Tuesday, 2016-06-07

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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Stop allowing duplicate users to be added to private stories  https://review.openstack.org/32089509:01
* SotK implemented krotscheck's suggestion09:03
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Update Team resource to add the Users subcontroller  https://review.openstack.org/32051609:12
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a modal to create Teams  https://review.openstack.org/32051709:12
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Implement UI for managing team membership  https://review.openstack.org/32003709:12
* SotK implemented it there too09:12
SotKargh, npm-related test failures everywhere10:30
SotKhm, actually10:30
SotKI don't think it is npm related, but I need to head off immininently so can't look deeper10:32
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Zarawhen you said a wall of patches I thought you were exaggerating11:25
betherlyugh my brain hurts11:26
betherlyhow are you doing?11:26
ZaraI'm okay, sleepy, back from my holiday11:26
Zarawhich mainly involved sitting on my sofa, but shh11:26
betherlyye, its hard getting back into focus11:26
betherlyim off again next week. not a smart way to split up holiday like that11:27
betherlyZara: sitting on sofa doing nothing is the best type of holiday :)11:27
Zarahahaha, split holiday sounds relaxing though!11:28
betherlynext week will be surfing surfing and more surfing11:28
betherlynot so much relaxing. more forcing my body to try and do things i havent even slightly trained or prepared for :D11:29
Zarahaha, I remember you mentioning surfing a while ago!11:29
Zaraso.... I guess that counts as preparing11:29
betherlyi like your thinking there11:29
betherlymy brain hurts from looking at the state machine diagram for ironic11:30
betherlyi get it...but i also dont...and i am trying to make a machine do things that i dont fully understand and am getting exactly nowhere11:30
Zarasounds like business as usual in this industry! \o/11:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Remove extraneous <tbody> elements from the dashboard  https://review.openstack.org/32101712:25
bethwhiteZara +112:48
krotscheckEasy solution, move to Seattle! ;)12:50
Zara:D I was considering asking to make 'working from home' my default for the summer12:51
* krotscheck highly recommends it12:52
krotscheckThere's a non-productive transition period where you figure out how to put up barriers in your life.12:52
Zaradownside is that it would make my house feel like work and I might find it harder to relax.12:52
krotscheckThat's quickly followed by a super productive period where you stop realizing that you can not-work at home too.12:52
krotscheckThat usually lasts until the dishes get whiffy12:53
* krotscheck has no data12:53
krotscheckfrancoblanco: How's your exploration into software engineering coming along?12:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make vertical alignment of task table cells consistent  https://review.openstack.org/32529313:02
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix spelling mistake on profile page  https://review.openstack.org/32532113:05
* Zara is merging all the most important things.13:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix the profile submenu  https://review.openstack.org/32535013:08
Zarahm... so the users page... I'm able to disable someone's login, but not re-enable it (same issue as with setting people to be admin users)13:12
Zaraaha patch is waiting https://review.openstack.org/#/c/325196/13:13
Zarapoor adam; briefly he was unable to access my test instance ever again, but his patch now fixes that problem, meaning I can still bug him.13:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Filter non-public fields in users when updating  https://review.openstack.org/32471713:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a note mentioning markdown is supported under the comment box  https://review.openstack.org/32536013:48
* SotK finally returns14:00
Zarahaha, and I'm about to vanish for a meeting for a bit!14:00
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anteayahello storyboard15:27
SotKhey anteaya15:27
anteayaZara: glad to see you are back15:27
anteayahey SotK15:27
anteayaZara: I hope you had a relaxing time to yourself15:27
anteayaI'm interested in making a start on http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/task-tracker.html which was accepted on Thursday, yay!15:27
anteayaZara: and would like to hear where you and SotK would like to begin15:28
anteayalet me know when you have time to chat15:28
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Zarasorry, was distracted; I have some time now17:17
* SotK too17:18
SotKwell, in between making food17:18
anteayayes food by all means17:18
anteayaso the spec17:18
* anteaya finds it again17:18
anteayathere it is: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/task-tracker.html17:18
anteayacan we agree on a place to begin?17:19
anteayaI'm looking at: http://specs.openstack.org/openstack-infra/infra-specs/specs/task-tracker.html#phase-1-identify-and-fix-remaining-gaps17:20
SotKdo we have any clearer idea of what those "must have" gaps are likely to be yet?17:20
anteayawell I wanted to start with you and Zara17:21
anteayawhat do you need to have before the hoards arrive?17:21
anteayaor if the hoards say 'go' tomorrow are you and Zara all good?17:21
anteayarain here, my goodness the rain17:22
Zarawell we still need to load-test the dev server, haha17:22
anteayalet's put that as an item on todays' infra meeting agenda please17:24
anteayawe will need some help on that bit17:24
anteayaZara: are you willing to add that to today's infra agenda?17:25
anteayaand after load testing the dev server will well evaluate the output and get more data on what needs to be done so it can handle load17:25
anteayaI'm trying to login to storyboard and it is taking a long time to bring up the ubuntuone screen17:27
anteayawhat is the source of the delay there? ubuntuone?17:27
anteayanow I am trying to log into launchpad17:27
anteayaagain long delay17:27
SotKprobably launchpad17:28
SotKstoryboard just redirects you to launchpad's login stuff17:28
SotKand tells launchpad to redirect back17:28
anteayayeah that is what I figured17:28
pedroalvarezthat reminds me that we could look at openstackid17:28
anteayayup, nothing it responding when I try to log into launchpad right now17:28
pedroalvarez(I looked at it once, but failed to get it working)17:29
anteayapedroalvarez: well actually we are going to not be using openstackid, we will be using a different openid provider that fedora uses17:29
anteayapedroalvarez: that is okay I'll get you the etherpad17:29
anteayado we think storyboard should have a login timeout?17:30
pedroalvarezoh, thanks for the update, didn't know about that17:30
anteayarefreshing the page doesn't stop the stuck login attempt17:30
anteayapedroalvarez: yeah it happened at summit17:30
anteayaI'll get the etherpad17:30
Zara(beyond load-testing... if I want to review carefully, I'm unlikely to get to gerrit integration any time soon. this is a more general thing where my coding goes on hold when my review backlog gets big... so number of cores is another thing that needs to scale-- or we keep the current number but generally don't rely on me for features, or expect things to take longer to merge.)17:31
anteayapedroalvarez: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/newton-infra-openid-sso-for-community-systems17:31
anteayaZara: fair enough, and that was another thing I wanted to discuss with the team once you returned17:32
anteayaI'm thinking we should have a storyboard bug sprint and deal with some of the low hanging fruit17:32
anteayaand hopefully onboard some new contributors17:32
anteayasince the best way to get new contributors is the folks who are willing to address bugs17:33
SotKstoryboard bug sprint sounds cool17:33
anteayanot just scoop the glory for introducing new features, which someone else then has to fix the bugs on17:33
anteayaSotK: great17:33
pedroalvarezanteaya: ta!17:33
anteayapedroalvarez: do ask questions17:33
anteayapedroalvarez: we are going with https://fedorahosted.org/ipsilon/17:34
anteayaZara: and I'm trying to get you some help with getting the storyboard plugin on the gerrit-dev server17:34
anteayaare you willing to put that on today's infra meeting agenda also?17:35
anteayaI can put either or both on if you wish17:35
pedroalvarezanteaya: do you know when is it going to go live?:17:35
anteayajust let me know17:35
anteayapedroalvarez: no, since one of the things we have to do is talk with the openstackid folks to find out what unique things they did with openstackid so we can ensure a smooth transistion to ipsilon17:36
anteayaand that conversation hasn't taken place yet since openstackid's contributor has been on a honeymoon17:36
anteayabut we do discuss it at infra meetings so hopefully the conversation can begin soon17:36
Zaraoh yeah agenda...17:41
Zarasorry, behind17:41
anteayaZara: no worries17:41
ZaraI'm fine with it being on the agenda, haven't added it yet as don't have tab open.17:41
anteayathat is fine17:41
anteayaright now you probably won't be able to sign into the wiki anyway17:42
anteayaubuntuone is down17:42
Zaraokay, well I'll make tea and update in a bit if I remember..17:42
anteayabut are you okay with those two items added to the agenda? load testing and adding storyboard plugin on review -dev?17:42
anteayatea is always a good thing to do17:43
anteayaalso have you any thoughts on a bug sprint?17:43
anteayaI was thinking a wed-thursday17:43
anteayaperhaps next week?17:43
anteayathe 15th and 16th?17:43
Zarahm, betherly's on holiday next week, and has done some bugsquashing for us in the past17:52
Zaramaybe week after?17:52
anteayathe 22nd and 23rd?17:53
betherlyworks for me17:55
SotKI think that works for me too17:55
anteayapedroalvarez: ?17:57
anteayalooks like ubuntuone is back up, Zara have you time to add those items to the infra meeting agenda?17:57
anteayaZara: and maybe check with fungi since I'm guessing he will currently be editing the same page too17:58
fungii don't have much editing to do on it17:58
fungii usually make sure to refresh it right before the meeting too in case i miss any last-minute additions17:59
anteayaah here you are17:59
Zarafungi: anteaya: thank you, I've added agenda-y things but feel free to edit as appropriate:)18:04
fungiwill do!18:04
anteayaZara: thank you18:04
pedroalvarezsorry, currently in a meeting :/18:18
anteayaI know the feeling18:30
anteayaI'm usually sorry I'm in a meeting when I am too18:30
anteayaZara: can you add your last name to the sprint wiki entry? https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/VirtualSprints#StoryBoard_Bug_Sprint19:43
anteayaZara: so we are co-organizers19:43
Zaraoh, thought I replied, sorry-- I'm just Zara on gerrit etc so should probably just leave it that way. :)21:19
Zaraanteaya ^21:20
Zarathank you for writing that up21:20
anteayathank you!21:21
anteayaand you're welcome21:21
Zara:) 'night21:37

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