Thursday, 2016-09-08

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tonybclarkb: :)00:00
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clarkbtonyb: you I am pretty sure must have a couple clones sitting in the office with you00:00
jheskethclarkb: I'm around, although in approximately 1.5 hours I will be in meetings00:01
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clarkbjhesketh: ok ~1.5 ish hours is when the current image uploads will time out in nodepoold and I wanted to wait for that to happen before restarting to apply the fix for the timeouts00:01
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tonybclarkb: thanks :)00:01
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tonybclarkb: I just make a lot of noise ;P00:01
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pabelangerianw: to add to your review queue: another glean update00:02
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jheskethclarkb: ah, so you're hanging around to restart it ?00:03
clarkbjhesketh: ya00:03
jheskethcool, well I should be around00:03
clarkbok thanks00:03
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ianwpabelanger: ok :)  yeah i am around00:06
ianwlooking at merging a bunch of dib 2.0 stuff atm00:06
pabelangerianw: k00:08
pabelangerpushing up a new patch, figured out my gentoo issue00:08
clarkbpabelanger: did you build a gentoo image to test?00:08
pabelangerclarkb: I have not00:08
pabelangerWe should do that to be safe00:08
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clarkbaww, I was hoping you did just beacuse making random gentoo thing to test openrc + glean seems like a fun thing :P00:08
pabelangerWell, since I've never used gentoo could be some fun00:09
ianwpabelanger: i started on a larger refactor, espeically around some of the interface matching, etc but lost motivation pretty quickly00:10
ianwthe other thing i had a poke at was using a virtual-filesystem for the test-cases.  the patching etc atm is barely hanging together imo00:11
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pabelangerokay, I fail00:12
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pabelangerhow should I be line wrapping:
ianwpabelanger: umm, split it up :)00:13
anteayatonyb: depends on what you want from the third party ci00:13
anteayatonyb: you can just email them if you like, you can email them and cc the infra list if you like00:14
anteayatonyb: your call based on what you want to accomplish00:14
tonybanteaya: I want them to updated a config setting and hopfully with haste ;P00:15
tonybanteaya: I'd use IRC but the point of contact isn't around00:15
anteayaeither if fine then00:15
anteayado you want them disabled if they don't respond/00:15
anteayaif yes ccing infra is the way to go00:15
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Append to interface definition for multi-address
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Index networks using id, not links
pabelangerianw: okay^ should be good now00:22
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Add IMAGE_ELEMENT_YAML
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Making element overriding explicit
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Convert pkg-map and svc-map copies to explicit variables
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ianwpabelanger: i might have to get a coffee before i context switch into those :)00:25
pabelangerianw: indeed00:25
clarkbfungi: thank you for responding to the ES on cloud thread. I kept meaning to then never did it00:26
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ianwok, does anyone know how to get git review to switch a patch series to a new branch?00:36
clarkbianw: git review $branch00:37
clarkbor edit.gitreview00:38
ianwclarkb: that's what i thought, but "no new changes"00:38
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clarkbif the commita dont chamge it may not let you00:39
ianwhmm, ok00:40
openstackgerritShu Muto proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project Zun-UI to openstack repo
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clarkbdownto 15 image uploads with half an hour to go00:44
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anteayaI haven't been keeping track, but yay00:52
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clarkbit is like watching paint dry but its almost over01:04
clarkband I think this fixes a fairly major issue we have been suffering from in nodepool once I get the services restarted01:05
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anteayayay, congratulations01:06
anteayaI hope it works01:07
anteayaand i wonder how many on the team get the watching paint dry badge01:07
anteayaa fair few I think01:08
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openstackgerritShu Muto proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project Zun-UI to openstack repo
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clarkbok timeout happend01:19
clarkbgoing to restart nodepoold and the builder now01:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: add openstack-ec2api irc channel to list of logged channels
* anteaya crosses her fingers01:20
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clarkblooks happy so far. We won't erally know if the image leak is fixed until we let it run a few days then check for leaks01:21
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anteayaso far so good01:21
anteayathank you clarkb01:21
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ianwdo releasenotes jobs not run on !master?01:25
clarkb#status log restarted nodepoold and nodepool builder to pick up change that should prevent leaking iamges when we hit the 8 hour image timeout.01:26
openstackstatusclarkb: finished logging01:26
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clarkbjhesketh: ^ thats all done the service looks happy to me and I will keep an eye on it for a bit01:26
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jheskethclarkb: awesome, thanks :-)01:30
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fungiclarkb: i'm around--anything going wild yet?01:32
fungilooks like no. excellent!01:32
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fungiianw: i believe releasenotes jobs are supposed to run *for* all branches but they always switch to master before processing and read the notes from there01:33
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clarkbfungi: ya it looks happy01:35
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ianwfungi: yeah, silly me, it seems they're smart enough to only run when there's a new release note :)  sorry, too many changes on the go at once01:36
clarkbthen tomorrow I clear out the existing leaked images and later we swing around and see if they persist01:36
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fungiclarkb: i missed some of the detail for this latest update... so the restart brings a potential fix for the image leak?01:37
clarkbfungi: yup. Basically after 8 hours we were deleting all record of uploading images from the db. Then some time later those uploads finish and we have leaked the images01:37
clarkbfungi: the fix is basically going to let uploading images stay in that state until they either succeed or fail to upload01:37
fungigot it. that's a remarkably subtle bug!01:38
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Make builder recognize manual build requests
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Make builder recognize scheduled builds
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Disable sahara tests in tempest
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement undercloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenario001: deploy Ceph
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AJaegernikhil: you have a note but no jobs configured ;(02:23
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openstackgerritVarun Gadiraju proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Migrating vars that devstack_gate uses to vars in DEVSTACK_LOCAL_CONFIG
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nikhilAJaeger: oh dearness goodness... Lemme take care of that tomorrow. Thanks for pointing out this !02:38
eliqiaohi AJaeger, there?02:39
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenario001: deploy Ceph
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AJaegereliqiao: briefly. Why?02:44
AJaegernikhil: sure, should be a two-liner ;)02:45
stevemarAJaeger needs to stop working and start sleeping :)02:45
* AJaeger has a cough and was awake getting some water - and then read some HPE/Micro Focus news...02:45
eliqiaoAJaeger: oh, you are still stand up for working?02:46
eliqiaoAJaeger: if that, nothing .. :_02:46
* stevemar hands AJaeger some cough syrup and a tea02:46
AJaegereliqiao: not really. If it's a quick question, I can answer, otherwise later...02:46
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AJaegereliqiao: or somebody else will comment here - just leave the message and people will read backscroll02:47
eliqiaoAJaeger: just wonder why I set up tempest on gate, but I can not get tempest.conf02:47
stevemarAJaeger: oh wow, i've never heard of micro focus02:47
AJaegerstevemar: thanks a lot! That helps ;)02:47
AJaegerstevemar: SUSE is part of Micro Focus ;)02:48
AJaegereliqiao: better ask on #openstack-qa02:48
* AJaeger is back to sleep now02:49
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eliqiaothe gate setup devstack, how can I get password of the new stack? and , anyone konws that?02:49
eliqiaothanks AJ ..02:49
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clarkbits in the openrc which you can source02:54
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gouthamrWould appreciate a +2/+W on from any infra-core reviewers.. Would resolve a voting job breakage in the manila project03:08
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/lpmqtt: Add config option to set QOS of published messages
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prometheanfirepabelanger: right?03:27
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jheskethgouthamr: looking04:01
jheskethgouthamr: +w04:02
gouthamrthank you jhesketh!04:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: [Manila] Fix for LVM job template
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Move element-info a standard entry-point
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openstackgerritOmer Anson proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Dragonflow fullstack test for ML2 module
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Move element-info a standard entry-point
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takashiHi. I'd like to ask a question about gate job settings.05:11
takashiIs there any configurable timeout in gate job setting?05:11
takashiCurrently I see some gate job failues, which seem to be caused by timeout while executing tox05:12
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takashiI saw some projects set build-timeout wrappers in their job configs, and I'm wondering it can solve that problem05:14
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openstackgerritMasahito Muroi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add releasenotes jobs for Congress
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clarkbtakashi either that ir determine if the tests can be made to run quicker05:23
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takashiclarkb: The test speed is determined by the perfonance where we run that test, and I'm afraid that we have nothing to 'speed' up the test in gate05:59
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clarkbtakashi: which job is it? have an example log from a time out failure?06:01
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takashiclarkb: gate-storlets-functional in storlets project06:25
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takashiclarkb: This is one sample log for job failue  We don't see test result generated by nose at the end.06:26
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takashiclarkb: If we successfully pass gate job, we expect that console log looks like
clarkbif you are using nose thats one item you could address to speed things up. nose runs tests serially in a single thread/prpcess06:28
clarkbwe switchedany projects to testr amd run their tests in parallel06:28
clarkboften leads to more reliable tests and code too when you do that as it forces you to remove assumptions about test order and so on06:30
takashiclarkb: That is surely one thing we need to check. Currently testr is listed our to-do list.06:32
clarkbyou can also adda bindeo file to only install the system packages you depend on06:34
clarkb*add a bindep06:34
takashiclarkb: Chcking... As far as I know we need to add bindep.txt or other-requirements.txt to use bindep. Is it right?06:36
openstackgerritChaoyi Huang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project Trio2o
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clarkbtakashi: yes06:37
clarkboverall thpugh looks like most time is spent running nose and you are only using one of many available cpus there06:38
clarkbalso if you switch to xenial you shouldnt need the java8 ppa anymore06:41
takashiclarkb: yes. That is also addressed.06:42
takashiclarkb: Thanks for your many useful suggestions! Currently they make it clear what we need to work about, to improve gate stability.06:44
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yolandagood morning06:55
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
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AJaegertakashi: for bindep.txt, read
AJaegergood morning!07:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project Zun-UI to openstack repo
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add Dragonflow fullstack test for ML2 module
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create fuel-nailgun-extension-iac project
AJaegeryolanda: could you review as well, please?07:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: fix logic for adding new release notes pages
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove LXD tests from unsupported branches
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove check-requirements for the independent sahara-test
AJaegeryolanda: and if possible: and , please07:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create python-openstackclient-stable-maint group
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add releasenotes jobs for Congress
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yolandaAJaeger, i saw several changes from Clark about neutron. We wait for neutron ptl there?07:31
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openstackgerritRui Chen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create a new project python-nimbleclient
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add tripleo-test-clouds AFS mirrors to cacti.o.o
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AJaegerlooking at these two: I would not wait and merge directly - but let me try to catch armax later today and discuss with him what he wants to have done here. I'd like a global go-ahead for these xenial renames ;)07:33
AJaegerSo, let's wait until tonight07:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add jenkins-plugins-for-murano project to Openstack
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: tripleo: run scenarios jobs on tripleo-ci project
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: [Rally] enable panko project in rally jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Promote working OSA CentOS nv jobs to voting
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Set whole disk image options directly in devstack
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Give better error description in
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: tripleo: enable voting for scenarios
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Create space for governance.o.o/uc publication
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takashiAJaeger: thanks!07:41
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Enable QoS on neutron for python-openstackclient functional tests
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Set up publication jobs for governance-uc
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openstackgerritRui Chen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create a new project python-nimbleclient
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: DONT MERGE: WIP: Nothing here
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
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lennybcorvus, pls review tiny vfio permission patch  . Thanks in advance.08:34
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openstackgerrityinxiulin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: tricircle: Enable neutron in tricircle tempest
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AJaegeryolanda: we have again a github syncing problem, could you check
AJaeger , please?09:01
AJaegerlennyb: corvus is out this week, for devstack better ask on #openstack-qa09:02
lennybAJaeger, thanks.09:03
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yolandaAJaeger, all those failed?09:06
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AJaegeryolanda: yeah ;(09:08
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AJaegerlooking at, only one of the deb repositories worked - and all the others in there.09:08
AJaegeryolanda: I had asked zigo to split is change into smaller pieces already but apparently we still hit the API when merging. Might need to do merging at more idle times ;(09:09
AJaegerOr give up on github ;(09:09
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yolandait's EMEA time, not the rush of US... an even on that time fails09:10
yolandamaybe the call shall be retried several times...09:11
AJaegeryolanda: those deb repos were approved during US time - around 9pm our time.09:12
yolandaok i fixed all, luckily it can be easy fixed with few clicks09:13
openstackgerritEvgeny Antyshev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Alternative external FQDN for log server
openstackgerritEvgeny Antyshev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Pin Jenkins version
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
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AJaegerthanks, yolanda09:17
openstackgerritMaciej Relewicz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added new repos for Murano chef cookbook
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openstackgerritChaoyi Huang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project Trio2o
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rcarrillocruzpabelanger , clarkb : i don't see what's up with those timeouts on the controller09:22
rcarrillocruzif you want to take a peek, the logs have DEBUG level now09:22
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
openstackgerritLin Yang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project RSC to openstack repo
openstackgerritEvgeny Antyshev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Pin Jenkins version
openstackgerritEvgeny Antyshev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Alternative external FQDN for log server
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix promote script and add logs
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flip214AJaeger: I told smcginnis yesterday that the DRBD CI is currently broken, because of a DRBD Manage bug in the version that we released yesterday afternoon.09:44
flip214we're working on a fix.09:44
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dukovAJaeger: Hi, what should I do to join fuel-iac-core group. This group has been created as a result of
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ironic-inspector tempest jobs to ironic and IPA
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AJaegerflip214: ah, thanks.09:56
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AJaegerdukov: an infra-admin needs to setup the first member - and that one can then add others. You're here now: I'm not an admin and thus cannot help you further, hope somebody else will later help you09:57
rcarrillocruzdukov: what's your email address10:00 ?10:01
dukovrcarrillocruz: Thanks a lot!10:01
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openstackgerritRodolfo Alonso Hernandez proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Enable QoS on neutron for python-openstackclient functional tests"
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openstackgerritMatthew Bodkin proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make tags reusable
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openstackgerritRodolfo Alonso Hernandez proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable QoS on neutron for python-openstackclient.
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openstackgerritRodolfo Alonso Hernandez proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Enable QoS on neutron for python-openstackclient functional tests"
zigoAJaeger: Or maybe delay REST API requests by like 1 per 5 seconds or something?10:24
zigoyolanda: Thanks for your work.10:25
zigoAJaeger: FYI, I'm currently adding upstream: and options: - track-upstream to repositories, otherwise I wont be able to do merge commits.10:25
zigoIt's quite painful to write for 3rd party libs, because of so many different URLs.10:25
zigoI first attempted to script it, and quickly gave up to do it by hand.10:26
zigoThere's just too many exceptions.10:26
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openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: setup post job for sahara-extra
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vgridnevwho can take a look on ? Is it right way to get branch in builder?10:45
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
yolandazigo, anytime10:57
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AJaegerzigo: What about trying it on *one* repo first?11:13
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openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: setup post job for sahara-extra
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openstackgerritRodolfo Alonso Hernandez proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable QoS on neutron for python-openstackclient.
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Zaraanyone free to look at (documenting commit message syntax for gerrit plugin)? it needs another +2. in the meantime I'm just linking people to that patch when they ask...11:33
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make tags reusable
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
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AJaegeryolanda: those repositories on github are still empty ;( Is puppet not running?11:54
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yolandaAJaeger, that may explain why we had such massive fail11:56
yolandalet me check11:56
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AJaegerah, checking puppetmaster myself - we have some recent runs and then nothing for 2:40h - so nothing since you made your change.11:58
AJaegerpuppet might be "hang", perhaps recovering now?11:58
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Reduce bluebox-sjc1 by 1 node
yolandai see puppet running per the logs11:59
yolandagoing to check on review.o.o logs11:59
AJaegeryolanda: looking at - no results since 11:1511:59
AJaegerBut others reported, see
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AJaegermorning, pabelanger12:00
yolandaon logs, puppet is now running on logstash workers12:00
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenarios: set Debug to True
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenario001: deploy Ceph
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AJaegeryolanda: ok, then let's wait for the run to finish... Strange that it takes that long...12:01
yolandaAJaeger, last run of puppet was some minutes ago12:01
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yolandai see an error in jeepyb Sep  8 11:48:36 review puppet-user[102721]: Unrecognised escape sequence '\%' in file /etc/puppet/modules/jeepyb/manifests/fetch_remotes.pp at line 2512:01
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AJaegerso, what's wrong in that file?12:03
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yolandaAJaeger, manage-project has not run since this morning, going to launch manually now12:04
AJaegerthanks, yolanda . I wonder what's wrong with it that it didn't run?12:05
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yolandaAJaeger, actually it may not run on a cronjob now, but subscribed to changes of files12:06
yolandaon changes on projects.yaml or acls12:06
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add TripleO scenarios jobs in status dashboard
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable QoS on neutron for python-openstackclient.
yolandai saw last run from 4 hours ago, that actually matches the time where we normally review12:07
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable QoS on neutron for python-openstackclient.
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: cleanup sdk functional test definition
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AJaegeryolanda: could you review and  as well, please?12:09
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
AJaegerthanks, rcarrillocruz !12:10
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yolandarcarrillocruz, faster than me!12:11
AJaegerpabelanger: feel free to merge when conveninient...12:13
yolandapabelanger, i'm seeing some errors of ansible-puppet launches, out of memory problems, are you aware of those?12:14
pabelangerAJaeger: I think I'm going to hold off until our recent glean issues are solved. Doing WIP12:14
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pabelangeryolanda: yes, know issue. It is related to posting facts to puppetdb.  For now, we've just ignored them12:15
pabelangeryolanda: maybe we should just make our swap bigger for now12:15
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openstackgerritEvgeny Antyshev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Pin Jenkins version
openstackgerritEvgeny Antyshev proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Alternative external FQDN for log server
openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: setup post job for sahara-extra
yolandalunch time... AJaeger , i left manage-projects running, i'll let you know when it finishes12:20
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Enable QoS on neutron for python-openstackclient.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: cleanup sdk functional test definition
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dtroyerGood morning -infra!  Can I get someone to add me to the new python-openstackclient-stable-maint group to get things started?12:35
pabelangerianw: fun never stops, fedora-24 not booting in rax-ord too12:36
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pabelangerianw: will debug that later12:36
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix promote script and add logs
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: WIP: upstream: and track-upstream for deb-*
pabelangerprometheanfire: I'm going to add ipv6 support for gentoo the next patch series, since ipv6 is skipped right now12:47
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openstackgerritVladimir Kuklin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a Fuel extension to support Serializers Conversion
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch Gnocchi functional jobs to Xenial
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch Telemetry jobs to Xenial
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: DONT MERGE: WIP: Nothing here
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apuimedoany advice on debugging devstack plugins?12:57
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AJaegerapuimedo: I suggest to ask on #openstack-qa13:00
apuimedoAJaeger: thanks!13:00
vgridnevAJaeger, about , is it right way to get branch in builder?13:02
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AJaegervgridnev: you're not setting {branch} anywhere. Have a look at the compare-xml output...13:04
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openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add Zaqar to scenario002
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AJaegervgridnev: it's wrong - but I need some more time to dig into this and give advice. Perhaps somebody else can - and you could write down in teh review what you want to do there exactly.13:06
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openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: setup post job for sahara-extra
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: DONT MERGE: WIP: Nothing here
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Disable searching for discoverable private keys
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yolandaAJaeger, finally i'm starting to see some success on github13:42
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AJaegerwow, that took ages ;(13:42
AJaegeryolanda: thanks!13:42
AJaegeryeah, 6 repos fine - still to go.13:43
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pabelangermrhillsman: raddaoui: morning, we look to be having some issues with osic-cloud8. Do you mind looking?13:53
pabelangermrhillsman: raddaoui: we are seeing timeout exceptions when accessing the API, will highlight the times we see13:54
pabelangerfor example, here is an exception we are seeing:13:54
pabelangerSSLError: SSL exception connecting to [Errno 8] _ssl.c:510: EOF occurred in violation of protocol13:54
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pabelangerothers are: OpenStackCloudException: Error in creating instance (Inner Exception: Unknown Error (HTTP 504))13:55
khivinyolanda, Hello! Can I ask you about the new repo? The project was created recently . But I have no access to it. How I can become a member an owner or how I can become jenkins-plugins-for-murano-core member?13:55
khivinyolanda, Hello! Can I ask you about the new repo? The project was created recently . But I have no access to it. How I can become an owner or how I can become jenkins-plugins-for-murano-core member?13:56
yolandahi khivin i can add you there13:56
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch Gnocchi functional jobs to Xenial
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch Telemetry jobs to Xenial
khivinyolanda, thank you!13:58
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenario001: deploy Ceph
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenario002: deploy Swift
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mordredpabelanger: is your glean patch in good shape for review?14:04
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pabelangermordred: I believe so, feedback is most welcome14:05
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mordredpabelanger: ah - I see now that you made a patch, then fixed the patch I did- so there are two patches14:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: Document commit message syntax for StoryBoard
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: tripleo/scenario002: add swift
pabelangermordred: Ya, 2 for now, but can squash once everybody agrees to them14:06
mordredI don't really have any issue with it remaining two14:07
mordredlike, the first one should be able to land already I think - while we poke at the gentoo networking bit with prometheanfire14:07
mordredalso - "for intf in interfs:" is possible the best line I've read all morning14:07
mordredit's almost like we're networking with smurfs14:08
AJaegeryolanda: is not yet synced, do you have any idea on this?14:08
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pabelangerYa, I was going to stack gentoo on to 366862 since ipv6 support is skipped today. Then we can decided to squash14:08
yolandareplication to github is super slow14:08
yolandai saw queue and there are several retries for github14:08
mordredpabelanger: ++14:09
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mordredpabelanger: also, while your brain is in glean land ... NobodyCam has a patch that looks worthwhile
fungiyolanda: well, gerrit doesn't have permission to push into that repo in github yet14:09
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mordredfungi: that will make it take a long time to replicate to it14:10
fungiyolanda: if you go to and click on the green "add teams and collaborators" button you'll see the teams box is empty14:10
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fungiyolanda: click the drop-down for "add a team: select team" and pick "Gerrit" from the list14:10
fungiyolanda: then switch the permission for it from read-only to read-write14:11
yolandafungi yes, i did that for tons of repos today14:11
yolandawas this not done?14:11
NobodyCamGood morning infra folk ;)14:11
AJaegerfungi, yolanda fixed the other 6 repos that were failing already. Seems, this one did not work out14:11
pabelangermordred: sure14:11
fungiyolanda: yeah, that one doesn't have permission for gerrit yet that i can see14:12
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fungiwhich will cause replication for it to queue up in gerrit14:12
yolandaok done on that one, i missed then14:12
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yolandaAJaeger, actually that was not on the list. Do you know if there can be more?14:12
mordredmorning NobodyCam !14:13
NobodyCamHey hey mordred good morning. ;)14:13
AJaegeryolanda: it was the last entry on the list, you might have missed it. The list was too long ;(14:13
yolandaAJaeger, that one worked14:13
zynzelfungi: can you check ?:)14:14
AJaegeryolanda: everything should be fine now. Thanks!14:14
mordredNobodyCam: your patch conflicts with which I think I'd like to land - you mind rebasing?14:14
zynzelnothing happend since september 2.14:14
fungiit seems that we get random http failures back from github's create project api method (sometimes it's that we've made too many api calls with the account in the past hour, sometimes it's just random github brokenness), but the project still ends up created when manage-projects thinks it failed so it never follows up to try adding permissions for gerrit14:14
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip OSA scenario jobs for liberty/mitaka
yolandaAJaeger, i see now... in another line so it was not highlighted and missed it :)14:14
AJaegerAh ;(14:14
prometheanfiremordred: hi?14:14
prometheanfirepabelanger: also hi14:15
fungizynzel: yeah, that message reflects what you and i discussed on irc. i was hoping others would reply on the ml but i'll just go ahead and reply to it14:15
prometheanfirepabelanger: I was actually working on v6 support in gentoo14:15
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prometheanfirepabelanger: now that my attention is turned there14:15
fungizynzel: since nobody objected, it must be a good plan! ;)14:15
zynzelfungi: i hope :)14:15
AJaegerfungi, I asked zigo already to split up his patch with 41 repos in 5 changes - still this did not work, there were 8 repos in the review and only one setup in github14:15
NobodyCammordred: happy to but will take me a bit to get to a actual computer14:15
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
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fungiAJaeger: yep, we probably need a rallying call for people who care about github support to help us figure out why it's so fragile and make this work more reliably14:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: update release dashboard output for newton
fungibecause i don't personally have a ton of interest in keeping it working14:17
pabelangerprometheanfire: if you give me a second, about to push up ipv6 for gentoo. Will get you to review14:17
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mordredNobodyCam: no rush14:17
prometheanfirepabelanger: cool14:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: move stable branch tools to project-config
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: use utf-8 for reading the readme files
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: Fix update_upper_constraints removing additional ' ' char
fungiNobodyCam: eventually i'll get an actual computer implanted directly, and then i'll stop having to make that same excuse ;)14:18
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mordredSpamapS: I totally agree with your "integration tests for glean in the gate" comment14:19
mordredSpamapS: (on for glean)14:19
mordredSpamapS: I have no idea how we do that - but I think it would be spectacular14:19
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: sort output of latest-deliverable-versions by team
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/glean: Add logging around interface carrier detection
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NobodyCamfungi: lol.. I think I saw a movie like that, "circuitry man" I believe, not sure I remember the ending but I don't think it went well :p14:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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fungiNobodyCam: "tetsuo the iron man"? or maybe "videodrome"? yeah, it tends to be fraught with peril and insanity14:23
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* fungi expects he has a high resistance to cyberpsychosis though14:25
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* NobodyCam expects the iPhone 27 will be implanted...14:26
fungisomething tells me it won't take them that many revisions to get there14:27
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openstackgerritLin Yang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project RSC to openstack repo
zigoDoes OpenStack gerrit support hg::https:// scheme for the upstream: field?14:29
openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: DONT MERGE: WIP: Nothing here
zigoIMO, it should be only a mater of adding the git remote plugin.14:30
fungizigo: no, we only have support implemented for git. we don't have any mercurial converter as part of the current tooling14:30
fungibut it could probably be implemented, yes14:31
zigofungi: apt-get install git-remote-hg14:31
zigofungi: And that's done ...14:31
zigoI've been using it for years, and it works really well.14:31
zigoIt accesses mercurial repos just as if they were Git repos.14:31
zigoJust prefix with hg::14:31
fungizigo: yep, i've used it before, and if you're not trying to push back into mercurial it seems to be good for a read-only feed14:32
wznoinskhi, anyone seen this before ?14:32
openstackLaunchpad bug 1621501 in diskimage-builder "Unsupported device type 772 for "lo" caused by dhcp-all-interfaces" [Undecided,New]14:32
zigoWhich is exactly what I need to track upstream for xstatic-jquery.14:32
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fungiwznoinsk: i have not, but dib has its own irc channel so you might find more people there with ideas14:33
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wznoinskfungi: been there, done that hence came here14:33
fungiwznoinsk: oh, unfortunate14:34
fungiwell, someone here may have run into it i suppose (just not me!)14:34
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wznoinskfungi: I've switched to simple-init for a test for now, I know how to fix the above but I was just wondering is just happening in my setup only14:35
SpamapSmordred: if we could make glean work on cirros or something similarly tiny that boots fast..14:35
fungiwznoinsk: some brief searching indicates that this happens when you tell dhclient to try and listen on the loopback interface14:35
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wznoinskfungi: yes, hence my comments in the lp that dhcp-all-interfaces configures lo for dhcp instead of as loopback type14:37
fungiwznoinsk: can you paste your /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/dhclient.conf from that image to
fungioh, maybe it's already in the bug14:37
mhaydeni have a need to create some automatically generated docs content in a particular openstack repository -- is that possible? (not docs generated from docstrings in code, but rather from a script)14:38
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add skeleton for DIB build cleanup
mordredmhayden: we do things like that in a few places, yeah - sphinx plugins is how people have been doing it - let me find you an example14:39
zigofungi: By the way, I finally understood why I do need the track-upstream stuff. Thanks for your explanation. I'm preparing the project-config patch for it.14:39
mhaydenmordred: many thanks! :)14:39
zigofungi: It takes a long time to write because of so many different URLs for 3rd party python modules...14:39
fungiwznoinsk: yeah, we're only using simple-init, not dhcp-all-interfaces, which is why we wouldn't have run into this14:39
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fungizigo: you'll be our first heavy user of that feature upstream. right now we're only using it for our openstack/gerrit repo (a fork of gerrit's codebase we use to backport fixes to the version we're running in production)14:40
mordredmhayden: the doc/source/_exts dir in the openstack/governance repo has five different extensions14:41
mhaydenmordred: thanks -- i'll go have a looksee14:41
mordredmhayden: woot! dhellman is also a great human to poke with questions about how it all works - he knows everything14:41
mhaydenmordred: you're not the first to tell me such things about dhellmann14:42
fungiwznoinsk: was this a recent regression in that element, or is this the first time you've tried to use it?14:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add support for jmespath filter expressions
fungiwznoinsk: i'm skimming the shell scripts from it now to see if i can spot the bug14:43
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add skeleton for DIB build cleanup
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openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: setup post job for sahara-extra
wznoinskfungi: I doesn't seem like any of my other dib elements is interfering14:47
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add skeleton for DIB build cleanup
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fungiwznoinsk: which ubuntu release are you seeing this on? just still skimming the scripts and knowing which branches of the conditionals you're hitting will speed this up14:49
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wznoinskfungi: VERSION="16.04.1 LTS (Xenial Xerus)"14:54
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mrhillsmanpabelanger reachong out to raddaoui14:54
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add skeleton for DIB build cleanup
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odyssey4meproject-config cores, I'd appreciate a quick review of
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add skeleton for DIB build cleanup
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clarkbodyssey4me: how is the log "cleanup" going? manage to get the renamed logs hosted off of the log server?14:59
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip OSA scenario jobs for liberty/mitaka
odyssey4meclarkb thanks for the review - I've corrected an error with the releasenotes job name15:01
openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: upstream: and options: track-upstream for deb-*
zigofungi: ^15:01
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AJaegerodyssey4me: see - that branch condition looks wrong to me, doesn't it?15:01
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odyssey4meclarkb yeah, so we found and fixed up the thing that was causing the huge log sizes... I'm now working on compressing them - renaming them to .txt, then compressing them works15:01
zigoWoops, I'm deleting deb-trove...15:02
openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: upstream: and options: track-upstream for deb-*
fungiwznoinsk: thanks, wondering if this is an issue specifically with the systemd-specific implementation in that element, but i'll see what i can spot15:03
odyssey4meAJaeger looking15:03
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openstackgerritLin Yang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project RSC to openstack repo
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odyssey4meAJaeger it looks fine to me - that's the rule which is ensuring that we run all trusty jobs (except docs/releasenotes) for Newton/master15:05
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odyssey4meAJaeger I'm not sure what is catching your eye though?15:05
AJaegerodyssey4me: I would have expected the regex from getting applied...15:06
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AJaegerodyssey4me: you have too many regexes that could fire, this is complicated ;(15:07
odyssey4meAJaeger yeah, I would love to try and cut them down15:07
wznoinskfungi: it looks like it happens on systemd-backed OSs but that don't use /etc/sysconfig/network-script so it happens on Ubuntu 1615:07
AJaegerodyssey4me: you have one regex: Don't run on liberty, the next one: Run on liberty. That'S confusing.15:07
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wznoinskfedora (at least ver21 I have) uses systemd + /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo which would prevent the issue from happening15:08
wznoinskbut since dhcp-all-interfaces uses 'ifquery lo' which doesn't return anything it confiugures it for dhcp15:08
wznoinsk(uses ifquery on ubuntu 16)15:09
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AJaegerodyssey4me: please find a way to simplify it.15:10
odyssey4meAJaeger yeah, trying to figure something out15:10
AJaegerodyssey4me: if that means beeing a bit more explicit, so be it...15:10
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use a DNS server local to rh1
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix some Typos
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: tripleo: make scenario001 non voting
EmilienMhi, I have an outstanding request,
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zigofungi: How does the track-upstream feature work? Is it a simple cron job?15:19
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mordredwznoinsk, fungi: there is a patch up for glean that changes how systemd detection works based on issues with newer ubuntu15:21
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mordredwznoinsk, fungi: perhaps it's related to the issue you're seeing?
wznoinskmordred: thanks, the issue I have is with dhcp-all-interfaces element tho15:23
mordredah. well then nevermind :)15:25
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Enable create bridge service by default
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mordredprometheanfire: you've got a -1 on ... and your point is totally valid. however, glean currently doesn't support systemd enablement on gentoo ( ... so I think the test is correct15:28
AJaegerarmax: we're in the process of moving jobs to xenial. Do you (neutron liasons) want to review all of them that touch neutron - or can we just go ahead and merge? Two open reviews: and Clarkb is testing those manually and if there are any problems we can always revert quickly.15:28
mordredprometheanfire: that said, do you think that we should have glean do systemd enablement for gentoo?15:28
armaxAJaeger: let me glance over them15:29
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clarkbAJaeger: armax 014 nad 015 and yes I tested them manully which is where there is a split. The job that fails goes to experimental and the jobs that pass get switched in check/gate as is15:29
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clarkbalso apparently that failure may be related to neutron compiling its own kernel modules nad userland for ovs in the tests?15:30
clarkbwould explain why all of the normal devstack-gate + devstack + tempest jobs are happy15:30
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AJaegerarmax: I'm interested in a general guideline - I'm happy to ping you or dougwig if you prefer.15:30
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prometheanfiremordred: I think we should support both systemd and openrc15:32
AJaegerarmax: but since it's switching from trusty to xenial, it's basically a duplication of jobs and manual testing - and that's why I ask whether you want to review them all15:32
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armaxAJaeger: I personally want to stay on top of things so that I can navigate through the project-config repo without too many surprises15:33
armaxAJaeger: I am sure the patches are fine per se15:33
AJaegerarmax: ok, shall I ping you? Just add to the reviews? What'S your preference? And do you want to +1 these - or just be aware of them?15:34
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prometheanfiremordred: the problem comes because gentoo optionally supports it, so systemctl enable won't work on openrc (Have a server without systemd installed at all for instance)15:34
armaxAJaeger: ping me, if it’s not too much trouble15:34
armaxAJaeger: I’ll try to be as prompt as I can get15:34
AJaegerarmax: will do - clarkb, please ping him as well if there are more neutron changes15:35
pleia2good morning15:35
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AJaegergood morning, pleia2 !15:35
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip OSA scenario jobs for liberty/mitaka
clarkbAJaeger: yup yup. Hopefully if this patch to stop compiling things on xenial fixes us the last big patch is to switch the eperiemtnal jobs over to check/gate15:35
AJaegerclarkb: we'Re done already on neutron? Great! But still need to do the neutron owned repos I fear...15:36
AJaegerclarkb: sorry, lost track on what's done and what not...15:36
* AJaeger just wants to get them merged asap.15:36
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AJaegerarmax: there's a -1 by Jakub on one of the reviews, could you tell us your view, please in the review?15:37
clarkbAJaeger: well not done. There are these bugs causing failures int he api, functional, and fullstack tests but jlibosva thinks maybe its related to this incompatible set of software the jobs are compiling15:37
AJaegerclarkb: argh15:37
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clarkbyes that was sort of my initial reaction15:37
armaxAJaeger: ack15:37
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clarkbalso fwiw I am very much against being super conservative on these changes15:38
* AJaeger will be back online later...15:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix promote script and add logs
clarkbneutron has asked for these newer things and we give them and now its sorry hurry up and wait?15:38
AJaegerclarkb: I agree - I rather have it merged and reverted quickly15:38
AJaegeror fixed quickly15:38
clarkbbut also the only reason we have had any failures at all in those tests is because neutron's test setup is broken15:38
clarkband its good to discover these things and just fix them15:38
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prometheanfiremordred: basically, if I'm sorry...i love Google, the nexus/pixel line, and even use project Fi...but if people migrate to android from Apple they are going to get Galaxy phones. Samsung advertises very similarly to Apple as well as their phones being well known by name and accessibility. The average person didn't know what a nexus phone was and unless Google changes how they advertise they15:41
prometheanfire won't know what a pixel phone is either.15:41
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prometheanfiremordred: basically if /usr/bin/systemctl is on the system (from a gentoo point of view) then you can enable via systemd15:42
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clarkbAJaeger: is maybe the fix for the failing things on xenial15:42
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openstackgerritNikhil Komawar proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create a release notes job for glanceclient
armaxAJaeger, clarkb: reviewed15:46
anteaya  prometheanfire can you dial back your language?15:46
armaxAJaeger: overall look good, but I have a couple of questions, mainly related to the side effects of the rename15:46
armaxAJaeger: to Grafana and skip clauses15:46
dtroyerGerrit admins: I need to be added to the new python-openstackclient-stable-maint group please…  (
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clarkboh right neutron has grafana graphs15:47
armaxAJaeger, clarkb: the renames have typically set us back because jobs start being executed when they shouldn’t and their failure trends disappear from Grafana dashboards15:47
clarkbthose will need updating15:47
clarkbarmax: the way to deal with that is to have graphs that use both old and new names15:48
armaxclarkb: do you want to take care of that as follow up?15:48
armaxclarkb: I am easy either way15:48
armaxso long as we merge the follow up fast15:48
armaxwhich we usually do anyway15:48
clarkbI can try to figure out how to do that and push it in the same changes15:48
armaxclarkb: there’s an upper limit on the number of graphs we can plot in a single dashboard15:49
armaxI think it’s 915:49
clarkbarmax: ya I think we can combine it in a single graph15:49
armaxihrachys might know better15:49
clarkbarmax: so your graphs is show be success for old and new and show my faisl for old and new15:49
clarkbin one graph15:49
armaxihrachys: what’s the limit of # of plots in a single dashboard, do you remember?15:49
anteayaprometheanfire: can you do that?15:49
clarkbarmax: I just have to sort out how to express that in grafyaml15:50
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EmilienMI'm sorry to ask again (I hate that) but could someone approve please?15:50
ihrachysarmax: I think it was 9 or so when I hit it, yes; but then it somehow healed itself. so I am honestly not sure it's an actual limit, or some intermittent issue that I was lucky to catch15:51
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armaxclarkb: I’d be happy to track them separately if it makes our lives any easier15:51
armaxihrachys: ack15:51
fungidtroyer: is osc under official stable maintenance? i think those groups are supposed to be under control of the main stable-maint team and then they confirm members into the project-specific stable-maint teams15:51
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dtroyerI'm not certain, dhellmann suggested I needed this group.15:53
dtroyerfrankly I don't want stable branches, but I am being outnumbered here I think15:54
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mtreinishdtroyer: why does osc need stable branches?15:58
EmilienManteaya: thanks a lot15:58
Krenairfungi, I noticed wiki-dev shows a db query error now15:58
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mtreinishit's not tied to a particular release and we can just use caps/u-c for where we use it in devstack and gate jobs on stable15:58
anteayaEmilienM: welcome15:58
fungitonyb: ^ can you weigh in on putting dtroyer in,members ? i've given stable-maint-core control over it for the moment like the other stable-maint teams15:58
dtroyermtreinish: I don't really know outside of easing processes15:59
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fungiKrenair: yep, i haven't actually imported database content into teh trove instance it's using yet. was going to make sure the robots.txt change landed before search engines start hitting it15:59
dtroyerfungi: thanks16:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: tripleo: make scenario001 non voting
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Update query for n-api deadlock bug 1480305
openstackbug 1480305 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "DBDeadlock inserting into instance_extra" [Medium,Triaged]
fungiKrenair: last night i ended up sucking up a lot of time troubleshooting a strange ipv6 configuration issue in rackspace that seemed to go away when i blew away the wiki-dev01 instance which was having the issue and built a new one. i suspect something was wrong/missing in their network metadata16:00
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add neutron api test on xenial to experimental
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run neutron linuxbridge and dvr jobs on xenial
anteayamorning zaro16:01
clarkbAJaeger: armax ^ I think that should address the graphing concerns16:01
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a notice when worklists or boards are private or archived
mordreddtroyer, mtreinish: fwiw, I tend to agree. I think it makes sense for libs to have stable releases because they're used in server-server communication. but osc is not used for such things - but I also haven't followed any discussion around this16:04
fungiwznoinsk: so... looking in there at the conditional at the end, it's _trying_ to filter out the lo interface. can you see what `ls /sys/class/net | grep -v ^lo$` returns on a problem system?16:05
mtreinishmordred: I wasn't even aware there was a discussion on it. I just caught a glimpse of it in the backlog :)16:06
wznoinskfungi: if you mean this part:16:07
wznoinskif [ -n "$INTERFACE" ]; then16:07
wznoinsk    inspect_interface $INTERFACE16:07
wznoinsk    for iface in $(ls /sys/class/net | grep -v ^lo$); do16:07
wznoinsk        inspect_interface $iface16:07
wznoinsk    done16:07
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mordredmtreinish: me either16:08
fungiwznoinsk: yep, it's being called from the systemd service definition with, i think, no $1 which means it should be hitting that else clause16:08
wznoinskthe for loop will not be hit normally, is invoked for each interface (name)16:08
dtroyermordred, mtreinish: the discussion is one stevemar wants to have again now.  I thought it was going to happen in -sdks, maybe it'll happen in OSC meeting this afternoon.  in any case, we have some stable branches and have not yet merged the basic reviews required to set them up...16:08
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openstackgerritSagi Shnaidman proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: DO NOT MERGE: trying without proxy
mordreddtroyer: cool. I'll try to lurk around for it16:09
wznoinskfungi: based on this condition in udev: SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", TAG+="systemd", ENV{SYSTEMD_WANTS}+="dhcp-interface@$name.service"16:09
fungiwznoinsk: the way it's written, it expects to be called once with no interface if the intent is to configure all interfaces, or else it expects to only be called for specific interfaces. i wonder where the breakdown is16:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Update query for n-api deadlock bug 1480305
openstackbug 1480305 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "DBDeadlock inserting into instance_extra" [Medium,Triaged] - Assigned to John Garbutt (johngarbutt)16:09
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fungiwznoinsk: ahh, yep. so the filtering logic in the script isn't kicking in because it's being driven asynchronously from udev events16:09
fungii missed that bit on the first pass16:10
wznoinskfungi: yes, once for each net device is added16:10
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add ipv6 support to gentoo
prometheanfireanteaya: sure16:11
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pabelangerprometheanfire: ^ first pass at ipv616:11
fungiwznoinsk: in that case, the udev rule for this needs to only fire for relevant interfaces, and i guess when the lo interface is added it generates a udev event on xenial16:11
anteayaprometheanfire: thank you16:11
prometheanfirepabelanger: oh, nice timing, just got out of my third meeting for the day16:11
pabelangerprometheanfire: Ya, you'll need to confirm some of the syntax, that is best guess on my part16:12
mordredprometheanfire: cool - so it sounds like we want to update the logic in to not avoid the systemd enablement code if gentoo is detected16:12
wznoinskfungi: that's my guess16:12
armaxclarkb: what about running both flavors on the jobs on the check queue?16:12
prometheanfiremordred: ya, the current code was there just for the 'common16:12
armaxclarkb: mind sharing why it’s needed?16:12
prometheanfire' use case of openrc16:13
mordredprometheanfire: ++16:13
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prometheanfirepabelanger: the 'out' looks valid16:13
mordredprometheanfire: so mind if we land for now (it's just testing current state of the world) - and then do a follow on patch that updates install logic and changes the test?16:13
prometheanfiremordred: sure, as long as it's not forgotten16:14
pabelangerprometheanfire: Ya, we only have 1 test cases right now, so I am not sure any other ipv6 networking will work.  Honestly, which is fine because if it is broken else where, I want to add a testcase for it, then guess16:14
prometheanfirepabelanger: hardcoding /64 ok?16:14
pabelangerprometheanfire: Ya, not sure if that is correct16:15
pabelangerneed help with that16:15
prometheanfirepabelanger: we probably need to have a function to covert the long form to the cidr form16:15
pabelangerlet me see if I can find something16:15
prometheanfirepabelanger: there are libs, but glean is self contained...16:15
clarkbarmax: you mean why we are splitting this way? because we don't want to have to support trusty for an additional release cycle16:16
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clarkbarmax: we want to move forward with our lives and use new software16:16
pabelangerprometheanfire: Ya, not sure I want to write a cidr function16:16
prometheanfirepabelanger: ya :|16:16
armaxclarkb: no I mean why we run trusty and xenial both16:16
armaxwhen for full we only run xenial16:16
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prometheanfirepabelanger: it's not pretty, I don't think it'd be TOO bad16:17
fungiwznoinsk: i'm having to refresh my memories of udev rules. can you try prepending KERNEL!="lo", to that line?16:17
armaxclarkb: hang on16:18
pabelangerprometheanfire: if only python3, we could use ipaddress16:18
armaxclarkb: I think I am on it16:18
armaxclarkb: ignore me16:18
prometheanfirepabelanger: could we?  I thought we wanted to avoid external deps16:18
armaxfor now16:18
clarkbarmax: oh for the api tests its because the xenial one currently fails. So keeping that as status quo on trusty for now16:18
mordredpabelanger: reading your commit message on ... centos7 doesn't support ipv6? or just glean doesn't have support for it yet?16:18
armaxclarkb: I mean16:18
clarkbarmax: the hope being the new xenial experimental job can be used to debug xenial further16:18
armaxclarkb: we only run gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full-ubuntu-xenial16:18
pabelangermordred: glean is lacking it16:19
armaxclarkb: why for dvr and linuxbridge we run both on master?16:19
mordredpabelanger: gotcha. that makes more sense to me16:19
clarkbarmax: we shouldn't run both on master. linuxbridge and dvr should have the same split16:19
armaxclarkb: so am I reading this wrong?
armaxit looks to me we’re running both flavors16:19
pabelangerprometheanfire: ya, maybe we should reconsider that.  I mean, not today, but it would be nice is we could use voluptuous to deal with json validation, rather then what we have today16:20
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pabelangerprometheanfire: mind you, I've only started working on glean this week16:20
prometheanfirepabelanger: lol, welcome :P16:20
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clarkbarmax: yes they are both listed because that list there is for all branches. Then in the jobs section there are default ruels that say xenial runs on >=newton and trusty on < newton16:21
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prometheanfirepabelanger: if it generates the configs, other than the subnet conversion function being needed I think it's ok16:22
armaxclarkb: oh right16:22
armaxI keep forgetting that16:22
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armaxclarkb: thanks16:23
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mordredpabelanger, prometheanfire: we do still want to keep glean with no depends - one of the problems it solves from cloud-init was that cloud-init installed stuff on the system which then conflicted with things we want to install in the test nodes themselves16:23
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mordredwhich, yeah - makes some of the bits harder, since it makes it hard to use libraries16:23
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add ipv6 support to gentoo
prometheanfireright now it's just that function16:24
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mordredI started on a rust rewrite a while ago which would alleviate any runtime dependency issues - but the python version works well enough it hasn't ever been worth doing additional work on that16:25
pabelangermordred: Ya, I am not too sure of the history between cloud-init and glean to be honest.16:25
pabelangerso don't take my suggests to heart ;)16:25
clarkbFYI I am deleting leaked images in our clouds again now that a big cause of those leaks should be fixed16:26
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prometheanfiredoes glean write out systemd network configs?16:26
clarkbthis will let us check for leaks again in a week or so to see if things are better16:26
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mordredpabelanger: there are basically two reasons we wrote glean a) support for the config-drive static networking from rackspace b) cloud-init depends on a bunch of python packages and we're in the business of testing the instalation of large python projects16:26
prometheanfireanyway, meeting time, so I'm leaving16:26
clarkbprometheanfire: sort of, it has a unit file that is templated that is run for every interface that writes out eni etc16:26
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mordredwow. TIL that systemd configures networks too16:27
* mordred isn't sure why he's surprised about this16:27
mtreinishmordred: I still can't get my bonded networks working with systemd16:28
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mtreinishbut I suspect that's more of an upgrade issue, like when I installed it a couple years ago it was broken and it's fixed today on new installs but even after upgrading mine still doesn't work16:29
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mtreinishat least jroll says it works today, so I just assume it's that16:30
mordredjroll: apparently you think systemd works16:30
jrollmtreinish: bonding + systemd or?16:30
jrolloh, yes16:30
jrollI can give you an ssh key to an example if you like16:31
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mtreinishjroll: no I believe you, it doesn't change the fact that I fear having a power outage longer than my ups's battery when I'm out of town16:31
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jrollah, heh16:32
mtreinishbecause none of my servers will boot up properly unattended because systemd fails to configure the bonded interfaces properly16:32
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mtreinishbut I can totally see it working on a new install today16:32
jrollright, well, if you want to try to fix your config, I can give you an example ¯\_(ツ)_/¯16:32
fungimordred: systemd only sort of configures network interfaces. systemd-networkd is _supposedly_ still separate software from systemd the init daemon16:32
mordredfungi: oh. silly me16:33
mtreinishfungi: heh, just like systemd-boot16:33
mordredso I guess there's systemd the daemon and systemd the general collection of daemons ... this should not be confusing to me since I work on OpenStack - which means 12 different things simultaneously16:33
fungiet cetera16:33
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pabelangermordred: Ya, don't have a good solution for b). I assume we considered a virtualenv just for glean in the OS?16:34
pabelangernot that I need an external library atm16:34
fungimordred: point being, you can use systemd the init daemon with other network management software than systemd-networkd, and i've also heard that you can (perhaps only mostly?) use systemd-networkd without systemd the init daemon16:34
mordredpabelanger: we haven't really explored solutions other than just not having dependencies ... if we do hit the point where we need one, I think we'd need to start exploring solutions16:35
mordredfungi: I'm about to say something I've never said before ... the config format for systemd-networkd does not look completely and totally insane16:36
pabelangermordred: that's reasonable16:36
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fungimordred: yep, i've also seen some examples of command-line usage for driving systemd-networkd16:38
fungiit's on my to do list to see if i can switch my ifupdown use cases over to it16:38
wznoinskfungi: that looks to be doing the trick, need to wait for the full ubuntu bootup but it didn't try to put lo on DHCP like it was doing when I had the problem16:38
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fungiwznoinsk: cool, you want to propose the fix into gerrit, or shall i?16:38
wznoinskfungi: I can do it , need to do a few checks before doing so16:39
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fungiwznoinsk: awesome--let me know if you need any more help with it16:39
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wznoinskfungi: will do, thanks16:40
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pabelangerprometheanfire: will give that a try16:42
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Stop removing the puppet-ceph git repository
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armaxclarkb: btw if I can steal a minute of your time:
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armaxclarkb: also, we trimmed logs about this much so far:
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armaxclarkb: I am sure we could do more, I’ll keep scavenging16:47
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip OSA scenario jobs for liberty/mitaka
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openstackgerritNikhil Komawar proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create a release notes job for glanceclient
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add ipv6 support to gentoo
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pabelangerprometheanfire: updated^16:52
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mtreinishjroll: you were right, just re-read the docs and got it working. Go figure :)16:56
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mtreinishjroll: err, well sort of. It's using the wrong mac and dhcp is giving it the wrong ip now16:57
mtreinishbut it's at least booting with a network now :)16:57
jrollnice :)16:57
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pabelangerclarkb: fungi: might be interested in  Tripleo is wanting to add SSH key for tripleo-admins into the nodepool nodes launched in tripleo-test-cloud-rh1. I suspect we might have some issues with that?16:59
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pabelangerclarkb: fungi: As side from the fact the node could disappear on them at any time. I'm guess it's possible they could affect the node is some manner when the job is running17:01
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clarkbI think if thats the desire then maybe third party ci is a better fit?17:02
pabelangerclarkb: yes, I would agree.17:03
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pabelangerclarkb: right now tripleo is struggling to keep their cloud online, so they are looking for more access to troubleshoot. I think that is the reason they are looking for access17:04
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pabelangerbut regardless, I something like SSH access highlights the need to stand up their own nodepool server17:05
fungia third-party ci implementation on that same hardware would get them much more control to troubleshoot their current problems17:05
openstackgerritMerged openstack/os-client-config: Add ability to configure Session constructor
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pabelangerfungi: in fact, is setup now for 3rdparty CI. So, it wouldn't be much work to migrate tripleo to that17:06
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openstackgerritAlex Kavanagh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add charm-manila
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pabelangerfungi: do you mind commenting on the review17:08
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openstackgerritWaldemar Znoinski proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: don't configure 'lo' for dhcp
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openstackgerritWaldemar Znoinski proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: don't configure 'lo' for dhcp
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openstackgerritWaldemar Znoinski proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: don't configure 'lo' for dhcp
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AJaegerpabelanger: could you help land clarkb's changes for neutron xenial, please? and
clarkbok all leaked iamges are cleaned up now17:18
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Rework the task list layout
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a way to add tasks to worklists from the story view
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Complex priorities UI in stories
AJaegerclarkb: here's a change for gnocchi to switch to xenial, could you review, please?
clarkbAJaeger: sure17:23
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AJaegerjd__: are you still around?17:26
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch Telemetry jobs to Xenial
AJaegerclarkb: and this one as well - I just fixed jd__'s change ^17:28
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AJaegerproject-config cores, could you help land clarkb's changes for neutron xenial, please? and
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Switch Gnocchi functional jobs to Xenial
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pabelangerAJaeger: +317:36
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AJaegerpabelanger: thanks17:38
AJaegeris there any infra-root that can force push a repo, please? See
AJaegerinfra-root, is taking ages to accept a new entry ;(17:40
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AJaegerodyssey4me: check - there's one entry where I think your regex is not correct. I commented the layout output17:41
anteayait was working fine for me a minute ago17:41
fungiAJaeger: i can take a minute to do it. also have you checked the cacti graphs for paste.o.o? i wonder if it's getting load spikes or something17:41
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anteayait is indeed17:41
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AJaegerthanks, anteaya.17:42
AJaegerfungi, would be great if you can handle the repo. thanks17:42
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anteayatcp connections is also spiking:
fungiAJaeger: yep, i'm pulling it up now17:43
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odyssey4meAJaeger ah ok, I guess I'll have to revert the branch changes there?17:44
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Run neutron linuxbridge and dvr jobs on xenial
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add neutron api test on xenial to experimental
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip OSA scenario jobs for liberty/mitaka
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-elastic_recheck: Make Elastic recheck query location configurable
prometheanfirepabelanger: cool, will look at17:49
prometheanfirepabelanger: time for my 4th or 5th meeting today17:49
AJaegerodyssey4me: please check the layout change yourself once tests pass and confirm that it's fine. This is all tricky ;(17:49
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anteayatcp connections have decreased but haven't dropped to their former pre-spike level, inbound traffic is still high, load is still at max17:50
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anteayafor paste that is17:51
odyssey4meAJaeger I can try, but I find the output really hard to parse.17:51
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prometheanfirepabelanger: ya, that's about how I was thinking of doing it17:52
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prometheanfirepabelanger: otherwise I would have converted the hex, then do the full math17:52
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anteayawell I had paste 569285 and then created a foo one to see what number it would be, 306 then went backwards17:56
anteayaof the 20 pastes at least 10 looked like the exact same rally stacktrace to me17:57
fungiAJaeger: zigo: i've pushed the fixed deb-websockify repo into gerrit now and approved 36504717:57
anteayanot sure why those 20 pastes would create such a load spike on paste, none of them looked large to me17:57
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fungianteaya: i've noticed there's something rally-related that's been using paste.o.o as a (temporary?) publication method for months, maybe years17:58
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fungiboris-42: ^ i keep meaning to ask, do you have any idea what causes that?17:58
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AJaegerthanks, fungi.18:00
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anteayatcp and traffic are back down to pre-spike levels and load average is decreasing18:01
fungianteaya: yeah, after we got the spam problem on paste.o.o under control, those rally logs have been the primary volume of what gets stuffed into paste.o.o18:02
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AJaegerthat's strange ;(18:02
prometheanfirepabelanger: the routes need work18:02
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pabelangerprometheanfire: looking18:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Remove deb-websockify from projects.yaml"
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anteayafungi: hmmmm18:04
anteayais it part of rally's code to stick stacktraces on paste?18:05
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anteayaas part of its logging mechinism?18:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Handle non-valid HEAD
AJaegeranteaya, fungi: Just checked codesearch and couldn't find anything obvious18:07
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prometheanfirepabelanger: just commented18:08
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prometheanfirepabelanger: our code is actually very similiar, but yours pass tests :P18:08
fungianteaya: AJaeger: i'm guessing it's some dev machine that's poking stuff up to paste.o.o, but i'd need to collect a bunch of samples and map them back to apache logs to figure out if there's more than one source18:08
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anteayafungi: well you got about 10 samples between 285 and 30618:09
anteayaand yeah the only mention of paste I got in rally was in the release notes18:09
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fungiyep, i just need to collect some from a broader timespan18:09
anteayaah cool18:09
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fungisince a batch of them uploaded in quick succession may come from a single system, but overall there may be many such systems uploading things in short bursts like that example18:10
anteayaah yes, that makes sense18:10
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cells v1 delete host changed bug 1621574
openstackbug 1621574 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Instance fails to delete while building in cells v1 due to "ObjectActionError: Object action destroy failed because: host changed"" [Undecided,Confirmed]
fungiwhich is why i figured rally contributors might know what the cause of it was and save me some investigating before we could properly frame a discussion on the intent18:11
anteayayes, seems reasonable to me18:12
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fungilike, if it's intentional not accidental, and if it's just some random dev's machine, then maybe we don't care. on the other hand if it's a product running at various customer sites and reporting into paste.o.o so that some vendor can avoid having to run a server to collect these logs, it's not really okay18:14
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prometheanfirepabelanger: the code snippet is almost directly usable I think18:15
fungianteaya: and if it's not intentional at all and is just a forgotten process running in an indefinite loop somewhere, then maybe we can help people find it and finally shut it down18:15
prometheanfirepabelanger: should probably have another test case for a static route via v6 though18:15
anteayaagreed, it is worth having the conversation to find out what is going on here18:15
fungidebug logs and backtraces with no surrounding context are fairly hard to map to intent18:16
pabelangerprometheanfire: ya, that's my hesitation on adding it today. We are lacking a test case for it.  If we can find a cloud that does that, can do it18:17
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prometheanfirepabelanger: unit tests are not good enough?18:17
anteayafungi: indeed, the first one I saw was a failed to validate token, then a bunch of 404s18:18
pabelangerprometheanfire: we don't have one today, do we?18:18
openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new projects: fuel-ccp-murano and fuel-ccp-sahara
prometheanfirepabelanger: a unit test? no18:19
mordredfungi: fwiw, codesearch.o.o does not show me anything that looks like it would post automatically to paste.o.o18:19
mordredoh - AJaeger already did that :)18:19
fungimordred: agreed, that was the first thing that several of us independently thought to check18:19
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mordredfungi: well, that's good18:20
fungii checked it some months ago in fact, when i was revisiting this18:20
AJaegermordred: you might have different a different string than I did ;)18:20
fungiit's been going on for a very long time18:20
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prometheanfirepabelanger: glean isn't just used in gate18:20
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anteayathe test that is producing the stacktrace is rally/.rally/tempest/for-deployment18:20
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for cells v1 delete host changed bug 1621574
openstackbug 1621574 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "Instance fails to delete while building in cells v1 due to "ObjectActionError: Object action destroy failed because: host changed"" [Medium,Confirmed] - Assigned to Andrew Laski (alaski)18:21
pabelangerprometheanfire: right, so we need a example config-drive layout showing dedicated routes. I'm not sure where to find that today18:21
prometheanfireoh, that I can generate18:21
pabelangerbasically, ipv6 in general is lacking from glean tests18:22
pabelangerso, we need to improve that18:22
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pabelangerthat said, I think the priority is to review, land and cut a new release, since rax-iad to down as of today.18:24
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pabelangerthen add ipv6 to centos / fedora / glean18:25
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement non-ovb overcloud update job - Newton -> Newton
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anteayaI'm looking in the rally tree and am not finding rally/tempest/for-deployment so far18:29
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AJaegeranteaya: file doc/specs/in-progress/verification_refactoring.rst18:30
AJaegerin rally18:30
clarkbAJaeger: I approved the telemetry change for xenial (sorry popped out for breakfast but back now until I have to leave again to the dentist)18:31
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AJaegeranteaya: run "git grep for-deployment" and check the output18:31
anteayahappy dentist18:31
AJaegerclarkb: happy dentisting - and thanks18:31
prometheanfirepabelanger: this should be close, not sure if I have enough ffff in the netmask or not
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clarkbAJaeger: anteaya you all must have much different dentist experiences than I do :P18:33
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anteayaI have a wonderful dentist18:33
prometheanfireactually, let me just stash my code and I can test directly18:33
anteayathey turn off the tv for me, give my sunglasses for the lights18:33
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anteayamy dentist is terrific18:34
AJaegerclarkb: no - we all hope it will be soon over for you ;)18:34
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* AJaeger waves good bye18:37
anteayag'night AJaeger18:38
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Switch Telemetry jobs to Xenial
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add skeleton for DIB build cleanup
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Make builder recognize scheduled builds
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Enable create bridge service by default
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
prometheanfirepabelanger: are you fine with me pushing an ammended commit up to the gentoov6 review?19:17
prometheanfireI could just give you the diff19:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Support disallowing robots
prometheanfireit adds ipv6 static route support everywhere v6 is supported it looks like19:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Disallow robots for wiki-dev site
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add ipv6 support to gentoo
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clarkbmtreinish: is ES happy for you again?19:21
prometheanfirepabelanger: nope :P19:21
clarkbalso looks like we hit the 2k/hour jobs launched mark today19:21
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* fungi needs to pop out and run some errands... bbiaw19:22
anteayaenjoy errands19:22
prometheanfirepabelanger: mind if I just push this up, it's almost the same, but my routes work19:22
mtreinishclarkb: yeah its working fine again last I looked19:23
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openstackgerritSumit Naiksatam proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting job for GBP
clarkband I am off to visit the dentist19:26
openstackgerritMatthew Thode proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add ipv6 support to gentoo
openstackgerritSumit Naiksatam proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting job for GBP
anteayaclarkb: ah okay, thought you might have been back by now19:30
anteayawas thinking that was a quick trip19:30
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pabelangerprometheanfire: Ah, reverted some optimizations :)19:38
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pabelangerprometheanfire: I can fix it19:38
openstackgerritChris Krelle proposed openstack-infra/glean: Adjust the way we wait for interfaces to become available
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NobodyCammordred: fungi: fyi ^^^^^^^19:39
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add ipv6 support to gentoo
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement undercloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
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mordredNobodyCam: thanks!19:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Skip OSA scenario jobs for liberty/mitaka
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openstackgerritChris Krelle proposed openstack-infra/glean: Adjust the way we wait for interfaces to become available
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add ipv6 support to gentoo
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pabelangermordred: prometheanfire: ^ should be good now for ipv6 on gentoo20:03
pabelangerclarkb: ianw: mind reviewing: fixes for glean to bring rax-iad back online20:06
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openstackgerritSumit Naiksatam proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting job for GBP
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mordredpabelanger: looks great!20:24
mordredpabelanger: you feel like looking at ?20:24
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pabelangermordred: sure, give me a few mins20:30
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prometheanfirepabelanger: cool, will look20:30
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: upstream: and options: track-upstream for deb-*
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Grafana Neutron: use string substitution to track jobs running on different nodes
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pabelangermrhillsman: raddaoui: wanted to see if you found anything with cloud8?20:42
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raddaouiyeah should be good now. there was some problems with haproxy/keepalived20:44
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add missing deb repo 3/5
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zigofungi: Thank you.20:53
zigo(for deb-websockify)20:53
pabelangerraddaoui: we seem to have a few nodes stuck in delete state. Can you check them out?20:54
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raddaouiyes sure20:58
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pabelangerraddaoui: includes the uuids20:58
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
zigomordred: Could you please approve that one
zigomordred: I need tempest-lib, otherwise I can't build Newton b2 clients.21:01
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mtreinishzigo: what still uses tempest-lib in newton?21:03
zigomtreinish: In b2, some clients still required it.21:04
zigomtreinish: I'm currently still trying to bootstrap b2 package build on infra, before I upgrade to b3.21:04
zigomtreinish: For the moment, I have built all of Oslo. Once I have the clients, I'll soon build services.21:05
zigomtreinish: So, if everything goes well, by next week, I'll start packaging b3 on infra.21:05
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zigoI'm up to nearly 200 packages built so far...21:06
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prometheanfirepabelanger: sorry, one more thing...21:07
pabelangerprometheanfire: np looking21:08
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pabelangerprometheanfire: Hmm, is our network valid?21:09
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pabelangerin vendor_data.json?21:09
openstackgerritNikhil Komawar proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create a release notes job for glanceclient
pabelangereg: should it be "network": "fd30:0000:0000::", ?21:11
prometheanfirepabelanger: yes, I think it should21:13
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prometheanfirefd30:0000:0000 is not a valid ipv6 address, I don't think21:13
pabelangerlet me check osic-cloud121:15
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prometheanfirepabelanger: k, sec21:15
prometheanfireKrenair: it could also just be fd30::21:15
prometheanfireor even fd3:: I think21:15
prometheanfireKrenair: sorry, mistab21:15
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ianwpabelanger: can you ELI5 on that next() call in 366937?  it's looking for the second result? (i.e. it returns an array of all, and then calls next on it, giving the second result?)21:17
pabelangerprometheanfire: updating21:17
prometheanfirepabelanger: sec21:17
prometheanfirepabelanger: looking up something21:17
prometheanfireif we can specify fd3:: or fd30::21:17
prometheanfireI think those are equiv21:17
prometheanfire0fd3:: and fd3:: are the same21:18
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prometheanfireso it does need to be fd30::21:18
prometheanfirepabelanger: ^21:18
pabelangerianw: Ya, I'm not completely sure what is going on there. I was trying to address a line wrap issue, but think I messed up a little21:18
prometheanfirethough fd30:0000:0000:: is the same21:18
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pabelangerYa, the issue is the missing :: at the end21:19
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ianwpabelanger: yeah, i'm not quite sure the new code gives the same semantics ... whatever they are :)21:19
prometheanfireboth are correct, the shorter one is prefered methinks21:19
prometheanfireianw: test cases are getting better, slowly21:19
pabelangerianw: agreed, need to dig more into it21:20
ianwprometheanfire: sorry, what test cases?21:21
prometheanfireianw: see what I mean21:21
prometheanfireianw: mostly unit21:21
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add skeleton for DIB build cleanup
ianwsorry, i'm genuinely confused as to what we're talking about21:22
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add ipv6 support to gentoo
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenario002: deploy Swift
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zigopabelanger: Could you review this one ? (ie: Add missing deb repo 3/5)21:27
zigoIt's currently a blocker.21:27
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: tripleo/upgrades: move jobs to check
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement non-ovb overcloud update job - Newton -> Newton
raddaouipabelanger: should be good to go21:55
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zigomordred: I really hope you can review tonight when I sleep (I'm going now), so I can work on building python-*client tomorrow... Night night!22:08
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fungiwow, rackspace just spammed me offering to manage my aws environment22:14
fungile sigh22:14
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tonybfungi: Sure I'll look at the stable osc thing.  Where would you like feedback? is there a ml threda I missed?22:16
fungitonyb: no, dtroyer added stable branching to openstackclient at dhellmann's request, and usually infra sets the stable-maint-core team as the owner of project-specific stable-maint for official teams in gerrit22:17
fungihowever, dtroyer (presumably) has some patches for it he wants to be able to approve22:18
fungiso just making sure this is coming to your attention22:18
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tonybfungi: fungi the new group structure looks good.  osc deosn't have the stable:follows-policy and given dtroyer is the current PTL I think it's correct to include him22:21
tonybfungi: Seem like a reasonable way to bootstrap a new stable-maint group to me22:22
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fungidtroyer: i've added you as a member of,members now22:22
fungithanks tonyb!22:22
tonybfungi: Also I'd be fine with stevemar aswell22:23
* stevemar waves at fungi and tonyb22:23
ianwfungi: rax sent me an email the other day with the subject "[EVENT] Uncompromised Security and Scalability".  my heart skipped a beat as i thought i'd left a vm running that had been hacked and this was a system email (mostly the credit card implications).  turns out it's some type of lunch "event"22:23
fungistevemar: i've added you too now22:24
stevemarfungi: tonyb i was just gonna say to let dtroyer decide, but now he can decide to remove me or not :P22:24
tonybstevemar: :)22:24
fungitonyb: should i make that group self-owned rather than owned by stable-maint-core in that case?22:24
fungiianw: there's no such thing as a free lunch. they're probably going to try to convince you to invest in a timeshare22:25
stevemarfungi: i'd treat it like all the others (my opinion, i know you didn't ask :P)22:25
tonybfungi: if dtroyer is fine with it as is *and* inteneds to apply for stable:follows-policy then I think the current structure is fine22:25
fungii'm a little fuzzy on how stable branches are handled for official team deliverables depending on whether they have stable:follows-policy or not. we should probably get something concrete written down22:26
fungifor now i'm fine doing whatever the ptls agree on22:26
pabelangermgagne: we just had a large wave of failures in internap-mtl01, mind looking when you have time?
pabelangermgagne: I believe we just finished uploading a new DIB and the servers were trying to use the latest image22:27
mgagnepabelanger: are you talking about job failures or node failures?22:27
tonybfungi: Yeah that's a good point.22:27
pabelangermgagne: launch node failures22:27
mgagnepabelanger: sure. I think we find an issue earlier today where if a new image is uploaded, Glance can't keep up with download requests.22:28
fungitonyb: though that's something we'll also need to clarify with the release management team since they have scripts that switch stable rbanch permissions around before/after releases22:28
pabelangermgagne: Ya, that's what I am thinking too.22:28
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tonybfungi: Yeah.  That's a new tool so I think it merits a discussion22:29
mgagnepabelanger: I'm not sure we will be able to come up with a resolution today. This is however something we will be looking into this week or maybe next week as it might imply hardware if we can't come up with a software solution.22:29
fungipabelanger: mgagne: our use case definitely creates a thundering herd when nova hosts need to refresh their caches22:29
fungiwe had to plan for that when figuring out the lateral network connectivity for infra-cloud too22:30
pabelangermgagne: No, that's understandable. Just wanted to raise the issue with you22:30
pabelangerfungi: indeed22:30
mgagnepabelanger: sure, thanks!22:30
pabelangerfungi: we would have nodepool be a little more graceful when launching the new images too. Maybe some sort of rolling window, rather then all nodes a once22:31
fungidoesn't it already effectively stagger uploads?22:31
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pabelangerright, but once the image is uploaded we switch all nodes to it right away22:32
pabelangermaybe a sliding window to give nova a chance to cache the new images22:32
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mgagnethe issue is with all compute nodes each downloading the new image. clearly our settings or architecture doesn't handle well that thundering herd.22:37
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Enable SSL for undercloud-only job
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armaxclarkb: any idea why we might be seeing this on the linuxbridge job?23:13
armaxthe host does no longer have eth023:13
armaxkevinbenton: ^23:13
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fungipabelanger: oh, i get you. like keep asking that provider to boot the old image and slowly ramp up requests for the new image as we ramp down requests for the old image?23:16
anteayamorning jhesketh23:17
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fungiarmax: ouch... apparently not?
armaxfungi: yeah23:19
armaxthat’s a bit baffling23:19
kevinbentonfungi, armax:
armaxwe might have been lucky so far I guess23:19
kevinbentonis being set to eth0 by something23:19
armaxbut that’s multinode23:20
fungii'm used to my nics on debian being like enp0s20u4, enp3s0 and wlp2s0 now but didn't realize xenial was also new enough to be getting path-based interface names23:20
bkerothe curse of biosname is now on all of us23:21
armaxkevinbenton: that’s the culprit I gues23:21
kevinbentonarmax: aye23:21
StevenKI still keep looking for wlan0 and failing23:21
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenarios: set Debug to True
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenario001: deploy Ceph
fungibkero: granted, it was inevitable. brings back memories of sun bios device paths23:21
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kevinbentonis it possible to throw a RetryRequest from devstack? ;)23:22
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armaxfungi, clarkb I think this is caused by the switch to xenial that happend this morning23:24
armaxkevinbenton: ^23:24
fungiarmax: well, for some definition of "caused" anyway23:25
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armaxyes sure23:25
armaxbottom line eth0 is gone in xenial by the looks of it23:25
fungii would say it's caused by assumptions about device names, but ultimately we should be fixing it in ways that reflect how we expect people to actually run this software under ubuntu 16.04 lts23:25
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fungieth0 isn't *gone* per se, but it's being renamed at boot and there are a number of possible solutions23:26
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fungii could enumarate them, but presumably there are already people deploying this on xenial so we should find out which solution is preferred23:26
armaxI meant the interface name, not the interface23:26
fungiwell, the interface name itself isn't gone either, just changed (and can be changed back, but that's probably not an ideal solution)23:27
bkeroyeah, you can disable biosname with a cmdline option23:27
armaxok, whichever way, linuxbridge job is busted because we hardcode eth0 in teh job confiuguration23:27
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bkeroTime to go make the eth0 sausage23:28
fungibkero: yep, that's one way to skin it. if our recommendation to people deploying linuxbridge for neutron is to disable biosdevname in the kernel, then it's question of whether that's a change we incur across all jobs using this test platform23:28
fungisince i think it wuold have to be done pre-boot and our job framework doesn't (currently) support reboots at job runtime23:29
armaxfungi: the dumbest fix I could come up with right now is to use eth0 instead of ens3 by inspecting {node}23:29
bkerofungi: That's definitely not the solution I would use, diverges too much from ubuntu.23:29
fungibkero: strongly agree with you there23:29
bkeroor rather too much from distros23:29
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fungijamespage: any tips on how the ubuntu packages for neutron are addressing this?23:30
StevenKI still wonder just how my laptop comes up with enp0s31f623:30
fungiStevenK: my what a wide bus you have there23:31
prometheanfireStevenK: do you want to go into the crazy of udev?23:31
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StevenKprometheanfire: I already know some of the crazy of udev :-/23:31
kevinbentonwell this is a configuration value to be set by the operator. presumably the operator knows which interface they want to put traffic onto23:31
* fungi already took a refreshing dip into udev crazy just earlier today, so no thanks23:31
prometheanfireStevenK: I'm sorry for your bad life choices23:32
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StevenKfungi: Where "refreshing" is "oh god it burns" ?23:32
prometheanfireStevenK: I'm technically part of the eudev project :P23:32
mwhahahajust switch to predictable network interfaces and s/eth0/enp0s3. at least i think that was the replacement :D23:32
* prometheanfire owns the domain23:32
fungiStevenK: in this case, "refreshingly short" since it was just figuring out a udev rule patch to fix a dib element23:32
bkerofungi: any clue how to get ip link show to tell me real honest-to-god ethernet interfaces?23:33
bkeroman ip-link just shows me types for things like vxlans or bridges or other tunnels23:33
fungibkero: i do not, no. i generalyl find them via dmesg23:33
armaxfungi: can we rever the change until we come up with a clean solution?23:33
armaxboth nova and neutron are blocked by this23:33
fungibkero: e.g., [Sat Sep  3 21:10:26 2016] iwlwifi 0000:02:00.0 wlp2s0: renamed from wlan023:33
prometheanfirebkero: no, I looked into this when I did my neutron patch23:34
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prometheanfirebkero: network interfaces can be anything the filesystem supports23:34
prometheanfirecan be named as such23:34
fungibkero: i don't think a backreference to the original name is exposed anywhere persistent23:34
prometheanfirelet me find the kernel filter23:34
bkerofungi, prometheanfire: I just iterated through all advertised types. It can't. :|23:34
armaxfungi: one way to deal with this is to first of all elimate the hardcoding trom project-config and make devstack smarter at decting the interface needed23:34
* bkero unimpressed.23:34
fungiarmax: we can switch the job back to trusty again briefly if it's a problem, but i seriously doubt you want linuxbridge for newton to be tested on trusty indefinitely while the rest of openstack newton is tested on xenial at release23:35
prometheanfirebkero: backported, but it was a simple patch
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armaxI am not advocating to switch back indefinitely23:35
fungiarmax: just concerned that if this isn't worked out during rc then it may be harder to backport after release23:36
prometheanfirebkero: basically, you can't have '/' || ':' || ' '23:36
bkeroprometheanfire: yeah, I get it.23:36
bkeroMagic restrictions because somewhere in the stack decided to use it for their internal separator.23:36
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armaxthis is an infra issue though, there’s nothing we can do Neutron side23:36
armaxI don’t think23:36
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prometheanfirebkero: what are you trying to do, get a list of physical ethernet interfaces?23:37
armaxthe job configuration hardcodes eth0 when it should not have23:37
bkeroprometheanfire: yeah23:37
fungiarmax: oh, it's not being set in devstack or a devstack plugin? i'm looking now to see where it's being set23:37
armaxit’s in neutron.yaml23:38
armaxand in d-g.yaml23:38
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armaxwe should get those moved over to devstack itself23:38
fungiaha. yeah i guess if you have the xenial version of the job in experimental then it's easy enough to see if you've got it foxed before switchint it back to xenial in check/gate23:39
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anteayaits a great typo23:39
fungianteaya: yeah, it's reached that time of night where my typing accuracy is taking a rapid nosedive23:39
prometheanfirebkero: the only way I know of is to query the kernel directly, even then, I don't know if it's possible to get just physical interfaces23:39
prometheanfirebkero: I'd actually email the netdev mailing list (kernel) and ask, they are fairly helpful23:40
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Run neutron linuxbridge and dvr jobs on xenial"
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prometheanfirebkero: they also hate that things parse the output of ip, because that's something that changes23:40
bkeroprometheanfire: yup23:41
fungiarmax: so i guess you want gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-linuxbridge-ubuntu-xenial running in experimental and gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-linuxbridge-ubuntu-xenial running in check/gate for all branches rather than just mitaka and earlier?23:41
StevenKip a l | grep | cut | oh god | questioning life choices23:41
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StevenKIs what I came up with23:41
fungiarmax: er, -trusty for that second one23:41
anteayafungi: must be an indcator of something23:41
bkeroprometheanfire: I could go parse /proc/net/dev23:41
armaxfungi: right now I want the gate back to sanity for all the projects affected :)23:41
prometheanfirebkero: they actually said that's a better way23:42
bkeroOh? What might that be?23:42
fungiarmax: i'm trying to translate your general wishes into an actionable patch ;)23:42
fungiarmax: is it just gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-linuxbridge-ubuntu-xenial affected?23:42
prometheanfirebkero: that's what prompted the patch23:42
armaxfungi: yes23:42
prometheanfirebkero: parsing the dir itself23:42
armaxif we switched back to trusty for maste changes that would solve our immediate problem23:42
armaxbut I do want to get on with the switch to xenial asap23:43
bkeroprometheanfire: /proc/net?23:43
armaxI just don’t have a good solution I can think of right now23:43
armaxif not continuing to hardcode interface names in the job configurations23:43
prometheanfirebkero:  /sys/class/net23:43
bkerooh boy23:43
prometheanfirethat was 'fun' to do23:44
fungiprometheanfire: bkero: yeah, some of the network-oriented dib elements are inspecting the contents of /sys/class/net to figure out interfaces23:44
StevenKMy wireless card also has a wireless/ directory under /sys/class/net23:45
StevenK... which is empty, so WTF23:45
prometheanfirefungi: yarp23:45
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prometheanfireI don't have the wireless dir23:45
StevenKWe want nice things23:45
prometheanfireoh, a subdir of the interface23:46
StevenKYes, sorry23:46
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix linuxbridge job breakage on xenial
armaxfungi: that’s my actionable patch ^23:46
armaxbut I am not sure if that means the job won’t run on master nodes23:47
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clarkbjobs that require a specifc interface name should create the interfacethemselves23:47
clarkbjust like multinode does...23:47
fungiarmax: right now, yes it means you won't run linuxbridge jobs at all on master, and will run trusty-based linuxbridge on mitaka and earlier23:47
prometheanfirearmax: I don't like the moving to experimental23:47
fungiarmax: i23:47
armaxfungi: right, I figured23:47
clarkblike its not hard to do23:47
* prometheanfire uses linuxbridge and not ovs23:48
clarkband assuming eth0 had been a terrible idea for years23:48
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fungiarmax: i'm trying to navigate the current regular expressions to figure out where (if at all) we have an easy way to switch just that one jobs to experimental for xenial and run the trusty version on master23:48
clarkbalso devstack is supposed to sort what interfaces to use iirc not sure why we would hardcode anywhere23:48
armaxclarkb: what do you suggest?23:48
clarkbarmax: stop assuming the interface and let devstack do its job23:49
armaxclarkb: by doing what?23:49
armaxcreating a random interface that is dangling?23:49
clarkbarmax: thr same thing wr had to do for the RAs ask drvstack ehat interface23:49
clarkbor create a dangling inyerface and co trol it directly23:49
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clarkbpersonally I am a fan of controlling it directly for testing23:50
armaxclarkb: that’s fine by me, but it takes some time to get this coordinated and cleaned up between project-config and devstack,23:50
clarkbremoves any assumpyions amd pteserves host interfaces23:50
clarkbsure I'mjust pointing out that you do have opyions23:51
armaxif we want to keep the gate broken until we figure this out, I think this is a bit harsh on everybody who is trying to get RC out23:51
clarkband that you shouldnt act likr the only thing is to stop.testing23:51
clarkbI didnt say that either23:51
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armaxI am not acting like I want to stop anything23:52
clarkbearlier you said thats the only thing you cando23:52
armaxI am trying to figure out the best way we can minimize disruption23:52
kevinbentoni'm not sure i understand the suggestion23:52
kevinbentonhow would creating a dangling interface help?23:52
kevinbentonthis needs actual connectivity23:52
clarkbkevinbenton: because you it would always be there if you create it23:52
armaxwhilst we can devise the right fix without the pressure of a broken gate23:52
clarkbkevinbenton: why no oyher test does23:52
clarkbkevinbenton: all of the network comms for VMs are contained to thr host(s) today23:53
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kevinbentonclarkb: how is external network wired up in the gate?23:53
clarkbkevinbenton: it oftrn isnt23:53
clarkbsince its not nrcessary23:53
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fungiyeah, jobs should not assume there is working external connectivity at all23:54
mtreinishclarkb: well that's another issue seeing that traffic can actually leave the host would be something good to check. But that's a separate discussion23:54
kevinbentonclarkb: and then vxlan tunnels are used for multinode or something?23:54
funginetwork use in jobs should be abstracted23:54
clarkbkevinbenton: yes23:54
prometheanfirearmax: so /sys/class/net/eno1/type for me shows type '1', meaning ethernet23:55
fungithe previout vxlan tunnel is there to simulate direct layer 2 connectivity between nodes in a multi-node job23:55
kevinbentonclarkb: ack, then sure. creating a random stub interface that doens't do anything should work fine23:55
fungipreviout? i have no idea what i was typing there. precreated?23:55
clarkbso ya lets stop making things painful now then plan to fix it23:55
StevenKprometheanfire: But it also tells me that for my wireless card23:56
prometheanfireStevenK: k23:56
clarkbbut I dont like the attitufe of 'its broken and there is nothing we can do'23:56
armaxclarkb: I never said that!23:56
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prometheanfireStevenK: I think that's fine23:56
StevenKprometheanfire: Just to deal with the case of "I'm running it on my laptop"23:56
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clarkbarmax: ok I mustve misunderstood then23:56
armaxclarkb: yes, you did23:56
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fungiclarkb: i always get turned around with regex precedence in our zuul layout... to do a branch override should it be first-match or last-match?23:57
prometheanfireStevenK: ah, well, sit0 is type 776, so it should filter that out23:57
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clarkbfungi: last iirc23:57
fungiclarkb: or am i better off refactoring the regex to avoid having more than one match to begin with?23:57
prometheanfireStevenK: can probably just also filter out the ones with a wireless dir in there23:57
StevenKprometheanfire: Indeed, yes23:57
prometheanfirethere, fixed23:57
clarkbfor this I would just add temp last match wins23:58
armaxclarkb: I am all in for the right fix, so long as it doesn’t keep the thing broken for as long as it take to get to the right fix23:58
armaxif the right fix is achievable in minutes, then by all mean, let’s go for it! :)23:58
clarkbarmax: sure but it seems we immediately jumo to just turn it off instead of determining first if we can do the right fix immediately23:58
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clarkband the problem with just turni git off is you lose yhe self testing that you get if its running23:59

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