sean-k-mooney[m] | bauzas: can you review this in your morning and the repoducer patch above it i would like to make sure thats included in epoxy so we can start backporting it to stable ideally beforee bobcat goes eol. | 00:16 |
opendevreview | melanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: nova-manage: Add --max-rows option to 'db purge' command | 00:17 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | so i think that is related to a donwstream bug report right ^ should the user really have to pass —max rows or should nova just do it in bataches automatically | 00:19 |
melwitt | sean-k-mooney: it is related to a downstream bug report but the bug reporter noted that what we need is the same ability we have for archive_deleted_rows (which allows someone to control what size they want the batches to be). --max-rows defaults to 1000 | 00:21 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | i commented on the review as well but ya i noticed that defaulting when i looked more closely | 00:24 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | i guess that kind of indirectly does what i asked for so im ok with that i think | 00:25 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | basiclly it would be good for nova to hide this impelation detail form the user. its unlikely that archiveing 1000 instance would exceeed the transaction limit size | 00:26 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | posible but unlikely | 00:26 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | * purgeing not archiveing | 00:26 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | to me the fact a transaction size limit is a internal detail that a user of nova manage should ideallly not need to care about | 00:27 |
melwitt | fwiw the database transaction limit and packet size etc is all configurable on the database side so it's not something you can assume | 00:27 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | right but it is something we can look up | 00:27 |
melwitt | in my experience, operators do like to tune this to how they want, so I haven't thought about hiding bc of that | 00:27 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | im still of the opion that nova should not have shadow tables and archiving should be done externally to noav using other tooling :) | 00:28 |
melwitt | not really because we can't go looking into their innodb config or whatever | 00:28 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | you can make an sql query to look it up i touhgt | 00:29 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | the same way you can do that to get the connection limit | 00:29 |
melwitt | oh. I guess you could do that | 00:29 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | | 00:30 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | melwitt that could be a future thing | 00:31 |
melwitt | I feel like that would be a separate thing where if we did it we would change archive to work the same way, at the same time. I think they should be consistent. | 00:31 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | the fact you providing a default kind of paper over the problem | 00:31 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | ya im not going to ask you to put it in the current patch fro that reason | 00:32 |
melwitt | and this patch is addressing the fact that today, if your shadow tables are too large, you are just screwed and you can't purge them with nova tooling and you have to truncate them manually | 00:32 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | i just wanted to raise that design point | 00:32 |
melwitt | fair enough :) | 00:32 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | yep so personally i think we should be deprecating the nova tooling and saying you should use some fo the external toolign for this | 00:33 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | but i know that wont happen any time soon | 00:33 |
melwitt | I think people might find that harsh. what kind of external tooling are you thinking of? | 00:34 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | there are two diffent set of tooling | 00:36 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | there is a tool that manages archiveing and purging records for all service in a common way inculdiign for serice that dont have shadow tables | 00:37 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | ill see if i can find the link but it handels nova neuron ectar all the same way with the ablity to archive them to a diffent database service instance or locally to files | 00:38 |
melwitt | oh, right, that does sound familiar | 00:38 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | there si allso osops tools which has a nova specifc srcipt | 00:38 |
melwitt | yeah, I see what you mean now. I agree I think that would be ideal for there to be a unified thing that will work for all of the projects | 00:39 |
melwitt | when you said "external" I thought you meant external to openstack and was confused | 00:39 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | | 00:41 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | well i was thinking of ^ | 00:41 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | thats the thing that basicaly does this for all proejcts in a consistent way | 00:41 |
melwitt | oh, interesting | 00:42 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | it basically does not use shadowtable at all | 00:42 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | it can arcive without deletign or it can archive and delete the rows in teh service dbs | 00:43 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | to get a similar effect | 00:43 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | given you can restore thing from the shadown tabels to the main tables i would actully say its more usefual because it mvoes the data to an entirly differnt db in teh same format | 00:44 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | which is you ever wanted to restore those rows back for any reason would be simpler | 00:44 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | its like doing incremental backups of only the rows marked as deleted | 00:45 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | the reason osarchiver is not hosted in opendev is because we didnt agree which repo to put it in | 00:45 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | which is a shame | 00:45 |
melwitt | yeah, I was just thinking that if people kept incremental backups there would be no use for shadow tables | 00:45 |
melwitt | hah, nice | 00:46 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | there was a maining list tread about it like 4 years ago i belvie and it just stalled out | 00:46 |
melwitt | reposhed | 00:47 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | melwitt: anyway i think that a better technial solution i just dont think we will ever get to that at least not unless something changes | 00:47 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | i wanted to use that in our new installer but…. it was too much effort to advocate for that and get by in | 00:48 |
melwitt | yeah. especially difficult if it's not in opendev | 00:49 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | it was more that pm didnt want use to focus on day two operations like automating backups of db in the operators | 00:50 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | so providing incremental backups and “archiving” of this in a centralised way was not a priority | 00:51 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | so we just use nova manage in a k8s cron job instead | 00:51 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | i.e. we keep is simpel using the upstream tooling | 00:51 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | im not saying it could never be in scope but it was not in the mvp list for v1 | 00:52 |
melwitt | yeah | 00:52 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | ill try and add that to my review list for tomorrow | 00:54 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | its not nessisally impacted by ff but while i have context i might as well | 00:54 |
melwitt | haha thanks | 00:55 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | if you feel like reviewing something small this and the repoducer under neath is waiting for a second +2 although i pinged sylain to hopefully take a look above | 00:55 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | i think its time i went to sleep chat to you tomorrow o/ | 00:57 |
melwitt | sylvain would be ideal for that one but if he doesn't get to it I can do it | 00:57 |
melwitt | seeya tomorrow o/ | 00:57 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/nova master: Fix device type when booting from ISO image | 01:24 |
opendevreview | melanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: DNM test headers | 01:39 |
opendevreview | Amit Uniyal proposed openstack/nova master: WIP: remove swap.disk from | 06:38 |
opendevreview | melanie witt proposed openstack/nova master: DNM test headers | 06:45 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/nova master: Add repoducer test for bug 2074219 | 08:50 |
bauzas | gibi: sean-k-mooney[m] : I'd appreciate if you could get a swing for | 09:11 |
bauzas | I'll also try to look at the functests failing | 09:12 |
opendevreview | Amit Uniyal proposed openstack/nova stable/2024.2: WIP: remove swap.disk from | 09:20 |
opendevreview | Amit Uniyal proposed openstack/nova stable/2024.1: WIP: remove swap.disk from | 09:31 |
opendevreview | Callum Dickinson proposed openstack/nova master: Add image meta to libvirt XML metadata | 09:34 |
opendevreview | Amit Uniyal proposed openstack/nova stable/2023.2: WIP: remove swap.disk from | 09:54 |
gibi | bauzas: is it something we need to land before FF or something we can land after FF? | 10:17 |
bauzas | gibi: well, this is not really a bugfix | 10:17 |
bauzas | but it fixes evecuates for VGPUs | 10:18 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/nova master: Fix detaching devices by alias with mdevs | 10:38 |
opendevreview | Callum Dickinson proposed openstack/nova master: Add image meta to libvirt XML metadata | 11:18 |
sean-k-mooney | bauzas: ack ill add it to my list, i have to do a pass on the nova-operator stuff and then melwitt's nova-manage command today but i think i can get to those as well | 11:25 |
sean-k-mooney | bauzas: i think it might fix evacuate for anything with nested resouce providers if i rememebr correctly | 11:25 |
sean-k-mooney | maybe not | 11:26 |
sean-k-mooney | that not the patch i was thinkign of | 11:27 |
opendevreview | Stefan Hoffmann proposed openstack/os-vif master: [ovs] Add method to get external_ids from Interface | 11:43 |
opendevreview | Stefan Hoffmann proposed openstack/nova master: optional wait for ovn plug and create tap | 12:04 |
frickler | Uggla: please check . it would likely also be helpful if you could join the #openstack-tc channel while you are PTL | 16:30 |
Uggla | frickler, I'm currently in a meeting, but I'will have a look after. | 16:32 |
frickler | Uggla: thx, not urgent, just so you don't miss it | 16:34 |
sean-k-mooney | dviroel: left some minor feedback on but i think this is mostly good to go | 16:53 |
dviroel | sean-k-mooney: oh, thanks, indeed, going to update it | 16:55 |
sean-k-mooney | im looking at the tempest patch now so far looks good to me | 16:56 |
sean-k-mooney | dviroel: minor comment on as well | 17:05 |
sean-k-mooney | over all it looks fine to me but i htink you need to update teh import | 17:05 |
sean-k-mooney | gmann: ^ would you be able to comment on the questions i have inline and confirm the schema inheritance is correct or not? | 17:06 |
opendevreview | Douglas Viroel proposed openstack/nova master: Add support for showing scheduler_hints in server details | 17:38 |
dviroel | sean-k-mooney: ^ updated. Lets see if functional is going to pass. I added a scheduler hint to the server creation req | 17:40 |
dviroel | in the api_sample_tests | 17:41 |
sean-k-mooney | assuming it green i think ill be +2 | 17:45 |
sean-k-mooney | ill check back in a bit once we get some results | 17:45 |
sean-k-mooney | if it does break thign we can revert that chagne and try and update it in a follow uponce the feature is merged | 17:46 |
sean-k-mooney | dviroel: it looks a little funky | 17:48 |
sean-k-mooney | i have not looked at the code but did you really use a regex? | 17:48 |
sean-k-mooney | "scheduler_hints": { | 17:48 |
sean-k-mooney | "same_host": [ | 17:48 |
sean-k-mooney | "[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}" | 17:48 |
sean-k-mooney | ] | 17:48 |
sean-k-mooney | }, | 17:48 |
dviroel | i was reusing an example from a sever creation | 17:51 |
dviroel | v2.63 i think | 17:51 |
sean-k-mooney | ok well it net to be a uuid | 17:52 |
sean-k-mooney | as in the example respocne shoudl not be the validation critia | 17:52 |
sean-k-mooney | it shoudl be somethign like "dc877f7e-7d69-4c3c-956b-1978cd8ed754" | 17:52 |
dviroel | yeah, let me fix that | 17:52 |
sean-k-mooney | its apprently an arry of uuids | 17:53 |
sean-k-mooney | at least based on your tempets change | 17:53 |
sean-k-mooney | oh | 17:55 |
sean-k-mooney | it can be a single uuid as a stirng or an away or them | 17:55 |
sean-k-mooney | the 2.90 create exmaple has | 17:55 |
sean-k-mooney | "OS-SCH-HNT:scheduler_hints": { | 17:56 |
sean-k-mooney | "same_host": "48e6a9f6-30af-47e0-bc04-acaed113bb4e" | 17:56 |
sean-k-mooney | } | 17:56 |
sean-k-mooney | as an example in the request | 17:56 |
sean-k-mooney | so you can just do the same in the responce example | 17:56 |
sean-k-mooney | well without the OS-SCH-HNT prefix | 17:57 |
sean-k-mooney | everything else looked good excpti the example value | 17:57 |
dviroel | yeah, they are adding this in the request sample, but not in the template, but the test does not validate that | 18:01 |
melwitt | huh, yeah, this should not have been a regex 😝 someone missed that in review | 18:03 |
sean-k-mooney | ya.. i noticed it was broken there | 18:04 |
sean-k-mooney | but given that out of scop of dviroel's patch i decied not to mention that | 18:04 |
sean-k-mooney | im sure we have other cases where that has happen | 18:04 |
melwitt | well he mentioned it above, that's how I found it | 18:05 |
sean-k-mooney | melwitt: since your about would you have tim eto take a look at dviroel patch since you have recently look at all this for the other api changes | 18:06 |
dviroel | i used the 'uuid' - and it the end, it was replace in the post server: | 18:07 |
melwitt | yeah, I can look at it | 18:07 |
sean-k-mooney | cool is the nova change and is the tempest update, finall pulls those together | 18:07 |
sean-k-mooney | dviroel: i will try and look at the sdk and clinet changes also but nova and tempest are the priorities | 18:08 |
dviroel | ack, thanks sean-k-mooney - yeah, not so sure if my client change is correct, ptal when you have some time | 18:09 |
opendevreview | Douglas Viroel proposed openstack/nova master: Add support for showing scheduler_hints in server details | 18:21 |
gmann | sean-k-mooney: sure, checking | 18:30 |
opendevreview | ribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Augment the LiveMigrateData object | 18:50 |
opendevreview | ribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Add live_migratable flag to PCI device specification | 18:50 |
opendevreview | ribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Update manager to allow vfio pci device live migration | 18:50 |
opendevreview | ribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Update conductor and filters allowing migration with SR-IOV devices | 18:50 |
opendevreview | ribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Update driver to map the targeted address for SR-IOV PCI devices | 18:50 |
opendevreview | ribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Update conductor and filters allowing migration with SR-IOV devices | 19:04 |
opendevreview | ribaudr proposed openstack/nova master: Update driver to map the targeted address for SR-IOV PCI devices | 19:04 |
mikal | Morning | 19:14 |
opendevreview | Callum Dickinson proposed openstack/nova master: Add image meta to libvirt XML metadata | 19:19 |
opendevreview | Ryota, Ochiai proposed openstack/nova master: doc: Delete deprecated settings of the installation guide | 19:21 |
gmann | sean-k-mooney: dviroel: reviewed the nova and tempest change, we are missing the update server APIs changes which is also impacted when we update the views/ | 20:12 |
gmann | in nova side it is just documentation and test and in tempest tests we need to add schems and test for update server | 20:13 |
dviroel | gmann: oh thanks, I missed the update server. going to propose an update, thanks | 20:16 |
opendevreview | Callum Dickinson proposed openstack/nova master: Add image meta to libvirt XML metadata | 20:20 |
opendevreview | Callum Dickinson proposed openstack/nova master: Add image meta to libvirt XML metadata | 20:29 |
opendevreview | Douglas Viroel proposed openstack/nova master: Add support for showing scheduler_hints in server details | 20:53 |
opendevreview | Max proposed openstack/nova master: feat: nova-manage db instance events cleanup | 21:27 |
*** dviroel is now known as dviroel_bbl | 21:31 | |
gmann | 34 | 22:03 |
gmann | please ignore | 22:05 |
gmann | dviroel_bbl: ack | 22:09 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | gmann: so dviroel dint modify server update in this api microverions | 22:11 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | if we missed that in this change its also missing from 2.98 | 22:12 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | for the image properies in server show | 22:12 |
*** dviroel_bbl is now known as dviroel | 23:17 | |
dviroel | sean-k-mooney: and pinned_availability_zone in 2.96 too | 23:30 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | yes more then likely but we should fix that seperatly | 23:31 |
dviroel | my tempest change is not going to pass without theses fixes in tempest side, since now I am testing update server too, and thy are missing | 23:33 |
gmann | sean-k-mooney[m]: it does. this line change the update server API also | 23:38 |
sean-k-mooney[m] | in directly via reusing show | 23:39 |
gmann | basically we have to keep these 4 APIs (GET, GET details, Rebuild, update server) response consistent (we fixed it in 2.74). I commented in the spec also to mention all these 4 APIs response change together | 23:40 |
gmann | I did not check earlier microversion 2.98 or 2.96 but we should keep all these 4 APIs response consistently and they get changed together when we change the views/ | 23:41 |
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