Thursday, 2016-03-03

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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed openstack/octavia: Fix session_persistence deletion bug
sbalukoffThis should also be ready for review ^^^00:12
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Revert "Adds Cascade option for load balancer drivers"
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Revert "Adds Cascade option for load balancer drivers"
armaxjohnsom, xgerman, blogan00:30
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johnsomblogan Ping me here when you have enough posted so I can start on CLI.  I'm going to step away, but will check in periodically01:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron-lbaas: Revert "Adds Cascade option for load balancer drivers"
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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed openstack/octavia: Fix session_persistence deletion bug
openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fix delete of session_persistence with pool update
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openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Adds Cascade option for load balancer drivers
bloganjohnsom_: ^05:29
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johnsom_Awesome, thanks!05:30
bloganjohnsom_: just a tl;dr, PUT /loadbalancers/{lb_id}/cascade_delete05:31
bloganwhy I chose PUT was because routers does something similar to remove an interface and its a PUT05:32
johnsom_Cool, so like the octavia api05:32
bloganyeah except for PUT05:32
johnsom_Oh, yeah, didn't catch that.  Hmmm, PUT...05:32
bloganand i'd prefer the uri to be cascade-delete, but that has to map to a python function name05:32
bloganyeah i dont like it myself05:32
bloganbut was trying to be consistent05:32
bloganDELETE has its own logical flaws too05:32
johnsom_I think in this case I would blaze a new trail05:33
bloganbut all methods have counter arguments i dont care which one05:33
johnsom_If/when we merge these, this will be an issue05:33
bloganjohnsom_: well we're going to have to change octavia anyway to match05:33
bloganjohnsom_: but valid point too, we can match them now05:34
johnsom_I feel un-easy and dirty that a PUT can burn down the LB world05:34
johnsom_Perms that allow folks to create and update via HTTP method restrictions, you know05:35
bloganyeah i understand, but i feel un-easy about a DELETE method that doesn't delete the resource its being called on (cascade_delete resource)05:35
bloganbut i'm beginning to think its the best bad option05:36
johnsom_Hahaha, well, in a way it does, as after that finishes that path will be invalid05:36
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johnsom_Sorry to be that bastard05:37
bloganoh no, i meant for that to be a discussion05:37
bloganwhy i brought it up05:37
bloganwould like to get dougwig, xgerman, and armax's opinions though05:38
johnsom_Well, this is enough for me to run with, so if we change to DELETE, that is an easy update for me.05:38
johnsom_My vote is DELETE unless I hear a better argument, just because people can restrict on HTTP method05:39
johnsom_But, alas, I am just one of many votes05:39
blogankevinbenton whats your opinion?05:39
blogankevinbenton: DELETE or PUT (we discussed this earlier)05:40
johnsom_Thanks for cranking this out late05:40
bloganjohnsom_: i'd have had it done sooner but its been a shit day and i needed to go home and spend some time with the family first05:40
kevinbentoni liked the idea where we just update the ID value of the loadbalancer to None05:41
johnsom_Sorry to hear it.  Yeah, it hasn't been the best for me either.05:41
kevinbentoni think DELETE is okay05:41
kevinbentonlike we were talking about the PUT in the remove_router_interface case makes a little more sense because it is updating the router05:41
blogantoo late, you basically did a write-in05:41
* dougwig pulls out his paint brushes.05:42
johnsom_Hmmm, PUT /loadbalancers/None/cascade_delete seems a bit too ambiguous....05:42
* blogan is glad thats the only thing dougwig pulled out05:42
* dougwig opines that maybe it's a paint brush05:42
bloganjohnsom_: no in the request body, you provide {"id": null}05:42
* dougwig vomits.05:42
* johnsom_ Thinks blogan is tired and doesn't get humor05:43
dougwigprefer delete myself.05:43
johnsom_Nice win blogan05:43
* blogan plays the sad trombone05:43
johnsom_win on the vomit front that is05:43
bloganill take it05:43
blogan3 for DELETE, 1 for i dont care05:44
* johnsom_ ponders whether it was orange, red, or other that would match the shed05:44
dougwiglet's add new http verbs, and you have to call a sequence to get it to initiate an async cascade delete.  i propose: UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT B A START.05:44
johnsom_Hahaha, probably red bull color05:44
bloganyou forgot SELECT05:45
johnsom_The kanomi method, I like it05:45
blogani have a sudden urge to play contra05:45
johnsom_It was start, not select, BTW05:45
dougwigi feel mildly sad that i had to use google to remember the second half of that code.05:45
bloganno it was select start05:47
bloganwasn't t?05:47
bloganhave i forgotten that too?05:47
sbalukoffIf you were playing a 2 player game.05:47
johnsom_So, short of armax (who is probably getting his beauty sleep) we are leaning towards DELETE05:47
sbalukoffselect changed it from one to two players.05:47
dougwigwhere did armax say he wanted put for a delete?05:48
bloganyeah moved the cursor down to 2 player05:48
blogandougwig: nowhere, i was just going with consistency with the actions on router interface add and removal05:48
bloganboth are PUTs05:48
johnsom_I don't know that he did, blogan just listed him as "should vote"05:48
sbalukoffblah. Go with DELETE.05:48
sbalukoffPUT should not delete.05:48
dougwigunless they enter the code.05:49
johnsom_KANOMI should "Finish him"05:49
sbalukoffWell... it is kind of like ripping its spine out...05:49
johnsom_Which, would be awesome05:49
dougwigi think we have an agenda item for our next midcycle.05:49
openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Adds Cascade option for load balancer drivers
johnsom_Deciding what color dougwig's puke is or adding a new HTTP method KANOMI?05:50
dougwigno, it'll involve game controllers and nostalgia.05:50
johnsom_Either way, it is going on the postmortem05:52
sbalukoffThey will want release notes and stuff.05:52
sbalukoffApparently we care about those now. :P05:53
johnsom_I hate a great evening when I hooked up my old Atari 2600 to my 65" plasma05:53
johnsom_I had to use a signal amp because the plasma wouldn't register the analog signal from the converter box.05:53
rm_worklittle late, but I agree with DELETE :)05:54
bloganrm_work: no one asked you05:56
* rm_work goes to bed05:56
* blogan flips rm_work's bed05:56
rm_workwell great05:56
johnsom_Ok, looks like blogan fixed it.  So we should be good to go.  I will hammer out some CLI tomorrow morning05:56
dougwigi felt certain that rm_work would vote for CONTRA.  my world is shaken.05:56
dougwigput a few minor notes on the patch.05:57
rm_workI am weird in that I never played early console games :P05:57
rm_workI had a PC from when I was like 705:57
dougwigwhich was probably in 1995.05:57
rm_work1993 <_<05:58
* johnsom_ takes his walker and heads towards bed.06:01
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rm_worknice :P06:03
johnsomIt seems a bit different going from a 7" tube TV to a 65" plasma06:03
bloganis it like a 2d minecraft?06:05
dougwigminecraft is damn near 2d minecraft.06:06
johnsomIt's a bit sad how much of my past is museum quality now.  I wrote kernel code for this:
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rm_worki ... have no idea how to play Adventure06:07
rm_workI managed to get eaten, i think06:08
rm_workby a seahorse? >_>06:08
johnsomAvoid those dudes06:08
johnsomHint: They think like pacman06:08
johnsomOh, wait, that probably isn't much of a hint06:08
rm_workI did play arcades :P06:08
rm_workthe local pizza place had arcade cabinets that we'd go dump all of our money on <_<06:09
johnsomOk, now logging off for the night.06:11
johnsomDon't spend all of your night slaying dragons and hunting for the secret room06:11
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dougwigand by don't, he means DO.06:15
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openstackgerritBrandon Logan proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Adds Cascade option for load balancer drivers
sbalukoffMan...  trying to figure out how to contribute documentation.09:25
sbalukoffAnd I thought the neutron-lbaas code base was obtuse!09:26
sbalukoffAnd somehow this is a thing:
sbalukoffNo idea how they're generating that.09:26
sbalukoff(I mean, it's documentation from the Octavia project, obviously, but I don't know how they've imported that specific version...)09:26
sbalukoffIt already has all the L7 stuff.09:27
sbalukoffCan't seem to figure out where the neutron-lbaas stuff is squirrelled away, though.09:27
sbalukoffxgerman: When you get back in the morning: If you ever figured out where we're supposed to put the neutron-lbaas documentation, I would love to find out. :P09:50
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Add support for Guru Meditation Reports for LBaaS agents
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moosehhey everyone do we just free chat in here?14:13
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johnsomsbalukoff Min might have some pointers.  I'll send her your way when she gets in the office15:52
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ihrachysdoes octavia have any ops docs?15:59
* ihrachys is looking where to document amp_image_tag config option15:59
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johnsomYes there are ihrachys16:01
johnsomihrachys This is the liberty page:
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ihrachysjohnsom: it's auto generated?16:09
johnsomI don't think so16:10
ihrachysjohnsom: I see that page locally in publish-docs/draft/config-reference/networking/sample-configuration-files-advanced.html16:11
ihrachysjohnsom: which is not under git control16:11
ihrachysoh wait maybe it's something different16:12
* ihrachys tries to find it in openstack-manual repo16:12
johnsomYeah, I'm pretty sure this lives in a docs repo somewhere.  minwang has updated this in the past, but she isn't in the office yet.16:13
johnsomihrachys Here is her last patch:
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ihrachysjohnsom: well it seems it's now all gone with
johnsomHmm, those look like different files16:22
johnsomOh, hmm, it looks like it was just deleted and not replaced16:24
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ihrachysjohnsom: right. they switched to .rst (good) while dropping all .xml files (not good016:25
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ihrachysjohnsom: so octavia folks should probably track it for Mitaka16:25
ihrachysjohnsom: should I report a bug for the project?16:25
johnsomYes, please.  Are you reporting against openstack-manuals?16:26
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johnsomWow, good catch ihrachys.  It looks like they just deleted the whole Octavia section16:40
xgermanI guess the summit videos are now our only docs?16:40
ihrachysjohnsom: yes, will report on manuals but add octavia for tracking sake16:40
johnsomYeah, I added one to manuals16:40
ihrachysxgerman: pretty much. though even config docs do not seem enough16:40
openstackLaunchpad bug 1552797 in openstack-manuals "Octavia configuration options were deleted but required" [Undecided,New]16:40
ihrachysjohnsom: oh ok16:41
ihrachysjohnsom: should we add octavia?16:41
johnsomYes, probably16:41
ihrachysjohnsom: so I was thinking of documented image_tag but since it seems there is no setup docs in the first place, I probably don't need to do anything just now16:42
ihrachysis that correct?16:42
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xgermanihrachys you could start a setup doc16:47
ihrachysxgerman: :-) not sure I have enough knowledge for that right now. I could fill in the gap but probably not the whole thing, including bridge setup and stuff.16:48
ihrachysxgerman: I am still struggling with understanding architectural decisions taken by the project16:48
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dougwigsbalukoff: those docs come from a jenkins job, directly from our doc/ subdir.17:04
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johnsomdougwig FYI, docs was kind enough to delete all of our octavia.conf docs from Mitaka.  Trying to figure out what happened and how to fix.  Not getting a lot of help in #openstack-doc17:25
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TrevorVjohnsom nobody likes clean code in openstack... ugh17:28
dougwigjohnsom: look in #openstack-neutron, i rattled a cage for you17:29
johnsomThanks, on it17:30
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xgermanLooks like your dream got crushed in there, too --17:46
bloganall dreams must be crushed17:47
dougwiglbaas is an acronym for dream crushing.17:49
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openstackgerritMadhusudhan Kandadai proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: [WIP] Neutron LBaaS: TLS Barbican Scenario Test
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sbalukoffAny news on the documentation front?18:42
sbalukoffI spent a couple hours last night looking at the openstack-manuals repo...18:42
sbalukoffit looks like most of the stuff we'd otherwise commit is pulled in via automated tools..18:43
sbalukoffSo I'm at a bit of a loss figuring this out, and wonder if anyone else here has had much luck?18:43
dougwigblogan: (and others): armax is suggesting DELETE /lbtree/:id instead of DELETE /lb/:id/cascade_delete (insert any token for lbtree, let's look at structure for a sec).18:44
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blogandougwig: hmmm18:46
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rm_workdoug-fish: hrmmm18:50
rm_workdougwig: hrmmm18:50
rm_worksuch doug18:51
doug-fishcontrary to previous rumors we are not the same person.18:51
bloganone's a fish, the other's a wig18:52
doug-fisheasy, right?18:52
rm_workI always picture
rm_workfor dougwig18:53
blogandougwig, johnsom, xgerman: just tell me what yall want to call that piece and ill change it18:53
sbalukoffblogan: The shed should be blue, eh. :)18:54
doug-fishI can't image how pleased that must make dougwig18:54
bloganit will be odd to have a /lbtree/{id} and then have a /loadbalancers/{id}/statuses (which is the status tree)18:54
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xgermanwell, why can’;t we have the thing we all agreed on?18:55
rm_workwell, i don't think many of us CARE much18:55
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xgermanwell, I don’t want to be a bad example of REST for generations to come18:55
sbalukoffToo late!18:56
dougwigxgerman: "why can’;t we have the thing we all agreed on?"  <-- I never said that wasn't possible. But surely we can have a discussion if we get some additional feedback?18:57
xgermansorry, I just feel that horse is already glue18:58
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johnsomsbalukoff It appears that at least the config docs for Octavia were deleted from the mitaka docs18:59
johnsomsbalukoff Still working to figure out how to get them back.18:59
sbalukoffjohnsom: Excellent!18:59
sbalukoffOk, it sounds like I need to spend some time annoying the shit out of sam-i-am again.18:59
johnsomsbalukoff Got pointed to this lovely e-mail:
sbalukoffDo we know where the neutron-lbaas docs live (ie. not Octavia)?19:00
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dougwigxgerman: i'm not sure accepting the least worst of lousy alternatives is "glue".  :)  IMO.19:00
johnsomHere is the liberty config guide:
johnsomHere is the mitaka version:
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xgermanwell, since we lost the option to delete a resource and it’s children19:01
xgermanwith DELETE loadbalancer/id19:01
sbalukoffjohnsom: Oh nice. "We have trouble working with them, so let's just cut them out."19:01
sbalukoffNobody needs to know how to use a load balancer anyway, so I don't see a problem with this.19:02
xgermanthe most natural s the DELETE loadbalancer/id/delete_cascade19:02
sbalukoffInstead of, say... reaching out to us to ask for help and/or figure out some way to collaborate on documentation.19:02
johnsomYeah, not sure when we became a third party vendor either....  I kindly pointed them to the "we are neutron" doc19:02
xgermanI prefer that over introducing the loadbalancer tree — where will that end? listener_tree?19:02
johnsomsbalukoff there are also:
sbalukoffxgerman: +119:04
sbalukoffThere's never an API that can't be made significantly worse by people with power but little understanding and very little at stake.19:05
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rm_worksbalukoff: where did you see that?19:15
rm_work"We have trouble working with them, so let's just cut them out." <-- I am assuming paraphrased19:15
sbalukoffSee what?19:15
rm_workactually what am I missing, I see octavia in the same place in both docs19:16
rm_workah the email19:16
rm_worki think it's just that they don't understand what our thing is19:17
rm_worknot that they're actively against us19:17
rm_workin their head it is probably just another vendor driver19:17
rm_workonce we clear it up, hopefully this should be resolved19:17
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dougwigxgerman: we do have a create working with a tree, so treating a tree as an object proper doesn't seem awful to me.  in fact, if it's not an object proper, it's more like orchestration from a rest perspective.19:21
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johnsomrm_work the octavia.conf section is gone19:24
rm_worki was looking at the neutron_lbaas config section for [octavia]19:25
xgermandougwig I think at that point we do whatever appeases the supreme leader...19:25
xgermanI don’t like treating the tree as a resource and would like to see things cascade for each DELETE19:26
dougwigyou understand that rest operates on individual entities, and it's more restful to treat a group as one entity than what you're suggesting? but ultimately, it's feedback, not a mandate, and i thought it was worth listening to (heck, after hearing it, i also agreed with the premise behind it.)19:28
dougwigultimately if we tackled the backwards compat issue, we're fine. i do think that armax's tweak is better, though.19:29
armaxdougwig: I am not strongly opinionated, I don’t feel very invested in the lbaas API to desire to push for my fix19:29
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sbalukoffGood news! I have successfully annoyed the shit out of sam-i-am... and I think we agree that there's a major "big picture" process problem around adding documentation to the official openstack-manual canon that he'd like me to bring up on the dev mailing list.19:50
dougwigxgerman: got a link to any spec anywhere?  the frameworks i'm familiar with do *not* cascade by default.19:50
xgermanI know creating more than one thing has always been tricky in REST19:51
sbalukoffSo, I'm going to work on wording my e-mail to have the right mixture of good-will and bile-filled vitriol for the next couple of hours. :)19:51
sbalukoff(Don't worry: There will be considerably less of the latter.)19:51
dougwigxgerman: right, which is why i can see how armax views it as awkward to have one endpoint operate on both a single non-linked entity and a tree of entities.  i can also see your point, too, btw. we're off in some gray something.19:52
xgermanyep, the beauty of spelling out delete_cascade makes it easy for somebody to understand… with the tree he needs to make the leap that a) it deletes and b) it also deletes things which got created one-by-one19:53
xgermanand not with the tree create19:53
xgermanusually when you do batch create they give you back a job # and you can thank  with that on the progress and DELETE that job19:55
xgermanso there is room for confusion...19:55
sbalukoffI'mma be heads down for a bit, but I did want to say that so far I agree 100% with xgerman's reasoning here. If it comes down to a vote on the color of this shed, count me toward xgerman's side. :)19:57
xgermansbalukoff and I agree — Wow!!19:57
openstackgerritMadhusudhan Kandadai proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: [WIP] Neutron LBaaS: TLS Barbican Scenario Test
sbalukoffxgerman: That's not often a good thing. ;)19:57
xgermanyeah, my first reaction was I most be wrong ;-)19:57
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dougwigxgerman, sbalukoff: with rest, aren't we all pretty much wrong?  :)19:59
sbalukoffOf course! But I was trying not to be a dougwig-downer about it. ;)20:00
dougwigsbalukoff: bah.20:00
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rm_worki agree that xgerman's solution is at least pretty clear20:02
rm_workI think I'd vote for that sans something amazingly insightful20:02
dougwigy'all are nuts, but whatever.  :)   if we'd done this api right, we'd just have a single crud around a tree for the core slb, and then we wouldn't even be arguing.20:03
xgermanyeah, we should start on LBaaS V3 right away20:03
xgermanor at least right after we remove V120:04
dougwigSOAP with an ASN.1 payload.20:04
xgermankeeps it clean20:04
johnsomNo, we should start on V3 and make sure it can run at the same time as V1 but not V220:04
johnsomdougwig +120:04
blogandougwig: just got back from meeting, but would the /lbtree also support the get me a lb?20:05
dougwigblogan: i would think that would make sense, yes.20:05
rm_workcan we just call it /god/20:05
bloganand a GET on /lbtree/id would basically do waht teh /loadbalancers/lbid/statuses does right now, but with more information20:05
xgermanmmh, does that make sense?20:06
rm_workDELETE /good/<lbid>20:06
rm_workDELETE /god/<lbid>20:06
dougwigone sec, i'm gonna go submit a "DELETE rm_work" extension.20:06
xgermanblogan when you post to the tree you are expecting to get back some handle with which you can see if your stuff is being created20:06
rm_workI am open to capitalizing the G20:06
bloganmakes sense to me, but i dont have a big problem with the /loadbalancers/lbid/delete_cascade either20:07
* rm_work hides20:07
bloganxgerman: yeah which will include the lbid, and all the chidlren id20:07
dougwigif the tree is the object, the only id you'd get back is the tree id.20:07
dougwigif you're getting more... it's orchestration.20:07
bloganwhy wouldn't you return in the body ids of the listeners and pools and members ghtat got created?20:07
xgermanit depends — if you support partial creates you can list that if you do all or nothing I would return that20:08
bloganso those things that got created in the get me a lb call would never be able to be retrieved individually?20:08
bloganthat doesn't seem right to me20:09
bloganand if they are supposed to be retrieved individually, then returning those ids makes sense20:09
bloganunless we want to force the user to then make 4 more api calls to retrieve those ids20:09
xgermanwell, we are talking bulk_create20:09
rm_workwoah woah20:09
dougwigif i'm making a rest crud api, i'm making it around an idempotent object. the entire tree is async or sync, and the entire tree is done or not, and asking for GET lets me see it all. anything in-between is madness.20:09
rm_work*bulk* create is orchestration20:09
dougwigbut that top-level object has a single id.20:10
bloganthat top level object is just the lb id20:10
rm_workin this case the status of the LoadBalancer object is the only relevant thing20:10
rm_work^^ what blogan said20:10
rm_worksince provisioning status rolls up to the LB20:10
xgermanrm_work +120:10
xgermangetring a status tree is more like a query...20:10
xgermanGET loadbalancer/id?status=full20:11
dougwigif we were designing a tree based api from scratch, would we even be debating this sub-id stuff?  that's an artifact of bolting it on top of the current api, isn't it?20:12
xgermanYou would just do POST/PATCH/GET/DELETE on your tree20:13
dougwigxgerman: right.20:14
* rm_work drops and goes back into hiding20:15
rm_work(had to link to a specific place, but, basically the stuff around there)20:16
xgermanwell, I see value in our current API since it feels easier than changing the whole tree but we could mass that with the CLI20:16
bloganyall decide and let me know :)20:20
xgermanV3 will be glorious ;-)20:21
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johnsomAs long as it's based on CORBA.  I'm sure we wouldn't have these issues20:56
johnsomFYI, on an un-related docs note:  Network guide: LBaaS v2 configuration guide
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openstackgerritMadhusudhan Kandadai proposed openstack/octavia: Octavia: Basic LoadBalancer Scenario Test
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blogandougwig, xgerman, johnsom: decision on the cascade delete uri?22:29
xgermanI thought I was right?22:29
xgermanI was so right von sbalukoff agreed with me :-)22:29
bloganim not sure there was a right answer22:30
bloganjust a best bad option22:30
xgermanyep, the lesser evil22:30
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johnsomIf you need me to be the tie breaker, give me a quick summary of the choices we are down to.  Last I heard it was purple.22:36
xgermanmy 3 year old *loves* purple — so that would make her day22:37
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia: Add bandit baseline to tox
bloganjohnsom: /loadbalancers/lbid/cascade_delete vs DELETE /{new_tree_resource}/lbid22:42
johnsomDELETE /{new_tree_resource}/lbid22:43
johnsomSimply because we have a bunch of tree-ish things and it fits the resty model closer to me22:44
johnsom(yes, I ignored all of the arguments earlier)22:44
johnsomUgh, ok, hold on22:45
* xgerman spots a glimmer of hope22:46
johnsomWe did already break this with: /v2.0/lbaas/loadbalancers/​{loadbalancer_id}​/statuses22:46
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johnsomNo, I hold fast with DELETE /{new_tree_resource}/lbid22:47
rm_workso like22:50
rm_workDELETE /v2.0/lbaas/tree/<lbid>22:50
rm_workbut also22:50
rm_workGET /v2.0/lbaas/tree/<lbid> would return the status tree?22:51
johnsomKind of makes sense, but I'm not sure I want to mess with status tree here.  Maybe add it next cycle22:51
johnsomThat is what I was thinking22:52
rm_workyeah just getting the idea in explicit writing22:53
xgermanwell, as long as we document all those strange behaviors (and the docs don’t get deleted…)22:53
johnsomMaybe /v2.0/lbaas/lb_tree/<lbid> ?  Leave that open for 12,000 other tree varieties22:53
johnsomYeah, docs, oye22:53
xgermanmaybe /loadbalancer/<id>?type=tree ?22:54
dougwigAnd here I thought I was a loner in liking that entry point idea.22:54
xgermanwe don’t have enough query parameters22:54
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xgermanreturning an lb as a tree is still the same land balancer so should be under the loadbalancer resource22:55
johnsomdougwig You like the  /v2.0/lbaas/lb_tree/<lbid>?22:55
dougwigjohnsom: yep22:55
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xgermanok, I will focus own pointing out that there were sane alternatives everytime somebody is confused about that22:58
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johnsomHmmm, since everything is plural here, is it /lb_trees/ or /lb_tree/?23:01
johnsomI guess GET /lb_trees doesn't really make sense, so singular is probably better.23:02
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xgermannone of those bulk things make sense in REST but I guess we are beyond that point23:05
xgermanalso how does a user know what an lb_tree is? Can we be a more descriptive?23:07
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johnsomneutron lbaas-loadbalancer-cascade-delete ?23:11
xgermanyep, I like that — now if the API would be similarly clear23:12
johnsomIt's like writing a novel, but ok23:12
johnsomI feel like I'm on VMS23:12
xgermanclarity is important23:14
xgermanalso better shells have command completion (like git)23:15
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dougwigI don't think teh cascade verb makes much sense when you factor in create.23:39
johnsomdougwig It's cool for the cammand line though right?23:40
dougwigNot a fatal decision, since we could always alias it in the cli and adopt something uniform for the whole crud, when it's added.23:41
johnsomdougwig I am open to options.  Now is the time to do it, as I have most of the client coded23:42
dougwigLbaas-create and Lbaas-delete are tempting.23:43
xgermannobody will get what that is without further explanation23:51
xgermaneven glance says image-delete23:53
xgerman(and that one I really think is superfluous)23:53
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