Thursday, 2018-06-28

openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: gerrit: cast change and patchset numbers to str
tristanCdmsimard: could you please have a look to, it's about using ara_report_path00:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: ara-report: use a different fact name for ara_report_path
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pabelangerclarkb: yes, different pools for different max-servers, and to consolidate resources into a single cloud01:54
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dmsimardtristanC: good catch02:44
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: builder: do not configure provider that doesn't manage images
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: executor: add executing job INFO log
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openstackgerritFabien Boucher proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add tenant yaml validation option to scheduler
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goernhmm.. how do I include the default openstack zuul jobs in my zuul instance?! :)13:02
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fungiis that what you're looking for?13:27
fungigoern: oh, you're asking about the content of the openstack-zuul-jobs repository rather the zuul-jobs repository? basically the same except you need and the openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs project13:29
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openstackgerritTobias Henkel proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove credentials from urls in merger log
tobiashfungi, corvus: what do you think about having credentials in service logs?13:46
tobiashwe noticed that the merger logs the github access tokens used in the git remote url which is pretty bad in our case as we have a check config job that runs zuul on all repos13:46
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mordredtobiash: I think we should not have credentials in service logs - also, I think we've been conservative about making service logs more available because we're not sure that we aren't leaking anything in to them14:05
tobiashmordred: we're also not making them available except in the check-config job where we need to ;)14:09
ShrewstristanC: i think i see the cause of the problem you encountered14:17
goernfungi, and that is added to zuul and will make the openstack jobs generally available?!14:18
fungigoern: yes, that would make the jobs, playbooks and roles defined in the openstack-infra/openstack-zuul-jobs repository available. it would not include those defined in openstack-infra/project-config however14:19
funginor would it include jobs defined in the repositories of individual projects14:20
goernfungi, got that, thx14:20
fungiso, for example, if you wanted devstack jobs you would need to track the openstack-dev/devstack configuration14:20
fungias that is where devstack-based jobs are defined14:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Remove credentials from urls in merger log
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Consolidate navigation functions
mordredtristanC: ^^ I'm curious to know if that works with your suburl deployment too14:47
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: WIP: Fix for pools with diff labels
ShrewstristanC: ^^ above should correct the issue you see (please verify for me), but I need to figure out how to test that (which is a bit tricky)>14:50
ShrewsIs anyone else having IRC issues the past couple of days? I am continually getting disconnected14:57
funginot me14:58
fungiwell, not with freenode anyway14:58
Shrewsyeah, freenode is what i meant14:58
fungii've been getting a lot of disconnects with oftc but freenode's been fine14:58
Shrewsmaybe i should rebuild my bouncer14:59
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Shrewsfungi: do you connect to or do you connect to a specific server? half of my pings to chat.f.n result in packet loss, i guess depending on which server it resolves to15:34
fungifreenode.addresses = ""15:35
fungiover ipv615:35
fungifrom a shell server in rax-iad15:35
Shrewsi see it happen on my vexxhost bouncer and my local laptop15:36
fungilooks like i'm currently hitting wilhelm.freenode.net15:36
fungiand you're on moon.freenode.net15:36
Shrewsyeah. i dunno what's going on15:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Don't add implied branch matchers to project-pipeline variants
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix typos in docs
corvusi'm on orwell over ipv415:44
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pabelangerare we on track for zuul 3.1.1 today / tomorrow? Or looking more like next week? Wouldn't mind a release to pick up new HDD sensors for executor15:49
corvusShrews: i'm on orwell over ipv415:50
clarkbShrews: if connectes via ipv6 maybe try ipv4 or vice versa?15:50
corvuspabelanger: i'd like to let the js stuff land again, then restart all of openstack, then release.  could happen tomorrow.  maybe next week.15:51
corvus(but as of now, we haven't restarted the executors in a while)15:52
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pabelangercorvus: wfm mostly curious what else we wanted to do for 3.1.1, thanks!15:52
clarkbcorvus: mordred is the js stuff ready for review again?15:52
corvusShrews: regarding containers spec -- yes, i was thinking the same thing about the nodepool bits being handwavey.  do you think we should expand on that a bit more in the spec now, or do you think we should say the spec sufficiently articulates our shared intention, and try out options in changes/code review?15:54
mordredclarkb: I thought so - but just found another failure in local test15:54
Shrewscorvus: well, i don't think we need to go too deep, but maybe similarly as deep as the zuul parts you've outlined.15:58
Shrewscorvus: "nodepool would need to create the requested container" ... do you have a particular ansible module in mind?15:59
Shrewsor some other method?15:59
Shrewssame for k8s service15:59
corvusShrews: i'm assuming we'd use the oc (openshift) library -- it seems simple enough and is what the ansible modules use, and works with openshift and k8s.  but i don't have a strong opinion on that (whatever gets the job done).  i can add that in there.16:02
Shrewszuul seems to depend on kubectl quite a bit in the spec, so that's at least some detail that nodepool doesn't have similarly mentioned16:02
Shrews(if those words make sense)16:02
corvusShrews: the thing i'm least sure about is what it should look like to create a k8s namespace (our first non-node thing).  should we just use a label for that, or should we create an entirely new concept?16:03
corvusShrews: i'm inclined to say "lets start with just using labels and see how far we get with that"16:03
Shrewscorvus: yeah, i can't answer that since i'm pretty k8s ignorant. i guess i should spend some time learning it16:03
Shrewswhich i guess is the main reason why i'd like to see a bit more detail so i'd know where to start16:04
corvusok.  i'll add a little more detail to flesh out these areas.  thanks.16:04
corvusi should be able to do that today/tomorrow and maybe we can shift into really thinking about this next week.  or maybe just have beer and hotdogs.16:05
Shrewsthe 2nd thing16:05
mordredin case anyone was wondering - in javascript, [''].join('/') returns '' not '/'16:05
Shrewsmordred: get outta muh head!16:06
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Consolidate navigation functions
corvusin python, '/'.join(['']) returns ''16:07
mordredcorvus: yah16:07
mordredit's a reasonable thing to return16:07
corvusit's still backwards land, but at least it doesn't return 'True' :)16:08
mordredit's just that return path.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/') doesn't actually return / if you had a short url16:08
corvus[''].join('/')  ->  OK16:08
mordredreturn path.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/') || '/' ... on the other hand, does16:08
mordredclarkb, corvus: ok - seems to work for me running it in apache without a ZUUL_API_URL setting set16:09
mordredand also in the two test scenarios we do in the gate16:10
mordredso review welcome now16:10
mordredif we're happy with the stack, we can squash it into the revert revert16:10
clarkbmordred: ok I will take a look16:11
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: fix status page flickering
mordredtristanC: local testing seems to show that ^^ working with your suburl oranization too16:19
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clarkbmordred: cool that does confirm we needed the path too (which was my concern with doing a large scale refactoring myself16:28
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mordredclarkb: awesome. so the difference makes at least some amount of sense then?16:29
clarkbmordred: yes, basically we need both the root path an dthe root url16:30
clarkband we need them in separate places16:30
clarkbfor the git log disection it might be better to not squash all these fixes and instead imrpove them at the same time as the revert revert?16:32
corvusi'm ambivalent on that point.  i +2d them all, but would be happy to re +2 if we decide to squash16:33
clarkbheh improve == approve16:34
clarkbcorvus: mordred I'm up for approving the stack now and watching it deploy16:39
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mordredclarkb, corvus: kk. I'm good with that16:54
mordredclarkb, corvus: I clicked the button - will track/watch16:55
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Translate zuulStartStream into typescript
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Shift log streaming code into StreamComponent
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mordredclarkb, corvus: if you still have javascript things paged in ^^ those are essentially just code organization17:04
mordredcorvus: also - did we ever get anywhere on fontaweseome vs. glyphicons vs. something else? I feel like there was a good discussion about that but I forget where it got17:08
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clarkbmordred: I'm going to assume `(${params['logfile']})` is just as magic in ts as it was in js (I also have no idea what those operators mean but have inferred that it gives us the file suffix)17:15
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mordredclarkb: ya - the `` quotes is an ES6 feature (also in typescript) that lets you do variable interpolation from the surrounding context17:18
mordredso instead of '(' + params['logfile'] + ')'17:18
clarkbmordred: there is something weird to me about makking a mutable state object const (the websocket)17:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Revert "Revert "Upgrade from angularjs (v1) to angular (v6)""
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Use window.location.href for the href not pathname
mordredclarkb: yah. const in typescript is a bit different than const in c++ - it seems to mean "this isn't going to get re-assigned" not "the object assigned to this variable is immutable"17:35
mordredso I guess it's most like const * than const &17:35
clarkbfor and beyond it might be good to see that the above changes that are merging are good first before we add to potential revery backlog17:40
clarkbI'm actually going to remove my +W on the parent of that for this reason too17:41
clarkbbut if angular v2/5/6 is happy then we can start pushing those in next17:41
mordred is a good read, fwiw17:42
mordredclarkb: ++17:42
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clarkbmordred: is my change sufficient for having a working dashboard? or should I disable ansible puppet on zuul01 until we get thorugh the consolidation change?17:45
corvusthey're gonna land really close to each other anyway, right?  if it breaks between ansible cycles, we can just manually reinstall it17:46
clarkbyes, looking at the zuul node request backlog we should see the consolidation change take the second spot in the new supercedent post queu17:47
clarkband then run soon after the revert revert post queue jobs17:47
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corvusmordred: hrm, i'm in the same headspace as you with icons -- i know we started with me saying "maybe we can use fontawesome since that's what we use on the web site" but i don't know where we went after that.  i'll try to dig up logs18:17
corvusmordred: my read of that is that it was inconclusive, but i think the least-bad thing is to use fontawesome for consistency18:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Consolidate navigation functions
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fungicorvus: thanks for the followup!18:33
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mordredcorvus: gotcha18:35
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mnasermordred: did you get a chance to review our patches that got reverted? :(18:49
Shrewscorvus: re: nodepool tag... i'm fairly confident that will fix the issue tristanC is seeing, but I'm having a devil of a time coming up with a test for it. If we are in a hurry to tag, I can unWIP and figure out the test later.18:49
ShrewsI am also open to suggestions for the test18:50
mnasertoday is a good candidate for the filters.. my browser is getting destroyed watching zuul.o.o18:50
mordredmnaser: they just got re-added18:52
mnasermordred: oh yay18:53
mnaserclarkb: if infra is switching things up soon, we can troubleshoot live quickly i guess18:53
clarkbmnaser: we will redeploy it as soon as zuul post jobs run then our puppet runs18:53
* mnaser should be around most of the day18:54
corvusShrews: i'm not in favor of being in a hurry :)18:57
fungihurry is too much like hassle18:58
fungior... work18:58
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corvusShrews: though, honestly, i could skip the test on this one.  the system worked, it just spewed an extra error.19:00
Shrewscorvus: then let's let tristanC verify the fix for us and merge it based on that. We don't have any mechanism in place for tests to get the reason WHY we declined a request19:01
Shrewsor to coordinate pool threads processing the request list  :/19:03
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: Fix for pools with different labels
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix typos in docs
Shrewshrm, 30+ minutes without an freenode disconnect after turning off SASL authentication.19:12
Shrewsand now my bouncer instance in vexxhost is not starting up  >:(19:18
corvusNO CARRIER19:19
Shrewsmnaser: no vexxhost issue currently, are there?19:19
Shrewsi might just give up on this day19:19
mnaserShrews: hm no, instance id?19:19
mnaseror you can pm if you'd liek19:19
Shrewsmnaser: 6745215a-a79d-4a2e-b847-5e6a1738d1e419:19
mnasernf_conntrack: table full, dropping packet19:22
mnaseroh well19:22
mnaseri guess somehow something wild happened19:23
mnaserin this hypervisor19:23
mnaserone second19:23
mnaser(it really isnt your day i guess)19:23
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fungiShrews: good news is that at least likely explains all your earlier disconnects19:41
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Shrewsfungi: nope, only freenode connection is affected. and it's happening locally on my laptop too. and it just happened 2 more times19:50
Shrewsso i quit19:50
Shrewslike, literally. i'm going off irc to avoid connection flap spam in the channels. i'll monitor eavesdrop and just try again tomorrow.19:51
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tobiashpabelanger: I've added a question on
pabelangertobiash: no, you are right now. That function just results a list, so we remove the loop20:01
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add zuul.child_jobs in ansible inventory file
pabelangertobiash: ^should be better20:09
tobiashpabelanger: lgtm20:12
pabelangertobiash: thanks!20:13
pabelangeris still valid, specifically max-servers: -120:17
pabelangerit seems max-server: -1 might not delete online nodes any more20:18
pabelangertrying to confirm20:18
pabelangeryah, looks like a bug. nodepool doesn't seem to delete a ready node if you set max-servers: -1 or labels: [] for that provider20:40
pabelangerI'll see about adding a unit test to confirm20:40
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Dynamically determine overlay network mtu
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Match tag items against containing branches
pabelangerclarkb: corvus: mordred : with is my first attempt at using zuul_return zuul.child_jobs to skip children. However, right now zuul still does a -1 on result because of the SKIPPED jobs.  So, I am think either we agree SKIPPED job in that case are +1 or maybe a new result to indicate to use that zuul_return dynamically skipped those child jobs (but struggling to come up with21:12
pabelangernew flag).21:12
clarkbpabelanger: maybe just update SKIPPED to be +/-021:13
pabelangerclarkb: and not affect the exiting +1 if all other jobs passed?21:15
corvusthat sounds like it should be okay.  presumably if you want to require the children to run, you'd have the parent job voting.21:15
corvus(this would be a modification to didAllJobsSucceed()21:15
clarkbpabelanger: ya, basically if a job that did ran failed then it is still a -1 but if all the jobs that did run are +1 call it good21:16
pabelangerif a child job was voting and it was skipped, that would still be +/-0 right?21:16
clarkbpabelanger: I think so as long as we are accounting the parent vote properly now (which we should be with the ability to use zuul return for this)21:16
pabelangerokay, that should work for this use case21:17
pabelangerI'll look at didAllJobsSucceed() shortly21:17
corvusi think as a special case, we would need didAllJobsSucceed to return False if all jobs are skipped.  there are some places which assume that.21:19
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Report to gerrit over HTTP
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Support skip_child_jobs via zuul_return
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corvuspabelanger: +2 on the first change, -1 on the second (also some doc typos)22:16
pabelangerthanks, will look shortly22:16
pabelangercorvus: so rather then self.addBuild() I should be using self.setResult(), did I understand correct?22:38
corvuspabelanger: i mean that the stuff you have in findJobsToRun (creating fakebuilds with skipped results) should be in setResult22:39
corvuspabelanger: that's where the current code for doing the same thing for failing parent jobs happens22:39
corvusfindJobsToRun should be 'read-only'22:39
pabelangerokay, let me move and testing22:43
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Shrewspabelanger: doesn't say ready nodes will be removed when max-servers is set to -1. It says they'll go through the normal lifecycle, but no more will be created.22:49
Shrews"If urgency is required you can delete the nodes directly instead of waiting for them to go through their normal lifecycle but the effect is the same."22:50
pabelangerShrews: thanks, I confused it with nodepoolv2 where it would delete ready nodes with -122:53
pabelangerbut I think there is an issue setting it to max-servers: -1, I think we had an exception on clean up handler22:53
pabelangerneed to test some more22:53
Shrewspabelanger: i'm not certain v2 did that either, but i'm not that familiar with that version22:54
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tristanCShrews: thanks for the prompt update, I'll pick 578831 shorty23:11
tristanCShrews: and how about we used invalidNodeTypes here ?23:14
tristanCShrews: wouldn't that help keeping the declined_by list short and relevant?23:16
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Support skip_child_jobs via zuul_return
pabelangercorvus: okay, I believe I updated setResult() per your comments^. There is likey an optimization there I am missing23:27
pabelangeralso, is there any way to have stestr for zuul dynamically skip tests if database isn't setup?23:27
pabelangerat least on local environment23:28
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Add a role to return file comments
clarkbpabelanger: you can provide a regex to exclude or only include the tests you want23:28
clarkbpabelanger: I tend to do something like tox -epy36 -- test_scheduler23:29
pabelangerclarkb: yah, I do that too but usually run everthing once before pushing up the change.  Not a big issues, I can restart database, just haven't yet23:30
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Support line comments in Gerrit
corvustobiash, mordred: might get us the correct line numbers for reporting on syntax errors after speculative merges23:31
corvusat least, the process works in my very simple contrived example.  i haven't tested that code yet.23:32
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: WIP: Add a role to return file comments
tristanCmordred: i think we should create a selenium test to validate the JS code actually work as expected. I meant to rewrite our webui test in zuulv3 but maybe i can start a new one from scratch for zuul?23:43
corvusi think that would be swell23:43
tristanCis there a role/playbook we can use to setup a working zuul-web?23:44
clarkbtristanC: there is the tox target23:44
clarkbI would probably run it out of the test framework that way23:45
tristanCthen it shouldn't be difficult to install apache vhost with rewrite rules for the different configuration, and start writting simple js validation using selenium23:45
clarkbdo you need apache? avoiding that would make it easier to run locally with just `tox`23:45
tristanCclarkb: i think we need apache to reproduce white-label deployement, e.g.:
tristanCclarkb: what's the "tox target" ?23:47
corvusif you run zuul-web out of the test framework, there's already a proxy fixture23:48
clarkbtristanC: any of the py3* targets, they run nodeenv installation and then yarn install and npm run build:dev23:48
clarkbbasically the python unittest framework already has a built web installed into it and there are fixtures to interact with it23:49
corvusthat one runs zuul-web behind a proxy in openstack's configuration23:49
tristanCcorvus: clarkb: oh i see, then we could extend that TestWebURLs with something like
corvusyeah, that looks great23:55
tristanCWould you mind having firefox as a bindep test requirement, or should i rather propose a new zuul-jobs to prepare the node correctly?23:57
clarkbif its test only bindep I think its fine23:58
tristanCwe used to also setup a Xnest so that we could record the session with ffmpeg and store the video in the jobs artifacts...23:58

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