Tuesday, 2016-06-21

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anteayaZara: SotK so when you get in can you read pleia2's comment on patchset 5: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/330925 and can you create long lived tokens for both Openstack Gerrit (storyboard uid 20) and Openstack Gerrit Dev (storyboard uid 21) users and send the tokens to pleia2, please?01:47
anteayathank you01:48
pleia2are we going to use them both?01:49
anteayaZara: SotK if you can't can you give pleia2 the exact api command to run so she can do it herself01:49
pleia2I think we need to decide which one we're going to use01:49
anteayapleia2: I didn't know if you were still online or what you wanted here01:49
anteayaokay OpenStack Gerrit01:49
anteayathat is my vote01:49
anteayaI just didn't want to but Zara and SotK in a position where they took zero action01:50
pleia2I was thinking we'd use OpenStack Gerrit for storyboard and OpenStack Gerrit Dev for storyboard-dev (otherwise, why do we have them both?)01:50
anteayaand I'm coming in off my phone, the thunderstorm may or may not have taken out my modem01:50
anteayaI don't know01:50
anteayaand what you want is what I asked Zara and SotK to provide for you01:51
anteayaso what do you want Zara and SotK to do when they read the log tomorrow?01:51
pleia2well I don't want to create a token for both on both servers if we're only using one of them01:51
anteayawell it is up to you then01:51
anteayawhat do you want01:51
pleia2so I think I need: decision about which account to use (probably ask others in -infra?), how long we should make the long-lived tokens last (a year? 30 years?) and the basic API command an admin can run to create the token for these accounts01:52
pleia2SotK and Zara can help with the last :)01:52
pleia2once we figure out the other things I'll have the command ready01:52
anteayaokay do you want to put this on tomorrow's infra meeting agenda then?01:53
anteayathen you can get the answers you would like01:53
pleia2I think I can just ask in channel tomorrow, shouldn't be a big discussion01:53
anteayaokay well let me know when you are happy01:54
anteayaand I'll let you get back to Zara and SotK with what if anything you would like them to do01:54
pleia2thanks for your help01:54
anteayaI may or may not have internets tomorrow01:54
anteayaI don't now01:54
pleia2more storms?01:54
anteayacoming in off my phone now01:55
* pleia2 nods01:55
anteayamy modem couldn't connect01:55
pleia2good luck :)01:55
anteayaI just came on to tie up anything loose from today01:55
anteayahence my aversion to a long discussion on the topic and desire to give a clear request to Zara and SotK if they are expected to provide anything01:55
anteayapleia2: thanks01:55
anteayaas I dont know to what extent I will be availalbe to discuss tomorrow01:56
pleia2I appreciate that, thank you01:56
anteayafor me, I don't care as long as something is decided01:56
anteayaif I have a vote it is for one user on both servers, OpenStack Gerrit01:56
anteayabut if you want something else do what makees you happy01:57
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zaropleia2, anteaya: In our other installs we’ve used both, just as you said, OpenStack Gerrit for storyboard and OpenStack Gerrit Dev for storyboard-dev.03:47
zaroI believe we did the same thing for accounts on jenkins.03:48
zarowhich will be just fine because we pass seperate accounts in thru review.pp and review_dev.pp03:49
pleia2zaro: yeah, I think that makes sense03:52
zaropleia2: i think it’s definately fine to create a decade token for Gerrit Dev account but not sure about Gerrit account though.  I think 10 yr is fine there as well but you might want to double check with fungi first :)04:08
pleia2zaro: ok, let's check with him in the morning :)04:08
zaropleia2: cool. it’s not clear to me how to create a token with an expiration date using the REST api.  it doesn’t even look like the token endpoint supports selecting an expiration date.  It might be a parameter of the AccessToken object but the documentation doesn’t provide enough details.  Unless you can login with those accounts to create the token04:18
zarowe’ll need Zara or SotK to help us with the REST api.04:18
pleia2zaro: yeah, I haven't figured it out either, hopefully they can help in the AM too04:20
pleia2decided it was better to ask them than spend more time trying to figure it out (busy day already, too much to do)04:20
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SotKoh wow, our API docs are very bad there07:48
SotKyou need to send a POST request to `https://storyboard-dev.openstack.org/api/v1/users/:id/tokens` with the Authorization header set to `Bearer SOME_VALID_TOKEN` with a body like `{"user_id":10,"expires_in":"604800"}`08:05
SotKoh and, morning betherly :)08:15
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Zarathe one day I'm not looking at the channel in the evening!09:29
Zarawill catch up on backscroll in a bit, sorry09:29
Zarathough skimming showed someone had asked about the patch to make us storyboard admins-- yesterday, mine was still in review09:29
* SotK missed the memo about writing such a patch I think09:30
Zarahuh, sorry, I thought you were there at the time but I don't remember09:31
Zarawe were talking about creating projects09:31
Zaraaha, it was when you were ill last monday09:37
Zarasorry about that09:37
Zarahttp://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23storyboard/%23storyboard.2016-06-13.log.html#t2016-06-13T15:54:17 (there might be corresponding coversation in #infra)09:38
ZaraSotK: finally finished backscroll... could you update the api docs? I only know how to post a token through the api based on comments you've made on it in the past, so I can't give as much context (though I can just copy that in a pinch and guess stuff from the db schema, just not sure of syntax)...10:07
Zaraso, seems there was  lot of conversation earlier and the issue of me + SotK being admins on sb is separate to the updating-from-gerrit stuff. but here's where my patch for making me an admin was living, anyway: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/329092/10:08
bilaltariqIs there a working example of worklists on the storyboard dev that I can test the client with10:11
Zarabilaltariq: sure, there's https://storyboard-dev.openstack.org/#!/worklist/13 -- though you also might like to try creating one, to see how it works10:12
Zaraand if it's confusing, heh10:12
Zaraohh, that one's automatic10:13
Zarahm, I wonder if that'll be weird10:13
bilaltariqI'm currently trying to write the object classes for the python client but there are some inconsistencies in the online API spec and the actual client code10:13
bilaltariqfor example, all of the classes in v1/ in the python client extend BaseObject which has a created_at and an updated_at field10:14
bilaltariqbut on the online spec not all of the objects say they do10:14
Zaranot all the objects are covered by the client yet, so it miiight be that10:15
Zaraor it might be a bug \o/10:15
bilaltariqsotk said that they actually send those fields but its just not on the web docs10:15
bilaltariqbut since half the stuff on the web docs don't say what fields they really send, i need to take a look at the responses10:16
Zaraheh, count it as a documentation bug then :)10:19
Zarathere is an autogenerated schema that is moooore up to date than some things, though already a bit old, with no relations noted on it.10:23
ZaraI need automation for making and uploading those. that one's from march 15th, so not perfect, but yeah, should be more complete than some things.10:25
Zara(so yeah, I can see that on the docs for the api, there's no created_at or updated_at listed for events, but they do have those in the db)10:27
bilaltariqso should they be included as a client field?10:28
bilaltariqclient fields*10:29
bilaltariqi'll include them10:30
SotKbilaltariq: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/storyboard/tree/storyboard/api/v1/wmodels.py defines most of the objects we ever send, I think they all inherit from http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/storyboard/tree/storyboard/api/v1/base.py#n2110:31
SotKI would recommend including them :)10:31
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Add boards  https://review.openstack.org/29944510:32
Zarafinally rebased that10:32
ZaraI would hope there isn't much difference between the objects sent and the db things...10:33
SotKthere mostly isn't10:33
* SotK will look at improving the access token docs10:34
Zara(:) given I always fall back on the db schema because I find it easier to find things that way)10:34
SotKoh, the reason the object model documentation doesn't mention the missing fields is because the autodoc thing in wsme didn't seem to cope well with inheritance10:35
SotK(it didn't pick up the docstrings or actual types in http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/storyboard/tree/storyboard/api/v1/base.py#n21)10:36
* Zara idly wonders about the 'strange wsme workarounds' again10:36
SotKso the docs for id, created_at, and updated_at were rendered like this: http://wsme.readthedocs.io/en/0.5b6/api.html#wsme.wsattr10:37
Zaraso, a docs bug, but a docs bug that might involve delving into wsme... :/10:37
Zaraokay that example has baffled me10:39
Zaraand it's only 11:40!10:39
bilaltariqAlso there are two files called base.py which is a little bit confusing10:40
bilaltariqhttp://i.imgur.com/QhZBKjR.png What does worklists_ibfk_1 and 3 under Worklists refer to11:01
bilaltariqAlso, I'm receiving 'users' and 'owners' arrays as well as what is listed under Worklists11:02
Zaraahh, patches for users and owners must have been merged after that diagram was made. :( I should make a new one sometime. where it differs from the files adam linked, the files will be up to date.11:04
SotKworklists_ibfk_3 is a foreign key to the projects table, from before we decided we weren't going to use the "assign a worklist to a project" functionality11:05
ZaraI don't know much about the ibfk_1 bit, but googling 'mysql ibfk' gives some stuff11:05
SotKworklists_ibfk_1 doesn't exist in my database, but I expect it was a foreign key to the users table (for creator_id)11:05
Zaraugh I really need to update that, then11:06
SotKwe should really have given our foreign keys names in the db migrations...11:06
ZaraI want automation to make a pretty db schema every time the db migrates11:06
* Zara puts it in a story.... ;_;11:07
SotKthe users/owners arrays aren't actually in the db11:07
Zaraoh, I'll shut up then.11:08
ZaraI *know* that db schema is missing some permissions things, so I thought that was part of it11:08
Zaraoh well11:08
Zaraprivate stories won't be on there11:08
Zaranor will subscriptions to worklists, as that was merged yesterday xD11:09
bilaltariqI'm getting a users and owners array though11:09
bilaltariqusers is empty and owners has the creator_id user in it11:09
SotKusers is the result of joining the users, user_permissions, and permissions tables and filtering by a given permission name (something like "edit_worklist_$ID")11:09
SotKyup, that is the default set of users and owners for a worklist11:09
bilaltariqthis is so confusing...11:10
SotK(owners is the same, but a different permission name)11:10
* Zara makes https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/200065411:15
ZaraI am so glad I write copious notes to myself all over my computer.11:15
pedroalvarezoh, I think I found a bug yesterday11:17
pedroalvarezwell, not a bug, but maybe unexpected behaviour11:18
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add quick non-permanent filter buttons for timeline events  https://review.openstack.org/33174811:19
SotKpedroalvarez: go on...11:19
Zarapedroalvarez: what is it?11:19
Zarasuch suspense!11:19
pedroalvarezso, go to a project page: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/45611:20
pedroalvareznavigate to the last page (assuming you can only see 10 stories)11:20
pedroalvarezthen click "invalid"11:20
pedroalvarezyou would expect to see the first page of invaild stories, maybe?11:20
Zarathat's so specific11:21
Zarabut yes, 51 to 37 of 3711:21
ZaraI would consider that a bug11:21
* SotK has 1 to 10 of 3711:21
SotKand 1 to 37 of 37 with 100 per page11:22
Zaraah, right, I had mine set to 10 per page11:22
Zaraso navigated to the last page with the arrows11:22
Zarathen clicked 'invalid', and I get nothing until I click hte arrows back down to the 37th11:22
SotKI missed 12:20:30 < pedroalvarez> navigate to the last page (assuming you can only see 10 stories)11:22
pedroalvareznot really a bug, I know11:25
Zarais there a story for it?11:45
* Zara makes a manual worklist on storyboard-dev for use with testing things https://storyboard-dev.openstack.org/#!/worklist/14 (actually made it hours ago but forgot it)11:46
Zaramight be useful, might not11:46
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pedroalvarezthere isn't a story, given that it might not be considered a bug. I can create one if you want me to11:50
Zarayeah, I think it's a bug (at least the display of the numbers; '51 to 37 of 37' doesn't seem right in any case)11:51
Zarapeople might argue over what page the results should go to, but I think it's good to note the current thing confused at least one person, anyway11:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Allow tags to be filtered by name  https://review.openstack.org/33102712:53
Zarabilaltariq: how's it going? does anything make any more sense, or does it just get weirder the more stuff you look at? :)12:57
bilaltariqI've added some some for worklists like items and filters/criterion, i'm just wondering how i can test the client12:59
Zaraokay, I'll see if I can dig up example scripts and check some config...13:01
bilaltariqin the OAuthPlugin class, the request method hasn't been implemented13:02
Zarahmmm, the client really doesn't seem to like the self-signed certs13:10
Zaraooh, and also, I seem to be unable to GET a worklist that is publicly available if I don't have a token. how exciting!13:12
SotKoh? :(13:13
Zaraoh, actually, it's odder than that13:13
ZaraI had the wrong token, so it wasn't letting me do a GET13:13
Zarawith no token, it works13:13
Zarawith the right token, it works13:13
Zarabut the wrong token, no GET for you13:13
Zarathat seems odd13:13
SotKwhat do you mean "wrong token"?13:13
Zarahang on, will paste the script13:14
Zaraso there, if the access_token is an invalid value13:16
Zarait nopes out13:16
Zaraif that field is just omitted, it's fine13:16
Zaraand either way, it won't work with storyboard-dev; I get an error about certificates13:17
pedroalvarezthere might be a way of ignoring the certificate, or imporing it into your computer to work around that13:17
Zarais the error13:18
ZaraI was *going* to say that the way to test worklist criteria is probably to swap out 'worklists' in there for 'worklist_criteria'.... but that means testing with storyboard-dev won't work yet13:21
Zaratbf if it's just GET requests then it's fine to test with storyboard.openstack.org13:22
Zarayou just don't want to be doing POSTs or PUTs over there13:22
SotKah, that 401 is expected behaviour to me13:23
SotK"you attempted to identify yourself and I found you aren't authorized"13:24
Zarayeah, tbf the actual problem is that it errors out as a result of that... which is a problem with the script.13:25
pedroalvarezZara: do you create a `client` in your example.py program?13:26
Zarapedroalvarez: it uses client.py in here https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient/tree/storyboardclient/v113:27
Zara(I just put all my test programs in that directory because I am a terrible person)13:27
Zarait does mean that when I change things, I have to update my installed version (in usr/lib, iirc) to run the right thing, so that's a bit silly13:28
Zarareally I should configure it to run from the repo some time...13:28
pedroalvarezZara: right, so I guess you do something like in the "gerrit-to-storyboard" thingie you were developing: `client.Client(api_url="", access_token="secret")`13:30
pedroalvarezif you also add `verify=False`, it may work with storyboard-dev13:31
ZaraI don't think it knows about 'verify'13:33
Zaragoing by https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient/tree/storyboardclient/v1/client.py13:34
pedroalvarezbut that Client class inherits this one: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient/tree/storyboardclient/base.py#n2713:35
pedroalvarezwait, I was woing to continue, but I guess I'm wrong13:35
SotKit doesn't accept arbitrary keyword args though13:36
pedroalvarezthat too13:36
Zaraheh, I even tried it before, just in case it inherited something from somewhere *somehow*, and got an 'unexpected keyword arg' error. ;_;13:37
SotKwe should add the ability to pass verify to it13:37
zaroSotK: i need a 10 yr token for Openstack Gerrit Dev (storyboard uid 21) user so i can setup review-dev.o.o <--> storyboard-dev.o.o integration13:43
zaroyou able to help with that?13:44
* SotK has a look13:44
zaroSotK, Zara : we'll need a token for Openstack Gerrit (storyboard uid 20) but not sure the expiration time for that one yet.  pleia2 is going to figure that out for us.13:46
Zara(hm, I tried adding 'verify=True' (and then even 'verify=False') to client.py and then verify=False to my script; it no longer gives an 'unexpected keyword argument' error, but it still gives me the 'certificate verify failed' error. I may just have no idea how to pass verify so that it actually has meaning...)13:47
Zarazaro: okay, thank you :)13:47
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Zaraaw it doesn't like us13:48
SotKyou need to cause it to be passed through to the HTTPClient that is created http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient/tree/storyboardclient/base.py#n3413:48
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bilaltariqI'm confused, why are you using the oauth plugin13:51
SotKbilaltariq: I think the original intention was to implement something there which handled authentication with an openid provider in order to be able to use the python client library without having an existing access token13:52
SotKbut no-one got round to actually doing that13:53
SotKzaro: I think the easiest way will be for someone who has the ability to log in to storyboard with that account does so and issues a decade long token using the webclient13:53
SotKor for a storyboard-dev admin to run http://paste.openstack.org/show/520942/13:58
fungipleia2: zaro: creating a long-lived bearer token for any account on a dev server is fine (even if it's an account we use for other things on a production server elsewhere)14:06
fungiin this case what's being authenticated is access to resources _on_ or controlled by the dev server, so no risk there14:06
bilaltariqwow just spent 30 minutes trying to debug why i couldnt run that python script and it was because i hadn't installed the requirements14:10
Zarahahaha, sounds familiar! :D14:11
Zaraplease feel free to ask about anything and everything in here :)14:12
SotK`tox -e venv "command-you-want-to-run-here"` :)14:12
Zara(it's tempting to feel embarrassed and go quiet when something isn't working, but asking around saves a lot of time, so it's better if you ask! plus most of us spend 99% of our time with *no* idea what we're doing.)14:15
ZaraI think there's an unofficial 2-hour rule (ie: stuck for two hours, ask) but that's the maximum; it's fine to ask before then.14:16
bilaltariqI get "ERROR: venv: could not install deps" but I can run the python files with python now so it's all good14:16
bilaltariqwhen i run tox14:17
bilaltariqI get "ERROR: venv: could not install deps" but I can run the python files with python now so it's all goodclear14:17
bilaltariqsorry i thought i was typing in the terminal hahah14:17
ZaraxD np14:17
zaro SotK so aren't you an admin?  if not who is?14:17
Zaraneither of us are, yet. the patches to make us admins are over here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/332072/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/329092/ .14:18
zaroZara: are the infra-core people admins?14:19
SotKzaro: not yet, current admins are defined in https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/system-config/tree/modules/openstack_project/files/storyboard/superusers.yaml14:19
zaroahh ok, so pleia2, your it.14:20
bilaltariqis the access_token for the python client the one that it sent from /token14:22
bilaltariqbecause I still seem to be getting 401's14:22
zarofungi: and what about the token for the account on storyboard.o.o? what's an appropriate expiration date for that one?14:23
SotKbilaltariq: it should be I think, yes14:25
SotKcheck that it exists and is active on https://storyboard-dev.openstack.org/#!/profile/tokens14:25
fungizaro: for storyboard.o.o we can probably set a similarly long expiration. oh though i get where you're coming from with using the production gerrit account from review-dev... its credentials actually allow review-dev to access production storyboard.o.o as well... for now i think it's fine, but sometime in the coming months we should create a separate gerrit dev account on lp to use for the dev server14:25
fungithere's no need for them to be the same, so eventually we should separate them for better security hygiene14:26
zarofungi: pleia2 says there are two accounts,  Openstack Gerrit (storyboard uid 20) and  Openstack Gerrit Dev (storyboard uid 21)14:27
zarowe were planning to make review-dev use 21 and review use 2014:28
fungizaro: pleia2: oh, i was skimming and missed that. even better if we can use the Openstack Gerrit Dev account on sb-dev and the Openstack Gerrit account on production sb14:28
fungii agree14:28
fungithat's what i was eventually wanting to see anyway14:29
* Zara remembers she was meant to tag some things before the bugsquash14:33
Zarawelp, guess that's my evening14:33
SotKdid we end up with a story for pedroalvarez's kind-of-a-bug? that's probably a low-hanging-fruit14:34
pedroalvarezI didn't create it14:34
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Zaraoh yeah, this is the story about problems with the autogenerated documentation: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/29814:52
Zaraso would imagine that's the place to add details about things not being correctly inherited thanks to wsme14:52
bilaltariqAre there any examples of worklists where filters are used?15:04
Zaraany 'automatic' worklist. So on storyboard.openstack.org, there's: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/worklist/5515:05
Zarafor example15:05
bilaltariqI get 2 error notifications with that last example15:06
bilaltariq404: GET /api/v1/worklists/55: Worklist 55 not found15:06
Zaraohhhh, it must be a super secret one!15:06
Zarahang on, I'll find another :)15:06
Zarahttps://storyboard-dev.openstack.org/#!/worklist/13 is an automatic one on storyboard-dev15:06
bilaltariq /55/permissions not found either15:06
persiaNot being able to check the permissions for something one cannot see is a feature in my book.15:07
Zarait should behave the same way if there's no worklist there15:08
Zaraanyway, worklist 76 should work on storyboard.openstack.org, or worklist 13 on storyboard-dev.openstack.org...15:08
SotKZara: it does :)15:10
bilaltariqin the spec, a field with the name 'type' is being sent15:19
bilaltariqfor WorklistFilter's15:19
bilaltariqwhen I do filter.type it confuses it with the langauge construct, is there any way around that?15:20
persiaName the thing in the client something wordier?15:22
bilaltariqdoes it need to match the field being sent from the server?15:22
persiaNo, as long as the code has consistent mapping between the names.  Having something conceptually similar will confuse users less when they debug things by looking at the JSON.15:25
ZaraI wonder if we should change 'type' at some point... that's going to be fun.15:26
SotKhmm, in what way is it being confused?15:26
SotKgiving a class an attribute called type shouldn't affect the `type()` builtin15:27
bilaltariqI cant find the exact message but it was an attribute error i think15:27
bilaltariqi'm going to add a few managers for the worklists and try it again15:28
ZaraSotK: ah, okay, at a glance I noticed that vim was treating 'type' differently to the other attribute names15:29
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Store history of a comment when editing  https://review.openstack.org/33220815:32
Zara(well, I guess this demonstrates the naming can make it more confusing to debug. but probably best just mentioning it to people, unless anyone's passionate about renaming things all over.)15:32
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix GET /v1/worklists/:id/filters/:id  https://review.openstack.org/33221015:33
* SotK disappears for a while15:35
bilaltariqOk another thing has popped up15:39
bilaltariqin v1/teams.py of the python client, there is a UserNestedManager and the parent_url_key is "teams"15:39
bilaltariqbut Worklists also need a UserNestedManager15:40
Zaraoh, okay, cool15:41
Zarayeah, both worklists and boards have the *bare* minimum to be able to do a GET for them, I can easily believe there's stuff missing from both15:42
Zarain the client, that is15:42
Zarawell, boards still aren't *in* the client xD15:42
bilaltariqthe thing is, there's no constructor for UsersNestedManager so the parent_url_key is just a hardcoded string in it15:44
bilaltariqand it needs to be different for different parent classes15:44
bilaltariqdo the managers need to be constructor-less?15:44
Zarahonestly, I don't know yet. :)15:46
ZaraNikitakonovalov, can you help?15:46
Zara(I'm about to go off for dinner so I'll look when I get back)15:47
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anteayaI have no internets15:59
pedroalvarezwell, you have IRC15:59
anteayaplease please please whoever reads this message, I don't care what the account is called I would just really like to have gerrit/storyboard integration in place for tomorrow on dev servers16:00
anteayapedroalvarez: my phone16:00
anteayaI'm not going to be coming in on my phone for the day16:00
anteayaif this won't be fixed for sometime I will walk up to the library for the bug sprint tomorrow and thursday16:01
pedroalvarezI hope the right people reads that message :)16:03
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit is being restarted now to apply an emergency security-related configuration change16:07
Zaraso am I right in thinking that pleia2 needs to create the long-lived tokens? I'm not totally sure who the right people are and as far as I know I'm not meant to be doing anything for this, but if I do, now's definitely the time to let me know...16:28
zaroZara: yeah, we waiting on pleia2 or if she’s not around one of the other infra-root people on the list can do as well.16:35
Zaraokay. is there anything else anyone needs to do?16:36
zaroshe’s probably just not awake yet.16:36
zarono, not in regards to token thing.  hope you get onto the cool list soon16:37
Zara:) hahaha, thanks. yay, timezone differences-- it's nearly 6pm for us!16:37
Zarawe'll be around for the next 4 hours anyway, though16:38
Zara(well, right this second, I'm having a sandwich, but after that.)16:38
SotKbilaltariq: what do you need a UsersNestedManager for in worklists ooi?16:46
Zarabtw, if you want to paste example code at all, http://paste.openstack.org/ is useful. or try uploading work-in-progress to gerrit, though that's better left 'til tomorrow because it might take a while to sign up for things.16:53
zaroanteaya: i’ll be missing the infra meeting today but rest assured that i can get review-dev <—> storyboard dev integration working pretty quickly once i have the token for the Openstack Gerrit Dev user.16:53
ZaraI'm so excited about this16:53
zaroZara: then you should stake awake for it :)16:54
Zarazaro: heehee, what time is it likely to be? :D16:54
zarobut big day for you tomorrow so i would advice sleeping16:55
Zara(Idk how your timezone and pleia2's match up with mine)16:55
Zaraaw, every day is storyboard bugsquash day really16:56
zaroi've gotta head out soonish then won't be online again again until around 1500 UTC16:58
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pleia2at a dr appt this morning, will be back for the meeting and can work on the account stuff then17:00
Zaracool. :) I'm asking around about stuff so I don't suddenly discover I was meant to do 6 things, the day after I should've done them. sounds like everything's covered and I can relax.17:03
Zarathanks, everyone17:03
zaroZara: oops i meant 2200 utc.17:10
Zaraheh, I'll be awake then anyway. sleepy, but awake!17:12
anteayazaro: great thank you17:47
anteayapleia2: great thank you17:47
anteayaZara: your storyboard admin patch is caught in the same beaker test global failure all the other patches are caugtht in18:13
Zaragah, shall I recheck?18:13
anteayanibalizer: is working on creating an infra gem that all other infra modules will call that will pin versions of gems18:14
anteayarecheck is futile18:14
anteayarecheck will work today?18:14
nibalizerneed that18:15
nibalizerthen a ton of infra patches18:15
nibalizerthen recheck will work18:15
Zarathanks :)18:15
anteayanibalizer: ah thanks18:15
anteayaZara: so probably broke until the end of the week18:16
anteayanibalizer: thank you18:16
nibalizeri mean im gonna try to get it today18:16
nibalizerthings take time, it turns out18:16
anteayaZara: I'll be helping nibalizer and crinkle create the ton of infra patches once that linked patch aboeve is merged18:16
anteayanibalizer: no?18:17
Zaraokay. well the trapped patch isn't urgent for us, anyway :)18:17
* anteaya is shocked18:17
anteayaZara: indeed18:17
anteayanibalizer: I'm at the library on public wifi until Thursday due to no internest at home18:17
anteayanibalizer: ping when you are at the ton 'o pathces stage and I'll write some18:17
anteayapatches too18:18
nibalizeranteaya:   https://review.openstack.org/33241218:19
anteayanibalizer: your patch removed the two whitespaces before `project:`18:23
anteayaI think you still need those spaces: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/jenkins/jobs/infra.yaml#n32818:23
anteayafrowny face18:26
anteayaand welcome18:26
nibalizerokay fixed18:26
anteayanibalizer: I left a question on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/331923/318:31
* pleia2 catches up on backscroll18:39
pleia2alright, so I'm still not sure how to create a long-lived token18:44
pleia201:05:03 < SotK> you need to send a POST request to `https://storyboard-dev.openstack.org/api/v1/users/:id/tokens` with the Authorization header set to `Bearer SOME_VALID_TOKEN` with a body like `{"user_id":10,"expires_in":"604800"}`18:45
pleia2that seems to get close to what I need, so I'll try to make time to figure out the command with this18:46
SotKpleia2: http://paste.openstack.org/show/520942/18:46
pleia2SotK: great, thank you18:46
pleia2and 315360000 is seconds18:47
pleia2til how many seconds are in 10 years18:47
SotKyw :)18:48
* SotK realises that's actually a day less than a full decade, since it doesn't include leap years18:48
pleia2hah, that's ok, I think we'll cope18:51
Zarareminds me of the kind of thing I'd lose marks for in highschool maths exam papers.18:56
anteayathey look for things like that18:57
anteayathe leap year set-up18:58
ZaraI would also always switch numbers round in at least one answer box.18:58
Zarafinish the exam, find the place where it says '27' instead of '72'...18:58
pleia2zaro: do you know what the storyboard username is re: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/330925/6/manifests/site.pp ?18:59
pleia2is it the UID number?18:59
pleia2asked the question inline in the change instead19:03
pleia2oops, meeting time19:04
anteayapleia2: zaro is on a field trip with his children for their school right now but will be back later19:15
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pleia2anteaya: yeah, that's why I decided to ask in the change instead :)19:19
pleia2I'll catch up with him ~2200 utc when he gets back19:19
anteayapleia2: awesome, thanks19:20
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zaropleia2: username should be whatever is used to login to storyboard19:30
pleia2zaro: we use launchpad to log into storyboard19:31
zaroif you can login with uid tgen that should work. otherwise would need the actual name19:31
pleia2so there isn't really a username in storyboard, there's a name for the account "OpenStack Gerrit Dev" and the UID19:31
pleia2we only allow login with launchpad, no usernames19:32
pleia2the API takes the token, which is what I generated19:32
pleia2the token-based auth in the API doesn't need a username/uid at all19:32
Zarahuh, we've lost SotK19:32
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zaropleia2: ohh true. so probably only need the token then.19:43
pleia2zaro: that's what I'm thinking :) but I wasn't sure how your plugin worked19:43
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pleia2zaro: sent you email20:21
pleia2going to get some lunch20:40
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Zarawell, I hung around for a bit, but I'm off to bed now. 'night!22:46
pleia2night Zara22:46

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