Thursday, 2025-02-27

opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Bump MIN_{LIBVIRT,QEMU} for "Epoxy"
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: WIP  Below version constants removal for MIN_{LIBVIRT,QEMU}
dviroelgmann: thanks for proposing the fix to 2.96 and 2.98 in tempest00:24
gmanndviroel: those should fix and nova documentation for 2.96, 2.98 we can fix after that00:28
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/nova master: Fix microversion 2.96 for update/rebuild APIs
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/nova master: Fix microversion 2.96 for update/rebuild APIs
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/nova master: Fix microversion 2.98 doc/tests for update/rebuild APIs
jkulikanybody up for a review on ? it's a 2-line fix for a bug in libvirt's maxphysaddr support09:17
gibijkulik: thanks for fixing that bug, if you can fix my comment in the unit test then I'm happy to +2 it09:22
jkulikgibi: thanks. will do09:22
opendevreviewJohannes Kulik proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: fix maxphysaddr passthrough dom parsing
gibijkulik: thanks, +209:55
fricklerlooks like tempest.api.compute.servers.test_create_server.ServersV294TestFqdnHostnames.test_verify_hostname_allows_fqdn is unstable, haven't seen this before
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Bump MIN_{LIBVIRT,QEMU} for "Epoxy"
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: WIP  Below version constants removal for MIN_{LIBVIRT,QEMU}
Ugglasean-k-mooney[m], it you have time, can you review migration serie --> 942143: Augment the LiveMigrateData object |
sean-k-mooneyUggla: i can see if i can fidn time i reviewd one patch breifly last night11:24
sean-k-mooneybauzas: can i get your advice on something. one of the things i have said i woudl do for watcher as part of the release liason role is prepare the cycle highlights and release note prelude.11:50
sean-k-mooneybauzas: im lookign at
sean-k-mooneyand the thing that need to be doen between m3 and rc111:50
sean-k-mooneyi dont see the release note prelude in that list but do you normally base one on teh toher i.e. the prelude on the cycle highlight and vise versa11:51
sean-k-mooneyis there anything that is easy to miss doing that is time sensive that you would call out11:52
sean-k-mooneywatcher does not have a equivalent doc so im probely goitn go steal nova and updte it a lltie with a new title and add it to watcher after the release11:59
sean-k-mooney"Chronological Release Milestone guide" or soemthing like that12:00
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add new option to enforce multipath volume connections
tkajinamDoes anyone have time to review this tiny cleanup ?12:16
tkajinamstephenfin, thanks !12:20
sean-k-mooney yep looks good12:22
sean-k-mooneywe will want to add 3.13 early next cycle12:22
stephenfinand hopefully remove 3.912:24
tkajinamhopefully though you may have to make sure that c9s is fully replaced by c10s in RDO12:25
tkajinamIIRC python 3.9 is the system python in c9s12:25
sean-k-mooney3.9 cant be removed until 2026.112:26
sean-k-mooneywe need to support both c9s and c10s in 2025.2 for upgrades12:26
tkajinamyou can make 2025.1 as the pivot between c9s and c10s I guess12:27
sean-k-mooneyno becuase it was not aviable at the start of the 2025.1 cycle12:27
tkajinamas we did for train12:27
tkajinamwhich may be better given some people may try direct upgrade from 2025.1 to 2026.112:27
sean-k-mooneyso its not in the officl testing runtimes for this release12:27
tkajinamyeah that's the problem12:27
sean-k-mooneythe first tiem c10s can be added is 2025.212:27
tkajinamthere may be number of things we have to address such as redis->valkey12:28
sean-k-mooneythe other issus is 12:28
sean-k-mooneyc10s is built with the x86_64v4 profile in gcc12:28
sean-k-mooneymeaning it wont run on the old rackspace cloud provider12:28
sean-k-mooneyso we will need to restrict the node set ot vexhost and the newer rax-flex cloud12:29
sean-k-mooneymaybe ovh but that will need testing to confirm12:29
stephenfinsean-k-mooney: Could you look at and its predecessor?12:29
tkajinamanother fun transition :-P12:29
sean-k-mooneyoh finally yes12:29
tkajinamI was only aware of complete migration to nmcli as a blocker. that's a good thing to know.12:30
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: i tought i had a patch for this but your has a +2 so i dont even care if it id :)12:30
sean-k-mooneystephenfin: hehe ya i did
stephenfinyup, and they both failed due to
stephenfinor rather, because wasn't in yet12:32
stephenfinsean-k-mooney: wdywtd? I'm happy with either, seeing as they're identical 12:32
sean-k-mooneyi already appoved yours12:33
stephenfinsean-k-mooney: You're going to need to review too, I suspect, otherwise the py312 tests will fail12:34
sean-k-mooney... droping '' form the message12:36
sean-k-mooneywe might want ot rewrite that test but teh current fix is ok12:37
tkajinamstephenfin, do you have a min to review ?12:39
tkajinamI thought I proposed it but I didn't it seems12:39
stephenfinack, done12:41
tkajinamstephenfin, and another cleanup related to oslo 12:42
tkajinamstephenfin, thanks !12:42
opendevreviewzhou zhong proposed openstack/nova master: Logging exception when query servers for further debug
opendevreviewzhou zhong proposed openstack/nova master: Logging exception when query servers for further debug
opendevreviewzhou zhong proposed openstack/nova master: Logging exception when query servers for further debug
sean-k-mooneytkajinam: by the way i had hoped to check in on your sev series earlier in the cycle but just never found time13:15
sean-k-mooneytkajinam: i dropped my -1 adn agree with your arguemnt on defaulting to sev at least for now13:15
sean-k-mooneytkajinam: i dont feel confidnet in being able to review it before FFs13:15
sean-k-mooneytkajinam: but i would supprot tryign to focus on this early next cycle13:16
tkajinamsean-k-mooney, thank you !13:18
sean-k-mooneyjust level settign with folks. while im not there yet im gettign close to my context swtiching limit so i likely wont have tiem to do many more reviews today at least not until i take a short break to reset13:33
sean-k-mooneyi see two feature that are clsoe to mergign that we might be able to get over the line13:34
sean-k-mooney and
sean-k-mooneyso schduler hints in server show and the managed flag for pci passhtough13:34
sean-k-mooneyi will try to look at the follow up for pci live migratoin however im not sure ill have time to properly review that today but ill try13:35
gibithe managed flag is approved going through the gate, the live-migratable series is under review by my at the moment13:36
sean-k-mooneyim too cold on the vtpm serices to meanining fully look at that today and honetly it has enough WIP patches that i dont think it viable currently13:37
sean-k-mooneyis there anything else i shoudl have on my radar or do you think those 3 are it13:38
sean-k-mooneyi dont consider bumping the min libvirt version to be a feature so i think that can merge between FF and rc113:39
sean-k-mooneyso im treating that as a lower priority13:39
gibiyeah I think vtpm slips to F13:40
sean-k-mooneyok im going to step away for 20 mins then and ill try an take a look at the migration series when i return13:40
gibiwhile there are some raw edges in the live-migratable series it feels pretty close to me. I don't know how much brainpower bauzas has to look at that today13:41
bauzasgibi: I'll look at it after some meeting13:48
gibiack (sending good wibes)13:48
tkajinamI know everyone is busy but if you can spare some moments to review this specless bp then that'd be awesome
tkajinamI just rebased it to make sure it works with the latest code and likely need to leave before CI posts the latest result13:57
bauzastkajinam: my hard effort for today will be to purge the status etherpad and you're part of it :)13:58
tkajinamthis conflicts with the sev-es patches but I'm fine with pushing the sev-es work to next cycle and let that multipath change go first, given the complexity of sev-es series14:00
bauzasthanks for telling the priorities14:01
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add new option to enforce multipath volume connections
tkajinamos-brick made a breaking interface change and that is part of the latest release. ugh14:29
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add new option to enforce multipath volume connections
sean-k-mooneytkajinam: looks like its small enough to add to the review list15:01
sean-k-mooneyfor today15:01
sean-k-mooneybut i guess we will see15:01
sean-k-mooneytkajinam: +2 with comments15:15
dansmithtkajinam: I had a couple comments but didn't -115:16
dansmithtkajinam: if you fix them I'll be +2+W15:16
bauzastkajinam: I have one concern
sean-k-mooneydansmith: replied im not agaisnt InvalidConfiguration but it think its subtlly diffent15:19
bauzastkajinam: you were litterally speaking about how os-brick can break some API by a new major version, I'm a bit afraid of us pulling a hard dependency on some osbrick submodule at some driver initialization15:20
sean-k-mooneydansmith: so if its updated im ok with that but i generally think of InvalidConfiguration as stricly configuring conflicting options or missign requried ones based on the current set values15:20
sean-k-mooneydansmith: but i dont think i would be confused if this was InvalidConfiguration as an operator either 15:21
dansmithsean-k-mooney: I replied15:22
dansmithbauzas: only if multipathd is configured as required and you could sidestep that problem by changing it to not if you had to for a package conflict15:22
dansmithbauzas: to me, the more of this kind of stuff we delegate to brick (no matter where it is in their module hierarchy) the better15:23
dansmithif they break their api and thus us, then so be it, like any other library15:23
bauzasdansmith: sure, that's not the fact that we delegate to brick at startup 15:23
bauzasthat's about calling a specific brick connector module to get that15:23
dansmithit's that it's using a given driver15:24
sean-k-mooneywe also dont have a connecto obejct to use 15:24
bauzaswhile connectors do that already15:24
dansmithsure, but the only thing that would break that should be a requirements change15:24
sean-k-mooneywe woud need to constract athat for a given voluem first15:24
bauzastbc, I haven't -1 the patch15:24
sean-k-mooneybauzas: what i would prefer to do is add a privsep funciton in nova that just does what the current so brick funtion does15:24
bauzasbut I'm debating the alternatives, since I'm not at all a brick expert15:25
dansmithsean-k-mooney: I'm very -1 on that15:25
bauzassean-k-mooney: sorry but I'm like dan15:25
sean-k-mooneywell i just dont like having to constuct rootwap calls15:25
sean-k-mooneyin nova15:25
bauzasI don't want nova to do brick things15:25
dansmithsean-k-mooney: when brick gets changed because multipathd changes, we'll never update our copy and we'll break15:25
dansmiththat's a terrible idea, IMHO15:25
sean-k-mooneyif there was a high level fonction that didnt need that it woudl be fine15:25
dansmithbauzas: right, this is brick's domain, even if it's ugly15:25
bauzasthat's my point15:25
bauzasI'm ok with calling brick15:25
sean-k-mooneyi dont have an issue using brick15:25
bauzasI'm a bit torn with calling brick on a specific subdomain15:26
sean-k-mooneyi just dislike that we have to do the utils.get_root_helper() part15:26
dansmithsean-k-mooney: oh you want to privsep wrap the brick call? that's different than what you suggested15:26
bauzaswe could just call supports_multipath15:27
sean-k-mooneydansmith: no i want brick to update the fucntio to use prvisep internall15:27
sean-k-mooneyand we just call it15:27
bauzasthat's what I wrote in my comment15:27
dansmithbauzas: that's a connector object though15:27
bauzasinstead of using what looks to me an internal brick API15:27
bauzasdansmith: doesn't it doing the same thing ?15:27
sean-k-mooney bauzas  that need us to constuct a connector which whil we could proably fake normlay need connection info form cinder15:28
dansmithsean-k-mooney: okay that's fine, but.. don't we call brick things all over the place? are they all wrapped in privsep?15:28
bauzasah 15:28
sean-k-mooneydansmith: no15:28
dansmithbauzas: we don't have a connector object though.. and we wouldn't here15:28
dansmithsean-k-mooney: which no? :)15:28
sean-k-mooneyi was punting on that i just wanted a commnt to be added to know we need to clean this up in the future15:28
bauzasI wish we had then a more abstract API to consume15:28
bauzasbut I'm cool with merging it as it is, provided we document it may break :)15:29
dansmithsean-k-mooney: comment works :)15:29
bauzasheh, jinxed15:29
sean-k-mooneyi was ok if not supper happy with     multipath_running = linuxscsi.LinuxSCSI.is_multipath_running ...15:29
sean-k-mooneya comment woudl be nice i just didnt want to ask for a respin for that15:29
dansmithbauzas: I don't think that's a private brick api15:29
sean-k-mooneyon its own15:29
dansmithbauzas: it's underscored in the connector usage, but it's api is not underscored15:30
bauzasyou're right15:30
bauzasanyway, I'm cool with shipping as it is, hence my +1 but I'd appreciate if we could comment out that call15:30
bauzascomment s/out//15:30
bauzas(english and all your adverbs)15:31
sean-k-mooneytkajinam: so tl;dr dansmith was right and if you adress there intial comemnts i think we are all ok with your patch15:35
dansmithsean-k-mooney: just to circle back.. I'm not sure InvalidConfiguration should really inherit from Invalid, but raising Invalid itself defaults to "400 Bad Request" because that's really for HTTP Invalid.. I know he's overriding the message,15:35
dansmithbut it's just not what Invalid should be used for, IMHO15:35
sean-k-mooneyyour right i was orgianly considerign if it shoudl be a RuntimeError but decied not to suggest that15:36
sean-k-mooneypartly because i was nto sure RuntimeError woudl abort startup15:36
dansmithyeah, RuntimeError is interesting, but I tend to think that's more useful for things like "This shouldn't happen" .. programming errors more than something the operator could have done15:37
dansmithanyway, it's all a bit pedantic anyway15:37
sean-k-mooneyto me that is what the second test really is, the config is valid but the runtime depency is not met. so either this should be some kind of custome excpetion or we use `InvalidConfiguration` adn agree that you were right before you confince me otherwise :)15:38
* dansmith takes the W15:38
masahitohi nova folks, could you review the API bug fix?  It needs +W now.15:54
jizaymesHello. I made the mistake of trying to rebuild my linux images for openstack (2024.2) to add qemu-agent baked in -- that worked but couldn't SSH in. I then reverted my images to the vanilla ubuntu cloud images (tried 22 and 24, no customization.) In all cases now, cloud-init sets the IP and dns servers, etc, but no longer injects the ssh key for the ubuntu user.  I ran the image separately on a kvm box with a cloud-init .iso I made and it 16:47
jizaymesprocessed that correctly and added the ubuntu user ssh authorized key, but somehow the functionality within nova is now not working. no clear log events in the neutron-ovn-metadata service logs or nova logs. Recommendations?16:47
opendevreviewDoug Szumski proposed openstack/nova master: Stop corrupting ephemeral volumes during cold migration
jizaymesseems to match this thread, but I am not sure what their resolution was
dougszusean-k-mooney: I've had a go at removing the ephemeral volume backing file in the above patch - it doesn't seem too bad. Any thoughts when you've got a moment would be great17:13
sean-k-mooneydougszu: skiming it, ack on updating to also ensure new vms dont have backing files for ephmeeral, (it sould also be done for swap) today is feature freeze (upstream and a seocnd one downstream) so im kind of maxed out on reviews currently17:21
sean-k-mooneydougszu: i can try and take a look at this next week dougszu feel free to ping me about it17:21
dougszumany thanks! will do17:22
sean-k-mooneylive migration is harder so one appoch would be to do that in a diffent patch.17:22
sean-k-mooneyfocus this on new vms (inculding unshelve) and cold migrate/rezise17:23
sean-k-mooneyif we flattened images on hard reboot17:23
sean-k-mooneyor agent restart that might also be an option17:23
sean-k-mooneyeverngly all vms would not have backign files for ephmeral and swap and so live migrate woudl eventurally resolve17:24
sean-k-mooneythats kind of a cop out but17:24
sean-k-mooneyincremental progress is still better then none17:24
dougszuyeah - I've tested that, it's a path at least17:24
dougszuthanks for the pointers17:24
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Adjust validation helpers for a single-method future
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Stop using wsgi.Controller.api_version to switch between API versions
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Only check minimum API version
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add new, simpler api_version decorator
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Only run format checks on strings
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Simplify parameter types
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: tests: Ensure all APIs have a response body schema
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: doc: Add missing API samples
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: project/tenant and user IDs are not UUIDs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for hosts APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for instance actions
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for hypervisors APIs (1/3)
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for hypervisors APIs (2/3)
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for hypervisors APIs (3/3)
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for server IPs APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for remote consoles
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for keypairs APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for image metadata APIs
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for server topology API
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for server diagnostics API
opendevreviewStephen Finucane proposed openstack/nova master: api: Add response body schemas for server external events API
bauzasgmann: is a bugfix, so it won't be impacted by the FF18:06
gmannbauzas: yeah, bug fix for documentation only and not in the code. At least it is to match the code change (done intentionally or unintentionally ) with documentation unless anyone object not to have any change in update server API response which is not discussed in the spec or original implementation. 18:09
gmannbauzas: but we want to change update server response also which is done in the original code change and in my change I am matching the documentation (api-ref, tests, releasenotes etc) accordingly 18:10
gmannbauzas: ditto for the also18:11
gmannI found it when reviewing the 2.100 microversion 18:11
gmannalso fixing the tempest test/schema also for those microversion
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/nova master: Fix microversion 2.96 for update/rebuild APIs
opendevreviewGhanshyam proposed openstack/nova master: Fix microversion 2.98 doc/tests for update/rebuild APIs
bauzasnova-cores, I eventually give an extra 3 days (until Thursday) for merging implementation that already got one +218:15
bauzasplease see for the current state of exceptions18:15
gibiuntil Tuesday or Thursday?18:17
gmannyeah, I am also holding this to approve in case FFE things here
gmannbauzas: can you write the date also along with Tuesday/day so that it will be clear18:18
gmannI saw this and not clear which tuesday
gmannsorry this one
gmannbauzas: added these two microversion doc bug fixes detail in etherpad under 'Feature Complete With Follow Up Pending'
sean-k-mooneygmann: feature freeze is today18:35
sean-k-mooneynot tuesday18:35
sean-k-mooneywhich is why i was hopign we could proceed with
gmannsean-k-mooney ok its today right not next thursday?  18:36
sean-k-mooneyill check again18:36
sean-k-mooneymaybe im off by a week18:36
gmanndays are confusing there, having date will be more clear18:36
sean-k-mooneyFebruary 27, 2025 i18:37
sean-k-mooneyso today18:37
gmannI asked bauzas just to be more clear18:37
stephenfinUggla: fyi, you probably want to respin soon enough if that's intended for this release18:37
sean-k-mooneygmann: nova observes the unifed feature freeze with is milesotone 3 which is today February 27, 202518:37
gmannsean-k-mooney: ohk, great then we are on perfect time for   93860418:38
sean-k-mooneyya so we normally allow things that are +w to merge up until the next irc meeting18:38
UgglaHi stephenfin, I'd like to. But I'm unsure I'll find time to do it. :(18:39
sean-k-mooneyso if its approved by close of buisness PST18:39
sean-k-mooneythen we consider it in for FF18:39
sean-k-mooneyeven if it only merges at the weekend18:39
gmannyeah, just +W on that18:39
stephenfinGuess it's for next cycle so. You'll just have to remember to backport it if you need it downstream18:39
Ugglastephenfin, unfortunately yes. But my current prio is on VFIO PCI live migration.18:42
gmannsean-k-mooney: these two microversion doc bug fixes are also up, it pass the CI but I fix one thing/rebased so you can wait until gate is green
gmann I *fixed* one thing18:44
sean-k-mooneyi saw the first one this morning but didnt review it yet18:45
sean-k-mooneythose are not subject to FF and can merge up to RC1 although the first we should backprot to stable18:46
sean-k-mooneyi think 2.96 was last cycle18:46
sean-k-mooneyoh it was carical18:47
sean-k-mooneyso 2024.118:47
gmannyeah, that we need to backport
gmannwill do that once master change is merge18:48
sean-k-mooneyif i try to review it now i think ill jsut miss things, im sure its correct but ill try an look at this tomorrow18:48
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Update manager to allow vfio pci device live migration
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Update conductor and filters allowing migration with SR-IOV devices
opendevreviewribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Update driver to map the targeted address for SR-IOV PCI devices
sean-k-mooneyUggla: i reviewed some of the series and left comments. im not sure what persecnetage fo those have been adressed in ^ if any but even with the extention bauzas is proposing im not sure we should merge the live migration part this cycle19:53
sean-k-mooneyill try an take a look at this again tomorrow19:53
sean-k-mooneybut since we do not have tempest testing for this the funcitonal test weill need to be pretty exaustive19:53
sean-k-mooneyand i dont want ot merge any of the migration series until we are +2 on all the patches19:54
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: Drop environment for Python 3.8
Callum027Hi there, yesterday I published a blueprint ( and patch ( for implementing adding image_meta metadata to the libvirt XML for downstream services (primarily Ceilometer) to consume. I'd appreciate some feedback on the design of the XML and20:44
Callum027the patch itself if a core reviewer has free time to do so. Thanks!20:44
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: so what your propsoing is someitng i started workign on a year or two ago and then never had time to get back too22:53
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: i have some idea of what i would like to include if we extend the metadta futher22:53
sean-k-mooneynotable we currenly store some metadata about the image and falvor but we dont express that consitently in the xml22:54
sean-k-mooneyso if we do enchnce this i woudl liek to try and encode both consistently i.e. provide both the  name and uuid  for the flavor and image22:55
sean-k-mooneyprovdrive the extra specs and properties for both22:55
Callum027Hi sean-k-mooney, interesting, got any links to what you proposed earlier?22:56
sean-k-mooneykind of so we had a converation with the ironic folk about the fact that they wanted simialr metadat for ther own usage.22:57
sean-k-mooneyso i did a poc of factoring out the metadat functions which we combiend with there work22:58
sean-k-mooneyand ^ were the calsess we ended up with22:58
sean-k-mooneywhat i didnt end of pocign was basiclly the changes to print all fo the files in the xml22:59
sean-k-mooneyso for image you see it has id name and propereis22:59
sean-k-mooneyin my orginal poc i also had id name and "extra_specs" for flavor
sean-k-mooneyso some of those files were doped in the version we merged because ironic didnt need them23:00
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: so lookign at my local git repo i dont seem to have my poc for extending the xml and i do not see it on gerrit either23:03
sean-k-mooneyso either i didnt commit it or i did but didnt push it anywaher23:03
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: lookign at your patch23:04
sean-k-mooneyyou seam to be extendign the ground work we created 6 months ago23:04
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: its kidn fo funny because the value your addign are once i intetally was not going to incldue for image23:05
sean-k-mooneyto me the image prorpees were the most valueabel rather then min_(ram/disk) or the format23:06
opendevreviewMerged openstack/placement master: doc: Use dnf instead of yum
opendevreviewMerged openstack/nova master: doc: Use dnf instead of yum
Callum027seak-k-mooney: Yeah they are, the properties are what I actually want, but since they're included in image_meta by Nova notifications and Ceilometer uses them I thought it was a good idea to include them23:07
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: whiel at the saem time your not including the name or id23:07
Callum027Actually, I don't think min_ram etc are actually used by Ceilometer out of the box but why not I thought23:07
sean-k-mooneyso part of the reason i didnt spend too much time on this before beyond the fact i was busy with other things23:08
sean-k-mooneyis i knwo some of the nova core are concerned with not makign the metadta too log23:08
sean-k-mooneyon the ohter hand i have spend enough days of my life in extra debuging time trying  to diagnose customer issues23:08
sean-k-mooneywhere having this info would have made it seconds23:09
sean-k-mooneyso i think ther is value in provide at least some of it in the xml23:09
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: you have impleted it very close to how i woudl have done it so im mostly supprotive of this propsoal23:11
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: are you famialr with our process for proposing new features?23:11
Callum027I'm afraid not no23:11
sean-k-mooneywell the first step is generally either ot propose a blueprint or ask about adding the enhancement on irc or the mailing list23:12
sean-k-mooneytoday is actully Feature Implemation Freeze for the 2025.1 release23:13
sean-k-mooneyso we are entring a code freeze period for about 2 week until the first release candiate for 2025.1 is created and then master reopens for development23:13
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: when a blueprint is proposed we useally ask the propsoer to bring it up in our next irc meeting to ask the wider core team to approve it as a specless bluepirnt23:14
sean-k-mooneyor if we think it need more detailed deicsion we may ask for a spec docuemnt23:14
sean-k-mooneyin this case i think it could be a specless blueprint but we will have to see how other feel23:15
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: also as we are at the end of one release syscycle and will be starting another shortly23:16
sean-k-mooneywe will have a virtual comunity event call the PTG (project teams gattering) april 7-11th23:16
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: so if there was not agreement on this and you wanted a higher bandwith venue to disucss it it could be dicussed there23:16
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: ah i just check you have contibuted to ceilometer and adjusat before23:17
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: so you are proably familar with the general flow.23:17
Callum027I have made contributions to Ceilometer and Adjutant before but mainly smaller patches to add features or fix issues that didn't require more fundamental changes to things like file formats23:19
Callum027So this explanation was very helpful, thank you23:19
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: based on i take it yoru usecase for this is to consuem it in ceilometer and then publish the metadat to a telemetery backend of some kind?23:19
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: may i ask what is the end goal that this enables23:21
Callum027Yes, in particular we're working on an OpenStack billing service that takes telemetry and metadata submitted to Gnocchi by Ceilometer, one of the things we're billing for requires image metadata from the instance. *Just* relying on Nova notifications to supply this is not good enough, we want it in the libvirt XML metadata so Ceilometer's pollsters23:21
Callum027can provide this information as well.23:21
sean-k-mooneyah ok23:21
sean-k-mooneypart of the reason i ask is i ahve recnetly been workign a bit on watcher23:22
sean-k-mooneywe ahve been addign the ablity to pull data form prometeous (and we have celomiter metrics feeding into promethous)23:22
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: so i was trying to decied if this would be useful in that context23:22
sean-k-mooneywatcher also has the ablity to consume the novaificaton but i was trying to decied if there was any benifit in consuming this info via the metrics form ceilometer23:23
Callum027For us anyway there are benefits. The main issue is the reliability of Nova's notifications. For existing instances that are not changed frequently, Nova only sends out a compute.instance.exists notification once per hour or so. If Ceilometer fails to consume that notification for one reason or another from RabbitMQ, the sample metadata is not23:25
Callum027published to Gnocchi.23:25
sean-k-mooneywell notificatoin are really ment to be fire and forget23:25
sean-k-mooneythey are not inteded as a reliable message deliveray mechanium23:26
sean-k-mooneyso ya i can see why that would nto be ideal for billing23:26
Callum027Yes, and for billing we want to accurately know the state of the resource at the time it was polled23:26
Callum027Otherwise we're not billing correctly23:26
sean-k-mooneyya makes sesne. so next steps, RC1 is planed for 2 weeks time23:27
sean-k-mooneythe week after that will be the first irc meetign of the 2025.2 development cycle23:28
sean-k-mooneythat would be yoru first real opertunity to ask for the spec to be approved23:28
sean-k-mooney*bluepirnt to be approved23:28
Callum027Alright, sounds good, so the meeting for the week of 17-23 March?23:29
sean-k-mooneyyes im not sure if this time suits you23:30
sean-k-mooneyif not you can ask for the blueprint to be approved on the mailing list23:30
Callum027Tuesday 1600 UTC is Wednesday 0700 NZDT so I should be okay for that23:31
Callum027In the meantime I'm happy to make any suggestions/additions you think would make the proposal fit your use case better23:31
sean-k-mooneyif its too early you can also just add the bluepirint to the adjeda and we will discss it without you23:31
sean-k-mooneybasifclly there is an open dicusstion section here
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: the process to ask for it to be approved is too just add a secion with yoru name and link to it and a line or two about what it is and whay you want to enable it23:32
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: you have already done a pretty good job of descibing it in
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: in term fo feed back i am not sure when ill have time to review the patch next but ill try and leave some comments on the review23:33
Callum027Awesome, thank you. Should I add the topic to the agent on the week of the first meeting for 2025.2 development, or is now fine?23:34
Callum027I should be able to be there at the meeting time as well23:35
sean-k-mooneyso you could add it now but it will come up next tuseday and we will proably be too busy with feature feeze stuff23:35
sean-k-mooneyso you coudl see but we might say lets wait until we are doen with 2025.1 first23:35
Callum027Sounds good!23:36
sean-k-mooneyjust looking at this in the ci23:37
sean-k-mooneyit loosk pretty reasonabel but if you look at the falvor vs the image  you see the flavor has naem and the image has the uuid but in a sub element23:38
sean-k-mooneythat the relevent part
sean-k-mooneyif i was to update it i would modify it slightly23:41
sean-k-mooneywe currently store the image uuid in <nova:root type="image" uuid="993fddc9-8bd4-48a4-b894-c71c2298ddf3"/>23:41
Callum027Yes it is, so nova:baseImageRef is technically not required. The main reason I have that in there is because from notifications that value is set as image_meta.base_image_ref, and that is what Ceilometer uses to set image_ref in its sample metadata23:44
sean-k-mooneyi think i woudl want the xml to look like this
Callum027Ah, I see23:45
sean-k-mooneyso i added uuid to flavor23:45
sean-k-mooneyand add name and uuid to the image tag23:45
sean-k-mooneyput the top level image atribut at the top at the same level as proeprteis adn nested each propety in the properties arry23:46
sean-k-mooneythat ust makes the xml a little bit more self consitent23:46
Callum027That does look good, yeah. Just one more case this needs to cover, though: Instances can be booted from volumes that were originally created from image. In this case there are image_meta details we want, but the UUID is NOT set. As long as Nova, Ceilometer and anything else downstream can handle uuid being "", that should be fine.23:47
sean-k-mooneyyep that shoudl be fine23:47
sean-k-mooneywe coudl aslo encode if it BFV or not if that was helpfuly 23:47
sean-k-mooneybut i think haveign empty sting woudl be fine too23:48
Callum027When implementing it I would probably check both for existence and empty string of the uuid field, yeah23:48
Callum027And in that case just set base_image_ref on the Ceilometer side to empty string to match the Nova notifications23:49
sean-k-mooneyif i was doign thei chagne i woudl also add the flavor extra spec too for my usecase23:49
sean-k-mooneythat a bit beyond what you orgnally needed23:49
Callum027Yep, I can do that23:49
sean-k-mooneybut my orgianl motivation was to aide in debugging23:50
Callum027It's beyond what I needed but it would address another major issue with Ceilometer because it needs to do a Nova API to get that info23:50
Callum027And adding the image UUID would eliminate that23:50
sean-k-mooneyya so often when im looking at custoemr or upsteam bug reports23:50
sean-k-mooneywe are given the xml or a log with an error23:50
sean-k-mooneybtu we do not nessiarly have access to a db dump or the image/flavor defintions23:51
sean-k-mooneyso we ofthen have to ask for this info23:51
sean-k-mooneyjust having it in the xml woudl hlep make that less painful23:51
Callum027Yes it would, exactly23:51
opendevreviewTakashi Kajinami proposed openstack/nova master: libvirt: Add new option to enforce multipath volume connections
Callum027Anything else you can think of at this point in time? I'll update the blueprint and the patch in accordance with what we've discussed this afternoon23:53
sean-k-mooneyno that would solve my wishlist items too but dont feel pressrued ot extend the scope if you dont feeel it useful23:54
sean-k-mooneyif you do feel like adding that extra info and adjusting the format however i think it could be a very nice little enhancment23:55
tkajinamsean-k-mooney dansmith bauzas, updated . thanks for the review !23:55
Callum027Yes, I think there is scope to add the flavour UUID here as well, as it addressed a semi-unrelated but also significant pain point in Ceilometer's compute agent23:56
opendevreviewMerged openstack/placement master: Drop SQLALCHEMY_WARN_20
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: back in the dark old days the domain uuid did nto use to be the nova uuid either23:57
sean-k-mooneyCallum027: we added that because orgianly celiometer and thinks like colelctd had to lookup the isntance by name which was not alwasy unique23:58
sean-k-mooneyso if we can add small things to make that better and avoid more rest calls that win win23:58
sean-k-mooneyit removes load for mthe nova api and keeps things local to the agent23:59

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