Tuesday, 2022-01-18

*** tobias-urdin5 is now known as tobias-urdin02:09
mihalis68I haven't done any of my actions, I was unexpectedly away. I wonder can we just push to next week? Sorry about that14:05
spotzYeah dooesn't look like Nils is on14:08
spotzI'll stick around for a bit and let him know14:08
mihalis68I forgot that today would be first day back from Martin Luther King day, and then I was away this weekend14:09
spotzMakes total sense14:10
mihalis68how are you doing? I don't actually have to be anywhere else virtuall right now, just don't have any progress14:11
spotzOh I'm doing good. Don't laugh but it's been cold here so I have finally mastered the fireplace14:13
spotzDid yoou do anything fun this weekend?14:18
mihalis68went and stayed at a friends house out in the burbs, saw what life is like with all the room14:23
mihalis68giant giant tv, all the clutter stored in the storage room(s), multiple cars protected from the elements in the garage14:23
mihalis68we rent in  brooklyn14:23
mihalis68but yes it has been quite cold here14:23
mihalis68one day I went out in full ski gear but my head still got cold14:23
spotzthat's my plan for this weekend, ski gear. it'll be 20s-40s14:25
mihalis68I can't ski any more, but I still have the gear :)14:26
spotzI also understand the space thing. We have so much more land in TX then we did in South FL. Hoouse is slightly bigger but has less rooms if that makes sense14:26
mihalis68the $600 goose down maximum insulation coast was a good investment after all, since it's 20 years old now14:26
spotzI tried to talk the hubby into going this year we haven't in years14:26
mihalis68brooklyn is the densest borough after manhattan, it's nuts. I have to pay to park the cars 15 minutes walk away. APartment is full, mostly my gear14:27
spotzThe dogs have an outdoor event. They'lll love that it's cold, me not so much:)14:27
spotzI don;t think I can live in a city. I do like staying in them while travelling and being able to walk or take transportation but yeah no room14:28
spotzThe tiny European fridges mean shopping constantly14:30
mihalis68there are some benefits. I am taking an interest in NYC mesh (community internet) and that needs density to make sense. I may even succeed in getting my employer to sponsor something with it14:30
mihalis68we have "a lot of space" by comparison to many friends and neighbors, but not 85" TV levels of space14:30
mihalis68https://www.nycmesh.net if at all interested. It's cool. point to point links, open source routing14:31
spotzI wouoldn't want an 85" TV. But I do like having my chickens and my agility course:)14:33
mihalis68right. Everyone has different things they want to do, some are harder in high density neighborhoods and also in the snowbelt. For example high performance sports cars. I still try :)14:34
spotzI kow I'll have to go back to classes for at least a bit once I get a puppy. But it's been nice not having to go or pay anything to train my 2 competition dogs for almost 2 years now14:35

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