Sunday, 2019-09-15

mnaseri'm caving a little bit for help because i've ran out of options at this point01:44
mnaserfor some reason, this deployment seems stuck in gearman-y stuff.  for example 'zuul show' hangs forever, opening dashboard seems to loop forever01:45
mnaserDEBUG zuul.RPCClient: Submitting job zuul:tenant_list with data {} followed by DEBUG zuul.RPCClient: Waiting for job completion01:45
mnaserbut nothing ever again after, looking at zuul-scheduler, i see that things seem to be connected.. "DEBUG zuul.MergeClient: Connecting to gearman at gearman:4730"01:46
mnaserfollowed by "DEBUG zuul.MergeClient: Waiting for gearman"01:47
mnaseroh hmm, looks like it's working locally but not over net, that.. helps01:49
* mnaser goes back to digging after ted talk01:49
fungiyeah, i'd check firewalls/packet filters01:49
mnaseryeah i thought that part was working but i guess i was a bit mislead by the error messages01:50
fungior that stuff's configured to connect to the correct address01:50
mnaserthe fun part is this is inside k8s so i have to figure out whatever black magic is done to expose services :)01:51
mnaserk8s doesnt like services that talk to themselves back apparently02:12
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jlkAnybody interested in grabbing dinner at one of the nights (sunday through tuesday)?19:57
fungii'm interested pretty much any night20:08
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