Thursday, 2022-05-19 Tobias Henkel proposed: [zuul/nodepool] 842538: Add more logs to cleanup workers Simon Westphahl proposed on behalf of Tobias Henkel: [zuul/nodepool] 842538: Add more logs to cleanup workers Matthieu Huin proposed: [zuul/zuul] 837852: Clarify zuul admin CLI scope Matthieu Huin proposed: [zuul/zuul] 842290: Remove zuul CLI, REST ops Zuul merged on behalf of Tobias Henkel: [zuul/nodepool] 842538: Add more logs to cleanup workers Zuul merged on behalf of Joshua Watt: [zuul/nodepool] 839226: Do not reset quota cache timestamp when invalid Zuul merged on behalf of Simon Westphahl: [zuul/zuul] 842109: Don't fail config loading on missing min. ltime Zuul merged on behalf of Ian Wienand: [zuul/nodepool] 839681: AWS tests: cleanup image deletion checking James E. Blair proposed:16:34
- [zuul/zuul-jobs] 842572: Re-sync test-mirror-workspace-git-repos
- [zuul/zuul-jobs] 842573: Correct git config item name in mirror-workspace-git-repos
@jim:acmegating.comzuul-maint: ^ those are easy approvals since they're only to a test role; that will allow us to test a fix that appears to be necessary for ansible 5 in a base-test cycle16:35
@jim:acmegating.com is an example failure16:36
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: I'll take a look once I've sent this deprecated queues syntax email to the openstack mailing list16:39
@jim:acmegating.comClark: thx16:40
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: for the deprecated syntax it will break CI for the project using it or for all projects in the tenant?16:47
@fungicide:matrix.orgpresumably it has to be corrected in stable branches too? or does only teh default branch decide the queue?16:48 * presumably it has to be corrected in all branches too? or does only the default branch decide the queue?16:48
@clarkb:matrix.orgit has to be on all branches16:48
@clarkb:matrix.orgbecause what will break is the parsing of the config16:48
@fungicide:matrix.orgahh, good point16:49
@jim:acmegating.comyeah... there's nuance about which project stanzas zuul encounters first determining which queue the project joins; but in this case i think that takes a back seat to the "breaking the config" part which i think reduces the problem to the point where it just needs to be fixed universally16:56
@clarkb:matrix.orgcorvus: meaning the entire tenant may be broken?16:57
@jim:acmegating.comClark: to your question -- it will cause that project stanza to be ignored; so if you leave it on a stable branch, then that stable branch won't run any jobs until fixed16:57
@jim:acmegating.comshouldn't break other branches on the project or the tenant in general16:57
@clarkb:matrix.orggot it so branch specific16:57
@clarkb:matrix.orgmostly want to be able to tell people what the impact will be if left as is16:57
@jim:acmegating.comit will also be many, many config errors in the ui, masking any real problems16:58
@clarkb:matrix.orgwould it be any change to any project on that stable branch or just the projcet with the broken stable config?16:58
@jim:acmegating.comjust the project16:59
@clarkb:matrix.organother reason I'm asking is projects like windmill have the deprecated syntax and it isn't clear to me what the future of that project is16:59
@jim:acmegating.combasically zuul is going to drop the whole "project" stanza.16:59
@clarkb:matrix.orggot it16:59
@fungicide:matrix.orgso jobs added in a central config project will still run potentially, but jobs added in the project's git repository will be ignored17:01
@jim:acmegating.comfungi: yup17:01
@jim:acmegating.comand this applies to periodic, etc, jobs which are added in-repo (but not centrally)17:01
@fungicide:matrix.organd changes may merge based on the results of the jobs which still run? leading to changes landing in a minimally-tested state17:02
@fungicide:matrix.orgthat seems like the biggest risk, so good to call out on the opendev side when we're bringing it up with projects17:02 Zuul merged on behalf of Jeremy Stanley [zuul/nodepool] 841908: Clarify reasons for host-key-checking setting
@jpew:matrix.orgI can't quite figure out why timed out, would anyone be able to help me sort it our? Near as I can tell, the tests just run longer than the timeout and they aren't "stuck" per-se17:25 Zuul merged on behalf of James E. Blair [zuul/zuul-jobs] 842572: Re-sync test-mirror-workspace-git-repos Zuul merged on behalf of James E. Blair [zuul/zuul-jobs] 842573: Correct git config item name in mirror-workspace-git-repos James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 842598: Make test-prepare-workspace-git role
@jim:acmegating.comzuul-maint: ^ oops, looks like we need that for a base-job test cycle too... i think that's probably new since the last time we did one for these roles.18:12 Matthieu Huin proposed: [zuul/zuul-client] 771853: Add show running-jobs subcommand James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul-jobs] 842598: Make test-prepare-workspace-git role Matthieu Huin proposed: [zuul/zuul] 842361: zuul-web: harmonize behavior for boolean parameters Matthieu Huin proposed: [zuul/zuul-client] 752909: Add buildsets, buildset-info to subcommands Matthieu Huin proposed: [zuul/zuul-client] 751238: Add console-stream subcommand Matthieu Huin proposed: [zuul/zuul] 758985: zuul-client: Test buildsets, buildset-info subcommands Zuul merged on behalf of James E. Blair [zuul/zuul] 804177: Add include- and exclude-branches tenant config options Matthieu Huin proposed: [zuul/zuul] 771962: zuul-client: test "show running-jobs" command> <> I can't quite figure out why timed out, would anyone be able to help me sort it our? Near as I can tell, the tests just run longer than the timeout and they aren't "stuck" per-se19:25
that same job passed for the change a week ago. looking at the log, it spent roughly 15 minutes getting everything set up and then churned through unit tests steadily without any huge gaps in time, finally killed after the remaining 75 (out of its initial 90) minutes ran out while it was still slogging through the unit tests
@fungicide:matrix.orgthe successful run for it a week ago took "1 hr 11 mins 52 secs" according to the result page19:26
@fungicide:matrix.orgthe job nodes in opendev are wildly inconsistent performance-wise, so we may simply need to increase the timeout or prune some of the testing19:27 Zuul merged on behalf of James E. Blair [zuul/zuul-jobs] 842598: Make test-prepare-workspace-git role
@fungicide:matrix.orgjpew: that previous run was within 19% of hitting the timeout, and our test nodes vary in performance by a lot more than that19:30
@fungicide:matrix.orgi would recheck it for an updated result19:30
@fungicide:matrix.orgi went ahead and did that19:32
@jpew:matrix.orgfungi: Thanks!19:33
@jpew:matrix.orgWell, it's regate actually19:33
@fungicide:matrix.orgthey have the same effect in our gate pipeline config19:34
@fungicide:matrix.orgcomparing the successful run, it was 20% faster setting up to start the unit tests, though the setup might be impacted differently by performance variance than the unit tests themselves19:36
@jpew:matrix.orgAlso, I just had Zuul spin up 450 openstack nodes and it seems to be keeping itself together pretty well..... This is _so_ much better that what we had before!19:40 Zuul merged on behalf of Matthieu Huin [zuul/zuul] 837852: Clarify zuul admin CLI scope Zuul merged on behalf of Joshua Watt: [zuul/zuul] 838924: merger: Handle merges with cherry-pick merge-mode
@vlotorev:matrix.orgHi, could zuul maint have a look at, it already has one CR+2.20:59 * Hi, could zuul maint have a look at, it already has one CR+2.21:00 James E. Blair proposed:23:51
- [zuul/zuul-jobs] 842647: Test base-test with Ansible 2.8
- [zuul/zuul-jobs] 842648: Test base-test with Ansible 2.9
- [zuul/zuul-jobs] 842649: Test base-test with Ansible 5 James E. Blair proposed: [zuul/zuul] 842243: DNM: Try jobs with Ansible 5

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