Monday, 2022-09-19

*** rlandy is now known as rlandy|out01:27
*** akahat is now known as akahat|ruck04:37
akahat|ruckGood morning! O/04:39
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ysandeepakahat|ruck, good morning o/04:50
bhagyashrisakahat|ruck, Hi,05:37
mariosmorning bhagyashris akahat|ruck o/05:45
mariosakahat|ruck: when you have time in a bit lets do a quick sync call please re ruck|rover stuffs 05:56
akahat|ruckmarios, we can sync now. 05:59
mariosakahat|ruck: k sec plugging headphones06:00
jm1good morning folks :)06:40
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jm1rlandy|out, akahat|ruck: we had a c9 master promotion yesterday 🥳 looks like rlandy and promotion enforcer are a great team 😁07:02
akahat|ruckmarios, bhagyashris all the internal jobs going to fail.. because of certificate expire. New certificate needs to install in the server.. looks like we need to create CIx for It team.07:07
mariosakahat|ruck: already expired :/ 2022-09-18 08:44:45.673439 | primary | 2022-09-18 08:44:45 | curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired 07:12
mariosakahat|ruck: ack so that's 2 cix for d/stream one for RETRY and the other for this cert issue 07:12
akahat|ruckyes. I've posted issue on #rhos-ops 07:12
mariosthnks akahat|ruck 07:12
akahat|ruckmarios, we are seeing certificate issue in retry / retry_limit 07:13
akahat|ruckjobs *07:13
mariosakahat|ruck: do you have logs that bhagyashris passed from friday? check if they are the same cert issue 07:24
mariosakahat|ruck: otherwise you'll have 2 different ones 07:24
mariosakahat|ruck: (from friday re RETRY/dstream issue)07:24
mariosakahat|ruck: they are 2 different issues 07:25
akahat|ruckmarios, above link is same which shared by bhagyashris.07:25
mariosakahat|ruck: see RETRY from friday 07:25
mariosakahat|ruck: 2022-09-16 13:39:24.173529 | primary |   "msg": "Stack baremetal_84070 did not deploy successfully. See the stack status message above."07:26
mariosakahat|ruck: so cert one for sure and may be another issue on those RETRY so please chekc 07:26
akahat|ruckmarios, yes.. thanks for the above logs. 07:27
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akahat|ruckmarios, hey.. i think we don't need to create CIX for the stack creation failure. Those failed jobs re-run and passed. 08:39
akahat|ruckthis is reported bug:
akahat|ruckbhagyashris, ^08:40
bhagyashrisakahat|ruck, ack08:41
mariosakahat|ruck: k thanks for checking08:56
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mariosakahat|ruck: see pvt re the cert issue for workaround 09:05
arxcruzmarios akahat|ruck ysandeep please review, it's a promotion blocker :)09:18
mariosarxcruz: ack will check 09:26
akahat|ruckarxcruz, thanks.09:26
akahat|ruckarxcruz, testing here:
arxcruzakahat|ruck no need to test, if you run this: tempest-skip list-allowed --file roles/validate-tempest/vars/tempest_allow.yml --release train --group featureset062_periodic --job periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-8-scenario010-ovn-provider-standalone-train09:27
arxcruzyou will see that without the patch, it returns empty 09:27
arxcruzif you run with the patch, it will return the tests 09:27
arxcruzthat was the error on the scen010 job 09:27
arxcruzit was returning empty 09:27
akahat|ruckyup.. it was empty.09:28
akahat|ruckmarios, arxcruz chandankumar bhagyashris ^^09:37
mariosakahat|ruck: k 09:45
mariosakahat|ruck: ack but please add TODO comment pointing to the bug we should not keep this 09:46
akahat|ruckmarios, ack09:47
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*** rlandy|out is now known as rlandy|rover10:20
rlandy|roverakahat|ruck: marios: will sync in a few10:23
rlandy|roveramoralej: hi - I added
rlandy|roverbut the mirror issue starts before extras gets into the picture10:24
amoraleji think syntax is wrong10:25
amoralejlemme check10:25
rlandy|roveramoralej: does the var need to be added here:
mariosrlandy|rover: o/10:25
rlandy|roverakahat|ruck: let's sync ... marios ... you can join is you can10:26
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rlandy|rover has no new info10:26
amoralejrlandy|rover, i left a comment10:29
rlandy|roveramoralej: ok - I see  - but I think this is too late10:30
rlandy|roverit won;t fix anything earlier10:30
rlandy|roverie: the failure is before this10:30
rlandy|roverdo we not need the var there????10:30
amoralejah, correct10:30
amoralejit should be in base job10:30
amoraleji think10:30
amoralejbut i think not in the playbook10:31
amoralejbut in the job variables?10:31
* ysandeep stepping out for sometime10:33
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rlandy|roveramoralej: then is would have to be where this is called10:37
rlandy|roverykarel: are you still hitting
ykarelrlandy|rover, i have not checked new logs and atleast i don't see the same in my patches10:52
rlandy|roverok - thanks10:52
ykarelrlandy|rover, do we have logstash having logs from rdo jobs?10:52
ykarelif yes then can check there 10:52
rlandy|roverfrenzyfriday: ^^10:52
amoralejrlandy|rover, what i meant is to add the vars in parent jobs as in
frenzyfridayrlandy|rover, nope, I do not see it in logstash!(),refreshInterval:(pause:!t,value:0),time:(from:now-15d,to:now))&_a=(columns:!(_source),filters:!(),index:logstash,interval:auto,query:(language:kuery,query:'build_name:%22tripleo-ci-centos-8-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001%22%20AND%20build_status:%22FAILURE%22%20AND%20message:%22that%20name%20is%20alre11:09
frenzyfridayady%20in%20use%22'),sort:!())  The job is tracked though11:09
frenzyfridaylemme check with Daniel11:10
mariosanyone for reviews 11:16
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.11:16
rlandy|roveramoralej: ok - trying that11:35
jm1rlandy|rover: no need to recheck rrr jobs, they will be rerun after max. 30-45 minutes ;)11:39
rlandy|roverjm1: automatically?11:41
jm1rlandy|rover: yes11:41
rlandy|roverjm1: can we talk about this?11:41
rlandy|roversome jobs are rerunning and we know they won't pass11:41
rlandy|roverlike the train kvm job11:41
rlandy|roverit will only pass now11:41
rlandy|roverafter fix merges11:41
jm1rlandy|rover: i can stop rrr if you want11:42
rlandy|roverjm1: pls - lets talk about usage at meeting11:42
rlandy|roverjm1: can be very useful11:42
rlandy|roverbut I think let's just see if it's the right thing for all cases11:42
jm1rlandy|rover: lets talk about that tomorrow in community meeting? i dont want to bore all others with rrr 🙈11:43
jm1rlandy|rover: i will stop it for now11:43
rlandy|roverjm1: I think everyone needs to see it - community call is good11:43
rlandy|roverI think there is definite value -in rerun one - not every job every 45 mins11:44
jm1rlandy|rover: it is only rerunning failing jobs in criteria which are not running currently. rerunning specific jobs requires another script. maybe worth creating a jira card for that11:47
jm1rlandy|rover: anyway, stopped promotion enforcer for now. running jobs will finish but no new jobs will be scheduled11:48
rlandy|roverjm1: yeah - so I think there is a lot of potential here - so let's juts talk about cadence and usage etc.11:48
rlandy|roverwe are  on limited resources 11:48
rlandy|roverso we need to balance this11:48
rlandy|roverjm1: thank you for working on this - let's see what is going to be the right balance after community call11:49
mariosrlandy|rover: akahat|ruck: fyi seems related to  - added fix in v2 12:01
mariosakahat|ruck: broken tripleo-ci gate ^^^ but should be fixed with tripleo-ci/+/857778/2 12:02
ykarelfrenzyfriday, are the logs collected/stored there and for how many days?12:02
ykarelfor ex: i see that issue 5 days ago
ykarelbut not in kibana12:02
frenzyfridayykarel, 15 days. But the overcloud file was not in the list of collected files. I have a patch for it (for the upstream logstash) - 12:03
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marioschandankumar: ysandeep: akahat|ruck: rlandy|rover: please vote when you have time 12:04
ykarelfrenzyfriday, the error is also logstash file logs/undercloud/var/log/extra/logstash.txt and seems that's included in the list you shared above12:05
ysandeepmarios, looking12:07
frenzyfridayykarel, in the rdo for some reason I see only job-output.txt is pulled into logstash. dpawlik is helping to identify where I can add more files (like the #tripleo section in the upstream file)12:08
ykarelfrenzyfriday, okk Thanks12:08
rlandy|roveramoralej: to check - they should all be set to true?12:08
amoralejnot all12:08
amoralejsimilar to defaults12:09
amoralejbut just change extras-common to true12:09
rlandy|roveramoralej: k - trying with multinode - if that works will add to standalone, and all the others12:09
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soniyamarios, i have updated this patch now -, can you go through it whenever time permits?12:33
akahat|ruckmarios, ack. will take a look. 12:34
mariossoniya: ack noting12:42
soniyamarios, thanks12:54
soniyarlandy|rover, pojadhav, i need to step out for 15-20 mins13:11
soniyai may join scrum a bit late13:11
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arxcruzdpawlik hey, please take a look at 13:27
arxcruzlet's see if we can start to collect these data 13:27
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pojadhavarxcruz, rlandy|rover, soniya|afk, akahat|ruck, rcastillo|rover, jm1 : scrum13:31
chandankumarhello #oooq, if you make any change in tripleo-ci/zuul.d files you might hit zuul syntx issue13:31
chandankumarfix is here:
pojadhavchandankumar, : scrum13:31
dpawlikarxcruz: it goes in the right direction. Good job13:36
arxcruzdpawlik what are the next steps?13:36
arxcruzi think you need to setup something on the ES side right?13:37
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: As of the weekend, Zuul only supports queue declarations at the project level; if expected jobs aren't running, see this announcement:
dpawlikarxcruz: so it would be good to add a test to the ansible playbook that validate functionality 13:38
dpawlik+ add the new file to the
arxcruzdpawlik the file it's there 13:39
dpawlikadd a param to this
arxcruzdpawlik can you comment there so lukas can work on that?13:40
dpawlikand maybe simple query to validate that the new index is there
dpawlik<need to think, little busy right now>13:40
dpawlikarxcruz done13:44
mariosthank you pojadhav 13:45
mariosakahat|ruck: we still need to merge that (probably update to have only 9 in criteria for now) per that ^^ 14:05
mariosakahat|ruck: pojadhav: moving back to ready review so we don't forget 14:05
akahat|ruckmarios, ack. once lp got resolved we can merge it.14:06
rlandy|rover - tested in job in
rlandy|roveramoralej|lunch: marios: akahat|ruck: ^^14:10
rlandy|roverthat is a config patch14:11
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amoralejforgot to renick, sorry14:11
rlandy|roverso it's a merge and hope situation14:11
marios        - periodic-tripleo-centos-9-zed-component-baremetal-promote-consistent-to-component-ci-testing: &force_periodic14:11
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pojadhavmarios, please have a look when you free
mariosk pojadhav 14:18
chandankumarmarios: rlandy|rover please have a look at this review when free, thank you :-)14:45
Tengu«retrying is life, retrying is all»14:46
marioschandankumar: ack will do adding to my reviews 14:51
reviewbotDo you want me to add your patch to the Review list? Please type something like add to review list <your_patch> so that I can understand. Thanks.14:51
jm1Tengu: oh yeah 🤠 promotion enforcer will safe you 😁14:57
* jm1 bbl14:58
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chandankumarsee ya people!15:00
dasmchandankumar: o/15:03
*** marios is now known as marios|out15:28
rlandy|roverysandeep|dinner: your thoughts on
rlandy|roverany concerns about merging that?15:46
rlandy|roverakahat|ruck: hmm so wrt wallaby c9 ... periodic-tripleo-ci-centos-9-ovb-3ctlr_1comp-featureset001-internal-wallaby passed15:48
rlandy|roverif current rerun does not pass ... will change criteria to use internal to promote15:48
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ysandeeprlandy|rover, we often hit 502 error in CI - this change lgtm..16:02
rlandy|roverk- let's try it16:03
* ysandeep out, see everyone tomorrow16:03
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rlandy|roverakahat|ruck: Temp use internal fs001 to promote wallaby16:19
rlandy|roverugh - master line is not kicking16:20
rlandy|roverlunch brb16:24
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akahat|ruckrlandy|rover, that's nice.16:31
rlandy|roverjust failed mol-promote_images16:31
akahat|ruckrlandy|rover, voted +1.16:35
rlandy|roverakahat|ruck: thanks - abandoned/restored16:36
rlandy|roverhopefully will pass this time16:36
rlandy|roverakahat|ruck: also testing new namservers16:36
dasmrlandy|rover: o/ afair you mentioned we have a docker hub pro account. am i recalling it right?16:36
rlandy|roverdasm: ack - pls check bitwarden16:37
rlandy|roverI pay $7 a month for that :)16:37
dasmi'm gonna look into using quay in the future, but for now i'm struggling with setting up cockpit :/ it relies on grafana, nginx and mariadb stored at Docker Hub :(16:38
* akahat|ruck See you tomorrow..16:51
rlandy|roverakahat|ruck: have a good night17:02
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rlandy|roverakahat|ruck: merged the revert:
rlandy|roveralso reverting
rlandy|roverwallaby promoted18:32
* jm1 out for today, have a nice evening #oooq19:02
rcastilloheading out, I'll bbl21:29
* dasm => offline22:00
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