Saturday, 2016-10-01

*** alexismonville has joined #storyboard05:57
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*** zara_the_lemur__ has joined #storyboard11:06
* zara_the_lemur__ reads backscroll-- thanks for those, betherly! :)11:06
zara_the_lemur__(I was pretty ill yesterday. If anyone messaged me as Zara then I haven't seen it and won't see it until Monday)11:07
zara_the_lemur__bf's friends just came over. him: 'this is our cactus, it's called due_date_permissions'. them: 'due_date_permissions?!'11:08
zara_the_lemur__poor little due_date_permissions.11:08
SotKha, I forgot about that cactus11:10
zara_the_lemur__so did I tbh, still looks the same, so it's one tough little cactus11:13
betherlylol wat?! Hahaha14:41
zara_the_lemur__:D we bought a cactus months ago and wanted to name it; we're not very imaginative and the storyboard db schema was lying on the table at the time.14:44
zara_the_lemur__it's an odd, mouldy cactus that seems to be neither dead nor alive14:44
*** zara_the_lemur__ has quit IRC16:59

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