5.6, because 5.6 is when FULLTEXT support was added to the InnoDB engine)21:43
zara_the_lemur__ah okay, so it probably just stayed as 5.6 because 5.7 wasn't out when we set up our first vms21:47
zara_the_lemur__`sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install libpq-dev libmysqlclient-dev python-dev sudo apt-get mysql-server-5.6    #Here you will be asked to set a password mysql --version`21:47
zara_the_lemur__is the instruction in the install docs atm; it does mention anything >= 5.6 elsewhere21:47
zara_the_lemur__vm set up, looks sensible enough \o/22:12
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