Thursday, 2022-09-15

*** rlandy|bbl is now known as rlandy|out01:10
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bhagyashris_chandankumar, hi05:51
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pojadhavmarios, hey good morning!06:04
pojadhavcould you please help me to understand last supported upgrade-able release for the failed tests on this :
pojadhavas I will remove victoria and after that ussuri as well from that file..06:07
mariospojadhav: morning06:08
mariospojadhav: sure will check 06:08
mariospojadhav: i'll reply on review06:08
pojadhavmarios, ack thank you :)06:09
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chandankumarbhagyashris|ruck:  hello06:38
chandankumarGood morning #oooq06:38
chandankumarbhagyashris|ruck: I saw your revert one of the patch
chandankumarDoes it broke something?06:39
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bhagyashris|ruckchandankumar, yes it broke 16.2 container build06:46
bhagyashris|rucki created revert and testing on it looks like the containers are pushing06:46
chandankumarbhagyashris|ruck: log link?06:47
bhagyashris|ruckchandankumar, send pm06:48
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jm1happy thursday morning folks :)07:02
marioso/ jm1 07:16
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chandankumarbhagyashris|ruck: can you open a bug downstream and here is the fix
* bhagyashris|ruck lunch07:29
chandankumarbhagyashris|ruck: one more patch coming to temprorily unblock it07:29
ysandeepmarios, mixed_os job will not run on master, right?07:38
chandankumarbhagyashris|ruck: please also cross verify the train line it should broke there also07:41
mariosysandeep: no wallaby only 07:41
ysandeepmarios, thanks for confirming07:42
mariosnp ysandeep 07:46
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chandankumardpawlik: hello08:46
chandankumardpawlik: updating this patch to run ovb jobs also on cs9 dib image08:47
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jsanemeti have got these three changes approved08:56
jsanemetbut i do not have the right to merge them in08:56
jsanemetcould someone do so for me?08:56
mariosjsanemet: you need another vote eg has only one +209:01
mariosjsanemet: they are on the review list so folks should check those when they have time to review stuff09:02
mariosjsanemet: ( we follow upstream rules where we need two +2 to approve and worfklow the change)09:02
jsanemetmarios: oh, i though i only needed one +209:02
jsanemetmarios: ok, i will wait for another review to come in09:03
jsanemetmarios: thanks a lot09:03
mariosjsanemet: sometimes we merge things with only one +2 if it is urgent but that is an exception. the general rule is two +2 before merge. np jsanemet 09:03
pojadhavfolks, bhagyashri is facing low internet speed due to some technical problems till 1 pm UTC.09:17
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afuscoarHello. I've checked the dashboards for testing migrating Grafana 7.3.8 to the last version Grafana preserved the old version dashboards, they have the visualization name of: table-old. It works at the same way with the pie charts so it works fine. But I need someone from oooq to confirm from both sides everything is okay and proceed 10:19
rlandyjm1: marios: anything we need to sync on?10:33
rlandydon't see bhagyashri10:33
rlandywill check in with her afterwards10:33
rlandyjm1: train c8 is only missing fs03510:33
rlandywhich passed on internal10:33
rlandylooking if we can skip promote that10:34
rlandyjsanemet: thanks - looking at your changes10:34
jm1rlandy: "<pojadhav> folks, bhagyashri is facing low internet speed due to some technical problems till 1 pm UTC."10:35
rlandyah ok10:35
rlandyjm1: just looking at CRE team reviews now10:36
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.10:36
mariosrlandy: o/ nothing major from me just the mixed os job should be good now see revert info @ 10:36
mariosrlandy: nothing else cix wise 10:37
rlandymarios: nice - will vote there - do you want me to W+ - or you will do that?10:37
mariosrlandy: please go ahead on the gating one 10:37
mariosrlandy: for periodic i haven't seen green run yet so can wait a bit 10:37
mariosrlandy: but lets re-add to gates10:37
rlandy done10:37
rlandyjust voting on periodics10:38
rlandyk - and we're still waiting on
rlandyamoralej: ^^ thanks for the update there10:39
rlandywill ping mnaser to revote10:40
mariosrlandy: i set workflow-1 on the periodic one as commented (13:37 < marios> rlandy: for periodic i haven't seen green run yet so can wait a bit 10:40
mariosrlandy: so thanks for vote but will wait until we get the green runs10:40
amoralejrlandy, yep, unfortunately it required manual rebase :(10:41
rlandymarios: ack - you just have another vote now - for when you are ready10:41
mariosrlandy: k - must have at least one testproject with those around here somewhere let me run that in the meantime 10:41
mariosrlandy: thanks10:41
rlandyamoralej: k  - you got mnaser's +2 again now10:41
rlandyjsanemet: abregman: ok - merged 4 of the criteria patches10:49
rlandyjsanemet: abregman: the other three don't have other team votes there10:49
rlandywill give folks a few to look at those10:49
rlandythen I will work on them10:49
jsanemetrlandy: awesome, thanks a lot10:49
rlandywe have two runs there ...10:52
rlandyand 10:52
rlandyboth show a test from empest.scenario.test_network_v6.TestGettingAddress failing - although a different test10:53
rlandy passes10:54
rlandyso ... 10:54
mariosrlandy: akahat: chandankumar: ysandeep: please add to reviews when you next have some time for that kind of thing ;) thank you10:55
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.10:55
rlandygiving it one more run - then will skip promo10:55
ysandeepmarios, ack.. reviewing rr patches, will check it next10:56
rlandyack - will look10:57
* bhagyashris my internet is back10:59
*** bhagyashris is now known as bhagyashris|ruck10:59
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rlandybhagyashris|ruck: hey bhagyashris|ruck - was just working on downstream ... happy to see you back :)11:03
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, ack 11:05
rlandyanyone getting cert errors on the rr tool for downstream checking?11:06
rlandyor is it my kerb joys again11:06
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: ^^11:06
bhagyashris|rucklet me check11:07
bhagyashris|ruckat my morning it was working fine11:07
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, it's working fine11:10
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: do we have a real issue here:
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, yes11:13
rlandy2022-09-14 20:39:28 | Stderr: 'error reading multiple stages: ARG requires exactly one argument definition\n'11:14
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, just reporting on bz11:14
bhagyashris|rucklet me show you11:14
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, due to this change it's causing the issue11:14
mariosrlandy: pojadhav: dasm|off: fyi i will drop half hour into the retro because of clash (multi rhel sync call) and I'll rejoin for planning as soon as i drop from that 11:15
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: ah - I see11:15
rlandyrevert there11:15
bhagyashris|rucki have created revert for this and tested the container build so on that it's working fine11:15
bhagyashris|ruckbut chandankumar uploaded two patches 11:15
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, this is the temporary workaround patch
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, this is the actual fix
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: chandankumar: so which one should we merge here?11:16
rlandyTengu has a +2 on
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, i am working on filling a bug, once reported will pass link 11:17
rlandycan we go for that?11:17
chandankumarsorry sorry11:18
chandankumarI was in another meeting11:18
chandankumarreading back11:18
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: chandankumar: k - we just need to decide if we want to merge
chandankumarrlandy: please merge it11:18
chandankumarrlandy: proper fix tripleo-ansible patch will taken time to reach tripleo-ci-testing rhos16.2 pipeline11:19
chandankumarthat's why i have added it11:19
rlandyand bhagyashris|ruck has tested with
rlandyrather than the revert?11:20
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, just pushed testproject patch to test tripleo-ci patch11:20
rlandybhagyashris|ruck: ok - let's get that confirmation11:21
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, yes11:21
bhagyashris|rucktestproject patch :
bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, chandankumar
jm1rlandy:  will look at fs35 later, need time11:30
rlandyjm1: I am on it11:31
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rlandyysandeep: hmm ... did we merge some  rr script changes recently?11:32
ysandeeprlandy, I reviewed dasm|off patch just now, didn't +wed any this week11:33
rlandyhmmm ... ok11:33
ysandeeprlandy, what is the issue?11:33
rlandyneeded to export the cert bundle for downstream11:33
rlandymaybe it's juts my env11:33
rlandyworks with that extra line11:33
ysandeepby default it picks - CERT_PATH = os.environ.get('CURL_CA_BUNDLE', '/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/openssl/') 11:34
ysandeepif you don't have correct cert at ^^ then you need to EXPORT11:35
rlandyexport REQUESTS_CA_BUNDLE=/etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/openssl/
rlandy^^ yep added that11:35
rlandyto get it to work11:35
rlandyalso looking into that ^^11:36
ysandeepbhagyashris|ruck, you also faced some issues with certs right, what you did to solve that? Export certs manually?11:37
pojadhavmarios, ack11:37
bhagyashris|ruckysandeep, i havn'te did anything it sorted in the next day 11:37
bhagyashris|ruckit comes intermittently 11:37
ysandeepyou are running rr script on laptop/inside container?11:38
bhagyashris|ruckysandeep, nope in pyhton  virtual environment 11:39
* pojadhav stepping out for hour11:39
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ysandeepbhagyashris|ruck, thanks11:40
rlandyysandeep: not a big deal - just an fyi11:42
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ysandeepack, I will try to reproduce the issue11:43
rlandy|mtgysandeep: you have a lot else to do - at least we know what to tell people if they hit it11:47
rlandy|mtgnot major11:47
bhagyashris|ruckabregman, hi, is sc004 rhos17.1 on rhel9 component jobs failure resolved?11:50
ibernalHello everyone, can we merge the criteria file for full scenario jobs for compute and tempest? 12:06
mariosrlandy|mtg: chandankumar: i created & do i need to do that in any other registries ? 12:09
rlandy|mtgmarios: we still have docker12:09
rlandy|mtgwhich the promoter pushes to12:09
mariosrlandy|mtg: k lemme do that too 12:10
rlandy|mtgmarios: you should need both tripleozed and tripleozedcentos9 - I think we standardized on using the release-distro12:10
rlandy|mtgfrenzyfriday: chandankumar: ^^ right?12:11
rlandy|mtgso only one12:11
mariosrlandy|mtg: so we can use either, but i thought i'd create the other one anyway, to prevent squatting/confusion later? can just leave it empty 12:11
rlandy|mtgmarios: also there is public quay12:11
chandankumarrlandy|mtg: tripleozedcentos912:11
chandankumarsounds good12:11
rlandy|mtgarxcruz: ^^12:11
rlandy|mtgwhere arxcruz pushes containers12:11
chandankumarwe can keep the same schema everywhere12:11
frenzyfridayyep, tripleozedcentos912:11
chandankumarwe need to reserve this namespace on docker and quay also12:12
rlandy|mtgmarios: ^^ so both there12:12
rlandy|mtgpublic quay, in addition to rdo12:12
mariosrlandy|mtg: is asking me to agree to $7/month? no right? 12:12
frenzyfridaymarios, did you create the registries manually? I think dpawlik has a tool which creates it from a list. We just need to put up a patch to add zed to the list and the tool should take care of registry creations and permission12:13
rlandy|mtgmarios: docker will give you some obscure message about upping your payment12:13
rlandy|mtgno worries, we pay for it anyways12:13
mariosrlandy|mtg: so we have already 12:13
mariosbut i will create tripleozedcentos912:13
mariosrlandy|mtg: so cant create it because it wants me to pay 12:15
marios(i get as far as continue to payment screen :D)12:15
mariosgoing to checkout the public quay now sec12:15
mariosand cycle back 12:15
arxcruzmarios rlandy|mtg 12:18
arxcruzcreated under tripleoci 12:18
dpawlikindeed frenzyfriday, but just for quay12:19
rlandy|mtgthanks all12:19
mariosarxcruz: great thanks12:26
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mariosrlandy|mtg: ok we also have dockerhub someone must have crteated & 12:31
mariosso i think we're good? we have 12:31
mariosanything missing arxcruz chandankumar ? ^ 12:31
mariosfrenzyfriday: ^ ? 12:31
frenzyfridayrdoquay loks good, we may have to add users/permissions if stuff start failing12:34
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rlandy|mtgfrenzyfriday: will be a few minutes late13:00
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bhagyashris|ruckrlandy, chandankumar container build (16.2) passed on tripleo-ci change
chandankumarbhagyashris|ruck: we already +w it13:25
bhagyashris|ruckchandankumar, yes thanks :)13:25
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dasmgood morning team13:29
dasmare you ready for retro?13:29
dasmdviroel: o/ are you joining?13:32
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jm1bhagyashris|ruck: added tldr session to our rr notes, feel free to add anything if you want :)14:33
mariosrlandy: no planning call?14:49
pojadhavmarios, we are running late at retro 14:50
jm1marios: still in retro14:50
mariosah joining 14:50
jm1pojadhav: hahahaha you were first14:50
dviroeljm1: dasm: i was looking at gerrit settings, maybe it will be easier for you to add Notifications for changes/patches on an specific repo that you are interested, you can define an specific search expression for it14:52
jm1dviroel: oh really? that would be cool.. let me check14:53
dasmdviroel: that sounds good. as long as the patch won't get merged in the meantime ;)14:53
dviroeldasm: yeah, but you still get a email about them14:53
jm1dviroel: is it possible to only monitor a subfolder? else we would get spammed ^^14:54
dviroeljm1: you are limited to whats gerrit search provides14:55
dviroelif you figure it out a way14:55
jm1dviroel: nice! -is:wip file:^ci-scripts/infra-setup/.*14:57
jm1dasm: ^14:57
dviroeljm1: dasm: another option is customise your gerrit dashbaord, to show recent changes from a repo, including the ones that were merged too (e.g. changes from the last 2 days, status: all14:57
dviroeljm1: nice14:57
ysandeepjm1, i think there is some automation already inplace in gerrit, it uses git blame and adds people who have most commits in that particular file.14:59
dviroelysandeep: i don't like this thing because it alwyas adds people that are not interested in the project anymore :P15:00
ysandeepdviroel, true it still add wes/sorin for reviews15:00
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.15:00
dviroelysandeep: yep, lol15:01
dasmreviewbot: you're drunk. go home15:01
dasmjm1: dviroel thanks, i'll give it a shot15:02
ysandeepIt would be great if gerrit automation can add correct persons(or interested parties), Personally I am not a fan of manully adding particular individual for reviews, imho.. it should go in team's pool, If only few people have infra domain expertise now shouldn't it be a separate project with +2 right for correct people.15:13
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.15:13
jm1dasm: thanks for the retro, very organized meeting :)15:39
* jm1 bbl15:40
mariosnice one dasm and pojadhav o/ 15:40
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pojadhavmarios|out, :)15:41
bhagyashris|ruckdasm, pojadhav thanks for the retro and planning  15:41
pojadhavbhagyashris|ruck, ;)15:41
* bhagyashris|ruck out15:41
* pojadhav have a good day all15:41
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ysandeepdviroel: btw.. how did you find waldo?15:56
dviroelysandeep: i was looking top to bottom, left to right 15:57
dviroelysandeep: don't know, lucky I think15:57
dviroelbtw, only north america call him Waldo?15:58
ysandeepdviroel++ nice catch! You should get some rewards points to find that :D15:59
* dviroel lunch time15:59
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rlandydviroel++ waldo finder - would never have spotted that16:12
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dasmdviroel|lunch: i know him as Wally too :)16:21
dasmjm1 might now Wally as Walter :)16:24
dasmpojadhav|out: i sent you an invite for tomorrow, follow-up planning meeting at 7am my time16:29
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rlandylunch - biab17:05
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*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|ruck17:34
dsarielhi, could you please take a look at the following changes and possible merge them?17:48
dsarielThese changes are promotional critera for the jobs definitions that were already merged (verified)17:49
dsarielAccording to the page:
rlandy|rucknew rr hackmd
rlandy|ruckjm1: bhagyashris|ruck: akahat: ^^17:53
rlandy|ruckdsariel: team will take care of that at review time17:54
rlandy|ruckI merged four of those patches this morning17:54
dsarielrlandy|ruck, ack. Thanks a lot!17:54
dsarielrlandy|ruck, I saw that 4 were merged. Thanks for that! I've updated to reflect the status 17:58
dasmrlandy|ruck: o/ are you joining me?18:31
rlandy|rucksec - logging bug18:31
rlandy|ruckdsariel: hey - team reviewed patches - pls see comments19:24
jm1rlandy|ruck: out for today19:35
* jm1 have a nice evening folks :)19:36
dsarielrlandy|ruck, looking. Thanks19:44
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* dasm is done for today21:58
dasmtake care team21:58
*** dasm is now known as dasm|off21:58

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