Wednesday, 2017-06-07

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yushiroreedip, hi04:26
yushiroreedip, Do you know that "exceptions" will be migrated in neutron-lib?
reedipyushiro : checking04:28
reedipyushiro : this one ?04:29
yushiroreedip, Yes.  I'm not sure other exceptions will be migrated here.04:30
reedipyushiro : they are not yet migrated04:30
yushiroreedip, I see that current status is under migrating.04:31
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reedipyushiro :yep04:47
yushiroreedip, OK, thanks.04:48
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yushiroZZelle, Thanks for your review!!09:46
yushiroZZelle, really helpful.09:47
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reedip@all : the neutron-lib change broke gate changes . A change to revert the same has been submitted :
hoangcxreedip: you mean this change affected other projects?
reediphoangcx ; it broke midonet gate tests10:27
hoangcxreedip: sorry, wrong link. Correct link
hoangcxreedip: I see.10:28
reediphoangcx : seems to be the correct location which you pointed10:28
hoangcxreedip: I was double about that change.10:29
reediphoangcx : ??10:30
reediphoangcx : yeah, got it :)10:30
hoangcxreedip: So, You know how to fix it. Right?10:31
reediphoangcx : not yet ... checking out the issue10:31
hoangcxreedip: +1.10:32
ZZelleyushiro, no pb10:37
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reediphoangcx : you there ?10:42
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yushiroZZelle, But an argument fwg_id, this is newly associated one...
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yushiroZZelle, I'd like to delete previous association b/w port_id and fwg_id..10:45
ZZelleyushiro, i don't understand10:45
ZZelleyushiro, current filter delete a fwg port assoc with a specific port_id and fwg_id10:46
yushiroZZelle, Yes, you're right.10:48
ZZellein practice changed_fwg_ids == [fwg_id] or  == []10:48
ZZelleyushiro, the current implementation doesn't respect the property fro the docstring: "Deletes all old relations between port_id and NOT fwg_id"10:50
yushiroZZelle,  I thought that it is deleted an old association in Line#1055-105710:55
yushiroZZelle, Because in this timing,  FirewallGroupPortAssociation has duplicate relations.  fwg1 <--> portA(old)  and fwg2 <---> portA(new)10:56
yushiroZZelle, And, an argument 'fwg_id' is for 'fwg2'.10:56
ZZelleyushiro, oups i didn't see the ~ before the condition10:56
yushiroZZelle, OK. But as you said, it is lack of readability....10:57
ZZelleyushiro, it seems better to implement it differently to avoid doing too many db queries10:58
yushiroZZelle, Yes, I think so.  I'd like to decrease DB access ASAP.10:58
yushiros/ASAP/as much as possible10:58
ZZelleyushiro, it seems better to:10:59
yushiroHmm, How about deleting all of port_ids relation and re-associate newly them...11:00
ZZelle1) query fwgs which id is not fwg_id and are associated to one of the port_ids => 1 db query11:00
ZZelle2) delete obsolete associations => 1 db query11:00
ZZelle3) get fwg rules: 2 * number_of_fwgs db queries11:01
ZZelleit avoids a useless db query11:02
yushiroZZelle, Yes.  1) is difficult for me now...  Just a moment...11:02
yushiroZZelle, can I specify 'port_ids' for query?11:03
yushiroZZelle, regarding 1)11:03
yushiroZZelle, I mean FirewallGroupPortAssociation).filter(FirewallGroupPortAssociation.port_id.in_([port_ids])).all()11:04
yushirooops, all() is not necessary11:05
ZZelleyushiro, in_(port_ids)11:06
yushiroZZelle, Thanks!  So, in order to run 3), I have to store firewall_group_id before 2), don't you?11:06
ZZelleyushiro, not firewall_group_ids BUT firewall_groups to avoid an extra db query11:07
yushiroZZelle, you mean get a list of firewall_group object, right?11:08
yushirohmm, but FirewallGroupPortAssociation just stores firewall_group_id and port_id.  Should we call get_firewall_group() ?11:10
yushiroZZelle, sorry.  I'm missing something.11:10
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ZZelle1) query fwgs which id is not fwg_id and are associated to one of the port_ids => 1 db query11:12
ZZelleit queries FWG table joined with fwg port assoc table so you get fwgs instead of fwg_ids11:13
ZZelleyushiro, ^^11:14
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yushiroZZelle, reading11:17
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yushiroZZelle, Could you see ?11:27
yushiroZZelle, I'd like to check coding here..11:27
yushiroZZelle, Thank you.  I can image regarding 1).11:44
yushiroZZelle, It'll be helpful to add gerrit comment which we discussed :)11:45
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yushirobye ;)13:03
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reedip_xgerman_ : yamamoto logged a bug today for the migration of neutron-lib16:05
reedip_xgerman_ : Hopefully this patch fixes the issue and avoids the revert.16:06
reedip_xgerman_ : need some hints as to how to test it out though :
reedip_xgerman_ : means this should work, but how can i test the midonet issues with this?16:07
xgerman_mmh, without having a midonet?16:07
reedip_xgerman_ : make a virtual env , deploy devstack with this patch and midonet and run its test cases ???16:07
reedip_yamamoto isnt here, or I would have asked him16:07
xgerman_I usually let vendors fend for themselves… but yeah, that might work16:08
xgerman_or they could provide us with a 3rd party CI16:08
reedip_I have dropped yamamoto a message on
reedip_xgerman_ : In case it gets pretty serious , I suggest to get Yamamoto's patch merged for now and then we can move forward once again16:10
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on is being restarted now to clear some excessive connection counts while we debug the intermittent request failures reported over the past few minutes20:05
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yushiroreedip, morning.23:26
yushiroreedip, In your patch(, I just triggered with networking-midonet by using empty patch(
yushiroreedip, You can check side-effect of your patch.23:27
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