Friday, 2022-09-16

* rcastillo out for today00:18
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ysandeephappy friday guys o/01:37
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jm1o/ #oooq 🥂 finally, its friday again 🥂05:44
jm1ysandeep: good morning, sir :)05:45
marios\o/ friday 05:45
mariosneed vote here please o/ (re-addition of criteria)05:45
jm1marios: +2+w'ed it05:49
mariosthanks jm1 05:55
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ysandeepjm1, marios good morning and happy day of learning o/06:37
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marios\o ysandeep 06:38
dsarielmarios, rlandy|ruck Hi, I have addressed the comments on remaining  patches on Could you please take a look when time permits? Thanks!07:02
mariosack dsariel 07:07
mariosready for review when you next have time please oooci thank you 08:46
* marios food biab09:02
rlandy|ruckhello all10:30
rlandy|ruckmarios: hey - anything exploding?10:31
rlandy|ruckstarted new rr hackmd10:31
rlandy|ruckopened new bug yesterday on wallaby10:31
rlandy|rucktrain promoted10:31
mariosrlandy|ruck: i did some digging on that new bug and added info there 10:31
mariosrlandy|ruck: want to talk on phone instead of type?10:32
rlandy|rucklooking for a master promo today10:32
mariosrlandy|ruck: also want to quick chat about zed stuffs10:32
rlandy|ruckmarios: we can - let me just catch up on the rest - will ping in a few10:32
mariosrlandy|ruck: sure np10:32
rlandy|ruckchandankumar: hey - can we hold the stress testing on ibm cloud - I need the resources for reruns10:33
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: yes 10:34
chandankumardpawlik: can we stop the stress testing on ibm cloud for now?10:34
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris++ thanks for helping in downstream10:51
rlandy|ruckI see your reurns10:51
bhagyashrisrlandy|ruck, yeah i am updating info on hackmd 10:51
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris: I added new one:
rlandy|ruckoh I see you're on it10:52
bhagyashrismost of the ovb job failed on 17.1 on rhel9 and 16.2 on rhel8 due to retry_limit so re-run those jobs and most of them passed 10:52
bhagyashrisonly two failed so re-running that here
bhagyashrisyeah my morning i have create one but now i see you have created separate one so i have updated the details on your hackmd and deleted mine 10:53
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris; thanks so much - appreciate the help10:54
rlandy|ruckmarios: ok - can meet now10:55
mariosrlandy|ruck: k :) was about to jump on with chandankumar 10:55
rlandy|ruckk - joining10:55
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chandankumarmarios: criteria file11:07
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rlandy|ruckugh - fs064 ansible-macros-2021.1.2-2.el9s.noarch: Cannot download, all mirrors were already tried without success again11:28
rlandy|ruckdviroel: hey - could you take a look at dsariel's remaining criteria patches11:30
rlandy|ruck etc.11:31
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rlandy|ruck ha - other than the mirror issue - better :)12:09
dpawlikchandankumar: sure12:29
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dasmrlandy|ruck: o/ any issues with influx collection after yesterday's merge? Quick check shows me we're running recent code for last 16 hours.12:36
dasmWe should start seeing issues already12:36
rlandy|ruckdasm: didn't notice any12:37
rlandy|ruckysandeep: bhagyashris: marios: ^^ you see anything 12:38
rlandy|ruckwe would expect a no-op here12:38
ysandeepI didn't rr today12:38
ysandeepI didn't ran* rr today12:39
bhagyashrisrlandy|ruck, not seen any issue. but haven't pull new code 12:40
dasmysandeep: we merged influx change yesterday. It shouldn't affect anyhow CLI ran by user. I had in mind influx12:40
bhagyashriswill check later12:40
* bhagyashris brb12:40
mariosdidnt notice sthing rlandy|ruck 12:41
dasmdpawlik: the hope is here. We're soon gonna reduce number of queries hitting zuul:
jm1dasm: did you rebuild cockpit containers after updating influx in rr tool?12:44
dasmjm1: f7edb53b315d        files_telegraf_py3      "telegraf --debug ..."   16 hours ago        Up 16 hours                                                                                         telegraf_py312:45
jm1dasm: i take that as a yes ;)12:45
dasmjm1: i didn't update. it's been like that, so i'm assuming it autoupdated12:45
dasmand I see recent changes included12:46
dasmjm1: i just addressed your question. i missed it earlier12:46
marioschandankumar: any idea what i missed there ('dict object' has no attribute 'zed' in ) 12:50
marioschandankumar: when you have a sec please ^ 12:50
dpawlikthanks dasm++12:50
marioschandankumar: perhaps we need to merge it first (but is not config repo, ci-config...?)
marioschandankumar: rlandy|ruck: please check when you have time so we can merge 13:00
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rlandy|ruckmarios: linter failures on
rlandy|ruck- hook id: end-of-file-fixer13:31
mariosrlandy|ruck: thx checking must have added with v2 13:31
rlandy|ruckextra line13:31
rlandy|ruckeasy fix13:31
chandankumarmarios: need to merge the ci-config changes14:13
chandankumarget_hash changes does not work without merging14:13
chandankumarrlandy|ruck: please +w this one14:16
marioschandankumar: thx it was the only thing i could think of and was hoping its just that ;)14:18
* chandankumar merge it14:18
mariosthank you chandankumar rlandy|ruck 14:22
ykarelrlandy|ruck, chandankumar marios please check
mariosykarel: ack 14:45
bhagyashrisrlandy|ruck, hi, updated hackmd. 16.2 promoted. 17.1 on rhel9 currently running ...14:53
bhagyashris17 on rhel9 now new content 14:53
mariosamoralej: any idea why i have permission denied for dlrnapi --url --username review_rdoproject_org repo-promote --commit-hash daab68fb24a7c661bb1662c9684902023d361d68 --distro-hash 58a5cdb79258020e2b159e952d4a82176ff43037 --promote-name component-ci-testing  @@ 14:54
marios 14:54
rlandy|ruckbhagyashris: great - thank you14:54
bhagyashris17.1 on rhel8 promoted yesterday 14:54
mariosamoralej: mainly chcking if there is something we have to wait for with api access otherwise the error must be on our side/something missing 14:54
rlandy|ruckSymlink creation failed with error14:54
rlandy|ruckmarios: ack - we'd need infra to confirm that14:55
mariosrlandy|ruck: yeah i asked amoralej here ^^ not sure if that is problem on our side or dlrn yet 14:55
bhagyashrissee ya! Have a great weekend :) 14:55
marioshave a good one bhagyashris o/14:56
rlandy|ruckmarios: revert worked for c9 wallaby14:58
rlandy|ruckgoing to w+ that14:59
rlandy|ruckmarios: can you remove your -114:59
mariosrlandy|ruck: nice thanks i saw you updated the test 14:59
rlandy|ruckit worked when I rebuilt containers14:59
mariosrlandy|ruck: sure 14:59
rlandy|ruck - woohoo - we got a merge on this - hopefully will address mirror issues15:01
rlandy|ruckamoralej++ thanks for working on that15:01
rlandy|ruckmarios: ty - w+'ed that15:02
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amoralejrlandy|ruck, remember now you need to override configure_mirrors_components_9_stream parameter in rdo jobs16:03
amoralejor tripleo jobs16:03
amoralej  'extras-common' should be true16:03
rlandy|ruckk - will look in a few16:03
rlandy|ruckon meeting16:03
amoralejmarios, likely the users are not created16:04
amoralejlemme check16:04
amoralejactually, the user looks fine ..16:06
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amoralejrlandy|ruck, marios, wrt the issue with dlrnapi in centos9-zed is related to selinux denials16:17
amoralejin dlrn server16:17
amoralejis it blocking issue? may i retake it on monday?16:17
amoralejrlandy|ruck, marios, it should be fixed now16:23
rlandy|ruckamoralej: thank you16:24
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* dviroel quick errand17:50
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jm1love or hate it, but promotion enforcer aka testproject rerunner works 💪
jm1creating and uploading testprojects was the most difficult part but it looks as if it works now :D18:46
rlandy|ruckjm1: good :)18:47
dasmjm1: nice. next step -- submit all of them in one patch18:49
jm1rlandy|ruck: but no worry, it is currently running in test mode only: it will not run around the clock. we dont want to put pressure on vexxhost. besides that, what should ruck and rovers do when all their work is automated.. 😱18:50
jm1dasm: nope, sending individual patches was by design. else we would have to wait for all jobs to finish before sending new patches18:51
rlandy|ruckdasm: still around?20:27
rlandy|ruckcan I get your vote on  Exclude mixed rhel - reporting to wrong hash
rlandy|rucksee bug
dviroelteam, have a great weekend o/20:36
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jm1out for today, have a nice weekend folks :)21:15
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dasmjust noticed it being merged22:43
* dasm sings off too22:43
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