Tuesday, 2018-09-18

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openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Cleanup of leaked resource for static driver  https://review.openstack.org/60008405:20
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Implement liveness check for static nodes  https://review.openstack.org/60151305:20
SpamapShrmph. One thing not fun: debugging a new post job. :-P06:15
SpamapStrying to re-create the fail scenario is.. a challenge06:16
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: wip: Use merger to get list of files for pull-request  https://review.openstack.org/60328706:25
SpamapShrm.. nodepool needs a forget command or something06:46
SpamapSaws driver is having some trouble handling "the node is already gone"06:46
tristanCSpamapS: nodepool is indeed pretty rigid when things doesn't go as expected :) maybe the driver is simply missing a try/expect ?07:03
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SpamapStristanC: correct07:18
SpamapSI am trying to test that now..07:18
SpamapSbut pbrx is having trouble07:18
SpamapSso.. time for bed07:18
openstackgerritSimon Westphahl proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: wip: Use merger to get list of files for pull-request  https://review.openstack.org/60328707:49
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dmsimardSpamapS: you can enqueue post jobs manually fwiw14:14
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annabelleBhey Zuul friends—the Kata folks were looking to chat about their Zuul migration during their weekly meeting. The next one is September 24 at 1500 UTC. Does that work for some of you to join? (If not we can find an outside time)14:32
clarkbannabelleB: would it be more appropriate to talk with Zuul devs or the OpenStack Infra team running the service? Maybe both depending on the specific agenda items. Is that posted anywhere?14:49
annabelleBclarkb: good question. I think the agenda is some of the challenges they’ve had with the transition, similar to that github issue you’ve been on14:54
clarkbannabelleB: I would say 99% of that is an unwillingness to reach out directly to the team running the service14:55
clarkband I think in the case where that hapepned (beacused I was on vacation) the feedback was ignored?14:56
annabelleBclarkb: would you prefer that I chat with them about “here’s what to do when you’re having problems” vs this sort of, cross-team reset chat?14:59
clarkbI think a reset chat can be useful. I was mostly trying to point out that the problems seem to be communication based and being asked to join a synchronous meeting in kata land seems to perpetuate the communication issues. If kata has problems with zuul or the service the right way to communicate that is to talk to zuul and/or openstack-infra for which we have several venues to do that15:01
annabelleBclarkb: do you all have a weekly meeting of some sort? kata can come your way :)15:02
clarkbannabelleB: for this particular case the openstack-infra team is probably more relevant than the zuul team. The infra team is running the service that kata is trying to consume. Openstack infra can be found on IRC in #openstack-infra, on openstack-infra@lists.openstack.org for asynchronous comms, and has weekly meetings in #openstack-meeting at 1900UTC Tuesdays (currently noon pacific)15:04
clarkbFor zuul software concerns there is this channel and zuul-discuss@lists.zuul-ci.org15:04
pabelangerfor context, it took the rdoproject about 1 month to migrate from jenkins to zuul. About 95% of the jobs we used a modified version of zuul-migrate, the last 5% we had to rewrite jobs as native zuulv3 jobs.  The hardest part by far is crafting the base-minimal / base jobs.15:11
clarkbpabelanger: in this case I think the issues are less about converting existing jobs (we've largely done that piece where possible I think) and more about understanding what zuul does (eg you don't have to merge things yourself) and who to communicate to when a cloud loses some functionality15:13
pabelangeryah, hardest part for me so far, is github workflow.  Getting labels right, right branch protections, and not clicking merge buttong in web15:14
pabelangerI haven't looked yet to see what can be hidden from users, aside removing admin access15:14
pabelangerbut, I do miss gerrit :)15:15
SpamapSdmsimard: I feel like it may be a good idea to start thinking about a public API for enqueueing and auto-holding.. I'd love to have a "retry" button for instance.. and a "retry-and-hold"15:41
tristanCSpamapS: mhu proposed a spec exactly for that: https://review.openstack.org/56232115:45
SpamapSbecause I'm just pushing empty commits right now... because my zuul scheduler runs in a k8s pod that is not `kubectl exec`able since it is hidden deep in the bowels of a private EC2 subnet.15:45
SpamapSso cmdline stuff makes very little sense.15:46
mhutristanC, SpamapS there's even more! https://review.openstack.org/#/c/576907/15:46
mhuthe spec might actually need to be refreshed in regard of my experiments15:47
mhuyeah it definitely does15:47
mhujpena, the TC call is over if you wanna join over mumble15:54
SpamapSmhu: this is cool. Adding some comments on 562321.15:57
mhuSpamapS, thanks, I'll rework it tonight15:58
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Use zk connection passed to OpenStack driver  https://review.openstack.org/60342816:04
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Move OpenStack leak code into driver  https://review.openstack.org/60342916:04
clarkbannabelleB: fwiw the infra meeting agenda is at https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting#Agenda_for_next_meeting I'm happy to add an item for Kata if they want to/can show up today at that venue. Otherwise simply sending an email to the mailing list might get the ball rolling more quickly then we can followup next week in the kata meeting?16:07
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Move OpenStack leak code into driver  https://review.openstack.org/60342916:07
annabelleBclarkb: I’ll ask if they can join today, otherwise yes, I’ll direct them to the ML (which ml do you have in mind—or so many :) )16:08
clarkbannabelleB: openstack-infra@lists.openstack.org is likely most appropriate for this topic16:08
clarkbthats the talk directly to the people running the infrastructure services mailing list16:08
SpamapSmhu: hah, I should have read 576907 first.. I think JWT is probably the thing to go with here.16:11
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SpamapSmhu: but I really am not a fan of offloading auth to the webserver.16:13
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SpamapSIt's an old thought that you can just rely on Apache modules for auth and feed data to your webapps. This entangles the webapp in a complex dependency web that is unnecessary. Python is perfectly capable of fetching jwt's.16:14
mhuSpamapS, does that mean we should include user and auth management within zuul?16:15
SpamapSmhu: no, we should just move the machinery for grabbing your tokens from "whatever you run zuul behind" to Cherrypy.16:16
SpamapSZuul needs to be "batteries included"16:18
clarkbSpamapS: tristanC iirc the nodepool driver is expected to handle the exceptional cases like I tried to delete a resource but it didn't exist. In that case you remove it from zk and moev on16:23
SpamapSclarkb: yeah I have a patch that should work16:23
SpamapSI'm just not sure it's great.. because boto3 is giving a really *generic* error.16:23
SpamapSCould have been any reason16:23
SpamapSwhich is weird16:23
SpamapSSo in the exception handler I need to do a describe and that gives a better error.16:24
SpamapSAnd I just now fixed pbrx to work (PBKAC) so I'll roll that out to my cluster and see if the two I have stuck disappear.16:24
SpamapShttps://github.com/boto/boto3/issues/1057  .... joy16:29
clarkbSpamapS: it is reassuring to learn that openstack isn't alone in having these problems :)16:30
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tobiashSpamapS: sounds like you have fun improving the aws driver ;)19:18
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SpamapStobiash: yeah, it's working alright21:13
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dmsimardSpamapS: yeah the ec2 driver needs work :/21:38
dmsimardI'll probably be able to revisit but it's on the backburner for now21:38
pabelangerdmsimard: I was thinking of giving it a try later this week.21:46
pabelangerso, might have some feedback / updates21:46
openstackgerritSorin Sbarnea proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Assure that status tooltip is displayed on entire row  https://review.openstack.org/60350421:51
SpamapSdmsimard: it's.. pretty great right now21:57
SpamapSbugs happen21:57
pabelangerSpamapS: did you make process on diskimages?21:58
SpamapSpabelanger: No, I have yet to deploy that code, I've just tested it locally and it *does* call the right EC2 API, but next I need to make sure it actually boots a usable image.21:58
clarkbSpamapS: using dib?21:59
SpamapSIt's actually pretty easy to upload a raw image to AWS these days22:00
SpamapSjust stick it into S3 and call the import API22:00
clarkboh you don't have to do the split kernel and image thing?22:00
clarkbthats nice22:00
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SpamapSthat's old school xen AFAICT22:00
pabelangeryah, happy to test that too22:00
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SpamapSIt's a side project so.. when I get time.22:00
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