Friday, 2016-09-09

clarkbso its really nice to fixproperly upfront if possible imo00:00
armaxexperience thought me the hard way that the longer it takes to fix a gate issue, the more disgruntled people may get, especially during a busy time like RC00:01
armaxI am not in the position to deliver the right fix right now00:01
prometheanfirethis is devstack, so bash is ok?00:02
* prometheanfire hasn't worked on devstack00:02
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clarkbprometheanfire: yes its devstack and bash00:03
* clarkb writes a patch00:03
StevenKI've got a little bash script to find the interface name if that helps00:03
fungiarmax: oh, you abandoned it? i was about to push up a new patchset for you00:04
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prometheanfirefor interface in $(find /sys/class/net/ -maxdepth 1 -type l | rev | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev); do if [[ $(cat /sys/class/net/${interface}/type) -eq 1 ]]; then echo ${interface}; fi; done00:04
fungiat least that way you have an alternative if the rabbit hole on interface names goes much deeper00:05
clarkbStevenK: no its already in devstack00:05
prometheanfirefor interface in $(find /sys/class/net/ -maxdepth 1 -type l | rev | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev); do if [[ $(cat /sys/class/net/"${interface}"/type) -eq 1 ]]; then echo "${interface}"; fi; done00:05
clarkbStevenK: all I should have to do is edit one line in devstack to set the default for LB_PHYSICAL_INTERFACE to the interface devsatck knows to use00:05
prometheanfirenow with quotes00:05
clarkbI jsut ahve to find what the variable name for that is00:05
prometheanfirenot sure that's enough for you00:06
prometheanfireyou could probably filter on the first character being e00:06
clarkbthis is what I was trying to say devstack already knows... so it should be really simple00:06
armaxfungi: I thought we didn’t want to pursue that route00:06
clarkbwe had to use the same info when fixing RAs for osic00:06
fungiarmax: i was still writing it up as a fallback, but i guess if this solution doesn't work out as a quick fix i can push up the regex change to move the xenial version to experimental and still run the trusty version of that job on all branches00:07
prometheanfirethis returns my only ethernet interface00:08
fungiso that you're not missing out on test coverage while you ping the experimental xenial version for a few days (if it ends up dragging on that long)00:08
prometheanfirefor interface in $(find /sys/class/net/ -maxdepth 1 -type l | rev | cut -d '/' -f 1 | rev); do if [[ $(cat /sys/class/net/"${interface}"/type) -eq 1 ]]; then echo "${interface}" | grep -E '^e.*'; fi; done00:08
armaxprometheanfire: I am not sure that determine the interface in such a way works in all cases though00:08
openstackgerritGraham Hayes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new worker-model job, and remove 2 legacy dvsm jobs
armaxprometheanfire: might be fine in the gate though00:09
armaxfungi: I can restore it if you want it as an option00:09
prometheanfirearmax: given that names can be WHATEVER, it's not perfect, but likely fine for the gate00:09
clarkb there thats based on what we did for RAs00:09
* armax looks00:10
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clarkbwe'll have to edit the job to stop hard setting the value so this isn't actually self testing...00:10
armaxclarkb: we’d need to make this depend on the cleanup of ..00:10
armaxclarkb: right00:10
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update clone-workspace plugin
clarkbI am going to push a child patch that hardsets it in devstack to test00:11
clarkbwhich we can abandon when we do the other things00:11
prometheanfireclarkb: that prints my wireless, but is likely fine for gate00:11
armaxclarkb, prometheanfire: the caveat with the initialization LB_PHYSICAL_INTERFACE=${LB_PHYSICAL_INTERFACE:-$default_route_dev}00:12
clarkb is the next one that will work00:12
clarkbprometheanfire: that means your default route goes out your wireless network :)00:12
armaxclark, prometheanfire is that one should not the physical interface for traffic be the one associated to the default route00:12
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fungiworth noting, the workaround in 367699 specifically looks for an ipv4 default route. if you had a v6-only system this needed to work on, you'd need a couple extra commands00:12
armaxbut I guess one has still the ability to override the value00:12
clarkbarmax: eth0 is the default route interface on our trusty images00:13
prometheanfireclarkb: of course :P00:13
clarkbarmax: so at least for testing that is how we were using it00:13
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prometheanfirefungi: true00:13
armaxclarkb: yeah, I think this is fine00:13
clarkbfungi: well it was good enough for RAs...00:13
armaxboth in the gate and not00:13
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armaxbecause the variable needed to be set explicitely anyway in order for Linuxbridge to work00:14
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clarkbI do think however that a good long term plan for testing of this stuff is to only rely on things you can control by default00:15
clarkbdefinitely make it configurable so that you can use devstack on your local machine to get externally networked VMs00:16
clarkbbut seems like by default what is important is that the host is not broken and the VMs get conenctivity which is why I like the detached setup that is managed directly00:16
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clarkband we haev had really good results with it for multinode testing00:16
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clarkbarmax: prometheanfire fungi telnet:// is the job running against the devstack change that should work. If you want to follow it00:21
clarkbfungi: is there a project-config chagne I can review while we wait for devstack to do its thing?00:21
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EmilienMclarkb: ack your comment on i'll work on it to make it better00:25
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clarkbEmilienM: its a minor thing fwiw but fallocate is immedaite and dd for gigabytes is not :)00:25
armaxclarkb: I can post the project-config change that removes the hardcoding to eth0 if that’s what you’re asking00:26
armaxclarkb: shouldn’t 367699 be dependent on it for the LinuxBridge job to pass?00:26
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clarkbarmax: that chaneg but also if we still want to make it non voting or experimental until devstack can review and approve the fix00:27
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clarkbarmax: no we don't test with the proposed jenkins job upadtes when using depends on so it wont' really affect anything. I pushed a second change to devstack that only ever uses that calculated value which will test if it works despite the job config that uses eth000:27
armaxclarkb: ack00:28
armaxclarkb: as for the linuxbridge to non-voting, it’s all down to how quickly we can get 367699 in the gate00:29
armaxif it’s a matter of an hour or so I guess it’s probably not worth it00:29
clarkbarmax: ya and for that I can't help (not devstack core)00:29
armaxclarkb: you probably should become one :)00:29
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openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove hardcoding to eth0 in LinuxBridge job configuration
armaxclarkb: ^00:35
clarkbarmax: cool00:35
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clarkbarmax: at what point in the linuxbridge job was it failing? eg how far along does 367701 have to get for us to know it works?00:37
clarkbjust past devstacking?00:38
armaxclarkb: the l2 agent failed to start00:38
armaxclarkb: so devstack wouldn’t finish00:38
fungiclarkb: armax: yeah, if we need to make it experimental only then if armax wants to un-abandon 367693 i can push up a version with the branches adjusted to run trusty on master00:38
clarkbok, if that job passes devstack maybe we can get a devstack core to approve then it can be enqueued00:38
armaxwe’d fail like this:00:38
armaxfungi: I restored it if we want the option00:39
clarkbfungi: armax why don't we push that too just in case we can't get devstack change merged00:39
clarkbor if it doesn't work for some reason00:39
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix linuxbridge job breakage on xenial
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armaxclarkb: sure, if that’s okay with you00:40
fungiarmax: clarkb: ^ (the xml comparison job result should tell us if it's overriding in the right direction)00:40
clarkbwe should know very soon the job thats running has been devstacking for ~12 minutes00:40
armaxclarkb: I am pretty positive that will pass00:41
armaxthe incognito is how long it is going for to go through the usual churn00:42
armaxhoping no intermittent failures set us back00:42
clarkbarmax: we can promote it too00:42
anteayathat is an interesting use of incognito00:43
* anteaya goes to a dictionary00:43
armaxanteaya: I misspoke, I meant Unknown00:44
anteayait has undisclosed and unidentified as synonyms00:44
armaxincognita being the Italian word for it00:44
anteayano, no actually it is really good00:44
anteayaI've just never seen it used like that before00:44
anteayathank you00:44
clarkbarmax: the dvr job is ok on xenial?00:45
armaxclarkb: looks like it is00:45
anteayaglad to learn the italian, thanks00:45
armaxanteaya: heh00:45
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fungiwhee... oscon is the same week as the pike summit00:45
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anteayasame city?00:46
clarkbanteaya: no00:46
anteayathank goodness00:46
clarkboscon is staying in austin00:46
prometheanfirepike summit is atl right?00:46
anteayapike gathering is atlanta00:46
anteayasummit is boston00:46
prometheanfireso confusing00:46
clarkbarmax: prometheanfire ok it started tempest so I think tahts the fix00:47
clarkbor possible fix. I have also +2'd the project-config change00:47
prometheanfireclarkb: I saw that, I hope the revert is quick is all00:47
armaxclarkb: I’ll get a message out on the ML00:47
clarkbis anyone from devstack core willing to review 367699 (and its child?)00:47
clarkbianw: mtreinish ^00:47
clarkbif we can get a devsatck core willing to ack 367699 then I will approve the change to remove eth0 from the job config00:48
anteayaso do we want 367693 now?00:48
anteayaor wait?00:48
clarkbotherwise we can approve
clarkbanteaya: if a devstack core doesn't say anything in the next minute lets go ahead with 36769300:48
anteayaclarkb: very good00:48
* anteaya stands by00:48
clarkbthe neveryone can go back to their evenings and we can beg for devstack reviews in the morning00:49
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clarkb*then everyone00:49
anteayaI liked the concept of the neveryone00:50
anteayabegs a story to go with00:50
fungineveryone of the nethernet00:51
anteayasounds like we have our title00:51
prometheanfirerename newton to nethernet00:52
prometheanfiresed should get the job done00:52
clarkbwell I don't hear anyone from devstack probably best to just approve the workaround. We have a fix and a way to test it we just need reviews which aren't happening00:52
prometheanfireya, can revert if needed00:52
fungidid anyone get a chance to check the xml from that change?00:52
clarkbanteaya: want to review
clarkbfungi: no not yet00:53
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clarkbfungi: but it looks right00:53
clarkbalso no xml involved because no jjb00:53
anteayaclarkb: reviewed already I just hadn't vote, will approve00:53
fungiclarkb: er, not xml but the layout job, sorry00:53
fungii'll have a peek at the log now to be sure00:53
anteayaoff it goes00:54
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clarkbfungi: I am not sure I know how to parse that job log to do the thing you want to do00:55
anteayaI just tried and I can't00:56
fungiyeah, i'm trying to figure that out myself. was pretty sure for each pipeline it lists the matching for a job00:57
anteayafour instances of gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-linuxbridge-ubuntu-trusty in the log all followed by a cloud of matches00:57
fungitrying to see what branches are matching it00:57
fungihopefully .*00:57
anteayayeah I tried to look for branch information too, can't see in the noise00:57
anteaya3 are independent pipeline manager one is dependent pipeline manager00:58
clarkbalso I WIP'd because we wnat to coordinate merging that with merging devstack fix00:58
clarkbdon't want one without the other00:58
anteayais a depends on in order here?00:59
clarkbanteaya: its sort ofa mutual depends on00:59
fungithe file matchers make it really hard to follow01:00
fungithe dependent one is the gate, independents are (i think) check, experimental and silent?01:00
anteayaI have no basis to refute so I'll just accpet01:01
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anteayaas it sounds reasonable to me01:01
anteayawe have FileMatcher and ProjectMatcher but no BranchMatcher01:01
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fungii think the fact that those lines _don't_ end with ^(?!stable/(liberty|mitaka)).*$ tells us it's correct?01:02
fungior, rather, start with01:02
fungicompare to a grep for the xenial version of the job01:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix linuxbridge job breakage on xenial
anteayaI got this from the dependent pipeline manager line:
fungiaha! yes, the match lines for the trusty version start with ^.*01:04
fungiit's just almost impossible to see with all those project/file matches after it01:04
fungiso we should be good01:04
anteayaoh good01:04
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fungianyway, i guess we'll know soon enough since it merged a couple minutes ago01:05
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* clarkb wonders if we need to be a lot more explicot about noy assuming things on thr test nodes01:06
clarkbdont assume interface names or count, dont assume routable ipv4, dont assume swap, dont assume cpu count, dont assume architecture (I wish) etc01:07
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clarkbdont assume cpu flags01:08
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prometheanfirecloudnull: yep :P01:10
clarkbthings you can rely on: 8GB of ram at least 80gb of disk, root access, ext4 filesystem01:10
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ianwclarkb: i remember we had a change out that was complaining about failing when no default route on compute nodes01:11
clarkbianw: really? we should always have default routes on all our current machines01:12
clarkbotherwise how would zuul work01:12
ianwclarkb: that was what i said ... finding it ...01:12
fungiwell, _a_ default route (currently at least ipv4, but someday could be v6-only)01:12
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fungiour dual-stack nodes do technically have more than one default route (one for each configured address family)01:13
clarkbianw thats for randompeople doing random things :) I think we can tell them to set up machines properly01:14
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clarkbianw: but maybe we ahould centralize that determination in devstack rather than have it in mulyiple places for dofferent neutron files01:14
clarkbI will defer to your thoughts on that now01:14
ianwclarkb: yes, i hadn't read it since it got abandoned, i think as explained it's sufficiently corner case01:14
anteayaonly 2 neutron changes in zuul, one in check and one in the gate, they both started before the change merged01:17
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fungishould wait for zuul's last reconfigured time to update on the status page, then recheck a failed neutron change to see updated jobs01:18
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anteayafungi: feel like addressing the post to dev about the recaptcha on the wiki?01:25
anteayaseems malini has not been following the precarious state of the wiki01:25
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anteayafungi: you'd be more diplomatic than I, I do believe01:26
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kevinbentonclarkb: for the vxlan tunnel setup by infra in multi-node, how is the VNI identifier selected?01:36
anteayazuul last updated 5.5 hours ago and I'm getting tired of waiting01:36
anteayahello kevinbenton01:36
kevinbentonanteaya: hello01:36
kevinbentonanteaya: long time, no see!01:37
anteayakevinbenton: I know it, how've you been?01:37
fungianteaya: diplomacy applied with a trowel01:37
anteayafungi: like only you can01:37
kevinbentonanteaya: busy busy01:37
kevinbentonanteaya: you?01:37
anteayaless busy than you online, extremely busy offline for the past 4 weeks01:38
anteayabut happy as the effects of the offline things are marvelous01:38
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kevinbentonthat's good01:38
anteayaneutron seems to be in reasonable shape this round to my eyes01:38
anteayathank you01:38
kevinbentonare you going to barcelona?01:38
anteayado you feel the same or am I wearing rose coloured glasses01:39
kevinbentonthat's good to hear :)01:39
anteayaI won't be at summit, no01:39
kevinbentonyeah, been busy fixing bugs and making things stable01:39
clarkbkevinbenton: we use the last octet of the ipv4 address for the "core" of thr overlay iirc01:39
anteayathe things I am doing offline require me to stay home this fall01:39
anteayayay for making this stable, thank you kevinbenton01:39
clarkbkevinbenton: probably there are better eays but that already is unique so we overloaded iirc01:39
kevinbentonanteaya: ah, makes sense01:39
anteayakevinbenton: I'll miss you, that will make it a long time since I've seen you01:39
anteayakevinbenton: so I'll just look forward to the next opportunity :)01:40
kevinbentonanteaya: yeah, will have to catch up in Atlanta I suppose01:40
clarkbI would have to double check by reading the code though01:40
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anteayathat probably will be the next opportunity, yeah01:40
kevinbentonclarkb: so the VNI identifier just seems to be "2" in this case01:41
kevinbentonclarkb: ctrl-f 'options: {key="2", local_ip="",'01:41
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clarkbya rereading it its the ip addrs last octet for the remotes01:42
clarkbso I was almost right01:42
clarkbcore gets .1 remote gets .2 thus vni is 201:43
anteayaI'm going offline now, zuul hasn't updated recently so I haven't rechecked any neutron patches01:43
kevinbentonanteaya: night01:44
kevinbentonclarkb: so does that mean the other side is using a different VNI ?01:44
clarkbkevinbenton: no its both 201:44
kevinbentonclarkb: ok. so next question might be silly, but why aren't they just static?01:45
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clarkbwhy isnt the vni static? because we sometimes have more than one overlay or more than 2 hosts (though wr havnet implemented more than 2 hosts yet01:45
clarkbnova net requires two overlays01:46
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kevinbentonclarkb: i see01:46
clarkbyou cant share the l2 due to nova net ebtables01:46
kevinbentonclarkb: so does that mean the VNI will always be < 10 ?01:47
kevinbentonclarkb: in infra?01:47
kevinbentonclarkb: i need to submit a patch to make sure neutron isn't using the same VNIs01:48
kevinbentonclarkb: it's causing issues since br-ex is managed by the agent01:48
clarkbno I think that we use a /25 so the last octet on thr second overlays second host is.12901:48
clarkbkevinbenton: I'm not sure I folloe01:48
clarkbbr-ex is not managed which us ehy its such a pita01:48
clarkbif you didnt manually create one you get a dangling one01:49
kevinbentonclarkb: er, sorry. i mean the agent will wire things between it and br-int01:49
clarkbbut that doesnt touch vxlan thats just a local veth pair right?01:50
kevinbentonclarkb: yeah, actually that doesn't matter. the issue seems to be that OVS has multiple tunnels using the same VNI01:51
clarkboh fun. I recommend neutron not use existing IDs :)01:51
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kevinbentonclarkb: yes01:51
kevinbentonclarkb: i'm seeing things that belong to a neutron network decapped onto br-ex because of it01:51
clarkball yhis setup happens before neuyron starts so as long as ypu pick others in the 12bit ramge should be fine01:51
kevinbentonclarkb: yep, which brings me to one last question01:52
kevinbentonclarkb: where should i put the config change for this?01:52
kevinbentonclarkb: devstack-gate?01:52
clarkbneutron shouodnt reuse vnis01:52
kevinbentonclarkb: it's not reusing VNIs01:53
kevinbentonclarkb: the operator used a VNI and then told neutron it was safe to use one01:53
clarkbyou mean ops have to explicitly set the range?01:53
kevinbentonclarkb: neutron is configured with a range of VNIs to safely allocate from for tenant networks01:53
clarkbthis is the myu stuff all over again01:53
kevinbentonclarkb: yes, because there is no way to know what is going to be on each agent01:53
clarkbwhy not?01:54
clarkbyou cant ask the local ovs?01:54
kevinbentonclarkb: this is the neutron server01:54
clarkbyes but you have agents rumning eberywhere01:54
kevinbentonclarkb: do you propose we query every agent to ask what VNI is in use?01:54
clarkbwell everywhere that matters01:54
clarkbits the same mtu issur all over again01:54
kevinbentonclarkb: everywhere that matters is any possible agent01:54
clarkbneutron has thr data and should figure it out01:54
kevinbentonclarkb: no it doesn't01:54
kevinbentonclarkb: a VNI is a resource of the datacenter01:55
kevinbentonclarkb: there can be VNIs in use in the datacenter that isn't in use on the agents01:55
kevinbentonclarkb: and it's still unsafe to use01:55
clarkbbut that only matters if you have ips that overlap right?01:55
clarkbin ehich case the agemt would know?01:56
clarkbreusing ids in non overlapping tunnels shpuld be fine01:56
kevinbentonclarkb: VNIs can be carried in multicast traffic (linux bridge can do this for it's broadcast data)01:56
kevinbentonclarkb: if neutron arbitrarily grabs a VNI01:57
kevinbentonclarkb: it can step on VNIs in use by the datacenter01:57
clarkbI see (we dont use mulyicast because we cant)01:57
fungiwell, assuming they reuse the same multicast groups i guess?01:57
clarkbright that too01:57
kevinbentonfungi: yep01:57
fungii mean, reusing multicast groups on your network is also a bad idea if you don't know they won't carry conflicting traffic01:58
clarkbok what is the default range used by drvstack/neutron?01:58
kevinbentondevstack looks to select 1:100001:58
clarkbkevinbenton: we can use 8192 + offset in devstack-gate then.01:59
clarkbor similar01:59
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kevinbentonclarkb: yep, anything that will be well out of your way01:59
clarkbwould need to edit bottom of functions.sh01:59
kevinbentonclarkb: we could even do something exotic like 123456701:59
kevinbentonclarkb: nobody ever uses the high numbers01:59
fungiright, too big to remember ;)02:00
clarkbkevinbenton: I'll let ypu pick yhe offset :)02:00
kevinbentonclarkb: ok. where am i submitting this?02:00
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clarkbset key = offset + additional offset02:01
clarkbwhere additional offset is whatever you pock02:01
* clarkb wishes he could just go back to gre oh well02:01
kevinbentonclarkb: ah, i see. changing the VNI on infra side02:02
kevinbentonclarkb: rather than the pool neutron uses02:02
clarkbkevinbenton: ya to avoid non backward compat with devstack02:02
kevinbentonclarkb: oh, for grenade jobs, right?02:02
clarkbnot sure if changing devstack will break anything but devstack gate is uses in single use things02:02
clarkbkevinbenton: ya or people with local installs02:03
fungiwhile this is riveting, i think i need to retire for the evening. later, all02:03
clarkbfungi: goodnight02:03
kevinbentonclarkb: oh, well i meant the change would still be devstack-gate, just in setting the tunnel ranges for neutron02:03
kevinbentonclarkb: but this works as well02:03
openstackgerritRui Chen proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create a new project python-nimbleclient
clarkbkevinbenton: no if we were to chamge neutrons range that should go in devstack so just changing the range multinode uses is best02:04
kevinbentonclarkb: ack02:04
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clarkbhrm zuul still hasnt reloaded its config02:05
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clarkbkevinbenton: what changed so that wr are only noticing this now?02:08
kevinbentonclarkb: it's a pretty rare failure02:09
kevinbentonclarkb: IIRC the neutron allocation strategy for VNIs is to go through the pool before starting over02:10
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clarkblooked like we had an old stuck ansible run from just before the fix for linuxbridge things merged so I went ahead and cleared those processes out hoping the next run through will be happier02:13
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openstackgerritKevin Benton proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Don't use 1:1000 VNI range for node-to-node tunnels
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clarkband ansible is running again02:15
clarkbkevinbenton: is it expected that in normal operation neutron and the rest of your datacenter would overlap? Not sure how that would work since you can't specify the vni when you create a neutron entwork right?02:18
clarkbkevinbenton: basically this is a hard requirement from neutron today that you always set non overlapping ranges?02:19
kevinbentonclarkb: yeah, set non overlapping ranges02:19
clarkbianw: maybe you can also review 367716?02:20
kevinbentonclarkb: as an admin you can specify the VNI for an individual network02:20
clarkbkevinbenton: ah but not as a normal user02:20
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kevinbentonclarkb: right, the ranges just control automatic allocation02:20
kevinbentonclarkb: as an admin you can even pick one outside of the range if you wanted02:20
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ianwclarkb: looking...02:22
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clarkbthere we go zuul is updated02:27
clarkbI rechecked
clarkband it has queued the trusty linuxbrideg job so I think we are good for now02:28
* clarkb returns to regularly scheduled evening02:28
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amrithAJaeger, at your convenience please take a look at, it found some interesting problems :)02:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add py3 jobs for fuel-ccp-entrypoint repo
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Move elements & lib relative to diskimage_builder package
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openstackgerritAnusha Ramineni proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Congress - Add replicated PE job
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openstackgerritzhurong proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable translation for solum
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openstackgerritzhurong proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable translation for solum
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
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openstackgerrityinxiulin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: tricircle: Enable neutron in tricircle tempest
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openstackgerritzhurong proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable translation for solum
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openstackgerritChaoyi Huang proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project Trio2o
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP -- clean full upgrade review
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yolandagood morning07:46
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jd__thanks AJaeger :)07:50
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Promote OSA tests CentOS7 job to voting
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vsaienkoinfra-core: could you please review
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: tripleo/upgrades: move jobs to check
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add new worker-model job, and remove 2 legacy dvsm jobs
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Congress - Add replicated PE job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: New Project timmy - ansible-like tool
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Grafana Neutron: use string substitution to track jobs running on different nodes
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create a release notes job for glanceclient
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - Implement overcloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: setup post job for sahara-extra
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Reduce bluebox-sjc1 by 1 node
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jamespagefungi, ah yes - (un)predictable network interface naming08:38
jamespagefungi, tricky08:38
jamespagethere may be packaging bits that updated to accomodate this, but not in the openstack package set08:38
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jamespagein terms of deployment tooling, we generally ignore interface naming now, and do things by mac address, which is less automagic08:39
jamespageI'd like to revisit this next cycle; make things a little less brittle08:39
openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - Implement overcloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
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dsutyaginHello infra team! We have merged, what do we need to do to get a new repository created in openstack github? Doc says "coordinate with the Infra team". Also, how do we set up and manage the "-core" group for this project? Thanks!08:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenario002: deploy Swift
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add charm-manila
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AJaegervsaienko: please have ironic folks review this first08:55
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vsaienkoAJaeger, there was +1 from Ironic PTL, I just resolved merge conflict08:55
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AJaegervsaienko: ah - will review later then.08:56
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AJaegerdsutyagin: it takes some time until a new repo shows up. Check
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vsaienkoAJaeger: thank you!08:56
AJaegerdsutyagin: github is just a mirror, it should sync automatically there. But first puppet needs to run its jobs everywhere08:57
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AJaegerdsutyagin: regarding the core group: An infra-root needs to add you to it and then you can add others to it. Hope somebody reads backscroll and will answer, otherwise ask again later giving the review.08:58
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AJaegerdsutyagin: has content now - you can clone and start sending in changes -but not approve until the ACL is setup08:59
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openstackgerritWaldemar Znoinski proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: don't configure 'lo' for dhcp
wznoinskis it me or is review.o.o crawling ?09:05
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - Implement overcloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: WIP - Implement overcloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Complete retirement of keystoneauth-saml2
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dtantsurAJaeger, hi! can we please chat about this xenial thing?09:35
dtantsurAJaeger, I suggest we start switch with 2 jobs with "ipmitool" in there names, they won't be voting very soon, but we'll switch to them in the future.09:36
dtantsurI also think they're Newton-only, but I need to double-check09:36
dtantsurhmm, no, they run on mitaka too.. not sure how to handle that.09:38
AJaegerdtantsur: Let's discuss later with clarkb on what he proposes as best way going forward with ironic and xenial move, ok?09:38
dtantsurfine, as soon as we can move forward reasonable fast :)09:38
dtantsurI don't feel well making such a drastic switch with completely new jobs fwiw09:38
AJaegerdtantsur: I want to move reasonable fast with Xenail ;)09:38
dtantsurAJaeger, the fastest way will be to clone one of the existing jobs. this is the only non-contentious approach IMO09:39
AJaegerdtantsur: I do - but I'm happy to get convinced by clarkb to do it differently...09:39
dtantsurAJaeger, does it mean you offer your help debugging it, if it does not work for an unclear reason?09:40
AJaegerdtantsur: Let's postpone this whole discussion until clarkb is up, please.09:40
dtantsurok, ok..09:40
AJaegerdtantsur: infra helps for sure with this switch and can give advice.09:41
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Rework the task list layout
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a way to add tasks to worklists from the story view
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Complex priorities UI in stories
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openstackgerritVladimir Kuklin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a Fuel extension to support Serializers Conversion
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a way to add tasks to worklists from the story view
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Complex priorities UI in stories
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zynzelanybody from infra online? :)10:15
zynzelcan anybody create 'glare-support' branch in openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site?10:16
zynzelthis was discussed in
openstackgerritMaciej Relewicz proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added new repos for Murano chef cookbook
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add recent events templates for worklist notifications
sanekfungi: could you please add to timmy-core group (
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openstackgerritVitaly Gridnev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fix bad substitution issue
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vgridnevAJaeger, could you please review ^^10:31
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Drbd enables service itself
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AJaegerzynzel: best wait for fungi10:38
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AJaegervgridnev: Argh. Yes, templates need two {{. Let's wait for XML output and then I'll fast approve...10:39
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yolandahi sanek , i can do it10:42
sanekyolanda: thanks a lot10:44
AJaegersanek: I made you the first patch for the repo: ;)10:46
sanekAJaeger: thanks :)10:48
AJaegersanek: you'rew welcome. Happy hacking!10:49
AJaegersanek: and mirroring at github is now setup as well - thanks to yolanda!10:49
* yolanda is a github fixer :)10:49
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AJaegersanek: you first need to fix the jobs before my change can pass - they all fail...10:50
AJaegersanek: feel free to add my change as part of those job fix changes and tell me to abandon mine10:50
AJaegeryolanda: could you +2A , please?10:52
yolandayes, done10:52
openstackgerritVladimir Kuklin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a Fuel extension to support Serializers Conversion
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: fix bad substitution issue
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pabelangerfungi: re: provider booting. Yes, not sure if the right solution but would make nodepool easier on clouds11:06
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AJaegersanek: timmy should pass tests now ;)11:13
AJaegermorning, pabelanger !11:13
sanekok, thanks)11:13
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Add execution perms to post-install in bridge
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openstackgerritShu Muto proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add nodejs4-jobs for magnum-ui
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Disable connecting to the SSH agent for ssh_connect
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pabelanger^ Is to help narrow down the SSHException: No existing session errors we are still getting in nodepool.o.o11:31
pabelangerI believe the other code paths in paramiko are actually hiding what the real exception is11:32
pabelangernext step will be to enable SSH debugs in nodepool11:32
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openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add Zaqar to scenario002
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SergKHi, question regarding infra, should we add "jeepyb" user to Administrators group in gerrit, or better just to provide createProject and createGroup capability to it?11:51
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openstackgerritJim Rollenhagen proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add bug #1621791
openstackbug 1621791 in Ironic Inspector "Inspector grenade fails in test_network_basic_ops" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Dmitry Tantsur (divius)11:54
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pabelangerSergK: I believe both is needed still:
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SergKpabelanger, thank you11:58
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement overcloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add bug #1621791
openstackbug 1621791 in Ironic Inspector "Inspector grenade fails in test_network_basic_ops" [Critical,In progress] - Assigned to Dmitry Tantsur (divius)12:07
zigopabelanger: Hi there, how's everything? Do you have time to review this?
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenarios: set Debug to True
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenario001: deploy Ceph
pabelangerzigo: I haven't been following along the discussions, for this to be honest. So not the best person to be reviewing right now12:11
zigopabelanger: The idea is that we now have merge commit rights to merge new upstream releases inside the debian/newton packaging branch. If we want a commit merge to be effectively a single reviewable commit on Gerrit, then Gerrit needs to have the upstream branches.12:12
zigopabelanger: Meaning we need the track-upstream option so that Gerrit non-packaging branches are up-to-date.12:13
zigoThen "git merge -X theirs <TAG-NAME>" will produce a merge commit as expected.12:14
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zigoIn fact, that's more or less what I wrote in the commit message.12:14
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Rework the task list layout
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a way to add tasks to worklists from the story view
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AJaegerEmilienM: a recheck will not help at all with depends-on12:23
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Complex priorities UI in stories
EmilienMAJaeger: yeah, I need another +A12:24
EmilienMAJaeger: thanks :-)12:24
AJaegerEmilienM: done.12:24
EmilienMAJaeger: merci12:25
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pabelangerzigo: Yup, understood. I'm just not sure what the long term plan is. I'm sure fungi will be online shortly to review12:25
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openstackgerritmathieu bultel proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Implement overcloud upgrade job - Mitaka -> Newton
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pabelangerTime to deal with glean issues an upstart12:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: tripleo/scenario002: add swift
zigopabelanger: May I help with that?12:31
zigopabelanger: I mean, glean and upstream, can I help?12:33
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pabelangerzigo: thanks, just making sure our upstart order is current for glean. It needs to run before openssh and networking otherwise, early SSH connections get dropped12:35
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yolandahi, is there some issue with puppet-lint right now? my job failed a pair of times with
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pabelangeryolanda: might want to ping EmilienM to confirm12:43
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EmilienMmhh weird12:49
EmilienMPuppet CI doesn't fail AFIK12:49
EmilienMyolanda: let me 5 min12:49
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yolandaEmilienM, thanks12:50
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openstackgerritMathieu Mitchell proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Introduce TinyCoreLinux mirror
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EmilienMyolanda: it sounds like related to puppet-openstack_infra_spec_helper12:54
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yolandait started to fail today as far as i know, but i need to find more time to debug12:57
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EmilienMyolanda: so I double checked and we don't have it in PuppetOpenStack12:59
EmilienMso yes, it might be something in the gemspec12:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Update infracloud documentation to remove old geo information
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yolandaso it looks like a conflict , puppet-lint-unquoted_string depending on  puppet-lint (~> 1.0), and puppetlabs_spec_helper on  puppet-lint (~> 2.0)13:13
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jtomasekkrotscheck: Hi, we're hitting issues with phantomjs-prebuilt on jenkins, the relevant github issue indicates broken npm cache, any idea how to fix this, please?13:22
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jtomasekapetrich: ^13:25
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apetrichjtomasek, give me a sec13:26
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apetrichjtomasek, so from what I know every run of the ci there is on a clean machine so you should not have a npm cache. last time we had a problem like that was two steps that were installing the same package or something13:38
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove ACLs to push signed tags from neutron-release
jtomasekapetrich: yeah, I think that should not be the case this time. Also I am not able to reproduce the issue locally. Updating to latest version of phantomjs-prebuilt did not help either13:40
apetrichjtomasek, the github issue looks reasonable13:41
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openstackgerritVasyl Saienko proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ironic-dsvm-multitest experimental job.
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clarkbAJaeger: dtantsur not sure what the question is but I have been trying my best to test locally then switch. And this has worled so far for everything but the interface name thing we ran into with neutron14:04
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clarkbbecause really most things have just worked14:04
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dtantsurclarkb, have you tried ironic on xenial?14:05
dtantsurcause if nobody tried that, I'm more worried to move a completely new job straight to it14:06
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clarkbdtantsur: no because I asked ironic a while back to get their job config under control.before trying yo even attempt making things run on xenial14:07
dtantsurwell, I guess it's time? at least according to AJaeger :)14:07
clarkbwell xenial needs to happen sooner than later14:07
dtantsurdepending on your definition of "under control" of course14:08
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clarkbdtantsur: ironic had >100 integration jobs when I last counted14:08
dtantsurclarkb, fully agree. I still don't get why not start moving *existing* jobs that are known to work already.14:08
clarkbnot all of these are used but they are configured. So was asking for ironic to address that and get the number to more accurately reflect ehat is wanted/used14:09
dtantsurclarkb, well, I don't think the situation has changed much re number of jobs.. we do have them better organized now14:09
clarkband I dont want to make matters worse by yhrowing xenial into the mix without first addressing the other issue14:10
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anteayaclarkb: thanks for getting zuul updating again last night and rechecking that neutron patch, it passed jenkins14:11
dtantsurclarkb, well, we're improving, but that does take time, especially when number of features and configurations grows in parallel...14:11
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dtantsurclarkb, however AJaeger wants us to start switching now14:12
clarkbyes so I recommend we first fix thr list of jobs14:12
clarkbstep one is remove all unused jobs14:12
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clarkbthen go from there14:12
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clarkbotherwise we will spend effort testing those on xenial that is wasted14:13
fungizynzel: for consistency, the branch should actually be called "feature/glare-support" and yes i can create it now... do you just want it branched from the tip of master (389e331)?14:13
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AJaegerdtantsur: before even adding more jobs - and there're at least two reviews open for that - let's come up with a plan to move forward with xenial. I don't want to make it more complex with adding them...14:20
dtantsurAJaeger, note that my patch is for replacing jobs eventually...14:20
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dtantsurAJaeger, also such plan should be built on ML IMO and with PTL contributing (hey jroll!)14:21
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AJaegerdtantsur: my understanding was that clarkb reached out already to ironic team as mentioned above.14:22
dtantsurlet's make sure we understand the goals: to have minimum amount of jobs or to have the best coverage?14:22
dtantsurbecause what I hear now is essentially to remove jobs, even if it makes harder to cover features14:22
clarkbdtantsur: no immediate goal is just remove unused tests from jjb14:22
clarkbsince I am fairly certain you are not using all of them14:22
AJaegerdtantsur: our goal is to have Newton tested on Xenial.14:23
openstackgerritJesse Pretorius (odyssey4me) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Skip scenario tests for OSA liberty/mitaka jobs
AJaegerAnd the integrated test runs already on Xenial14:23
dtantsurclarkb, well, we're having two transitions in place: from SSH to ipmitool jobs, and from inspector shell-based jobs to tempest jobs14:23
clarkbthen we know what needs testing on xenial and we can do that work14:23
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dtantsurclarkb, such transition leaves some duplication, later it will leave jobs only running on liberty/mitaka, etc14:23
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* jroll reads things14:25
* jroll in a meeting so will be slow as heck14:25
clarkbdtantsur: can you at least take a look and see if we can trim things? we were fairly certain there was a lot of trimming that could be done a few weeks ago just in removing unused stuff14:25
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clarkbjobs that are in jjb but not zuul14:25
* dtantsur looks for devananda|dinner's etherpad with our jobs14:26
jrollclarkb: dtantsur: we had JayF and devananda|dinner looking into that but not sure where it went :/14:26
dtantsurclarkb, what would help is a tox target to check for that14:26
dtantsurmeh, of course FF undigs anything, but not this etherpad...14:27
AJaegerdtantsur: I have a script to generate a list of all unused jobs, let me start that and grep for ironic and add to paste - expect results after my meeting (in 30+ mins)14:27
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zynzelfungi: yeah, if possible please create it from master14:28
dtantsurAJaeger, thanks! would be extremely helpful14:28
zynzelmoreover, can you create this branch also on openstack/app-catalog, openstack-infra/apps_site and openstack-infra/system-config?14:28
zynzelguys from app-catalog dosent have permission to create new branches in app-catalog repo :)14:28
zynzeland system-config for future work, not to ping you next week14:29
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fungizynzel: we can't branch system-config, and thinking through this i don' think a branch in puppet-apps_site makes sense either. you just need the changes to it to be backwards-compatible until we move off he old site14:30
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fungibut a feature branch in app-catalog should be fine14:30
zynzelok, so i will do some kind of 'if' for backward compatibility in apps_site14:31
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fungiwe can make the puppet module configurable as to which branch of apps-site is used for different servers (conrolled through class parameters)14:31
jrolldtantsur: AJaeger: seems a bit late to be making a plan to get on xenial in newton, no? :/14:31
zynzelso, please create only new branch in openstack/app-catalog14:31
AJaegerjroll: this is ongoing for some time already, see for example
jrollAJaeger: I understand, I'm saying "hi ironic, please make a plan to do this" is a bit late.... I wasn't aware we needed to get involved in this14:32
clarkbjroll: I brought this up with ironic way back when14:33
clarkbit was the entire motivation for that conversation about job cleanup14:33
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mat128AJaeger, yolanda: the depends-on change has merged for this change:
clarkbbasically we eant to port jobs but need a good list first"14:33
jrollclarkb: oh, I understood that as "help clean this up" (and also thought folks were working on that)14:33
jrollfair enough14:33
fungizynzel: i can do it right after the release team meeting wraps up, no problem14:34
jrollI will bug people and eagerly await Andreas' list since he has a script14:34
zynzelfungi: thanks14:34
AJaegermat128: great, +A14:34
mat128AJaeger: thank you :)14:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Rework the task list layout
pabelangerclarkb: working on an upstart issue now with glean and ubuntu-trusty. Question I have, to we want to force a dependency on ssh server from init scripts or not?14:36
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clarkbpabelanger: can we? this was aleays the hardest part of using upstart. if its a sysv compat init script they just run at a certain time and otherwise there are some weird dep tree issues. Generally I think we should have ssh come up.after we have working network though14:37
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pabelangerclarkb: with upstart, we can. And I have it working.14:38
pabelangerclarkb: the issues, default ssh init scripts don't actually depend on networking, just runlevel [12345]14:38
clarkbhuh is that causing problems or can we just accept it?14:39
pabelangerso, we can force the dependency with our glean service scripts or just kick openssh reload from script14:39
AJaegerdtantsur, jroll, clarkb: FYI, we currently have a total of 12049 jobs, 1612 of these are unused - grep for ironic returns 4414:39
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dtantsurwow, that's a lot14:39
pabelangerclarkb: I think there is a race condition that is cause some issues with ubuntu-trusty to launch in rax14:39
openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add newton gate jobs for trove
AJaegerdtantsur: not all of those 44 are part of ironic team, it matches ansible ironic stuff as well.14:40
AJaegerjroll, dtantsur, clarkb : full list
jrollAJaeger: thank you14:41
dtantsurthanks AJaeger, I'll look into it and propose a patch removing stuff14:41
* AJaeger just grepped for ironic in the name of the job, so filter out yours14:41
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Publish install guide for Ironic
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fungipabelanger: clarkb: i think opensshd has listened on [::]:22/tcp for ages, so just automatically receives connections on any new interfaces that are brought up later14:43
fungiunless you explicitly bind it to particular addresses/interfaces14:44
pabelangerfungi: need to check what the default in trusty is, we don't set ListenAddress right now14:45
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openstackgerritBartosz Kupidura proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: [wip] Glare support for app-catalog
pabelangerSSHException: Error reading SSH protocol banner[Errno 104] Connection reset by peer14:48
pabelangerthat's the error we get from ubuntu-trusty14:48
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pabelangerwhich leads me to thing ssh server is restarted14:48
pabelangerglean, will dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server if ssh keys have already been generated14:49
fungipabelanger: glean _does_ restart sshd though, right? (something to do with regenerating host keys?)14:49
fungiyeah, that14:49
clarkbit should generate them before ssh ever starts or at least thats thr goal14:50
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AJaegerclarkb: for new jobs that target master/newton, I currently ask everybody to run them on xenial14:50
pabelanger    test -f /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key || dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server || true14:50
pabelangerthats the command14:50
AJaegerclarkb: so, that should give us less jobs to migrate in the end...14:50
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pabelangerI suspect glean and openssh-server are racing, nodepool establishes a connection, then glean dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server, which drops the connect14:52
pabelangerwe had this issue with systemd and fixed it14:52
clarkbAJaeger: ya thats probably a good idea.14:52
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pabelangerhowever, with systemd we could depend on That doesn't exist for upstart14:53
clarkbAJaeger: so if this is just new jobs we can ptobably move ahead lets just make sure they are used and we dont forget to clean out the old ones14:54
zigopabelanger: Just for fun, I tried building all of the python-xstatic* packages at once (needed anyway for building or running horizon). That's 29 packages build 3 times... (so, 87 package build). It looks like it's doing to be done in 45 minutes! :)14:54
zigoI tried hard, but couldn't get to use more than 20 nodes at once... :P14:55
* zigo wont do that again...14:55
krotscheckjtomasek: Do you still need help with phantom?14:55
jtomasekkrotscheck: yes, please14:55
jtomasekkrotscheck: strange thing is that it happens only with that patch which adds 2 new dependencies14:56
zigopabelanger: My goal was also to check if concurrent POST job would work, and it looks like it is very much ok.14:56
pabelangerclarkb: fungi: this is what I have been testing:
jtomasekkrotscheck: It is hard to debug as I am not able to reproduce it locally14:56
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pabelangerzigo: good to hear14:56
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pabelangerzigo: do you know is anybody is actually testing those builds yet?14:57
jtomasekkrotscheck: my node version is 4.2.6 and npm is 3.5.214:57
krotscheckjtomasek: So, just an FYI, I'm no longer paid to work on OpenStack, so this counts against what volunteer time I permit myself.14:57
krotscheckjtomasek: I don't remember if they've changed this, but in the past the issue with phantomjs is that it's nto actually hosted on npm.14:57
jtomasekkrotscheck: ack14:58
pabelangerclarkb: fungi: another option is for us to install a new init.d script for ssh on ubuntu-trusty14:58
pabelangerclarkb: fungi: which adds the dependency on glean14:58
krotscheckjtomasek: In reality, the npm package just loads the most recent version from bitbucket, and the relevant account is rate limited.14:58
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krotscheckjtomasek: From my converstaions with the owner, their response was: "We have a mirror on the other side of the great chinese firewall, please use that"14:58
clarkbpabelanger: how is sshd starting the first time around without ssh host keys? maybe we can manipulate that to drlay it?14:59
krotscheckjtomasek: Which is not really a thing we can do.14:59
AJaegerclarkb: I tried already removing some old jobs but it's difficult. Biggest offenders are ansible and charm - with 220 unused jobs each. But those need some template reworking...14:59
krotscheckjtomasek: So what was happening at that time was that at the beginning of every day, the quota would reset, a bunch of builds would pass, and then they'd all start to fail.14:59
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clarkbAJaeger: fun fun thpugh at least thr ansible team has done their own xenialing so we dont have to think about them much15:00
mordredkrotscheck: that sounds like a thing we might want to figure out how to pre-cache somehow15:00
zigopabelanger: Nobody, because I haven't gone up to having services built. And I'm currently stuck, because of blocker project-config patches. IE: 3 patches for adding missing Gerrit repo: and and the track-upstream patch:
krotscheckmordred: Well, lemme finish15:00
AJaegerclarkb: I'm putting the full list up on a server, waiting for next sync to share the link15:00
jtomasekkrotscheck: I see, so you're saying that it might start to succeed on subsequent runs in next days?15:00
zigofungi: Could you review BTW ?15:00
krotscheckmordred, jtomasek: It turns out that no actual human uses phantom to browse ui's.15:00
dtantsurAJaeger, oh wonderful, it seems like now we're missing quite a few real jobs which are supposed to run Oo15:00
krotscheckmordred, jtomasek: It's just a developer tool, and it lags singificantly behind the node runtime.15:01
krotscheckmordred, jtomasek: The best option we came up with is "Don't use phantom". No user uses it, and we provide both firefox and chrome running in Xvfb's for karma to grab.15:01
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jtomasekkrotscheck: I see, yeah, we've been considering switching to jsdom solution for unit testing15:02
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mordredkrotscheck: ah. cool15:02
AJaegerdtantsur: fun ;(15:03
krotscheckjtomasek: Also, and I hate to bring this up-> ReactJS's licensing has a patent rider with a very aggressive retaliation clause, which may make it non-OSI-compliant.15:03
openstackgerritMike Fedosin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add py35 and pypi jobs to Glare and its client
jtomasekkrotscheck: yep, I am aware of this15:03
dtantsurAJaeger, e.g. ironic-inspector-client config is just a mess... it misses python-jobs, and defines all jobs (except for forgotten docs) manually.. I dunno how we ended up like that15:03
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krotscheckNobody's respodned to yet15:03
pabelangerclarkb: openssh-server generates them if missing I think.  Glean will only create the root keys15:04
clarkbpabelanger: glean creates them because sshd doesnt iirc15:04
pabelangerclarkb: Hmm, let me check that15:05
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clarkbat least on debuntu. rhel/centos/fedora generate them in the init for sshd if they dont exist15:05
AJaegerdtantsur: if there's anything I can help with, feel free to ask15:06
dtantsurAJaeger, can I get my hands on your script, so that I can check the results?15:06
pabelangerclarkb: Oh, is that because we delete the original keys from the DIB?15:07
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AJaegerdtantsur: let me walk you through it:
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AJaegerIt cleans up the old results, runs tox to get list of all jobs defined, checks zuul output to look for jobs defined - and then creates list of used/unused jobs15:08
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dtantsurAJaeger, interesting, I don't see some of the jobs mentioned there defined e.g. gate-tempest-dsvm-ironic-inspector (without -nv)15:08
AJaegerdtantsur: So, that's the high level view. Just run it locally and double check my regex foo ;)15:08
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dtantsursure, maybe it's my fault, lemme check again15:09
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clarkbpabelanger: yes15:09
AJaegerdtantsur: git grep '{pipeline}-tempest-dsvm-ironic-inspector{job-suffix}' in project-config15:10
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dtantsurAJaeger, what's the group "devstack-jobs" for?15:10
dtantsurin devstack-gate.yaml15:10
AJaegerdtantsur: a nice way to instantiate those - see how it's used in jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml.15:11
mordredkrotscheck: thanks for reminding me about react15:11
AJaegerdtantsur: we can easily remove it from devstack-jobs...15:11
AJaegerdtantsur: that all comes from the big integrated gate AFAIK15:11
dtantsurAJaeger, yeah, it might be the cause of unused jobs15:11
AJaegerdtantsur: So, if you find an unused job, check the config - ./.test/jenkins-job-builder/.test/new/out/gate-tempest-dsvm-ironic-inspector in this case, read it to get the template used, and then grep for the template in jenkins/jobs to find where it's used15:12
pabelangermrhillsman: clarkb: fungi: raddaoui: So, I am seeing instability from osic-cloud8 APIs, which is causing some issues with nodepool. shows a pictures of the issues.  I'm think we should turn off osic-cloud8 for the moment until we can do some more manually testing.15:12
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krotscheckmordred: YOu're... welcome? I'm guessing you can throw lawyers at the problem?15:13
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AJaegerdtantsur: so, let me cleanup that list for you...15:13
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zigomordred: Could you please approve so I could build all python-*client packages?15:13
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-infracloud: Only spin up bridge on RHEL case
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mordredkrotscheck: well, I know at least one ...15:14
krotscheckmordred: Is that lawyer compact enough to throw?15:15
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mordredkrotscheck: oh yeah15:15
pabelangerclarkb: going to put trusty failures on hold for now, since it is the lowest failure rate atm15:15
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dtantsurAJaeger, will generate all possible combinations?15:15
dtantsurif so, we might need moar excludes :)15:16
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pabelangercorvus: clarkb: would appreciate your feedback on and however. Changes to paramiko ssh_connect settings for nodepool and private keys15:17
zigomordred: Thanks!15:17
zigoAJaeger: Can you add your +2A to the one of Monty?
fungimordred: krotscheck: it does seem at least superficially weird that if what they wanted was a bsd-like license with explicit patent protections, they would have been more likely to just use the apache license... makes it seem like there's something else going on there15:19
mrhillsmanpabelanger if cloud8 is more of an issue than a help right now please go ahead and disable15:20
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mrhillsmanraddaoui can correct me if i am wrong but we have identified the issue at the least15:20
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unused jobs from devstack-gate
AJaegerclarkb, dtantsur  ^15:21
AJaegerdtantsur: yes, that generates all possible combinations15:22
dtantsurAJaeger, thanks! I'll base my further work on top of it15:22
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openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use standard python jobs for python-ironic-inspector-client
dtantsurAJaeger, 1st part ^^ (haven't run tests yet)15:23
AJaegerzigo, done15:24
dtantsurAJaeger, what is preferred, to generate all combinations, then add exceptions, or explicitly list all expected variants?15:24
AJaegerdtantsur: I don't see a docs directory in python-ironic-inspector-client, so hope you didn't add docs jobs?15:24
dtantsurAJaeger, ouch, it seems like I derped this one15:25
dtantsuryeah, there are no docs there, probably that's why it was so messy15:25
AJaegerdtantsur: Often generating all combinations is less error prone. clarkb, what do you think in this case?15:25
AJaegerclarkb: see also dtantsur's gist from 10 mins ago15:26
pabelangermrhillsman: right now, we're only launching a few nodes on osic-cloud8, up to 10. I think we could keep it running for a bit, if it helps trace down issues on your side. However, if not, ya, we'd likely disable it for now as not to impact test jobs15:27
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pabelangermrhillsman: it looks like once a node is launched, test will be run, but we are seeing some issues working with the openstack api15:27
dtantsurAJaeger, I'll probably continue with a fresh head on Monday, after your patch lands and the list shrinks a bit15:28
AJaegerproject-config cores, here're three cleanup changes, reviews are welcome: and
AJaegerdtantsur: ok15:29
AJaegerdtantsur: does the script work for you?15:29
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dtantsurhaven't tried yet, lemme do15:29
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fungimordred: i'm refreshing my memory of how our upstream tracking implementation works... it basically updates copies of what's in the upstream remote each time manage-projects is run?15:30
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anteayaAJaeger: you have 844 linked twice15:30
fungimordred: if so, i wonder if that choice was made at a time when we fired manage-projects on every puppet pulse rather than only when there are changes to projects.yaml15:31
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add missing deb repo 3/5
AJaegeranteaya: ;( Thanks for noticing. Try instead15:31
fungimordred: and whether we should move that functionality to a separate cron instead of having it rely on frequency of projects.yaml changes15:32
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zigoAJaeger: Awesome, thanks.15:32
clarkbAJaeger: dtantsur I am looking at that github link and its just python jobs for instack things?15:32
clarkbAJaeger: dtantsur I feel like I am missing context on the generating all combinations question15:33
dtantsurclarkb, gah, something merged in between, and the link is no longer right15:34
clarkbdtantsur: oh ha15:34
dtantsurclarkb, take it while it's still valid: :)15:34
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anteayaAJaeger: keystoneauth-saml2 still has dot files:
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anteayastevemar: we need the dot files removed from keystoneauth-saml2 ^^15:35
AJaegeranteaya: we removed all jobs already from it ;(15:35
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anteayaAJaeger: well the dot files remain15:35
stevemaraww man, i failed in deleting :facepalm:15:35
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AJaegeranteaya: yes, so that would need new jobs added first, then removed again.15:35
fungistevemar: `git ls-files` is your friend15:36
stevemarAJaeger: anteaya remove all the files, including the README?15:36
anteayastevemar: leave the readme15:36
anteayastevemar: all other files are removed, including the dot files15:36
AJaegerstevemar: leave the README in - and only the README. But if you add another commit, you need to update the README15:36
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stevemarAJaeger: why do i need to update it?15:37
clarkbAJaeger: dtantsur I am a fan of having more matrices but applyting them as necessary to more specific templates. looks like we already do that below in the jobs list too15:37
anteayaAJaeger: why change the readme?15:37
AJaegerstevemar: I noticed that we didn't retire it properly, ACLs still exist, see
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fungicould do two commits... a revert of the incomplete deletion followed by a rework that deletes the right files15:37
clarkbAJaeger: dtantsur basically instead of having a giant global matrix have the matrix for job foo and matrix for job bar and or group foo and group bar then you can have a bit more control over how things multiply15:37
AJaegeranteaya: it says checkout "HEAD^1" - this would be wrong if you add another change15:37
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anteayaAJaeger: oh okay15:37
stevemarAJaeger: you sent me the wrong link?15:37
openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: upstream: and options: track-upstream for deb-*
AJaegerstevemar: - I'm screwing up links to day ;(15:38
zigofungi: Merging the addition of "missing deb 3/5" created a merge conflict, please review again
dtantsurclarkb, I wonder how it would look in our case though..15:39
stevemarAJaeger: ahhh15:39
clarkbAJaeger: 368078 didn't pass the layout job15:39
clarkbdtantsur: I think you would maybe have a group for ipmi, a group for ipa, a group for ssh (or whatever just examples not necessarily sure these are the specific values)15:39
stevemarAJaeger: so.. what do y'all need me to do? remove the dotfiles? or do i wait until the jobs are back?15:39
AJaegerclarkb, will investigate...15:40
anteayastevemar: well fungi gave a suggestion above15:40
clarkbdtantsur: then your driver remains fixed while you control other things like whther or not you need voting or non voting, the ramdisk, partitioning, etc for each of those groups15:40
anteayastevemar: would be simplest I think15:40
krotscheckfungi, mordred: IANAL and have no clue about such things.15:40
dtantsurclarkb, yeah, makes sense15:40
AJaegerstevemar: add jobs back, follow fungi's suggestion, remove the jobs and merge my change ;)15:40
clarkbdtantsur: it might make more sense to group my ramdisk or by partition but I think thats the general idea I would start with. Find the flag that ends up grouping things logically given what you want to test then group on that15:41
zigomordred: Can you also review so that I can do upgrades to new upstream releases?15:41
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create gate-grenade-dsvm-neutron-nova-next-ubuntu-xenial-nv
zigofungi: How does the track-upstream option work? Is this a cron job? How often does it run?15:41
AJaegerclarkb, layout failure is "ImportError: cannot import name monkey". What's up?15:42
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AJaeger"ould not import setuptools which is required to install from a source distribution."15:42
zigofungi: mordred: Outch, my bad, fixing the layout...15:42
mtreinishAJaeger: hmm, I just hit that locally trying to build the governance repo docs15:42
AJaegermtreinish: any new broken release out?15:43
clarkbAJaeger: huh that is new to me15:43
mtreinishyep setuptools released today15:43
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mtreinishdstufft: ^^^15:43
clarkbthat is a circular import15:43
clarkbgoes monkey -> msvc -> monkey15:43
anteayamtreinish: can you +1 which adds an experimental job to grenade?15:43
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "retire keystoneauth-saml2"
zigofungi: Isn't this a bug in the check script?
anteayastevemar: the patch is in merge conflict, also can you say in the commit message that this is so you can remove the forgotten dot files?15:45
mtreinishanteaya: done15:45
AJaegerzigo, read backscrool for 10 lines ;)15:45
anteayamtreinish: thank you15:45
AJaegerTeam, seems layout gate is broken now ;(15:45
stevemaranteaya: yeah, i'm rebasing locally, i'm in over my head, give me a few15:45
dstufftTalking to jason15:45
mtreinishdstufft: thanks15:45
dtantsurseems like many gates are, I just saw this import problem in ironic-inspector grenade15:45
anteayadtantsur: jobs15:46
raissajust got that import problem in sahara-tests15:46
AJaegerinfra-root, what do you think of a #status notice?15:46
mriedemis this a known failure in project-config?
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anteayamriedem: the monkey thing?15:47
clarkbAJaeger: probably a good idea. "New setuptools release appears to have a circular import which is breaking many jobs" ?15:47
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anteayamriedem: yeah we just found it all over the place, new setuptools release15:47
AJaegerclarkb: Let's mention monkey in it.15:47
anteayaAJaeger: agreed15:47
clarkb"New setuptools release includes a circular import of "monkey" which is breaking many jobs."15:47
AJaegerSuggestion: "New setuptools release appears to have a circular import which is breaking many jobs - check for ImportError: cannot import name monkey."15:48
anteayaeither mentions monkey so works for me15:48
clarkbthat is nice and specific15:48
clarkbok now to remember which of the commands I want15:48
AJaegerclarkb: #status notice "text"15:48
clarkbdo we want to update the topics in channels? I think that is "alert"15:48
clarkband notice won't update the topics15:48
anteayaI think update topics15:48
anteayathis is hitting everyone and we can unalert once it clears15:49
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AJaegerLots of red in zuul - alert15:49
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anteayaI too vote alert15:49
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fungiis there an upstream issue open for it?15:49
anteayathe whole gate pipeline is affected15:49
fungican link looks like15:50
anteayafungi: dunno. so far dstufft is aware and talking to somone named Jason15:50
openstackgerritamrith proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add newton gate jobs for trove
fungii expect there will be a brown-bag release forthwith15:50
clarkb#status alert New setuptools release appears to have a circular import which is breaking many jobs - check for ImportError: cannot import name monkey.15:50
openstackstatusclarkb: sending alert15:50
dstufftJason is @jaraco, the setuptools maintainer15:50
anteayadstufft: ah thank you15:50
AJaegerthanks, clarkb15:50
mtreinishfungi: you win :)15:50
fungimtreinish: the setuptools issue tracker is in my auto-complete ;)15:51
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mriedemi'll get an e-r up for
openstackLaunchpad bug 1621916 in OpenStack-Gate "setuptools 27.1.0 has a circular import error" [Undecided,New]15:51
fungi(i'm not sure if that says something about me, or about setuptools, but whatever)15:51
anteayamriedem: thanks15:51
dstufftfungi: why not both!15:51
dstufft should fix it I think15:51
zigoSo, to sum-up: the monkey broke setuptools... :P15:52
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anteayazigo: and dstufft has a fix up15:52
fungichaos monkey at work!15:52
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: New setuptools release appears to have a circular import which is breaking many jobs - check for ImportError: cannot import name monkey.15:52
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for setuptools 27.1.0 bug 1621916
mriedemmtreinish: ^15:53
openstackbug 1621916 in OpenStack-Gate "setuptools 27.1.0 has a circular import error" [Undecided,New]
zigoanteaya: dstufft killed the money... :)15:53
anteayaor moved it15:53
anteayasometimes monkeys just need a better place to be15:54
* AJaeger will be back later15:54
mtreinishmriedem: +A15:54
anteayaAJaeger: thank you15:54
mtreinishmriedem: hmm, I wonder if we should look into adding other tracker support into e-r15:54
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "retire keystoneauth-saml2"
stevemarAJaeger: ummm ^ ?15:55
fungimtreinish: you can just open a reference lp bug against openstack-gate for now. that's how we've normally handled stuff like this15:55
stevemarAJaeger: i didn't want to add back *all* the jobs, but i may have made a booboo15:55
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mriedemmtreinish: asselin added jira support15:55
mriedemor support to make it configurable15:56
mriedemfor other bug trackers15:56
openstackstatusclarkb: finished sending alert15:56
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mtreinishfungi: it is, I realize that. But I was jsut thinking that it wouldn't be too difficult to for tracking based on github directly15:56
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anteayastevemar: AJaeger is out of a bit whilst we address the monkey issue15:56
stevemaranteaya: coolio15:56
anteayastevemar: thanks :)15:56
fungimtreinish: agreed, if it's something you want to add, it certainly makes sense in these situations15:56
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mtreinishmriedem: oh right15:57
stevemaranteaya: i'll get all my reviews queued up, so it's ready for you all when you've caught the monkey15:57
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mtreinishmriedem: so I guess it's just a matter of leveraging that15:57
anteayastevemar: thank you15:57
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jlvillalI hope this monkey thing when fixed will have a funny #success entry :)15:59
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Append to interface definition for multi-address
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add ipv6 support to gentoo
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Index networks using id, not links
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pabelangermordred: clarkb: ^ our glean stack to fix rax-iad16:04
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: bring back keystoneauth-saml2 jobs temporarily
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for setuptools 27.1.0 bug 1621916
openstackbug 1621916 in OpenStack-Gate "setuptools 27.1.0 has a circular import error" [Undecided,New]
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openstackgerritTom Fifield proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Skip CAPTCHA for autopatrol users
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dstufft27.1.2 should fix I think16:07
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anteayadstufft: thank you16:09
anteayaclarkb: ^^16:09
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make Elastic Recheck Watch more reusable
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clarkbonce we see it on our mirror we can status ok16:11
anteayaclarkb: awesome, thank you16:11
anteayaany thoughts on how long it should take for the mirror to see it?16:12
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: bring back keystoneauth-saml2 jobs temporarily
clarkbwe build the mirror every 5 minutes so ~5minutes or so after the release happens16:12
clarkb has the votes it needs to address the linuxbridge xenial issues. So once setuptools is working again we should merge that then the project-config change16:14
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "bring back keystoneauth-saml2 jobs temporarily"
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Complete retirement of keystoneauth-saml2
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stevemarAJaeger: i compiled a hilarious chain of patches, you can see them here: -- all the reverts --16:17
stevemarAJaeger: please review when you've fixed your infra monkies16:17
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openstackgerritTom Fifield proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Skip CAPTCHA for autopatrol users
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Skip captcha enforcement for autopatrolled users
anteayafungi: I think fifield wins16:20
anteaya114 vs 14116:21
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fungioh! his e-mail didn't mention having submitted a change for that16:22
anteayathis third one did16:22
fungianyway, i had to apply it manually in production and test it16:22
anteayaah and how does it test?16:22
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fungiworks great16:22
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anteayathanks for testing that16:22
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Use current-tripleo for undercloud upgrades
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inc0pabelanger, sooo...we resolved issue with osic cloud816:30
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pabelangerinc0: oh, nice. let me check nodepool quickly16:33
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pabelangerinc0: okay, I see 3 stuck deleting nodes from before:
clarkbpabelanger: in other nodepool news we didn't finish the ovh bhs1 uploads last night :/ we will want to keep an eye on that and maybe tralk to them about how we can make that work better16:34
inc0yeah mrhillsman solved this one too16:35
pabelangerclarkb: Ya, that might be a good idea.16:35
anteayaclarkb: I like the word you coined, tralk16:35
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anteayait is a good word16:35
mrhillsmanpabelanger a few more need to fix up16:36
mrhillsmangive me moments16:36
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clarkbthere is a setuptools 27.1.2 in our mirror now16:37
* clarkb looks at jobs to see if they are happy again16:37
pabelangermrhillsman: inc0: ack16:37
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inc0pabelanger, hold on, it seems it wasnt fixed after all  - btw issue was pretty ... interesting16:37
inc0we simply got hacked16:37
mordredinc0: you got hacked and the hackers solved problems for you? that seems friendly16:38
inc0no, I bet we're digging someones bitcoins16:39
inc0or host a cs server16:39
inc0I hope it's nothing porn related, but whatever, it seems we'll need to repave env :(16:40
dmsimardIs that setuptools thing fixed? Looks like the bug mentioned a new release being cut with the fix16:40
anteayadmsimard: clarkb is just checking our jobs now16:40
clarkbI am watiching the tests for
clarkbsince it just recently started, looks happy so far16:41
dmsimardack, ty16:41
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Smart Conference
fungiinc0: any idea how they gained a foothold?16:43
fungiit would be a great lesson learned for infra-cloud too if you have a "don't do <this>" anecdote16:44
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inc0I have good idea16:46
inc0don't keep password login on public-facing server16:47
inc0also...don't use 6 letter all lowercase password16:47
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inc0we were sloppy, that's all16:47
inc0we carefully read all the security good practices and decided to ignore all of them16:48
clarkbI have rechecked the devstack fix for linuxbridge jobs16:48
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clarkbonce that is in we can approve the change to remove eth0 from being hardcoded in the configs then we can revert the change that made those tests not run on xenial in check/gate16:48
anteayaclarkb: awesome16:49
clarkbarmax: ^ fyi16:49
clarkband then I can review glean things16:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Smart Conference
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zigoIs Xenial using BIOS names for ifaces, even in KVM VMs?16:51
clarkbzigo: it is16:52
fungiinc0: fair enough! so restated, i guess sshd was configured to allow password auth and you had a too-weak system account password on one or more servers and 22/tcp exposed to the internet?16:52
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fungiwe mainly mitigate it through disallowing password auth for sshd on all our systems. key auth only16:53
inc0yeah, that's what we're going to do16:53
fungieven my personal servers are configured to only allow ssh key auth16:53
inc0also I'd just listen on mgmt network16:53
clarkb#status ok setuptools 27.1.2 addresses the circular import16:54
openstackstatusclarkb: sending ok16:54
anteayaclarkb: thank you16:54
anteayadstufft: thank you16:54
inc0my personal fav is to not use ever16:54
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inc0but yeah...all our knowledge16:54
anteayadstufft: and thanks to Jason16:54
inc0we were just sloppy16:54
anteayadmsimard: ^^16:54
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dmsimardSo can we put the channel topics back on now? :p16:56
anteayasmcginnis: it is happening16:56
clarkbdmsimard: it should do it automatically16:56
anteayadmsimard: that was for you16:56
dmsimardah, okay16:56
anteayasmcginnis: sorry about that, meant as reply to dmsimard16:56
clarkbdmsimard: it throttles itself to avoid getting kicked for flooding16:56
dmsimardclarkb: makes sense16:56
anteayasmcginnis: and happy friday to you16:56
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: setuptools 27.1.2 addresses the circular import16:56
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fungiinc0: yep, in our case we need to allow ssh from everywhere, but key auth alone is enough to have kept us from worrying about brute-force login attacks (we just have to worry about someone compromising a trusted key, or pre-authentication vulnerabilities in the sshd)16:57
inc0yeah ofc, but you know what I mean, in Kolla for example wherever we can remove, we remove it16:57
openstackgerritAndrey Nikitin proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Update mechanism of creating groups in database and managing access rights with jeepyb
fungiinc0: also i hope you'd have used :: instead of anyway (dual-stack friendly syntax for all addresses!)16:59
openstackstatusclarkb: finished sending ok16:59
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inc0good point fungi, no idea.;)17:00
clarkbbtw I am going to weekend early today in order to do doctor appointments this afternoon. (seems like they always come in clumps)17:00
clarkbat least the pediatrician will see the girls back to back instead of requiring two seaprate appointments17:01
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fungiclarkb: have a good afternoon17:02
fungii'm hoping i get freed up enough to get back to wiki testing for the rest of the day17:02
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anteayaclarkb: I hope you have good doctor's appointments, yay for back to back appointments17:03
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anteayaclarkb: and enjoy the weekend17:03
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clarkb(I'm not leaving yet just making sure you don't all expect me to be around in ~4-5 hours)17:03
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fungii actually need to pop out for a few minutes. back in ~1 hour17:05
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fungioh, did the puppet lint job issues get worked out yet? looks like we were still seeing failures as of 30 minutes ago. any fix for that i can help fast-track?17:07
anteayaclarkb: ah17:07
anteayafungi: happy errands17:07
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clarkbfungi: was that the setuptools thing?17:19
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clarkbhrm shouldn't be for puppet lint17:20
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clarkbpabelanger: on shoudl we add a test where multiple networks share the same link?17:26
raddaouipabelanger: clarkb , we are repaving env, should be up again in few hours17:26
clarkbraddaoui: ok17:26
pabelangerclarkb: let me check if we have a test for that17:27
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openstackgerritSumit Naiksatam proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting job for GBP
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clarkbpabelanger: looks like its added in the next change17:37
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pabelangerclarkb: Ya, that's right. I moved it up a patch set because we didn't have test for it17:38
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pabelangerbut made sure we did test in the follow up17:38
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clarkbpabelanger: and have we done any boot testing of real VMs yet?17:40
pabelangerclarkb: no, that is the last step to do.  I was going to ask you to create a minimal image again :)  Since I had bad luck last time around17:40
clarkbpabelanger: ah ok, I can give you what I ran if you want to try too17:41
* clarkb boots dib builder VM17:41
pabelangerclarkb: please17:41
pabelangerI'm doing something wrong locally17:42
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clarkbpabelanger: `DIB_INSTALLTYPE_simple_init=repo DIB_RELEASE=xenial DIB_DEV_USER_PWDLESS_SUDO=yes DIB_DEV_USER_AUTHORIZED_KEYS=/home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys DIB_DEV_USER_PASSWORD=foobar DIB_REPOLOCATION_glean=/home/ubuntu/glean DIB_REPOREF_glean=clarkb time tools/` is the command then I edit so that the elements list is minimal17:42
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anteayacan I get another project-config core reviewer to review this change to bring back keystoneauth-saml2 jobs so that stevemar can remove the dot files on the repo, please?
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clarkbpabelanger: should I build xenial again?17:44
anteayathey were left behind on the first retirement attempt17:44
pabelangerclarkb: sure, I'll get trusty17:44
clarkbpabelanger: oh ya you have to add haveged to infra package needs too17:44
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pabelangerneed to fix our element for that17:44
clarkbI should probably fix that properly17:45
clarkbpabelanger: if I fetch the gentoo chagne will that include the other two? they are all stacked ya?17:45
pabelangerclarkb: yes17:46
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clarkbok I have xenial running locally with that glean stack17:47
* clarkb is going to trust that prometheanfire's +1 means gentoo works17:48
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clarkbpabelanger: you'll want to edit the authorized keys file and the dib repolocation and reporefs for glean17:51
clarkbso they match whatever your local setup is using17:51
pabelangerclarkb: ack17:52
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clarkband yes I create branches with my name in them :P (habit formed when using shared resources for testing)17:53
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clarkbpabelanger: once my build is done I will boot it locally to see that that at least works then if so I can put it on nodepool18:00
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mfisch/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/bundler-1.10.6/lib/bundler/rubygems_integration.rb:292:in `block in replace_gem': rake is not part of the bundle. Add it to Gemfile. (Gem::LoadError)18:02
mfisch       from /usr/local/bin/rake:22:in `<main>'18:02
mfischsorry about that ^18:02
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pabelangerclarkb: sure, build still running for trusty here18:03
openstackgerritSumit Naiksatam proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting job for GBP
AJaegerclarkb: passes now18:04
AJaegerstevemar: all looks fine, thanks18:04
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clarkbpabelanger: it works for me local one nic ipv4 setup18:05
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pabelangerclarkb: great! our unit testing is valid18:06
pabelangerjust converting image now18:06
stevemaranteaya: thanks for the reviews18:06
pabelangerclarkb: rax-iad should be the region we want first18:06
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anteayastevemar: thanks for taking the trouble to clean this up18:06
pabelangermaybe ord too18:06
stevemaranteaya: np18:07
clarkbpabelanger: ok you didn't happen to write down the magical shade stuff did you? I should do that if not (after I figure it out again)18:07
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anteayastevemar: so let me know once that repo has zero dot files and a corrected readme18:09
stevemaranteaya: should be quick, it'll be only no-op jobs in the gate18:10
stevemaranteaya: the whole chain is here:
AJaegerarmax: you gave your +2 on the dependent change, do you want to +1 as well?18:10
anteayastevemar: great thank you18:11
armaxAJaeger: dougwig should have a look too18:11
mfischany known issues with gerrit atm? I can't rebase18:12
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mfisch"Unable to create new object..."18:12
clarkbmfisch: usually that means you hae a conflict18:12
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mfischit does say merge confluct18:13
clarkbyup there is a red cannot merge string on that change18:13
mfischwasnt familiar with that error18:13
mfischok I'll go do it by hand18:13
clarkbmfisch: means that git cannot resolve the rebase/merge on its own so you have to do it18:13
clarkbpabelanger: ty18:13
mfischclarkb: yep thanks18:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: bring back keystoneauth-saml2 jobs temporarily
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clarkbpabelanger: that is now in the readme in that dir18:14
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openstackgerritSumit Naiksatam proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting job for GBP
AJaegerstevemar: before you recheck the saml2 changes, wait that zuul is reconfigured - see "Last reconfigured" at the bottom of
AJaegerotherwise the job change is not life18:16
clarkbpabelanger: uploading now will be called clarkb-multi-addr-glean18:16
stevemarAJaeger: ah, i figured there was some lag, but assumed the recheck was harmless18:16
clarkbpabelanger: in the nodepool account rax iad18:16
mfischclarkb: manual rebase works but now I see "Conflicts with N/A: 500 Internal Server Error"18:17
AJaegerstevemar: yes, it's harmless - just premature ;)18:17
clarkbmfisch: did you update to latest master before rebasing?18:17
pabelangerclarkb: thanks18:18
mfischrebase went ok from the cli here18:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Publish salt specs
clarkbmfisch: I think thats saying it doesn't conflcit with anything anymore18:18
clarkbmfisch: may be a bug in gerrit to keep showing that panel after you fix the conflict18:18
mfischclarkb: agreed, but I didnt expect to see an internal server error18:18
AJaegerclarkb, dtantsur|afk : and are the list of unused and used jobs that I generated. In case you want to do some more analysis...18:18
mfischclarkb: I'd agree with that18:18
clarkbmfisch: I think it thinks it needs to show you that due to caching or something and its just a bug in the UX18:18
clarkbAJaeger: ty18:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a way to add tasks to worklists from the story view
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create gate-grenade-dsvm-neutron-nova-next-ubuntu-xenial-nv
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pabelangerclarkb: were getting better with nodepool, almost 20mins without a launch node failure18:22
pabelanger18mins that time18:22
clarkbpabelanger: slow but steady progress. Image upload is done if you want to take over from there18:23
pabelangerclarkb: sure18:23
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Hide edit buttons for logged-out users
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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AJaegerstevemar: you might need to toggle the +W for the saml2 changes18:37
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AJaegerstevemar: oh wait, zuul is queing right now...18:37
clarkbarmax: the devstack change for the interface thing is ~40 minutes away from merging according to zuul. You good with me merging your job updates to remove the eth0 hardcode then revert the move to experimental once that is in?18:38
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armaxclarkb: yes18:39
AJaegerstevemar, anteaya : saml2 is clean now, we can merge and
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anteayaclean saml2, yay18:40
anteayaAJaeger: is the readme correct?
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pabelangerclarkb: Ya, ipv4 works18:40
pabelangertrying to find out why ipv6 doesn't18:41
AJaegeranteaya: yes, it is.  Thanks for double checking18:41
anteayaAJaeger: wonderful18:42
anteayastevemar: thank you18:42
anteayaAJaeger: this one next?
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unused charm jobs
AJaegeranteaya: they're stacked ;) But yes18:43
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AJaegeranteaya, clarkb: 368179 removes around 200 unused charm jobs - a tiny cleanup18:43
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AJaegerclarkb: would be nice if you could review please to get rid of a few ironic unused jobs to make it easier for them.18:44
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clarkbAJaeger: ya will queue those up18:44
* AJaeger wishes everybody a great weekend18:44
AJaegerthanks, clarkb18:44
anteayaAJaeger: thank you, you too18:46
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pabelangerclarkb: yay, ipv6 working too18:50
pabelangerbut we have a bug to fix18:50
clarkbpabelanger: ok18:50
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pabelangerclarkb: are we okay with stacking it on the end? Or do the fix in 36686218:51
clarkbpabelanger: I think we should fix the appropriate change18:52
pabelangerI'm good with that18:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: scenarios: set Debug to True
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "bring back keystoneauth-saml2 jobs temporarily"
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove unused jobs from devstack-gate
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fungijust to confirm, nobody has more details on the current state of the puppet lint issue yolanda was looking into (in scrollback around 12:41-13:13 utc)? if no, i'll start digging deeper in a bit18:57
clarkbI do not18:57
fungii think it's currently blocking all our puppet module changes18:57
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anteayai do not18:58
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stevemarAJaeger: anteaya thanks for the reviews! it was a nice sight to see after lunch :)19:05
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stevemarclarkb / fungi want to punt this one through?
anteayastevemar: thanks for the cleanup19:09
anteayagood to get it all tidied up19:09
stevemaranteaya: ma pleasure!19:09
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anteayafungi: thank you19:10
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Complete retirement of keystoneauth-saml2
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: teach latest-deliverable-versions to diff against the dashboard
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix behaviour for logged-out users
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Append to interface definition for multi-address
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add ipv6 support to gentoo
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Append to interface definition for multi-address
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add ipv6 support to gentoo
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup: Specs repos are branchless
AJaegerclarkb: we added a few jobs too many - specs have no stable branches ^19:32
jesusaurAJaeger: thanks for the reviews on 363969 and fixing the underlying issues19:32
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Append to interface definition for multi-address
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add ipv6 support to gentoo
openstackgerritShamail Tahir proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add Interop Challenge Weekly IRC Meeting
pabelangerI think that is it19:33
AJaegerjesusaur: thanks for the change - it helped ;) Will +2 once it passes...19:33
clarkbAJaeger: ok19:33
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* jesusaur is helping19:34
pabelangerfungi: do you have a moment to look at some ipv6 configuration?
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pabelangerfungi: If you can confirm the settings on eth0 for static routes19:35
anteayaAJaeger: why are you getting rid of  gate-api-wg-python27-ubuntu-trusty in 36819119:35
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AJaegeranteaya: check the branches the project has - and when the job runs. You will notice that the repo has only master and that all ubuntu-trusty jobs are only run on older stable branches.19:36
AJaegerSo, gate-api-wg-python27-ubuntu-trusty will never be used19:36
pabelangerclarkb: glean stack ready19:36
anteayaokay the commit message just says specs jobs though19:36
AJaegeranteaya: And yes, I check the repo for branches ;)19:36
AJaegeranteaya: that repo uses the specs template19:36
AJaeger"openstack-specs-jobs" is used by it - and I searched for repos that use "specs-jobs"19:37
AJaegerand for most - especially these odd ones - I run "git branch -a".19:37
AJaegerstill, I might have missed one, so I appreciate double checking ;)19:38
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove hardcoding to eth0 in LinuxBridge job configuration
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Fix linuxbridge job breakage on xenial"
clarkbanteaya: armax AJaeger fungi ^ thats the reorganizing of thinsg so that we can test linuxbridge on xenial as soon as the devstack change merges19:39
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clarkbpabelanger: have you rebuilt an image using those chagnes and booted it in rax?19:39
fungiclarkb: thanks. in the meantime, check experimental should still be exercising it19:39
clarkbfungi: yup19:40
clarkbfungi: everything should just work at this point in time, its just a matter of merging things one at a time and double checking19:40
AJaegerclarkb: please self-approve once the dependend job merged19:40
clarkbAJaeger: can do19:40
fungiawesome. that's some quick work19:40
clarkb(armax already gave his blessing too)19:40
pabelangerclarkb: not yet, I'd like to get confirmation the static ipv6 routes is correct first.19:41
pabelangerI am testing them now19:41
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openstackgerritShamail Tahir proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add Interop Challenge Weekly IRC Meeting
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clarkbAJaeger: on is the reason more of them don't use the zuul jobs template because they don't want or we don't want them publishing the specs to the spec publishing location?19:42
AJaegerzigo, somehow you screwed up with openstack/deb-nodepool - that one is in zuul/layout but not in gerrit/projects.yaml ;(19:42
AJaegerclarkb: the template is the minimal set of jobs, but many use python27 jobs in addition.19:43
clarkboh I see that now, thanks19:43
AJaegeror pep8 in addition19:44
clarkblooks like also pep8 ya19:44
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove wrongly set up deb-nodepool
AJaegerdeb-nodepool set up is broken, let's remove it - and readd it later ^19:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: change post_test_hook location for osc functional tests
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* AJaeger leaves again...19:49
clarkbAJaeger: enjoy your weekend19:49
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Append to interface definition for multi-address
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add ipv6 support to gentoo
pabelangerroute -6 add fd30::/48 gw fe80::f001 should be valid syntax19:52
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pabelangerOh, maybe not19:53
clarkbpabelanger: -A inet619:54
clarkbpabelanger: or maybe use ip route19:54
pabelangerya, going to do ip route I think19:54
pabelangermost of the examples are using it19:54
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pabelangerup ip -6 route add fd30::/48 via fe80::f001 dev eth0 || true20:01
pabelangerthink that is right20:01
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Append to interface definition for multi-address
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/glean: Add ipv6 support to gentoo
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pabelangerclarkb: okay, building new image now20:02
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clarkbpabelanger: ya that looks roughly correct. However, do you need a default route too?20:03
pabelangerclarkb: that is already working20:03
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pabelangerwell, the syntax is working20:03
pabelangerI was only having issues with static routes20:03
pabelangerokay, build started20:04
* clarkb is worried the devstack fix for linuxbridge may timeout one of its jobs20:05
clarkbI think we have a few more minutes to finish up tempest and report bcak20:05
clarkbwhere is the turbo button20:05
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* anteaya looks around20:06
anteayayou don't hold the turbo down, it's for quick boosts20:06
anteayayeah like you know20:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup: Specs repos are branchless
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openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Limit Heat engine workers to 4 in rh1
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Limit heat, neutron, and nova workers
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mordredclarkb, pabelanger: heya! sorry - today has eaten my lunch - are there any glean or other things I should be looking at?20:15
clarkbmordred: yes the stack around pabelanger is doing real world testing of it now20:16
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harlowjacan not import monkey?20:16
clarkbmordred: it was mostly working except for ipv6 route addtions so fix for that is being tested now20:16
anteayaharlowja: recheck20:16
harlowja(no i'm just wondering what monkey is, lol)20:16
mordredclarkb: sweet20:16
anteayaharlowja: the first of two setuptools releases today couldn't find monkey20:17
harlowjathat just sounds funny20:17
fungiharlowja: luckily the monkey has been found and returned to its native habitat20:17
harlowjahopefully no poo thrown?20:17
funginot in here at least20:17
clarkbprobably on twitter20:17
fungimost of us are more evolved primates20:18
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harlowjaso u think fungi so u think...20:18
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fungiyeah, no doubt the "bug reports" submitted via twitter were rife with poo flinging20:18
* mordred really should finish the statusbot twitter publisher20:18
dtroyerI need a reason to read more twitter20:19
fungiharlowja: i _did_ say "most"20:19
* fungi is, on the other hand, a long-standing member of the devolutionary army20:19
anteayafungi: does your army have turbo buttons?20:20
fungino, but we have flowerpots20:20
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mordredharlowja: OH! the twitter support merged20:20
harlowjai've seen movies about this, doesn't seem to end well for humans20:20
clarkbmy army just demands food all the time20:20
mordredharlowja: I guess I just need to make an account and get an API key and configure it20:20
anteayaclarkb: a two person army20:21
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pabelangerclarkb: just converting to vhd now20:21
clarkbzomg this might actually pass and merge20:21
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clarkbI have approved which will stop hardcoding eth020:27
clarkband am going to approve its child now20:27
clarkbwe will want to watch neutron changes once zuul and jjb things update20:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/statusbot: Explicitly catch Exception
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/statusbot: Explicitly handle ImportError for pid_file_module
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* clarkb makes note to contact ovh about bhs1 image uploads20:39
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anteaya8 point buck in my dooryard20:41
anteayahe is so beautiful20:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove hardcoding to eth0 in LinuxBridge job configuration
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Fix linuxbridge job breakage on xenial"
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pallmordred: clarkb: ssh devuser@2001:4802:7801:102:be76:4eff:fe20:387b20:58
pallssh devuser@
pallthat is rax-iad20:58
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clarkbpall: and xenial?20:59
pallthat is trusty20:59
pallI can do xenial now20:59
clarkbah ok20:59
clarkb(should check since systemd has been special enough lately)20:59
anteayapall: are you also pabelanger?20:59
mordredI was just about to ask the same thing20:59
clarkbanteaya: ya I had to unfilter my smartfilters to get that context21:00
anteayaclarkb: thanks21:00
pallSorry, ya21:00
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pabelangerthere we go21:00
anteayamy brother's name is paul21:00
anteayathat was his nick in high school21:00
anteayathought he was in channel21:00
clarkbtelnet://2001:4800:1ae1:18:f816:3eff:fedb:122e:19885 is a linuxbridge job on xenial that just started21:00
* clarkb telenets21:00
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fungisomebody set us up the telenets21:20
* mordred hands fungi a box of telenets he found21:21
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clarkbI am a tyop machine21:21
mordredclarkb: you pretty much just computer on your phone now don't you?21:25
pabelangerclarkb: mordred: both xenial and trusty with the glean updates for rax-iad21:25
pabelangeripv4 / ipv6 on eth021:26
fungiso to rehash the current broken with all our puppet-lint and beaker-rspec jobs, it looks like we're unable to install the puppet-lint gem due to dependency conflicts:
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anteayawell the gem is there:
anteayawhat version is it after?21:30
mordredpabelanger: WOOT!21:30
mordredpabelanger: zomg. it's almost like we have working internet. in a CLOUD21:30
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anteayafungi: I can't decipher what version it is looking for21:32
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anteayafungi: we may have specified a range of versions that can't be fulfilled21:32
fungianteaya: yep, that's what i'm trying to suss out now21:33
fungipuppet-lint-absolute_template_path wants puppet-lint >=1.1,< 3.021:34
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fungimost of the others there want puppet-lint >=1.0,< 3.021:34
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fungipuppet-lint-unquoted_string-check wants puppet-lint (~> 1.0)21:35
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anteayathat would make it impossible to fulfill21:35
fungiso my guess is we were previously getting puppet-lint 1.0 and then puppet-lint-absolute_template_path decided today that it needs at least puppet-lint 1.121:35
anteaya1.2.2 wants 2.021:36
anteayabut my read is that change happened 2 weeks ago21:37
fungiyeah, i wonder if that's an artifact of a new puppetlabs_spec_helper release or a new puppet-lint-absolute_template_path release21:37
anteayawell the puppetlabs_spec_helper release was 2 weeks ago21:37
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anteayahow long have we been affected by this?21:38
fungijust today21:38
clarkbok I am now semi afk will keep an eye on those linuxbridge jobs though21:38
fungipuppet-lint-absolute_template_path 1.0.1 was released a couple of weeks ago as well, according to
anteayaclarkb: thanks, have a good weekend21:39
anteayawonder what happened today then21:39
anteayaI'm at a loss, but the gems definitely are fighting21:40
anteayafungi: puppet-lint-unquoted_string-check is loaded twice21:42
anteayafirst with puppet-lint (< 3.0, >= 1.0)21:43
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anteayathen with puppet-lint (~> 1.0)21:43
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/puppet-statusbot: Add Twitter support
anteayasorry 7 times21:43
anteayawhy is puppet-lint-unquoted_string-check loaded 7 times21:44
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fungii read that as it trying to resolve to a version which would be compatible with the other dependencies21:44
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add Twitter account details to our statusbot
fungiso, yeah, it's more likely puppetlabs_spec_helper that's at fault here21:44
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pleia2mordred: those should get us there ^^21:44
fungii'm just not piecing together eth timeline, but am digging for a recent change which passed these jobs to compare21:45
pleia2modulo actual reviews in case I missed something ;)21:45
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mordredpleia2: woot!21:45
mordredpleia2: did you put the keys into the hieras already?21:45
anteayafungi: cool21:45
pleia2mordred: working on that now21:45
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fungithere's a working run from yesterday and the versions of things it resolved to install21:46
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fungi"Installing puppetlabs_spec_helper 1.1.121:46
pleia2g/ 11421:47
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anteayafungi: also puppet-lint-unquoted_string-check 0.3.021:48
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fungiwhich hasn't had a newer release according to
clarkbalso we have success for linuxbridge ubuntu xenial21:49
anteayayay success21:49
anteayayeah so yesterday were had been 0.3.0 of unquoted_string-check and today we want an older version?21:51
anteayas/were had been/we had been using21:52
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anteayafungi: should we pin the puppetlabs_spec_helper version in our spec_helper?21:53
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fungiwell, we pinned the spec helper a few weeks ago and then unpinned it the next day
fungibut that seems to have been related to changes in ruby interpreter version requirements21:55
anteayaI think we pin it again with a new comment21:56
anteayasince a new reason has reared its head21:56
anteayaunless there is a better way I am missing21:56
kevinbentonclarkb: was looking at Ihar's comment on . do you think i should try to parse the TUNNEL_RANGES config instead?21:56
anteayamoar kevinbenton, how can I be so lucky?21:57
fungicrinkle: nibalizer: no idea if either of you are around again yet, but trying to figure out why this just cropped up today (the release dates for the versions of things involved seem to be weeks old at best)21:57
kevinbentonanteaya: when people say that i can never tell if it's a good thing or a bad thing :)21:57
anteayakevinbenton: it is nice to see you21:57
anteayakevinbenton: we both know I know far too little to be lying in wait with some bug to surprise you with :)21:58
clarkbkevinbenton: I dont know that there is much need unless devstack decides to change it later to overlap21:58
clarkbnot sure how often it would change21:58
kevinbentonanteaya: can never tell. Canadians are shifty characters ;)21:58
anteayawe are so21:58
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anteayahave to keep both eyes on us :)21:58
kevinbentonclarkb: yeah, i don't expect it to change realistically21:59
kevinbentonclarkb: also it would be a non-trivial thing to parse correctly because it can be a comma-separated list of ranges21:59
clarkbwhy not start with ehat we have now then deal with parsing later21:59
clarkbthis addresses the immediate concern/issue21:59
fungianteaya: oh! look just above the gem installation on the broken vs working runs22:00
* anteaya looks22:00
kevinbentonclarkb: sounds good. just wanted to make sure nobody was waiting on parsing22:00
fungianteaya: hint...
anteayafungi: new bundler22:00
clarkbkevinbenton: I'm off to doctor viaits butaybe fungi mordred or pabelanger can review22:00
anteayafungi: good eye22:00
anteayaclarkb phone is the best22:01
kevinbentonclarkb: ack. thanks again22:01
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add Twitter account details to our statusbot
fungicrinkle: nibalizer: nevermind--looks like we're bitten by changes in dependency resolution brought on by today's bundler 1.13.0 release22:01
clarkbwe did the thing where we had kids while living in city and now dont live in city but like their doctors so have to drive too far for these things22:02
mordredpleia2: I has question on that change22:03
kevinbentonclarkb: just take the company helicopter. that's a perk now, right?22:03
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pleia2mordred: sure22:03
anteayafungi: doesn't look like anyone has filed an issue against bundler 1.13 that looks like our situation22:03
fungianteaya: agreed, i just finished skimming open and closed issues and pull requests for it22:04
pleia2mordred: ah yeah, since true/false, on it22:04
anteayagood doctors are worth driving for, mind you I'm not in a van with twins in traffic22:04
mordredpleia2: looks like you did the right thing on the puppet module itself22:04
* pleia2 nods22:05
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add Twitter account details to our statusbot
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mordredpleia2: woot \o/22:07
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pleia2I haven't paid attention, are we having rspec problems today? (failed job on the puppet patch)22:07
fungiEmilienM: yolanda: new details on the mysterious gem resolution issue from earlier today. looks like bundler 1.13.0 may have changed dependency resolver behavior. i'm working on pinning it to 1.12.5 for infra's puppet jobs until we can work out more details to file a bug upstream22:08
pleia2how fortuitous, thanks fungi22:08
fungiindeed, good timing pleia2 ;)22:09
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Notifications API
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fungiEmilienM: hrm, actually i don't think we can easily pin beaker just for infra's jobs... it looks like at some point we decided to have puppet-openstack, fuel and infra collectively use the same set of jobs?22:20
anteayaoh my22:20
sdakemaybe i'm just dense - but did the post button in gerrit go away22:20
mordredsdake: what button?22:21
fungii'm more inclined to stop running lint and rspec jobs temporarily on our puppet modules unless puppet-openstack and fuel agree we can pin beaker for all of us collectively22:21
mordredfungi: I'm fine with that22:21
sdakenm i'm dense22:21
sdakemordred its reply->post22:21
mordredsdake: :)22:21
anteayayeah if you are not on the most current patchset the button disappears22:21
sdakeand was showoing oddy because of my brokne laptop sren22:21
sdakeanteaya that wasn't the problem but yes I am ware of that22:22
anteayafungi: I'm also fine with that22:22
anteayasdake: okay22:22
sdakeanteaya operator erorr on my aprt :)22:22
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anteayafungi: I don't think our modules will get wildly out of control as a result of a few days without linters22:23
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fungion the other hand, agreeing that we'll all run a common set of jobs comes with the price that when those jobs break for one team's repos, the jobs may get adjusted for all22:25
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anteayaare those jobs not broken for them too?22:25
fungiapparently they aren't hitting this, or so said EmilienM earlier in channel (about 10 hours ago)22:26
anteayaI wonder how22:26
fungiit's possible their spec helper dependency set is not as strange as ours22:26
fungiwe have separate spec helper repos, with different dependencies22:27
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anteayait is past 6pm on a Friday, at this point I am mostly nodding in agreement22:28
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anteayaand standing by to review a patch indicating what you would like to do, should one materialize22:28
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fungiyeah, i'm working on putting together an upstream bug report first22:33
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mordredfungi: yah - I think when we get acceptance from puppet and fuel teams on changing beaker - we should extra-verify the theory that if we need to pin something like that for one of the users of the jobs, we'll pin it for all of them22:37
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fungier, i said pin beaker above. i obviously meant bundler22:38
fungiEmilienM: pin bundler, sorry, not beaker22:39
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mordredand I also knew that and continued the game22:41
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mwhahahawhat's the bundler problem?22:46
fungimwhahaha: 1.13.0 release today changed its dependency resolution behavior and can't install now22:47
fungii'm about done composing a bug report for them22:47
mwhahahathat's odd since we use a similar method22:49
fungimwhahaha: i'm assuming it's something specific to the set of deps in ours22:50
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fungithat tickles a behavior change in the resolver22:50
mwhahahaoh we do pin puppet-lint 1.1.022:50
mwhahahaand you don't22:50
mwhahahatrying to remember where we do this tho22:52
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zigopabelanger: Jeremy & Monty already +2 that patch, can you workflow it now?
fungimwhahaha: i wonder if it's related to which was also just opened moments ago22:54
zigofungi: Or maybe you can?22:55
pleia2zigo: the file is a bit picky about syntax, I recommend cleaning up the trailing whitespace on like 182022:55
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fungioh, yep, gertty doesn't highlight trailing whitespace for me22:56
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fungizigo: anyway, i'm happy to approve asap if you want to do one more that strips out excess trailing whitespace22:57
zigoWill this break something?22:57
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zigofungi: Doing it right now22:57
zigo"most" puts trailing space in red, it's easy to see.22:58
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: upstream: and options: track-upstream for deb-*
zigofungi: There you go.22:59
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zigofungi: Is this track-upstream like a cron job? How often does it run?22:59
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fix osc gate: not found
zigoLikely, my Add missing deb repo 4/5 and 5/5 will merge conflict after this patch is merged.23:01
fungizigo: i was trying to work that out. i think we want to switch it to an independent cron job, since it looks like right now it runs as part of manage-projects so only when something in project-config for gerrit changes for at least one project (acl configs, project additions/removals, et cetera). that's pretty frequent at the moment, like ~daily at least, but i think we should probably make the23:01
fungitrack-upstream updates happen hourly rather than on an ad-hoc basis23:01
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: fix osc gate: not found
stevemarfungi: o/23:02
fungiwe've only been using it for one rarely-used repo so far, so haven't really been impacted by it yet23:02
stevemarfungi: anyway you could look at ^ i done broke the gate :(23:02
openstackgerritVarun Gadiraju proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fixes python 3 syntax issues with missing parentheses in call to 'print'
zigofungi: Does it run in rackspace?23:03
zigoIt'd be wise if it did, so it would be close to github.23:03
fungizigo: it runs locally on, which is currently hosted in rackspace's "dfw" region in texas, usa23:03
mwhahahafungi: i think it's puppet-lint-empty_string-check from puppet-mediawiki23:04
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mwhahahai tested against puppet-manilla and included that gem in the Gemfile and it puked23:05
mwhahahaw/o it and just the spec helper it was fine23:05
* stevemar thanks fungi 1000 times23:05
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fungimwhahaha: oh, interesting. i wonder if we're not using the spec helper in that module yet?23:06
mwhahahano you are23:06
vgadirajHi all, I am working on ironic and when I was running tox in py 3.5 jenkins-project was failing because a couple print statements were missing parentheses23:06
mwhahahabut that's an 'extra' one according to the comment23:06
mwhahahalet me debug further23:06
vgadirajsubmitted a basic syntax fix23:07
mwhahahaanyway so it's some sort of combination of bundler and that gem with the others :D23:08
mwhahahabut i would agree that it's a bundler problem, but if you pull that empty string check it seems to work just fine23:08
fungimwhahaha: intresting, so if you just install it works?23:08
mwhahahayea i swapped out puppet-openstack_spec_helper with puppet-openstack_infra_spec_helper in puppet-manilla with bundler 1.13.0 and it was fine23:09
fungiunfortunately i'm not looking forward to needing to patch this across a bunch of our modules. that was more or less the promise of using a spec helper gem23:09
mwhahahabut as soon as i added that empty string check to the puppet-manilla Gemfile it blew up23:09
mwhahahaso  it's probably related to the minimum version thing but in a round about way23:09
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fungimwhahaha: thanks, i've updated the description on accordingly23:11
mwhahahaor just pin puppetlabs_spec_helper to 1.1.123:11
fungijust confirmed, we have 71 puppet modules independently declaring a dependency on puppet-lint-empty_string-check23:13
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mwhahahai'd pin spec_helper to 1..1.123:13
mwhahahathat'll solve it for sure23:13
mwhahahathe problem is that puppetlabs_spec_helper 1.2.x requires puppet-lint 2.0 (which in it's own is problematic)23:13
fungigiving it a shot now23:14
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstack_infra_spec_helper: Pin puppetlabs_spec_helper < 1.2
fungimwhahaha: ^ like that?23:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: upstream: and options: track-upstream for deb-*
mwhahaha'~> 1.1.1'23:18
fungiwhat's the difference between those?23:18
mwhahaha~> 1.1.1 will track 1.1.x23:18
mwhahaha~> 1.1 will track 1.x23:18
fungiyeah, i will readily admit i don't know the first thing about ruby23:19
mwhahaha< might work but i've usually used ~> or pinned to a specific version23:19
fungiso why ~> 1.1.1 and not ~> 1.1.0?23:19
mwhahahacould be either23:20
mwhahahai just picked 1.1.1 cause that's the current known working version23:20
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstack_infra_spec_helper: Pin puppetlabs_spec_helper ~> 1.1.1
fungithanks. updated ^23:20
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fungii'll make a puppet-mediawiki change depends-on that and see if it passes jobs now23:21
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-mediawiki: Skip CAPTCHA for autopatrol users
fungithat one ^23:22
mwhahahawe shall see23:22
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix add deb-nodepool
zigofungi: This patch fixes what AJaeger found out (ie: nodepool was added, but missing from gerrit/projects.yaml_23:24
mwhahahaboooo nope23:25
mwhahahayea the next simpliest fix is to pin bundler to 1.12.523:26
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add missing deb repo 4/5
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: fix osc gate: not found
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openstackgerritThomas Goirand proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add missing deb repo 5/5
fungimwhahaha: that's what i was originally going to do, but that does mean changing jobs that are used not only by the infra team's modules but also openstack-puppet and fuel23:32
mwhahahai happen to probably be able to speak for both of those :D23:32
mwhahahai'm running a test to see if fuel-library is broken23:33
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mwhahahafuel-library is not currently broken23:37
mwhahahatesting a puppet-openstack module23:37
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mwhahahaanyway it's time for me to wander off, i'd personally be ok with pinning bundler for now across the jobs but it is friday evening so maybe wait until monday?23:43
mwhahahaalso who releases on a friday :D23:43
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sdakehey i suspect nobody is around23:55
sdakebut i'm having a realy wierd gate problem23:55
sdakeit seems like the ssh takes 3 minutes23:55
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