Wednesday, 2016-06-22

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zaroZara, anteaya: Ok. gerrit-dev <--> sb-dev integration has been setup.
zaroa comment is automagically posted to sb-dev on the following events: patchset-created, change-abandoned, change-restored, change-merged, and comment-added.05:51
zarowhich correspond to these rules:
zaropleia2: we don't need gerrit_dev_storyboard_uid so you can remove from heira if you like. thanks for setting up the token.05:56
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pedroalvarezthese are great news! :D08:09
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Zarayayyyyyy! thank you, everyone09:11
ZaraI will try it out SOON09:22
Zaraahahaha, I like that example story :)09:22
pedroalvarezI found it sad :(09:31
ZaraKhai Do09:41
ZaraAbandoned My life does not need fixing09:41
Zara1:47 AM09:41
ZaraKhai Do09:41
Zara1:55 AM09:41
Zaraohh wait i do need it fixed09:41
Zara^ we've all been there09:41
Zarabugsquash starts in a couple of hours09:52
* Zara will try to remember to join #openstack-sprint before then09:52
Zara(well, hour and a bit)09:52
Zarasome monstrous colleagues of mine got 'narwhals' stuck in my head yesterday, and now it's there for good.09:55
* SotK is slowly discovering that the automatic resolution of things in the worklists/boards api is kinda annoying for things other than the webclient10:00
SotKI wonder if there should be a "resolved" parameter that we can pass or something10:02
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: RFC: Make server-side resolving of worklist fields togglable
SotKwell if anyone wants to see what I meant, ^^ is an implementation of it10:24
Zarathanks, that should be easier for me to follow-- when I get to it. :/ I can't promise to be helpful but I'll still look at it!10:26
Zarahm, I feel Christmassy.10:30
Zarabugsquash starts in 1 minute!10:59
ZaraI hope people can join in whenever they have a free moment over the next 24 hours10:59
Zarame -> #openstack-sprint11:00
SotKha, previewing edits to the story description in the card details modal is a bit broken11:17
SotKit shows both your modified version and the original version11:18
Zarahuh, trying to reproduce now11:22
Zarait's a problem for task cards11:22
Zarabut not story cards11:22
ZaraI was very confused at first since it wasn't doing it, but that's because I was looking at a story card11:23
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Make `/v1/worklists/:id/filters` resolve criteria
bilaltariqThat looks like a good move. Since the criteria detail is now obtainable from that request, is sending the same data with the Worklist payload still necessary?11:34
SotKprobably not, though its sent with the Worklist to allow the webclient to just make one request rather than loading things separately, which means it'll be a bit more work to remove that functionality11:36
ZaraI've added a task for the preview description oddness to!/story/200046411:40
ZaraI've also attempted to make a story for the bug pedro found (or 'bug', if you prefer, but I think it's a bug :P). It was hard to phrase.!/story/200065611:44
Zaraanyone who wants to edit it, go forth11:45
Zaraalso, the kanban ui story reminded me that we used to not have card modals, and now I'm happy11:46
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ZaraI've learned for the next bugsquash that I should define some roles in advance and decide which I'm filling when, so I don't jump around in a panic.12:21
Zaraand to duplicate from #openstack-sprint:12:25
Zarafor newcomers, things in review live: , and,n,z12:25
Zarathere, that's a bit more useful than just the last line :)12:25
* Zara wonders about the possibility of one day having 'tasks in stories matching foo' for worklist filters.12:51
ZaraI'm thinking about, say 'tasks in stories tagged low-hanging-fruit' . atm you can have a worklist of stories tagged that way, or a worklist of tasks that aren't filtered by the story tag.12:53
Zaraso that's a bit annoying if you want only active tasks in stories tagged low-hanging-fruit . it's pretty common ime to have stories with a mix of simpler and more complex tasks.12:54
Zaraatm you'd work around this by putting smaller tasks in their own stories12:54
Zaratags at the task level might be an option, but I'm not volunteering to do that.12:55
ZaraI think it's a tension between goal-based tags ('this is why we're doing this') and descriptive tags ('this is what this thing is') so we'll find it in more places.12:56
Zaraso for now I'll just note it.12:56
Zaraand thus it is noted. :)12:56
bilaltariqi think the filter system needs a brushup, it's quite inconsistent when it comes to what data can be requested and what is sent12:58
bilaltariqfor example, when a worklist is requested, filters and filter criteria are sent12:58
bilaltariqbefore requesting to worklist/id/filters didnt return criteria12:58
bilaltariqand now criteria is being returned in two places12:58
bilaltariqand the model for the python client doesnt fit in the same12:58
Zarayeah, I see sotk's already sent a couple of patches for the filters in the last couple of days; it's good that you're finding all the places it's weird. :)13:02
bilaltariqwere you talking about making a java client/api on monday?13:03
Zaraah, that was the gerrit plugin, which is written in java.13:03
Zaracurrently half-finished.13:04
Zaraif you've seen zaro about in the channel, that's the thing he's been helping us out with this week.13:05
Zaraso yeah, that should update a storyboard instance from a gerrit intance (and now it does update storyboard-dev from review-dev!)13:06
SotKI didn't realise before today how tied-up with the webclient the worklist and worklist filter api was13:10
bilaltariqnp at least it's on the radar now13:10
SotKyeah, thanks :)13:10
Zarayeah, I guess having a variety of clients is a nice way to see if things are modular13:14
Zarabilaltariq: btw, the patch you +1'd depends on this one to merge: , which is still awaiting reviews, if you'd like to take a look when you have a moment. :)13:14
bilaltariqWhat's the difference between the api and v1 packages13:15
bilaltariqWouldn't it make more sense for the object models to be shared as a common api between the client and server so that they match13:15
bilaltariqor is that already how it works13:15
bilaltariqthe js-integration failed for that commit13:18
SotKyeah, that test doesn't work properly for changes in openstack-infra/storyboard yet (only for openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient)13:19
SotKI don't actually know why the object models aren't shared, I suspect NikitaKonovalov is the only person likely to know the answer for certain13:21
bilaltariqwhat's the easiest way to contact him13:21
Zarasaying his name in this channel has worked in the past. I haven't seen much of him lately, last I heard he was working on Sahara13:22
Zarahe is still in this channel13:23
Zarapinged, he's away13:24
Zaramaybe we'll see him in a bit13:24
SotKI'd guess at the reason being so that the openstack common apiclient library from oslo-incubator could be used, though that is deprecated13:28
Zaraalso! guess what day it is today!13:32
SotKI guess the best thing for now is to work around it in the python client (ie. have a manager for `/v1/worklists/:id/filters` so it can be used for creating, updating, and deleting, and just ignore it for get/get_all, same for items), and leave some comments in the code explaining that its working around the lack of api sanity13:32
SotKmeeting day!13:32
Zarawell that as well13:32
SotKsince it'll take longer than the rest of this week to get the API sensible without breaking the webclient13:33
SotKis it a different kind of day too?13:35
SotKoh, is it a year since we started on sb?13:35
bilaltariqit's at this point where you release api breaking changes for storyboard-v2 /s13:37
ZaraSotK: yes.13:38
Zarathat approach possibly works better when you don't have downstreams consuming master13:41
ZaraI think we have to live with incremental improvement for now.13:41
SotKheh, we could add a /api/v2 endpoint that is optionally used, but no time13:42
Zaragah, I forgot to actually merge that worklists patch.13:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix GET /v1/worklists/:id/filters/:id
zaropleia2: i think fungi said we should create a cert for storyboard-dev.o.o and put it in heira so that the puppet module can just retrieve it.  would you be able to help with that?14:22
bilaltariqi might've found a way to easily disable verification in the client14:23
bilaltariqneed to get another access token to test it14:23
fungizaro: pleia2: i actually said we can just copy the cert from storyboard-dev into hiera. no need to generate another right now14:24
SotKhm, launchpad login seems to be broken \o/14:28
SotKand its fixed again14:29
Zaraoh okay14:29
bilaltariqHow do I find worklists on storyboard-dev14:31
SotKthere's no easy way to find worklists on the UI yet, but you can look at
bilaltariqnvm, i was querying the wrong end point >.<14:32
bilaltariqyeah i was missing the v1 bit14:32
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bilaltariqwhenever anyone has time could they review that commit please14:51
Zaragot to it at last :)14:56
Zarasb meeting in 3 minutes in #openstack-meeting, I haven't updated the agenda yet14:58
Zaragah I got logged out14:58
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bilaltariqIs there anyone would review this commit for me:
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Make `/v1/worklists/:id/filters` resolve criteria
fungiSotK: Zara: i haven't been following along closely yet, but did your admin access addition for storyboard-dev work out? i made sure the changes merged before i passed out, but didn't get a chance to check that they actually ended up in the server's running configuration15:45
Zarayes, it did!15:46
SotKfungi: I appear to be an admin on there now, thanks!15:46
Zarathank you! :)15:46
fungiokay, cool, and you're welcome. just wanted to make sure you didn't still need more help on that piece15:46
Zarayeah, thank you, sorry, I should've let you know15:48
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pleia2zaro: where is the cert on storyboard-dev that you want in hiera? (and you're not in the sprint channel :))17:10
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Zara'night, all!17:16
pleia2zaro: also, removed uid from hiera (and noted in the review)17:16
pleia2night Zara :)17:16
zaropleia2: i have no idea. i don't have access.  fungi?17:27
fungizaro: pleia2: you both have access, as does the entire world17:27
fungiit's being served vt
fungior some series of typing relatively similar to what i said, just with fewer typos17:28
fungizaro even had an example in a paste earlier this week of retrieving that cert over the web and saving it to a local file before importing it into the jvm trust store17:29
zaroso yeah, i think i mean to just get that cert and put it in heira. command is..17:29
zaroopenssl s_client -connect < /dev/null | sed -ne '/-BEGIN CERTIFICATE-/,/-END CERTIFICATE-/p' > storyboard-dev.crt17:30
fungiyep, that would be the cert17:30
pleia2oh ok, just the regular ssl cert from apache17:32
fungiright, the gerrit plugin is contacting to get to the api, and since that site uses a self-signed cert we're just informing the jvm for gerrit-dev that it can trust that17:34
pleia2zaro: ok, gerrit_dev_storyboard_ssl_crt exists in hiera for review-dev now17:35
pleia2fungi: gotcha17:35
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zaropleia2: thanks17:46
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Story api
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Story api
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Story api
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Story api
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Story api
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Story api
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Story api
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Story api
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Story api
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Story api
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Story api
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Story api
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Story api
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add example commands for the Story api
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zaropleia2: was wondering if you can now created a long-live token for Openstack Gerrit user (uid 20) on storyboard.o.o and add this to heira?23:45
pleia2zaro: have you confirmed it's working on -dev?23:45
pleia2I wanted to wait to confirm, in case I didn't create the token wrong or something23:45
pleia2er, didn't create it right23:45
pleia2I want to make sure dev works before doing prod:)23:46
zaroyeah.  token works. was able to setup gerrit-dev to post to sb-dev23:46
pleia2awesome, I'll do that now then23:46
zarohave you seen?
pleia2I only see comments from you23:49
zaroyeah, an update gets POST to the linked story on every update I made to that change. if you update that change a comment will get posted to the story as well.23:51
pleia2oh, I see23:53
pleia2all sorted (and committed the change this time ;))23:57

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