Wednesday, 2016-03-02

johnsomAh, ok, if you don't have an OpenStack account, you can always file a but like you did and we can make the needed changes.00:00
PurandarI get redirected from launchpad to wiki.openstack after that when it just provides prompt to login, nothing happens clicking on log in00:02
johnsomHmm, not sure what to tell you on that.00:04
rm_youyeah, launchpad(bug) account should be the same account as the wiki :/00:15
Purandarbut for some reason it doesn't allow to login after redirection from launchpad site00:17
rm_youtry directly to
xgermanblogan and dougwig if one of you can look at the cascade delete LBaaS stuff please ;-)00:20
Purandartried but same behavior, it first lands me to launchpad then get redirected to wiki.openstack and still displays log in button again, with message above saying 'All users need a nickname; you can choose one from the options below. '00:23
Purandarbut there is nothing below to select other than log in & cancel button.00:23
rm_youtry clearing your browser cache / delete cookies00:29
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Purandartried, but didn't work either.00:46
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: WIP - delete lbaasv2 agent driver
openstackgerritBanashankar k proposed openstack/octavia: Adding the topology info at the time of LB AMP association
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: WIP - delete lbaasv2 agent driver
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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed openstack/octavia: Add maximum number of l7rules per l7policy
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: WIP - nuke lbaas v1
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blogani merged it?03:22
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rm_youI did +1 with a note that i was testing it in devstack and you followed with a +A :P03:22
rm_youno worries03:22
blogani do not remember this at all03:23
blogani wasn't even around a computer at that time03:23
bloganoh right before i left03:23
bloganok i need my core status revoked, i dont remember reviewing that03:23
blogani mean i reviewed it before03:24
johnsomblogan You bought it now....03:24
blogani dont remember +A'ing it03:24
johnsomI actually think it was fine myself.03:24
rm_youyeah it was fine03:24
bloganwell that scares me03:25
johnsomI just really hate that our scenario gate is screwed up so bad03:25
bloganusually +A's are a memorable event03:25
bloganjohnsom: i do too, i really do03:25
johnsomIt was 1:24 in the afternoon, liquid lunch?03:25
johnsomJust kidding03:25
blogani wish03:26
blogani think i've been traumatized by internal stuff that i've just blocked any memories for the past month03:26
bloganor however long i've been on this, i can't remember03:26
blogani think xgerman wants me to review the cascade delete patch03:27
blogani'm not sure though03:27
johnsomYes, that would be good03:27
bloganif only he gave me a link03:27
blogani guess i cant now03:27
blogani think he realized i was in a +A fugue state03:27
bloganand wanted to take advantage03:28
bloganohi was kidding about needing a link03:28
johnsomJust helping03:28
blogananother thing i dont understand about the scenarios, sometimes it seems to run 4 tests other times 7 or 803:28
johnsomGives me bonus points by promoting his patches....03:28
xgermanblogan how might you get the idea I want you to review something?03:29
bloganxgerman: ESP?03:29
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bloganseriously though, why does some scenario test jobs run 7 tests and others run 403:30
xgermanno idea though I think you signed me up for writing some03:31
bloganxgerman: not scenario tests03:31
johnsom__Doesn't it stop where it failed out?03:31
bloganjust api ones03:31
bloganjohnsom__: shoudln't, but it wouldn't run the test if it fails in the setup03:32
johnsom__That is different than what I have seen.  To me it looks like it bombs out at the first failure (test block) and then spews all of the not-so-useful steps03:33
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bloganhmm, but then the ones that fail have 8 failures, whereas the ones that seem to have some passing ones have 3 passes, and 1 failure (session persistence)03:34
blogani would expect the 8 failures ot just be 1, but it could be at a certain point where its failed that breaks it all03:35
bloganlike resource_setup03:35
johnsom__Yeah, I know that my lbaas patch will fix one random failure path where the HTTP connect goes sideways and we weren't catching the right exception03:35
blogansome of these other errors are just the VM not going active in time03:36
bloganbc of vt-x03:36
bloganor lack of03:36
johnsom__Yeah, I think so too.  But ten minutes??? geez03:37
johnsom__I looked at the dstat logs last night.  I see we are causing them to swap too, so I'm sure that doesn't help either03:38
bloganxgerman: will sni and L7 be deleted from the db with the cascade?03:39
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xgermansin won’t be deleted (there is some bug I filed)03:41
xgermansni will never be deleted right now03:42
bloganxgerman: so sni will be a follow up patch?03:42
xgermansin is broken today03:42
xgermantry to delete it :-)03:42
blogani did03:42
xgermanwith/without cascading delete03:42
blogandelete from lbaas_sni;03:42
bloganworks just fine :)03:42
xgermanyeah, that still works03:42
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blogani know im being a jack ass03:43
bloganxgerman: what about l7?03:43
xgermanthat cascades on listeners so should be good03:43
bloganxgerman: models say sni should cascade too03:44
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blogana sqlalchemy cascade, as opposed to a mysql cascade03:44
xgermanmmh, maybe somebody fixed it or I was blind03:46
blogangonna test it out real quick :)03:46
bloganxgerman: you might have just looked for the cascade in the mysql table schema, not the sqlalchemy model03:46
blogani don't think we've ever set the table definition to do a cascade03:46
bloganjust the models so sqlalchemy takes care of it03:46
xgermanmmh, I might have looked on SNI but the cascade is on listener03:47
bloganthe relationship is03:47
xgermanwell, the heavy lifting was to get cascade actually invoked in the driver03:47
bloganyeah, i was just making sure it was covered03:48
xgermanyep, that’s good03:48
xgermanI coded that in a few afternoons so speed was at the essence03:48
xgermanbut Al said it works fist & glove with the Horizon Panels — which was my goal ;-)03:49
bloganxgerman: think i found a problem, though i may just do a follow up patch myself to fix it03:51
xgermanI am curious — what did I break?03:53
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bloganits the agent code03:53
bloganso no one will notice lol03:53
xgermanisn’t that something dougwig is removing anyway03:55
bloganxgerman: no!03:55
bloganxgerman: well its up for a discussion tomorrow03:55
xgermanso if I vote right I won’t have to fix it ;-03:56
blogani could push up a follow-up patch real quick03:57
bloganxgerman: i reviewed, put a couple comments03:57
bloganyou tell me if you think its worth a respin, honor system :)03:57
xgermanyeah, I guess I should respin those are two potential problems03:59
bloganxgerman: or push up a new patch real quick that fixes them04:00
blogani mean04:00
blogana new review04:00
xgermanon it04:00
bloganhate to wipe out al's +204:01
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/octavia: Updated from global requirements
xgermanyep, me, too04:06
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openstackgerritGerman Eichberger proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Adds Cascade option for load balancer drivers
xgermanok, here we go04:11
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bloganxgerman: :(04:18
bloganisn't it supposed to be plugin.db.delete_loadbalancer_cascade? and not the super method?04:18
bloganxgerman: yeah i think thats wrong04:19
bloganxgerman: adding comments04:22
bloganwell i cna just tell you here04:22
xgermanyeah, I will just do your changes… I know what I vote for tomorrow04:23
bloganjust change that db delete call and the super back to delete and it'll be good04:24
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openstackgerritGerman Eichberger proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Adds Cascade option for load balancer drivers
xgermanok, another spin04:31
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xgermanblogan hope this is now right04:41
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bloganxgerman: yeah just realized there's a whole part to the agent driver that needs to have the cascade delete functionality05:22
xgermanoh, no...05:23
bloganxgerman: too much to do for this review05:23
xgermanagreed and the agent might die tomorrow05:23
bloganxgerman: meaning, not worth not doing it in your review, would be part of either 1) removing agent driver 2) fixing agent driver to get it up-to-date05:23
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reedipsbalukoff: ping05:43
sbalukoffreedip: Pong05:43
sbalukoffWhat's up, dude?05:43
reedipsbalukoff : Hey, just saw your bug05:44
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reedipsbalukoff: was thinking if solves it?05:44
sbalukoffI've got it fixed. :) Just running through tox locally before committing.05:44
sbalukoffreedip: This isn't a CLI bug.05:44
reedipsbalukoff: Ohh, lol ... sorry , sure05:44
sbalukoffIt's in the neutron-lbaas DB update code.05:44
reedipsablukoff: thats what I wanted to know05:44
sbalukoffBut! Let me look at that again...05:44
reedipsbalukoff : sure :)05:45
sbalukoffIt turns out we didn't provide a good way to set session persistence to None in the API...05:45
sbalukoffSo I had to add a session persistence 'NONE' type, which tells the DB layer just to delete the session persistence record...05:45
sbalukoffLet me make sure that'll work with your API update.05:45
sbalukoffAhh--  yes that will still work with your API code. :)05:46
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openstackgerritLIU Yulong proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Restrict delete v2 pool if it has binding healthmonitor
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: WIP - nuke lbaas v1
reedipsbalukoff  : sorry, confused a bit :)06:13
sbalukoffreedip: It may be more informative when I upload my patch which fixes the bug I found. :)06:13
reedipsbalukoff : hehe .. sure, will wait for your update :)06:14
sbalukoffreedip: (I wanted to add a couple unit tests to make sure this bug doesn't come back if someone makes updates...)06:14
sbalukoffHence the reason I haven't uploaded it yet...06:14
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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fix delete session_persisnces with pool update bug
sbalukoff... dangit it commit message!06:19
sbalukoffFixing that now...06:19
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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fix delete of session_persistence with pool update
dougwigblogan: dude, you imported the v1 namespace driver in the v2 driver?!?  :)06:22
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reedipsbalukoff : Just saw the code06:29
reedipsbalukoff: so if a user wants to clear the session persistence, what should he/she do?06:30
reedipsbalukoff: in the CLI06:30
sbalukoffneutron lbaas-pool-update pool1 --session_persistence type=dict type=NONE06:30
sbalukoffBecause right now we don't have a good way of setting --session_persistence to an empty dictionary.06:31
reedipsbalukoff: cant we keep a simple option  --no-session-persistence ?06:31
sbalukoffreedip: Do we have that option?06:31
sbalukoffAnd if so, yes, we can.06:31
sbalukoffJust make sure that the pool update dictionary contains:  session_persistence: None06:32
reedipsbalukoff: not yet06:32
sbalukoffAnd that will work too.06:32
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bloganxgerman: pep8 issue06:32
blogandougwig: what?06:32
sbalukoffI wrote the update code to have a couple different ways to set the session persistence to None...06:32
sbalukoffBecause I didn't want to break CLI backward-compatibility, per se.06:33
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reedipsbalukoff: Just thinking that instead of such a large option, we can just  use a simple option ( --clear-session-persistence ) which would do the job06:33
dougwigblogan: the number of places that v2 reaches into v1 is fascinating.06:33
sbalukoffreedip: Sure, that's fine and easier to understand, eh.06:33
reedipsbalukoff: instead of a more complicated type=dict type=None06:33
reedipsbalukoff: yep, thats why floating it here :)06:33
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: WIP - nuke lbaas v1
sbalukoffNote that if you update you patch to do that, you'll need to do a Depends-On: with my patch.06:34
sbalukoff(Unless my patch merges really quickly... which will probably happen as this is a 'critical' but in Octavia.)06:35
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blogandougwig: i have to say i dont remember doing that, but it had to be me, i need to look at it again06:35
dougwigcritical butt06:35
dougwigdiff the last two patchsets in the nuke review to see the overlap06:35
dougwigi'm guilty of the unit test one.06:35
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openstackgerritGerman Eichberger proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Adds Cascade option for load balancer drivers
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xgermanblogan — tonight clearly is not my night06:39
xgermangoing to bed to avid more disasters...06:39
reedipsbalukoff : Sure, will put up a patch with depends-on. This would however be a separate patch, not the one I am working on, as this is a new option06:39
sbalukoffOh, right.06:40
blogandougwig: im going to say you're guilty of both and call it night just bc06:40
reedipsablukoff: this would also be transitioned to OpenstackClient, so its better we introduce such changes early, so that the transition is smoother06:40
sbalukoffSo for now, to clear session_persistence on a pool, people will just have to use the long, ugly method. ;)06:40
sbalukoffreedip: Agreed.06:40
reedipsablukoff : -clear-session-persistence is also a big word... would --clear-session work better ?06:41
sbalukoff'session' is too ambiguous.06:43
sbalukoff'session-persistence' has a specific meaning for pools.06:43
reedipsbalukoff: so --clear-session-persistence / --no-session-persistence would be a better option06:46
sbalukoffIt's long, but at least it's clear what it means.06:46
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reedipsbalukoff: Ok, putting up the patch today, with the depends on. Will add you as a reviewer06:47
openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fix model vs migration mismatches for L7 rules and policies
openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fix model vs migration mismatches in nsxv tables
openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Add model sync test
sbalukoffOh, hey! Nice!06:59
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: WIP - nuke lbaas v1
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Add model sync test
blogandougwig: you embellish too much, there wasn't that much v2 reaching into v107:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron-lbaas: LBaaS: make use of neutron_lib exceptions
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reedipsbalukoff : In case you are awake,
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fix model vs migration mismatches in nsxv tables
openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Add model sync test
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Add tenant-ID index for L7 tables again
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fix model vs migration mismatches for L7 rules and policies
openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fix model vs migration mismatches in nsxv tables
openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Add model sync test
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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed openstack/octavia: Fix session_persistence deletion bug
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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed openstack/octavia: Fix session_persistence deletion bug
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doug-fishwe still have the dashboard patch awaiting review12:37
doug-fishxgerman: if you have time ^ these are the changes recommended by your group12:38
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openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fix model vs migration mismatches for L7 rules and policies
openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fix model vs migration mismatches in nsxv tables
openstackgerritYAMAMOTO Takashi proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Add model sync test
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TrevorVAm I going to be lucky enough to find anyone that can help me with a quick neutron lbaas question?13:54
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xgermanand back: blogan, dougwig, etc:
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xgermanTrevorV shoot14:53
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TrevorVxgerman so I got a -2 from Armando on the neutron lbaas single-create14:54
xgermanyep, this is how he rolls14:54
TrevorVBut in spite of that (which seems "excessive" but oh well) I was still trying to fix what I've already added on what brandon had14:54
xgermanmaking friends + influencing people14:54
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TrevorVIn running tests, I was trying to figure out where in the code it throws the 400 back for "bad parameters" in the request body14:55
TrevorVIn this case, "listeners" is not allowed in a LB post14:55
TrevorVDo you know what file I should start in?14:55
TrevorVBrandon kept saying "plugin" but every time I put a debug point in those methods it never stops there, and throws the 40014:56
TrevorVSo I can't find the entry point14:56
xgermanis the 400 coming from Octavia then it would be that “plugin"14:56
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TrevorVAs far as I know it never gets there14:56
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TrevorVSince I've dropped debug points all over the "create_loadbalancer" and "create_lb_graph" methods that we've added14:57
xgermanthe other we stuff happens in extensions14:58
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TrevorVAlright, so would I drop a debug point on "get_resources" as the first point in the API?14:59
TrevorVLooks that way.  Perfect, thanks xgerman15:00
xgermanyou are welcome --15:00
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dougwigTrevorV: that's a procedural -2, as code compete has passed.  As he mentioned, if it's done but just needs reviews, we can ask for an FFE.  If it's sitting in gerrit as a WIP and only partially done (the rest via "bugfix"), it's likely not going to make Mitaka.15:26
TrevorVdougwig I figured, just -2 felt strong.  I wasn't complaining so much as "surprised"15:27
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dougwigTrevorV: well, there are two kinds of -2.  One is used administratively as a notice to other cores. The other means roughly, "go fuck yourself", near as I can tell. And the latter tends to make the former feel harsh.15:27
TrevorVExactly.  The only time I heard of -2 being used at all was when neutron stomped that one change a while back15:28
TrevorVI forget which company was trying to completely overhaul neutron or whatever but you guys just... nuked it.15:28
TrevorVPart of me was going to comment in an irritated fashion about "-2-ing something that we want just because it can't get in RIGHT NOW" but then I figured it wasn't the same severity as I've attributed to it.15:29
openstackgerritKobi Samoray proposed openstack/octavia: [WIP] Implement custom header support for Octavia
TrevorVdougwig its all good, I was hoping to get this in for Mitaka, but not knowing neutron lbaas very well, it was/is a long shot anyway.15:38
TrevorVAt least we got Octavia in15:38
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openstackgerritKobi Samoray proposed openstack/octavia: [WIP] Implement custom header support for Octavia
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xgermanthanks  blogan - I am still embarrassed about those mistakes...17:04
bloganxgerman: lol we've all made worse mistakes17:04
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ajmillerdoug-fish ping17:26
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doug-fishajmiller: hi17:46
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openstackgerritBanashankar k proposed openstack/octavia: Adding the topology info at the time of LB AMP association
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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fix delete of session_persistence with pool update
sbalukoffMornin' folks!18:27
barclaacHi dougwig: German's been filling me in about the Octavia meeting this morning. I'm interested in what our migration story is if someone is using an LBaaS v1 or v2 haproxy agent from a Liberty based release?18:28
barclaacOf course, the rest of you can pile on as well ;-)18:28
sbalukoffIf LBaaSv1:  Burn it with fire.18:29
barclaacsbalukoff: noted ;-)18:29
sbalukoffJust tryin' to help. :)18:29
dougwigbarclaac: ha.  well, way back in kilo i wanted v1 and v2 to run in parallel, so it could be a lazy migration. but the group's decision was to punt and make that an operator problem. which it still is.18:30
barclaacI still don't see an F5 driver for v2 so removal in M would seem problematic (on a personal, non customer-focused basis, let me grab the gasoline ;-)18:30
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dougwigbarclaac: f5 doesn't have a v1 driver in tree either.18:31
barclaacI think my view is that we're pretty late in M to make this decision. I'd fully support to do it my N-118:31
xgermanF5 showed up one day and talked about V2… I think they have a driver or are close to it18:31
sbalukoffEr...  hasn't it always been up to the vendors to write their own drivers?18:31
barclaacI'm not disagreeing there. A cross I have to bear.18:31
dougwigbarclaac: which discussion are we having?  removal of the agent driver, or removal of v1?18:31
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barclaacActually both. Talk me through the scenario. A customer has Liberty based v2 haproxy and upgrades to Mitake based v2 Octavia. What does that look like?18:32
sbalukoffdougwig: Were you hoping to get your patches in for M?  I thought the idea was to prime the pump to get rid of them for N the moment we're in that cycle..18:32
barclaac^^ +118:32
dougwigin my mind we have  to decide on both: keep, separate, or nuke, and then decide the timeline for agent is m or n, and the timeline for v1 is n (or later, for either.)18:32
dougwigi have already -2'ed myself on v1 until N. i was expecting a conversation about the agent; i'm open to either, **but it is broken right now**, so either we fix it for m or take some other action?18:33
barclaacSo the liberty based v2 haproxy install will suddenly break on upgrade as the haproxies are no longer present?18:33
barclaacI think sbalukoff should fix the v1 agent :-p18:34
dougwigbarclaac: i'd agree that would make it too soon. i'm hoping we get a volunteer with some cycles.18:34
barclaacI would be good for his soul18:34
sbalukoffIt's probably worth noting that none of the new features (L7, shared-pools, get-me-a-LB, cascade-delete) include agent driver updates as it's no longer the reference...18:34
sbalukoffbarclaac: Am I that easily baited?18:34
dougwigsbalukoff: and that is fine. it fails the basic v2 tests, though.18:34
xgermanyeah, I think agent is dead18:34
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dougwigrefer to the non-voting namespace job.18:34
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barclaacSo even though it's bitrotted and broken, that's for the new stuff. Can we accept it working for non-new features because an L user wouldn't have been able to configure them anyway?18:35
dougwigyep, as long as someone gets the job working. we can't ship it as is.18:36
barclaacHow much work do you estimate?18:36
dougwigi don't know.  it's had six months to rot.  i'd guess 1-5 days.18:37
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barclaacCan we treat it as a "bug fix" after M3?18:37
dougwigmight be as simple as some test exclusions.18:37
barclaacthat was kind of my thinking18:37
dougwigbarclaac: yes, but i'd rather we not ship an rc with a busted driver. though that's just my preference.18:37
barclaacsigh - you've got me on that one.18:38
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barclaacOK. I hear you all. Let me go and do some research here (aka figure out if my product guy will be pissed at me ;-)18:40
barclaacIf he will, it's likely that we'll resource the fixes.18:40
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sbalukoffIn other words, you'll tell xgerman to go do it? ;)18:41
barclaacThat happened about 3 mins ago :-D18:41
xgermansympathy guys?18:42
barclaacMind you, if my product guy can live with it I'm more than happy to gather around the pyre with the rest of you.18:42
sbalukoffxgerman:  I feel for you.18:42
dougwigi suspect that we need to keep it for M, just due to deprecation policies.18:42
barclaacyup - he's got a really shitty boss18:42
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bloganmy opinion is that since we're going to probably remvoe v1, those on v1 who are using the agent will want somethign similar for v2 and if we remove the agent that destroys that18:45
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dougwigi know a lot of folks on v1, but no one willingly on the agent. what does your customer base look like for v1?18:46
blogandougwig: so you know people who are on the v1 agent but are ready to move to octavia? is that what you mean18:46
xgermanthey should be18:47
dougwigblogan: that would imply that i know folks running the v1 agent in production.18:47
dougwigi'm aware of many with v1 in production. but...18:47
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blogandougwig: our private cloud product does not support v1, but i'm more worried about those that are, i'm assuming some people are running the v1 agent in production, and removing the v2 agent would be a big FU to them18:48
bloganand we've already done one big FU with not allowing v1 and v2 together18:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron-lbaas: Adds Cascade option for load balancer drivers
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barclaacdougwig: OK. Our product mgrs strong preference would be for us to fix the haproxy agent in M and remove it in N. If we resource that can you live with it?19:17
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sbalukoffI'm OK with that.19:19
dougwigbarclaac: absolutely, i would consider that ideal.19:19
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sbalukoffSorry, xgerman.19:20
barclaacxgerman's busy doing our sprint planning right now. A perfect time to add new work!19:20
dougwigbarclaac, xgerman: note this patch that fixes it get tests running:
dougwiggrammar fail, but you get the idea.19:23
barclaacthx dougwig19:23
barclaacwhen's m3 close?19:23
dougwigdoor has already closed, we're in feature exception and bugfix territory now.19:23
sbalukoffblogan: Did my comments on the neutron-lbaas session_persistence update fix patch make sense?19:27
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/octavia: Updated from global requirements
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doug-fishany word on cascading delete of load balancers? is it merged or is there a patch I can track?19:57
johnsomOctavia meeting starting soon on #openstack-meeting-alt19:58
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xgermandoug-fish merged19:59
blogansbalukoff: yes but i still disagree to making that change just bc the client doesn't support setting session_persistence to null19:59
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doug-fishxgerman: woohoo!20:00
blogansbalukoff: i think other calls have had similar issues, and they've done stuff that woudl be akin to --no-session-persistence or --remove-session-persistence20:00
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xgerman — this is just a ridiculous buerocracy20:49
xgermanit’s like we are moving HP/IBM processes into OpenStack :-(20:50
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elarsonxgerman: those are really just release notes right?20:55
xgermannot sure what this form is good for...20:56
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elarsonthat's what it looked like. it seems better to use more rigor in commit messages, ensuring blueprints and what have you are properly linked and then generate it.20:58
elarsonbut what do I know!20:58
xgermansame here — I do what I am told. If it takes more forms then lines of code so be it20:59
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openstackgerritGerman Eichberger proposed openstack/octavia: Adds the Cascade Deelete REST API doc
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dougwigsbalukoff: can you edit the l7 section of ?21:28
sbalukoffdougwig: Sure. When does it need to be done?21:29
dougwigsbalukoff: is today possible?21:30
sbalukoffSure; Engaged in something at the moment, so as long as "today" means "before midnight" then yes.21:30
sbalukoffI can do it sooner if it's really urgent.21:30
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xgermanI think it is — I put my toe in and got it bitten off21:33
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sbalukoffdougwig: Er... I'm confused as to what I'm supposed to do. I gather I need to write some thing describing L7 stuff. But I have no idea how I'm supposed to contribute it to this.21:34
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openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: WIP - Get Me A LB
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sbalukoffdougwig: Do I just upload a new patch set?21:35
sbalukoffOr just drop comments in?21:35
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johnsomsbalukoff there is a template file that explains21:36
johnsomI would guess it's comments, or they are going to have fun flattening it21:36
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xgermanyou can look at my back-and-forth with arms on cascading_delete21:41
xgermanand my previous vent sbalukoff21:42
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sbalukoffxgerman: Ok. :P21:45
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xgermandougwig where do we keep the LBaaS V2 docs and CLI docs?21:52
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dougwigxgerman: with the neutron Api and cli docs.22:39
xgermanok, links?22:39
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openstackgerritTrevor Vardeman proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: WIP - Get Me A LB
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Revert "Adds Cascade option for load balancer drivers"
dougwigxgerman: let's respin the cascade delete patch tomorrow with some tweaks. i can help if you're short on time.23:05
xgermanI did it exactly as you guys wanted at the midcycle23:05
xgermanand now Horizon relies on it working exactly that way23:06
xgermanNone, of that extension stuff was my idea...23:07
dougwigblogan: talk to me about overloading the delete endpoint.23:07
dougwigxgerman: extension stuff is good.  but modifying existing endpoints is supposed to be restricted to additive things like adding properties.  changing semantic behavior is a no-no.  blogan, did you have a reason for that?  if not, we can respin quickly with separate endpoints.23:12
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dougwigand of course, i'm about to board a plane. sigh.23:12
xgermanwell, this is what I have been told to do at the mid cycle —23:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/neutron-lbaas: Adds Cascade Delete for LoadBalancers to Octavia Driver
rm_workor is that good or not23:22
xgermanrm_work you are missing the sh*tstorm23:23
rm_workI've been on internal stuff today23:23
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xgermanI poked the bear...23:24
rm_worki thought we were going to fix issues in bugfix patches this week/next23:25
rm_workdoes it break things THAT badly?23:25
dougwigi want a revert button on the revert, so i can revert the revert.23:25
blogandougwig: im back23:25
blogandougwig: i brought up the concern of it using the same endpoint adn the driver determines what to do at the midcycle, pretty sure you were okay with it too23:25
dougwigblogan: are non-additive semantic changes based on an extension really okay?  i'm pretty sure that's not what i meant.23:27
dougwigblogan: now i'm asking our resident neutron api core (you).  :)23:27
blogandougwig: that was basically my concern with it, it would definitely hurt cloud inter-op, but at the midcycle that seemed to be okay23:29
blogandougwig: i dont know if there's some rule against it23:29
blogandougwig: seems like that could be an unwritten unknown rule23:29
dougwigit violates the additive rule, for sure.23:30
blogandougwig: remember the options were: query parameter on the delete call (not possible), a /loadbalancers/{lb_id}/cascade_delete call which got shot down because it would either require a POST to delete something or a DELETE on a resource that doesn't seem to exist23:31
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Revert "Adds Cascade option for load balancer drivers"
dougwigok, that's super super weird.23:33
blogandougwig: what is additive could be subjective too23:33
bloganwhat hapened?23:34
xgermanwe did the DELETE on a non existent resource in Ocatvia23:34
dougwigapplying the old patch on top of the revert fails in a really weird way.23:34
xgermanbut I still think for neutron labs cascade is the right way and all deletes should work that way23:34
dougwigbumped it out, boarding plane23:37
xgermanDon’t they have wifi so we will hear from him soon ;-)23:39
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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fix delete of session_persistence with pool update
dougwigTurboprop.  No wifi23:43
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sbalukoff...I should probably prepare a release notes for that patch, given the CLI stuff we were talking about earlier.23:45
johnsomsbalukoff This is the patch we are likely not going forward with right?
sbalukoffjohnsom: Once I get it updated, we should go forward with that.23:46
sbalukoffThere's one for neutron-lbaas and one for Octavia23:46
sbalukoffThe session_persistence update bug affected both projects, but in different ways.23:47
johnsomOk, so this isn't the NONE one, or there were multiple things there?23:47
sbalukoffProbably part of the reason it's been a pain to troubleshoot...23:47
sbalukoffBoth of them have the session_persistence NONE type...  I'm removing that from them now.23:47
sbalukoffThe one I just uploaded has it removed.23:47
johnsomOh, ok23:47
sbalukoffI need to do the Octavia side too...23:47
johnsomI am going to mark it WIP on the priority review etherpad23:48
sbalukoffBut before I do I want to add a release note to that neutron-lbaas patch mentioning the CLI problem.23:48
sbalukoffjohnsom: Oh, it should be out of WIP later today, unless I get waylaid by something else.23:48
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openstackgerritStephen Balukoff proposed openstack/neutron-lbaas: Fix delete of session_persistence with pool update
sbalukoffOk, that ^^^ should be ready for review.23:54
sbalukoffWorking on updating the Octavia patch now....23:54
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