Friday, 2016-03-04

xgermanok, so Aish has the right config but still SSL error?00:10
xgermanwrong window00:10
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johnsom^^^ CLI for cascading deletes.  WIP until you folks can make a decision.00:14
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blogandougwig: how will the get me a network cli look?00:30
johnsomoh, good question00:31
xgermanI don;’t think the CLI should have that00:33
xgermanI would say we go with our original plan and cross that bridge when that tree-hugger stuff is baked out better00:36
xgermanthen we can always deprecate the cascade delete endpoint and switch to tree00:36
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dougwigNova has list show delete ...00:40
xgermanwell, they also don;’t call their stuff tree00:45
xgermanor vm-tree00:45
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dougwigLbaas-create doesn't dontain tree. :)00:46
xgermanneither does their API00:50
jwarendtAdded comment about the '--recursive' flag used by containers for delete, with unfortunate client-side semantics, to michael's patch.00:50
xgermanyeah, I like recursive00:56
jwarendtAt the REST boundary, I'm for a separate resource but following convention: ../lb_trees  Plural, is a collection.  The instance is ../lb_trees/{id}00:57
johnsomjwarendt So what does GET /lb_trees mean?00:57
jwarendtIt should mean "Get the representation of a set of lb_trees instances".  Just like pools or healthmonitors or loadbalancers.00:58
jwarendtCan be empty.00:58
johnsomBut a tree is not an object here.  pools, healthmonitors, loadbalancers are00:59
xgermanand hence I dislike tree00:59
xgermanas much as I like bike shedding as the next guy01:02
xgermanw need to come up with some endpoint for that cascade delete01:02
xgermanI don;t think we know enough about status_tree, get-me-an-LB, and such to come up with how that will look in REST01:03
xgermanso we should just pick something which makes sense for cascade_delete01:03
xgermanwithout putting all that stuff into consideration01:03
johnsomI need to step away for a bit.  What I need from the team is: API path, lbaas-loadbalancer-cascade-delete or recursive flag on current delete call.01:03
johnsomNo answer by 8am tomorrow morning and I will take the WIP off and push for merge as is.01:04
xgermanwell, my answer has been known for days01:04
johnsomJust because we need to get this stuff in for Mitaka01:05
sbalukoffJust sent a long e-mail to the openstack-dev list complaining about documentation woes.01:05
xgermanyou missed an afternoon of bike shedding01:05
johnsomsbalukoff FYI, they have a separate docs mailing list01:05
sbalukoffAre you kidding me?01:06
johnsomNope, not kidding01:06
sbalukoffIt's like they really don't want anyone contributing documentation.01:06
johnsomBut thanks for the e-mail.  I will read it later01:06
xgermanOpenStack is all about crushing dreams01:06
sbalukoffOk, so what is this list to which I should forward the long e-mail I just wrote?01:06
sbalukoffxgerman: Apparently!01:06
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sbalukoffAlso, johnsom: I see you sent an e-mail about our documentation disappearing mysteriously from the Mitaka manual. Thanks for that!01:07
openstackgerritmin wang proposed openstack/octavia: WIP----Replace the method with safer way
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bloganxgerman: we already have status tree01:12
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openstackgerritHenry Gessau proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Tag the alembic migration revisions for Mitaka
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yamamotoany chance this can be merged quickly?
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yamamotothis is blocking midonet gate.  we can workaround by folding unrelated patches but i want to avoit it if possible.02:20
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xgermanblogan: LBaaS/load balancers/<id>/statuses this is making the argument for /cascade_delete02:27
blogani know02:27
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sbalukoffyamamoto: I would if I could. :/02:53
sbalukoffOh, he left.02:53
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johnsomsbalukoff It's at
sbalukoffjohnsom: Thanks!03:54
sbalukoffjohnsom: I've actually got a conversation going with someone who obviously knows a lot more about the doc system than we do...03:54
sbalukoffIt's been immensely helpful. So, look for my response on that momentarily.03:55
sbalukoffAlso, I'm pretty sure I pissed off armax.03:55
johnsomWell, that is good.  After talking with people off and on all day and sending an e-mail as requested, I have got zero response.03:55
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johnsomWell, that is quite the e-mail.03:56
johnsomI will say, part of the reason this came up is *because* we put in the effort and care, but found them all deleted!03:57
sbalukoffHaha! I know!03:57
sbalukoffLana's response to me on the doc list is actually quite good. I'm composing a reply now with some suggestions...03:58
sbalukoffBut in any case, I think she answered enough of my questions so that I can get started on fixing docs...03:58
sbalukoffWe'll still have to find out why the heck our docs disappeared as I think you are right that something we don't control is broken there.03:59
johnsomYeah, I found out why, it was in my e-mail.  They deleted "third party driver docs".04:00
johnsomMy big problem is here is a team that put a bunch of effort to put those in, went to update them, and found them deleted.04:00
sbalukoffIt may turn out to be easier for us to document this stuff in the neutron-lbaas repository the same way we do in the Octavia repository... but that doesn't help much with an end-user or operator guide. :/04:03
sbalukoff(It turns out that that's not necessarily considered a bad thing to do it that way...)04:03
sbalukoffUnless, of course, neutron leadership disagrees with us. :P04:03
johnsomI guess, so but how does that link in to the existing docs?04:07
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johnsomI mean the only reason I would make that kind of a change is to stop people from deleting docs04:08
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sbalukoffHeh! True enough.04:13
sbalukoffIn any case, there are not good guidelines right now on what should go in the openstack manual, and what should go in project-specific documentation within the project repo.04:14
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Make all tox targets constrained
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: tox: constrain releasenotes and cover targets
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openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fix Python 3 issues
openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Port test_agent and test_agent_api to Python 3
openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Add a whitelist of tests passing on Python 3
openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Port cert_parser to Python 3
openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: py3: Use six.moves for import modules
openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: py3: Replace dict.iteritems() with dict.items()
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/octavia: Updated from global requirements
TrevorVxgerman dougwig johnsom anyone around that I can talk to for a sec?17:13
johnsomI am in a bug scrub call, but can chat on IRC17:13
TrevorVSo as we know i'm working on the single-create17:14
TrevorVI'm not making any progress on "modifying" the current "POST LB"17:14
TrevorVWould you be wildly against single-create being a new endpoint/resource in neutron lbaas?17:14
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johnsomI think we were talking about that yesterday.  Putting cascade delete and maybe even create under /lbaas/lb_tree/<lbid> or something similar17:15
johnsomblogan Did they bike shredder's make a call?17:16
TrevorVjohnsom he's not quite in the office yet17:16
johnsomSo, something like that would make your life easier?17:17
TrevorVI think so, yeah.  Though, I would like to note that I don't necessarily think its the *right* thing to do17:19
johnsomOh no, more painting...  I'll bite, what do you think is the *right* answer?17:20
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TrevorVha ha ha, personally it feels funky to have another POST endpoint that creates the same object that another endpoint does.17:21
TrevorVMeaning, it honestly should be added functionality to the POST LB endpoint17:22
TrevorVHowever I don't feel strongly enough about it that I wouldn't make a new endpoint (as suggested above), just saying if I had written the API on my own from ground up, that's how I would do it, you know?17:22
bloganim here17:23
TrevorVblogan do you have scrollback?17:23
johnsomblogan Welcome, grab a brush...  So, did we come to some conclusion on the API path?17:23
bloganone of the problems with the lb_tree endpoint is that we'll need to also implement the get_lb_trees, get_lb_tree, delete_lb_tree, and create_lb_tree to make it correct.  If we just do cascade delete for M, it'll be quite weird to only have the delete_lb_tree working17:24
bloganjohnsom: we did not17:24
xgermanwell, I reiterated my arguments and nobody objected17:25
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xgermanagree with TrevorV we are creating a load balancer so it should go on it’s endpoint17:25
xgermanmaybe create LB can be a social case of LB_tree — don’t we send JSOPN anyway?17:25
johnsomWe don't send json with delete17:26
xgermanafter all creating a LB is like creating an LB tree without listeners, members, and pools17:26
johnsomI kind of agree with that17:26
xgermandelete should go on loadbalancer/<id>/cascade_delete17:27
xgermanTrevorV’s create on loadbalancer17:27
xgermanstatus tree is on loadbalancer/<id>/statuses17:27
xgermanproblem solved — putting down my brush17:27
TrevorVSee that may be another problem though, xgerman17:28
TrevorVThe change I'd make (that I'd have to figure out how it works exactly) would be to just accept any given object under the load balancer.  Meaning it isn't extended functionality, its modifying original functionality17:28
TrevorVHowever we can't do that because of the other extensions17:29
TrevorVI forget the word17:29
TrevorVI don't mean extensions17:29
TrevorVI mean the... "providers"?  The competitors to "octavia"  shit, words.17:29
TrevorVThat's the word17:29
TrevorVIf we change POST LB the way I think it should be changed, all the drivers would need changed, rather than "optionally" changing17:30
rm_worki was kinda liking the feeling of GET/PUSH/DELETE on /tree/ for getting the status tree, doing a full create, and doing cascade delete17:30
rm_workit's early <_<17:30
rm_workobviously /tree/ is a working-title for the endpoint <_<17:31
xgermanif we talk verbs — it seems we need PATCH as well for a partial tree update IHMO17:31
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TrevorVxgerman I don't follow that argument.  single-create should support whatever valid object is given, even if it is only an LB and a Listener17:32
xgermanwe are creating a load balancer so it should be on loadbalancer17:32
xgermanI get your argument that your create format is not backwards compatible with the single create17:33
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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed openstack/octavia: Make SSH bind to management net only
xgermanbut I am wondering if there is a way to detect which format is being passed in — or would that then get too clunky17:34
TrevorVxgerman blogan would be better to answer that one, at least in concept17:34
bloganthe single create call is additive, so it really is backwards incompatible17:35
xgermanok, what I am proposing is the Content-Negotiation/Microversioning way of things17:35
bloganunless someone, something, was relying on the API not allowing listeners to be passed17:35
TrevorVxgerman I'm sorry I don't know what that means17:37
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johnsomFYI, place to see rendered pre-release release notes:
TrevorVAlright, I'll brb, gonna pick up lunch and come back17:44
TrevorVMaybe half hour and we can pick up this convo?17:44
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johnsomAlso, blogan rm_work we have a number of patches hanging out with +2's in Octavia.  It would be nice to start getting these reviewed and merged.17:49
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rm_workok can try to get to those in a few17:50
rm_workstuck on firefighter duty ATM17:50
ErniePHi All - is there a good doc for how to startup and configure octavia?17:51
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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed openstack/octavia: Make SSH bind to management net only
bloganErnieP: it's still in review, but its probably your best bet17:54
bloganjohnsom: will try to carve out some time today17:54
bloganmy schedule is shrinking as we speak :(17:54
ErniePblogan: thanks I will check it out17:55
johnsomErnieP There is also the liberty guide for octavia.conf:
bloganErnieP: np, come back if you have questions, i dont want to RTFM you, but that covers a good amount17:55
johnsomErnieP Sadly we are having some issues with the docs/manuals repo at the moment so the Mitaka version is missing17:56
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ErniePI am happy to RTFM :-)  I just couldn't find a good doc.  The liberty doc just says config the plugin.. it says nothing about how to config octavia.17:57
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ErniePI did pip install octavia and it didn't get a /etc/octavia/octavia.conf file so I feel like there is a bootstrap step that I missed once the python libs are instaled17:58
bloganErnieP: yeah some docs magically disappeared it was johnsom was alluding to17:58
sbalukoffErnieP: We're going to be overhauling a lot of those docs in the next week as well. Apologies that we don't have them ready for your consumption yet.17:59
bloganErnieP: whoops that review doesn't include much about octavia, sorry17:59
fnavalreview requested please:
madhu_aklikewise, need reviews for, so the project config patch can be tested:
ErniePblogan:  What do you need to do once the octavia python libs are installed? I don't need a step-by-step by high-level overivew would get me running.18:02
bloganErnieP: I've honestly not installed it from packages, but I'm assuming it just creates the executables18:03
bloganoctavia-api, octavia-cw18:03
ErniePblogan: are those pypi packages18:03
bloganpretty sure octavia is one pypi package that will include those on install18:04
bloganbut johnsom did the pypi stuff18:04
ErniePblogan: would it just be better to do this from source ?18:04
bloganErnieP: thats how i do it, just python setup develop (or install prefer)18:05
johnsomIt is one pypi package we released for liberty.18:05
johnsomErnieP The devstack setup script we use might help you with the steps:
blogani was just about ot link that18:06
bloganErnieP: it's for all-in-one though18:06
johnsomRight, that is just an example.18:06
bloganok gotta go to lunch and then meetings after18:08
bloganErnieP: hopefull you can decipher bash (i hate bash), if not i and others will be on throughout the dya18:09
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/octavia: Adds release notes for Active/Standby
ErniePblogan: and johnsom: thanks let me dig into it more18:13
ErniePIs anyone using the haproxy plugin with v2 instead of octavia18:13
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/octavia: Add bandit baseline to tox
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sbalukoffI'm going to be sporadically available throughout the day as I deal with some internal stuff.18:35
sbalukoffFor example, I'll be AFK for at least an hour starting now.18:35
sbalukoffWhen I get back: johnsom: Let me know if you want me to dive into writing docs or back-filling those L7 unit tests first!18:36
johnsomsbalukoff Sorry, was lighting a fire:
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TrevorVOkay sorry guys, my lunch retrieval went a lot longer than it should have/18:49
TrevorVSo if I can steal some time from everyone to actually reach an agreement here so I'm not idly waiting to make changes, that'd be super awesome18:50
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TrevorVjohnsom rm_work blogan xgerman and anyone else interested or expressing concern18:50
TrevorVdougwig maybe has an opinion to share too18:51
johnsomYeah, I would really like a decision too18:51
xgermanI have 9 minutes until my next meeting ;-)18:51
* dougwig raises his head.18:51
TrevorVxgerman maybe table this until you're available and my team is back from lunch?  ha ha18:51
johnsomYeah, sbalukoff just left too18:51
dougwigcrud /trees420/ is my vote.18:52
TrevorVI'll put it this way, internally Rax needs single-create available by next friday18:52
TrevorVSo I need to make something happen18:52
TrevorV(I don't mean merged upstream next Friday, but we need a review available for consumption by then)18:52
johnsomWe need cascading delete before then18:52
xgermandougwig I would expect that from Idaho — I like CRUD /cactus/18:52
dougwigfrom idaho?  like, the last state that will ever legalize weed?18:53
xgermanwanna do CRUD /weed/ ?18:53
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TrevorVSo if we're going to address single-create in the same concept as cascade delete, then I would say the correct behavior is modifying delete behavior the same way we should modify create behavior18:54
xgermanwell, since the Get-me-an-LB gets a loadbalancer it should be under that endpoint18:54
TrevorVxgerman so you're saying it needs a new endpoint?18:55
xgermanI am saying use the existing endpoint and inure out based on what you pass it what should happen18:55
xgermanalso micro versioning is supposed to solve that — so will Get-me-an-LB land BEFORE we have that?18:56
TrevorVxgerman so I don't follow what that is, the micro versioning thing... Does neutron lbaas have that?18:58
xgermanneutron is supposed to get that18:58
xgermanthen you can have different behavior based on the version on the same endpoint18:59
TrevorVSo it has it or it doesn't?  That's what I'm asking18:59
TrevorVsorry, "supposed to get that" means to me that it isn't ready in Neutron, but should be soon19:00
TrevorVWhat is soon in this case?19:00
TrevorVOh, yeah, he just disappeared to a meeting19:02
TrevorVAlright, we'll table this until we have more hands on deck I guess19:02
TrevorVdougwig I'll keep you marked down as the "new endpoint" opinion, is that accurate?19:02
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openstackgerritJiahao Liang proposed openstack/octavia: Update doc to make it consistent with the actual api.
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dougwigTrevorV: aye19:29
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bloganmicroversioning is not something we should count on anytime soon19:49
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TrevorVokay, so that answers my question, totally not available near future19:51
TrevorVgot it19:51
bloganso if all calls for lb_tree were ready today, i'd go with lb_tree19:51
bloganor even if all lb_tree calls could be postponed until N19:52
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bloganbut since we NEED the delete lb_tree functionality, that's just going to make the extensions wonky to do cascade delete first as one extension (an extension that will be wonky in itself for lb_tree) and then fill otu the rest of the lb tree functionality in N19:53
TrevorVblogan you lost me there, you're saying new endpoint?19:54
bloganno, new endpoint will make things wonky since we need DELETE in now19:54
TrevorVso since micro-versioning isn't a thing right now, we're talking changing POST/DELETE behavior to just do what we want and hope we don't break drivers?19:55
bloganno delete would be a new resource off the loadbalancer19:56
bloganwhat's currently in review19:56
bloganvs DELETE /lb_tree/id19:57
TrevorVOooh you and I are talking about the same thing, but I keep using the wrong jargon.19:58
TrevorVSo you're in favor of new resource, but are you in favor of new resource for single-create as well?  Or should that be a new endpoint?19:58
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TrevorVblogan ^^?19:59
bloganif we do /loadbalancer/id/casccade_delete then keep create as it is20:01
blogankeep it how the single create already has it20:02
bloganin its current review form20:02
TrevorVAs an extension.  Alright, so, in your opinion, if we say cascade delete needs to be off a new endpoint, DELETE on "/lb_graph/<id>" or whatnot, then the single-create should be a POST on that same endpoint20:04
TrevorVOtherwise all is well and should be iterated upon20:04
bloganyes, it'll be an extension either way20:04
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TrevorVxgerman johnsom we ready to continue?20:22
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sbalukoffOur py34 broke spontaneously?21:07
sbalukoffThe check, I mean.21:08
xgermanblogan how’s micro versioning coming; can we add the Get-me-an-LB on /loadbalancer?21:11
xgermanI really feel having a second endpoint which returns an LB clunky21:11
xgermanbut I am also worn down and like to close… it’s Friday afternoon after all21:12
bloganxgerman: microversioning not going to happen anytime soon in neutron21:12
xgermanhow do they fell about “content-negotiation” — you look at the body and figure out what should happen?21:12
xgermanafter all creating one LB is a special case of creating an LB, a listener, etc.21:13
xgermansignal create is a special case of get-me-an-LB21:13
blogani'm sure they don't feel strong one or the other to allow it to get in before M :)21:17
xgermanwell, I guess you get my drift. Post single create to /loadbalancer -> single create21:18
xgermanPost Get-me-an-LB content to /loadbalancer -> get-me-an-LB21:19
xgermanfuture make it so that they look more or less the same21:19
xgermanbut if we do the wrong thing we can always fix it in LBaaS 3.021:20
TrevorVxgerman what are you talking about?  "get-me-an-LB" isn't the same as "single-create"?21:20
xgermanso if I do get-me-an-LB and only define an LB — do I get back an LB?21:21
bloganlbaas 3.0 will hopefully be octavia's api21:21
xgermanso they have the same output...21:21
xgermanthen labs 4.021:21
TrevorVxgerman I don't understand, what is "get-me-an-lb"?  Does that exist right now?21:21
bloganhopefully we get correct versioning design in octavia though21:22
bloganget me an lb is single create21:22
xgermanhoe do you call what e have right now?21:22
bloganxgerman: right now as in whats in master? or whats upf or review?21:23
xgermanwell, may regiment is that single create returns an LB like what is lurking right now behind /loadbalancer21:25
bloganthats how it is in reveiw21:25
xgermanso /loadbalancer is a special case of single create21:25
xgermanhence single create should post to laodbalancer21:25
bloganthe way it is right now POST /loadbalancer with a body that includes listeners will create everything and return everything that got created in the return body21:25
xgermanyeah, that makes a ton of sense21:26
xgermanso keep it21:26
TrevorVExcept that breaks drivers potentially xgerman I believe21:26
bloganTrevorV: tahts why there's a driver check to see if it supports it21:26
xgermanok, so we are good?21:26
bloganTrevorV: if it doesn't, its not different than if we implemented lb_tree and the driver didn't support it21:27
TrevorVAlright, if that's the right way, then alrighty, all good here.  That leaves dougwig sad though21:27
xgermanjust send him a pound of weed in the mail21:28
TrevorVowning 2 ounces is a felony.... so that won't happen :P21:28
xgermanjust start a dispensary ;-)21:28
rm_workalright johnsom i just did a sweep of reviews21:30
rm_workjohnsom: there's a few more I +2'd that need another as well21:30
rm_workand had a question on one of sbalukoff's21:31
rm_workalways feel guilty doing nitpicks on things with +2 already but <_<21:31
rm_workit's sbalukoff, he can take it21:31
sbalukoffWhich one, rm_work?21:32
sbalukoffAlso, isn't the py34 gate busted right now?21:32
sbalukoffYou should also throw a +2 at this as it's been there for a while with one +2 and no comment:
sbalukoffOk, just saw: Yes, that's a good point. I'll fix it momentarily.21:35
sbalukoff(And I'm one who usually loathes magic numbers in code...)21:35
dougwigno way should single create post to an existing different object create.  bleh.21:35
dougwigi get why that feels right, but we fucked it up and then shipped it, so we don't get a do-over.21:36
TrevorVOkay, so we don't have agreement?21:37
dougwigdon't let yourself be stalemated, because we won't get consensus here in a few days. you're going to have to make some people unhappy.21:38
bloganTrevorV: the extension will be totally different for this lb_tree endpoint, but the code in the plugin afterwards will be very similar, just may have to move the logic to anotehr method, not a big deal21:39
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dougwigjust don't break backwards compat, and then yeah, we can always alias shim as you say.21:40
dougwigpropose a non-additive semantic change, though, and that will never see the light of day.21:41
TrevorVdougwig I feel differently about that last bit, but I'll do my best.21:41
rm_worksbalukoff: one question on that one as well21:42
blogandougwig: isn't accepting a full tree of a load balancer in the same request body as the old additive?21:42
sbalukoffrm_work: What is your question?21:43
rm_worki posted21:43
sbalukoffblogan: Because the same API will still accept the exact same old request?21:44
sbalukoffrm_work: Ok, resonded.21:47
sbalukoffgeez, I really can't type today.21:47
sbalukoffIs johnsom around?21:47
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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed openstack/octavia: Better L7Policy API validations
sbalukoffrm_work: Ok, I updated this per your very good point ^^^21:49
blogansbalukoff: yes it'll accept the old one and more now!21:50
bloganthats additive21:50
sbalukoffblogan: Sounds good to me!21:50
sbalukoffI've doomed your side of the argument now, haven't I?21:50
sbalukoffDang, I should have agreed with dougwig...21:51
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bloganwell like i said, if we could get the entire lb_tree in (POST, DELETE, GETS) i'd be allf or it21:54
bloganfor M21:54
bloganbut we're only gonig to get delete in for M, and thats just going to be one extension, and then for N we're going to have to do another extension, and they're both going to be wonky21:54
sbalukoffYou really are preaching to the choir with me. :/21:55
bloganso we're damned if we do damned if we dont.  Which one are we less damned on though?21:56
blogandougwig: how damned do you prefer to be?21:57
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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed openstack/octavia: Make SSH bind to management net only
sbalukoffI can't reproduce that py34 gate check locally. And I notice the zuul status page isn't showing either of the patches I just uploaded...  So... gate issues again today?22:01
sbalukoffYeah, looks like they're troubleshooting it in the infra channel.22:02
openstackgerritMadhusudhan Kandadai proposed openstack/octavia: Add pre_test_hook to run gate jobs
openstackgerritJiahao Liang proposed openstack/octavia: Update doc to make it consistent with the actual api
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johnsomsbalukoff I am around now.22:17
sbalukoffjohnsom: Oh, good! I just wanted to ask you how you'd like to proceed on the documentation side of things so we can hopefully not butt heads and / or duplicate effort.22:18
bharathmsbalukoff: py34 likely is a gate issue.. Your patch should be fine (I hope :-p)22:19
sbalukoffbharathm: yeah, they're talking about the gate problems in the infra irc channel.22:19
johnsomsbalukoff Feeling ok?  Not butt heads????22:19
sbalukoffjohnsom: Haha! Well, documentation is hard enough as is, especially given so much of it often comes down to personal taste in writing style. ;)22:20
sbalukoffUnlike code where there's only ever one way to do things the right way. ;)22:20
johnsomYeah, right22:20
sbalukoffSeriously though:  It looks like there's an LBaaSv2 doc patch that's been getting attention over the last couple weeks.22:20
johnsomWell, since they have not responded in any useful and non-rude way in 24 hours I decided to poke them a bit by proposing a revert for the patch that deleted our docs22:21
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sbalukoff(With a ton of back-and-forth on what comes down to opinion in most cases... :P )22:21
sbalukoffjohnsom: Yeah, I saw that, and saw them shoot it down, too. :P22:21
sbalukoffReeeeally annoying.22:21
johnsomDid they?  Oh good22:21
sbalukoffI don't think they understood why you proposed the revert.22:22
sbalukoffAt least, the comments I saw ignored the issue.22:22
sbalukoffComments were basically, "we don't want to go back to xml! Are you nuts?")22:22
rm_youto be fair22:23
johnsomWell, that is a good response22:23
rm_youthat is the definition of insanity22:23
rm_youI assume the point of proposing the revert wasn't that you actually expected to revert -- it was just to get them to pay attention, right?22:23
sbalukoffrm_you: Oh yes, I totally agree to the sentiment of the my paraphrased quote above.22:23
johnsomSadly their advice was manually convert it, which I am now 99% convinced will just get removed again when the automatic process runs22:24
johnsomBasically it seems no one knows how this works now.22:25
sbalukoffjohnsom: With that and armax's comments on the ML yesterday, I think maybe we should just dig in, decide where we want to go, propose changes to stuff that won't get auto-deleted, and be forceful about it. :/22:25
openstackgerritmin wang proposed openstack/octavia: WIP----Replace the method with safer way
sbalukoffjohnsom: Yeah, basically. :/22:25
johnsomAgreed.  I did feel better seeing the number of conflicts in gerrit that raised however.22:26
sbalukoffjohnsom: I felt like they were a lot more helpful on the -docs mailing list. Did you try e-mailing them there yet?22:26
sbalukoffjohnsom: Yeah, that list is hillarious. :)22:27
johnsomI did, the morning before yours went out.  No response22:27
johnsomBroke gerrit: 400 cannot create query for index: (path:RELEASENOTES.rst OR path:doc-tools-check-languages.conf OR22:27
sbalukoffjohnsom: yep, gate issues right now. They're discussing in the infra channel.22:27
johnsomAnyway, so here is my plan.  Once I fix the agent for the gate, I will dig into their code and try to figure out how to fix it.  Please don't let that slow you down on what you need to get done in docs.22:28
johnsomI think the priority is still valid here:
sbalukoffjohnsom: My basic impression after the e-mail thread yesterday on the docs and devs mailing list is that they don't have good guidelines on what should go in the manual and what shouldn't. In any case, it became very clear that housing docs in your own repo (like we do with Octavia) is totally fine-- but again, there are missing guidelines on what should go in the manual versus your own project doc tree.22:29
johnsomYeah, especially since we straddle both neutron-lbaas and octavia.22:30
sbalukoffjohnsom; Ok, my plan is to spend some time working on Octavia production installation docs. This might take several days, as we don't really have anything good right now (we just tell people to look at the devstack plugin, which is helpful but not exactly "polished")22:31
johnsomSo, I guess I lean towards migrating out of docs into our repos over time.  That will help with notices docs aren't done anyway.22:32
sbalukoffI've tried to make it really clear that we need guidance on which docs should go where. But I already have an idea of what we probably need in any case, so for now I'm just going to write it and shove it in the Octavia doc repo. We can hash out whether it should get into the main openstack manual some other time. But at least then we can claim that we have docs written.22:32
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johnsomOk, so are all of your non-unit test bugs fixed and awaiting review?22:33
sbalukoffWe have a professional tech writer on staff now who has expressed eagerness about improving the openstack docs: And she was basically hit with the technical learning curve (cliff) on how to actually effectively work with the docs + unhelpful / clique-ish current contributors and has been pretty discouraged about improving the state of things there.22:34
sbalukoffI'll see if I can recruit her to help improve the docs in the Octavia project in the mean time. :)22:34
johnsomYeah, go rst22:34
johnsomsbalukoff do you have a patch # for this?
openstackLaunchpad bug 1548212 in octavia "Load balancer sits in PENDING_CREATE state much longer than necessary" [High,Fix committed]22:35
sbalukoffjohnsom: All but the the URL validation using the standard library one... which didn't strike me as urgent.22:35
johnsomYeah, I didn't tag that for Mitaka22:35
sbalukoffjohnsom: Oh, that one was fixed by your REST timeout improvements.22:36
johnsomOh, ok.  I will close it out22:36
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dougwigsbalukoff: i think if we structured our docs as devref like neutron docs/source/devref, and then pointed docs at that for content, we'd be totally fine.22:43
dougwigexpcet api/cli, which is covered.22:43
sbalukoffdougwig: "we" as in Octavia, or "we" as in neutron-lbaas?22:43
dougwigi'd answer "yes", though i think n-l is in worse docs shape than octavia22:44
sbalukoffWe don't really have much by way of neutron-lbaas docs right now. And what we do have was recently nuked from the manual (HA!)22:44
sbalukoffYes, there's basically nothing in the n-l repo as far as docs.22:44
sbalukoffIn Octavia we at least have API references, among other things.22:44
johnsomEither way, I advocate only doing docs in repo from now on.  Too much effort was put in to play nice with docs to only have it deleted.22:46
dougwigdid the lbaas api get deleted?22:50
dougwigno, it's still there.
johnsomNo, it's still there.  rotted I expect22:51
sbalukoffOn the IBM side of things, doug-fish is also seeing if we can recruit a tech writer or two to help us improve the state of documentation in n-lbaas and octavia.22:51
sbalukoffSo, that's great news!22:51
johnsomExcellent!  Thank you22:52
doug-fishsbalukoff: wait - I thought we were on the same side now ?!22:52
* doug-fish looks suspiciously at sbalukoff22:52
sbalukoffdoug-fish: Haha!22:53
sbalukoffjohnsom: Yes, looking at the API ref, it doesn't have shared-pools or L7 stuff, and is subtly wrong in other ways. :/22:55
sbalukoffLike... are members nested under pools in the n-l API? I thought all objects were root-level.22:56
sbalukoffLet me double-check that.22:56
blogansbalukoff: they are under pools22:56
johnsomNo, in V2 they are under22:56
blogansbalukoff: and deleting a pool cascades it22:57
sbalukoffOh! Huh.22:57
bloganyou can blame or thank me for that22:57
johnsomblogan is the API path cooked?22:57
sbalukoffblogan: The more we make that API look like the Octavia API, the better, IMO.22:58
bloganjohnsom: for?22:58
bloganjohnsom: define cooked22:58
johnsomYou are ready for the weekend huh?  cascade delete22:58
bloganyou northwesterner lingo22:58
* johnsom looks guilty22:58
sbalukoffYeah, the lbaasv2 API reference doesn't look like it's been updated since Liberty.22:59
sbalukoffThis is the "current" version of that document, right?22:59
bloganjohnsom: the cascade delete, is still off /loadbalancer22:59
blogani've voiced my opinion, but if yall want to veto it i need to know asap so i can work on the other way22:59
johnsomblogan I am asking if I should update the CLI code for whatever path was decided23:00
bloganlol we've got paralysis by indecision right now23:00
blogandougwig: is the cascade_delete off the loadbalancer a strong NO?23:00
johnsomSoB, well, if we have the cores here we can start a vote.  Otherwise I will defer the decision to dougwig our neutron-lbaas leader23:01
blogandougwig: and is the create load balacner tree on the same /loadbalancers endpoint a strong nO?23:01
dougwigblogan: it's a soft no, because we can always alias that into a separate crud endpoint later. seems wrong, but eh.23:01
bloganif one of those is a strong NO then, that tells me go with new endpoint23:01
dougwigblogan: i'd find it really odd to overload create, after pondering it.23:02
blogandougwig: does that odd feeling initiate a strong no?23:02
dougwigbut i'm one vote, not a dictator.23:02
bloganlt = dictator23:02
johnsomblogan +123:02
johnsomI was going to ask, since when?23:02
dougwiglt = janitor.23:03
sbalukoffLooks like the zuul gate is processing stuff again, but we may still have a problem with the py34 check.23:03
sbalukoffProbably need to wait to let the dust settle for a bit to know for sure.23:03
blogandougwig: how do you feel about having a wonky extension just for cascade delete for M that doesn't expose any other methods, and then for Newton we add another extension to add all the missing methods (POST, PUT, GETS)23:03
bloganbc that makes me feel odd23:03
dougwigso lbtree-delete and lbtree?  i wouldn't mind, tbh.23:04
bloganto have an endpoint /lb_tree/id that does not support GETs or PUTs and /lb_tree(s) that does not support POST23:04
xgermanwhat about lb-cactus?23:04
blogandougwig: a /lbtree-delete endpoint?23:05
bloganplease say no23:05
dougwigblogan: no, ext name.23:05
dougwigsingle endpoint between the two23:05
bloganoh okay23:05
bloganthe extension wiring is going ot be a mess23:05
xgermanI still don;t understand why we can’t have loadbalancer23:05
dougwigxgerman: because we already have it.23:06
bloganxgerman, dougwig: yall discuss that, i'll start working on the extension rewiring, we can always go back to the current PS23:06
sbalukoffxgerman: +1  Especially since these changes are backward-compatible.23:06
sbalukoffEr... at least on the create side.23:06
xgermanget-me-an-lb returns a load balancer — so it should be under loadbalancer23:07
xgermansbalukoff we are not core here so just innocent bystanders when the murder REST23:07
blogandougwig: one other thing, how is get-me-a-network doin git through the API?23:07
blogani saw we follow what they're doing23:07
dougwigok, i feel like we have two sides of the fence based on tactical versus long-term here.  forget mitaka.  forget what exists.  if we're making an API that operates on trees, what does it look like?  i really do not care how it fits into the current api before i have the first answer.23:08
dougwigblogan: new endpoint23:08
blogannew endpoint it is23:08
bloganthat sells it for me23:08
xgermanwell, I guess I need to run for Neutron PTL so we can have nice things...23:09
xgermanprobably the same thought process Donald Trump had23:09
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bloganxgerman promises to build a wall at the Nova border and have Nova pay for it!23:10
dougwigxgerman: you'd need a toupe23:10
xgermanI am already German that should so it ;-)23:10
blogandougwig: they're calling get-me-a-network auto-allocated-topologies?23:11
bloganauto-allocated-lb it is23:11
xgermanwhy can we do loadbalancer?type=autoallocated ?23:12
bloganwe can still do lb-tree or whatever23:12
xgermanno, no trees — this is completely meaningless23:13
xgermanwe return an lb so it should be called lb23:13
xgermanyou don’t go to a bakery to get a car23:13
bloganwe can return an lb_tree with a loadbalancer in it23:13
bloganin fact we are probably going to be forced into that23:13
bloganbc of neutron's extension magic23:13
xgermanI am glad I am not on the API team — I would need to medicate for my pain of doing unspeakable things to get resources23:14
dougwigxgerman: why do you feel so strongly that /loadbalancer should represent more than one type of object? that's where you lose me.23:14
blogandougwig: there's an argument to be made that its not one type of object, its the same23:15
xgermanyeah, don’t we return a loadbalancer23:15
bloganhowever, i will admit that if we called what is now loadbalancer, a vip, then we could call this a loadbalancer23:15
xgermanmake a loadbalancer23:15
blogansalt in our wounds for the loadbalancer name23:15
dougwigxgerman: right, i wouldn't mind using loadbalancer in that context.  but... *we already used that name for something else.*23:16
blogandamn you hindsight!!!!!!!!23:16
xgermanok, so if you call get-me-an-lb without listener and members don’t you get the same lb as calling loadbalancer right now?23:16
xgermanSo what we do right now is a special case23:17
xgermanof the bigger picture23:17
dougwigif you call a tree without a tree, i'd errorr it23:17
bloganwhat if its a partial tree?23:18
sbalukoffWoot! Looks like Leslie will be able to help us flesh out / correct documentation after next week (big deadlines for her until the 15th). So, we should get started in the mean time, but realize we've got actual published writers on the way to make it so our words good. :)23:18
xgermanwhat if all I want is a loadbalancer?23:18
bloganPOST /loadbalancers23:18
xgermanbut I want to use the fancy tree to do it23:18
bloganno reason to23:18
bloganif all you want is just the single loadbaalncer entity23:18
xgermanbut I could? Or will it error if I don’t define listeners?23:19
blogandougwig says it should23:19
openstackgerritmin wang proposed openstack/octavia: WIP----Replace the method with safer way
xgermanthat doesn’t make sense to me23:20
xgermanbut so we are looking at lb_tree_id -> lb_id23:20
dougwigif you want just a loadbalancer use the loadbalancer API.  if you insist on using the wrong mechanism for that, too bad.23:21
blogandougwig: are you expecting the lb_tree to ahve its own ids? or accept loadbalancer ids?23:21
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sbalukoffJust to throw another wrench into the clockwork: Technically it's not a tree, it's a graph.23:21
sbalukoffBecause shared pools is a thing.23:22
xgermandougwig I am trying to see if we are creating two endpoints for the same resource or if we artificially claim the other resource is different23:22
xgermanwho knows it might morph into something else next23:22
xgermanok, next question: if I create my stuff via the tree can I look at it with the current API or do I need to use the tree API23:27
xgermanis tree API LBaaS V3 without saying it?23:27
dougwigyes you can look at it, and yes it's v3 trying to shoehorn itself on top which is why we're arguing.23:29
xgermanso we want to create a parallel universe23:30
bloganparallel universes = microversions23:31
bloganor really just an api running multiple versions of itself23:31
xgermanyep, that would be ideal...23:31
dougwigfuck parallel, let's go quantum.23:32
bloganand then go neutron?23:32
dougwigfull circle.23:32
xgermanI always thought those get-me-* would be convenience functions to “orchestrate” getting something with a single call and I would then use the “normal” calls23:32
xgermanfor everything else (and that single call might use the normal calls behind the scenes)23:33
xgermannever thought they would open up a parallel universe with anti-neutrinos23:33
blogandont ever say the word orchestrate23:33
xgermanI put it in quotes23:34
dougwighmm, if we're doing single create as a driver call, how do the objects get setup?  single txn rollback?23:34
blogandougwig: when i create a port how many tables are inserted into?23:34
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blogansame thing23:34
bloganand yes it would be a single txn rollback23:35
bloganwell...if the driver call fails, the object is still in the db, but willbe marked as error23:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack/octavia: Block deletion of pool in use by L7Policies
bloganlets ask the api working group23:38
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bloganah get-me-a-network already has a precedent23:38
blogani'm gonig forward with this23:38
bloganwith the coding of it23:39
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xgermanalso I haven’t seen a use case analysis nor a blueprint for that alternate universe — we only discussed that piecemeal until suddenly I am surrounded by graphs… sneaky...23:43
blogantoo many metaphors for me to comprehend23:47
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fix the neutron-lbaas namespace driver gate
johnsomI doubt it is that easy, but it's a start23:48
xgermanblogan it took me days to figure out dougwig was pulling a fast one on me23:48
bloganwell honestly, i should have realized the original implementation of cascade delete (the backwards incompatible one) was the wrong way23:49
bloganso blame me for that, in which case we'd have time to actually discuss this without being in a rush to figure it out23:50
dougwigjohnsom: this gets it to the point where tempest runs:
johnsomdougwig, well, I just did the same thing you did23:50
johnsomdougwig Should I take over that patch?23:51
dougwigjohnsom: sure23:51
xgermanwell, we had a fine solution in /cascade_delete which gets steamrolled into some tree/graph/whatever thing to open the door for a shoehorned V323:51
dougwigor yours, either way is fine.23:51
bloganxgerman: honestly, the right thing to do woudl be to defer all of this to N including cascade to delete, but we're trying to get it in23:53
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bloganhow often do you use the API directly? if there's a cli there or a UI, you'd use that23:53
johnsomYeah, not having this causes issues with the panels23:53
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blogani get it23:53
bloganbut i'm saying, if we didn't have that I'd totally just say it should be deferred23:53
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xgermanwell, we can’t do loadbalncer/<id>/delete_cascade to open the door for some yet undefined not understood graph project23:55
bloganhence, the right thing to do would be to defer both23:55
xgermanthe right thing would be to do what makes sense now and then refactor in N23:56
xgermanbut the waterfall overlords don’t allow us to do that23:56
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sbalukoff"cascade" "waterfall"23:58
sbalukoffI SEE WHAT YOU DID THERE!23:58

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