Wednesday, 2018-06-27

clarkbthat isn't a regression right?00:01
clarkbit has always had that issue I expect00:01
tristanCclarkb: it's not a regression indeed, it just prevent adding the log-inventory role to job that doesn't have a nodeset00:02
clarkbtristanC: but it was already there just in a different role?00:03
ianwclarkb: it is actually "new" behaviour after they re-factored all the inventory scanning logic in 8f97aef1a365cbbbb822d6d09f96af17a076b29500:05
tristanCclarkb: yes, it's just that we didn't used the validate-host role for job running on the executor, and i just found out the issue when refactoring all base jobs to include the log-inventory role00:05
clarkbianw: gerrit doesn't seem to know that sha100:06
clarkbansible maybe?00:07
tristanCit sounds like zuul should set that variable none-the-less, otherwise job have to manually define it using /tmp/{{ }}/ansible/inventory.yaml00:07
ianwis it always "/tmp" ?00:08
tristanCianw: i'm not sure, this just happens to work :-)00:09
tristanCthough it's more of a hack until we figure out if/how zuul can set this variable for nodeless jobs00:10
clarkband I guess in the nodelss job case we want the data that isn't node data as much as the git information and similar00:11
ianwi'm not sure, ansible has made the choice to not populate it in that case00:11
tristanCclarkb: exactly, a dump of zuul dict is rather useful00:11
ianwso, IMO, it probably makes sense for zuul-jobs level to copy it, but zuul itself to stick closer to what ansible does.  but i imagine opinions vary :)00:12
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Change test prints to
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: log-inventory: set inventory_file if needed
tristanCianw: 578234 should work as a zuul-jobs level fix00:25
ianwtristanC: yeah, was just digging in to the /tmp issue ...00:25
tristanCzuul uses  which should be addressed by 57823400:26
ianwzuul/executor/ execute() i wonder if we should put the actual path in there00:26
tristanCi didn't check for '/tmp' presence since bwrap automatically creates it00:27
tristanCwait no, this can be configured with [executor] job_dir00:29
corvustristanC: perhaps we should add another variable for zuul.executor.inventory
tristanCso either zuul pass the job_dir variable to the job, or either we could re-use {{ zuul.executor.work_root }}/../ansible/00:31
corvuswe've moved the inventory several times to date, so i'd feel better with an explicit variable rather than relying on relative paths00:32
tristanCok, and then we replace inventory_file with zuul.executor.inventory00:32
corvustristanC: do you know if anything/anyone is using log-inventory yet?00:34
corvustristanC: if so, we may need to wait a bit due to this:
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: executor: add inventory path to the zuul.executor job variable
corvusbut if no one is using it, we can probably skip or abbreviate that (since it's not a syntax change, it'll just be an undefined variable if anyone uses it)00:36
clarkbI don't think anyone is using it yet unless spamaps is00:36
tristanCcorvus: i wasn't able to integrate as-is in software-factory base jobs00:37
corvustristanC: i'm ambivalent about a release note about that, but it does need docs :)00:37
corvustristanC: also, maybe we should call it 'inventory_file' to match ansible00:38
corvus(and it's probably a more descriptive name anyway)00:38
tristanCwell here is how i was able to make it work:
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: executor: add inventory_file path to the zuul.executor job variable
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Export inventory_file from zuul.executor
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: log-inventory: set inventory_file if needed
ianwjeez, you look away from irc for two minutes :)00:41
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: log-inventory: remove inventory_file usage
tristanCcorvus: 578234 should be backward compatible, then we can land 578238 after a grace period00:42
corvustristanC: yeah, i guess it will work exactly as well as it does today, won't it?  :)00:42
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Support skip_child_jobs via zuul_return
tristanCyes, if inventory_file is undefined, then you need 57823500:44
corvustristanC: i think adding the comment in 578238 like ianw suggested would be a good idea00:44
corvus(the comment was left on 578235)00:45
corvusoh, er, i guess also adding the comment to zuul would be good.  that might be a good comment for the docs.00:45
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: log-inventory: remove inventory_file usage
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Revert "Hide queue headers for empty queues when filtering"
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Revert "Upgrade from angularjs (v1) to angular (v6)"
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: executor: add inventory_file path to the zuul.executor job variable
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Don't add implied branch matchers to project-pipeline variants
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Revert "Upgrade from angularjs (v1) to angular (v6)"
tristanCcorvus: maybe the ui could be fixed by changing the rewrite rule to uses '/t/status.html' instead?00:55
tristanCbecause of
tristanCor building it using ZUUL_BASE_HREF=
corvustristanC: aiui, that method is supposed to handle both cases, so if it's broken, we should fix that?00:58
clarkbya see my debugging in -infra tldr is we give jquery getJSON() a path for the URL it appends to https and GETs I think00:58
clarkbbut we need to give it a url00:58
corvustristanC: and building with configuration is explicitly something i want to avoid -- we should be able to distribute a pre-built package that people can use unless they have special requirements.00:58
clarkbgoogle indicates window.location.href rather than window.location.pathname is what we need00:59
tristanCcorvus: sure, i meant this could be a band-aid until a fix land instead of reverting00:59
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corvustristanC: ah yeah.  though we'll have broken other folks too.01:00
corvusthis won't be the first 'revert revert revert' patch in zuul :)01:01
clarkbusing firefox debug console on a random page pprint(window.location.pathname) confirms my suspiecions01:02
clarkbwindow.location.href is what we want01:02
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corvusclarkb: want to push up a fix?01:03
clarkbI'm working on start, these helper functons touch enough stuff I think it may want .pathname in some cases01:03
tristanCclarkb: indeed, i didn't notice this fixes was using it:
tristanCand PS40 was also using pathname:
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Use window.location.href for the href not pathname
clarkbI don't know that this fix is complete01:07
clarkband the method name is kind of bad since you can't get an href from a path01:07
clarkbgiven that we'll need to untangle it a revert might be best, incorporate fixes and try again later?01:07
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Support skip_child_jobs via zuul_return
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tristanCclarkb: it is confusing indeed, +1 for the revert01:08
clarkbcorvus: just the one change for the revert right?01:10
clarkbI have approved it01:11
corvusyeah, i squashed the other dep into it01:11
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: fix status page flickering
clarkbwe have multiple implementations of getBaseHrefFromPath too01:12
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Support skip_child_jobs via zuul_return
clarkbI think the clenaup will be to reduce to one implementation. Rename it to something that makes esnse. Possibly add a new function for getting the basepath if we need that anywhere (I think we do)01:13
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pabelangercorvus: clarkb: mordred: one thing with still doing the skipped result for zuul.child_jobs compare, I think we also need to all skipped jobs not to result in -1 for the build.  I'm unsure if we still want to use SKIPPED as the result or maybe some new value (?) to allow +101:16
pabelanger should show an example of the -1 still01:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Revert "Upgrade from angularjs (v1) to angular (v6)"
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openstackgerritXinliang Liu proposed openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Use debian-security mirror
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: executor: add inventory_file path to the zuul.executor job variable
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Don't reconfigure tenant on unprotected branch pushes
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix branch parsing in _event_pull
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tristanCi'm seing a weird behavior since we updated to latest nodepool master, we have a provider with multiple pools and different labels list...05:59
tristanCand node request get assigned to pool without the requested label, and the handler raise a KeyError in the imagesAvailable method()06:00
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: openstack: decline request for labels un-available in current pool
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tristanCShrews: Is is supported to have multiple pools with different labels list? (cc pabelanger ^)06:20
tristanCwell that KeyError (silenced in 578288) is also happening in the test_multiple_pools test, and in our case we have 3 pools with 3 different labels list, which make quite a mess when nodepool keeps on declining request assigned to the wrong pool06:28
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tristanCi wonder if it starts hapenning with the new getSupportedLabels logic06:34
tristanCand perhaps this logic needs to be refactor so that we don't assign request to pool when the labels aren't available in the first place06:39
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add min_avail_hdd governor for zuul-executor
pabelangertobiash: ^thanks, updated11:27
pabelangertristanC: Shrews: I would expect it to be supported I suspect we hit a bug since we only have a single pool in openstack-infra nodepool now11:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul-jobs master: Use debian-security mirror
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add zuul.child_jobs in ansible inventory file
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Support skip_child_jobs via zuul_return
pabelangertobiash: ^and reno update12:04
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electrofelixdoes zuulv3 gate different branches of a project separately automatically? or does this always require separate pipelines to be explicitly defined.13:04
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Use window.location.href for the href not pathname
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: fix status page flickering
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Revert "Revert "Upgrade from angularjs (v1) to angular (v6)""
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Consolidate navigation functions
mordredelectrofelix: automatically, just like zuul v213:38
electrofelixmordred: so all branches gated together by default13:38
mordredelectrofelix: yeah. I mean - patches submitted trigger jobs for all branches by default. jobs can choose to limit which branches they run on (matchers) also, in-repo .zuul.yaml files are read from all branches and content found in a branch has an implied branch-matcher added to it13:40
mordredand then if you have a multi-repo job, zuul will, by default, get matching branches if possible - so a patch to stable/newton of nova that triggers a job that needs nova and neutron would also work with stable/newton of neutron if it exists13:41
mordredelectrofelix: which I *think* is  alongwinded way of saying "yes"13:42
electrofelixI presume this also means there is no easy way to have zuul automatically gate branches stable/<x> separately to master where you might not know stable/<x> beforehand?13:48
mordredelectrofelix: I don't know what you mean by that?13:52
mordredelectrofelix: you don't have to do anything specific to gate branches stable/<x> ... if you only have one definition of a job and it's in master it will apply to all branches (unless you add a specific branch matchers) - however, if you put a .zuul.yaml into stable/<x> branch, then that file will automatically DTRT and be a description of what jobs you want applied to that branch13:53
mordredelectrofelix: (It's possible i'm saying things poorly here)13:53
electrofelixjust meant that 2 changes to the same project for separate branches get gated together unless you explicitly create a separate pipeline for each branch13:55
mordredelectrofelix: well, they'll both go into the gate pipeline- but I'm not sure what 'gated together' means in this context? we definitely do not have branch-specific-pipelines in openstack13:57
clarkbI think the ask is for them to be in different queues in the gate so stable failing doesnt affect master and vice versa13:58
electrofelixmordred: maybe we've just configured something wrong, they aren't quite gated together but it appears that a change to stable/x will end up waiting for a change to master for the same project to be completed even though it's independent because it doesn't affect the master branch13:58
clarkbwhich prevents you from doing upgrade testing which is why that isnt the behavior you get out of the box13:58
clarkbif you set a different name on each branch explicitly I think that should produce the desired behavior14:00
clarkbbut am not aware of any other option for that14:00
electrofelixclarkb: thanks, we're definitely dealing with a bit of an edge case here14:02
corvusthe dependent pipeline manager groups queues by project; i don't believe there's a way to have it do so by project-branch14:04
mordredah. I grok what we're talking about now - sorry14:05
corvusthat says that the first queue that appears for a project-pipeline wins.  so if the value is different on different branches, zuul will use the first one (usually master)14:06
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Consolidate navigation functions
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: web: fix status page flickering
mordredclarkb: ^^ 578385 takes care of the thing you were mentioning about there being multiple copies of those functions14:11
clarkbmordred: is getBaseHrefFromPath() an accurate name now that we use window.location.href instead of window.location.pathname?14:12
mordredclarkb: it's not - also - I don't think that change works yet14:13
clarkbmordred: the slice at the end of uses the wrong end index. I think you want -2 ?14:14
clarkb-1 sorry14:15
* clarkb leaves a comment14:15
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clarkbmordred: my bigget concern with just trying to jam my fix in was I think we may have used the path munging in a place or two14:23
clarkbso getHreffromPath was really getPathPrefix, but I wasn't super sure on that14:24
mordredyah - I think the revert was the right choice so we can go back through and make sure it's right in all the places14:29
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Consolidate navigation functions
mordredclarkb: ok - that works for openstack and software-factory in local testing14:32
mordredclarkb: but I need to do a test without ZUUL_API_URL set still14:33
clarkbmordred: looks like latest patchset will result in the href always ending in /14:35
clarkbbut previous attempted to remove a / if it was there14:35
clarkb/ ~= / so should be fine, but that may need cleaning up in some places if it expected no /14:35
mordredyah - I put that in just in this patch to make it more similar to what getBaseHrefFromPath - but it turns out it breaks things14:36
clarkbheh irc // esaped to one /14:36
clarkbI meant // ~= /14:36
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pabelangerDid i see a patch to nodepool recently to allow nodepool to create tenant networks for nodesets?15:56
pabelangermaybe it was some discussion15:56
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openstackgerritArtem Goncharov proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: retire shade in favor of openstacksdk
gtemamordred: I have turned nodepool caching back, but left commented code, how it should be16:01
mordredgtema: awesome - thanks!16:05
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Shrewspabelanger: i think there was talk, but no actual code16:18
pabelangerShrews: okay thanks, I'll look back at eavesdrop.o.o in a bit16:20
pabelangerI know tripleo is using a lot of provider networks for their te-broker stuff, so would be interesting to discuss a way in the near future to delete some of that stuff.16:21
clarkbSpamapS: (I think it was SpamapS) was tlaking about nodepool as becoming "thingpool"16:23
corvusi think we might want to work on the container stuff first.  the spec has us adding a non-node resource.  i think we can see how that goes before we add more thingpool (not to mention, we have a bunch of drivers waiting in the wings which we should attend to after that)16:23
clarkbpabelanger: you could have them use overlays like we do for multinode testing16:23
clarkb(as a today option)16:24
clarkbcorvus: ++16:24
pabelangerclarkb: yah, that is what I am hope to change them to first16:25
corvusgood. i hope we get there eventually (i think thingpool sounds like a good idea), but i'm glad there are other options for now, cause i don't think we'll be ready very soon.16:27
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pabelangercorvus: clarkb: tobiash: could I ask you to add so your review pipeline, we've added another zuul-executor to rdo yesterday, but still think it would be helpful.16:31
clarkbpabelanger: left some comments, -1 due to what I am pretty sure is bug in stats reporting16:41
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corvuspabelanger, clarkb: statsd/graphite deal with integers, so the actual statsd value recorded is "hundredths of a percent".  that way we can report the percentage to 2 decimal places16:48
corvusprobably the bug there is the lack of comment16:48
corvusthe documentation *does* mention that, however.  but pabelanger's patch doesn't, so that at least needs to be updated.16:51
mordredclarkb, corvus: fwiw, I'm off in the corner bludgeoning myself with javascript - so if I don't respond quickly, well, just wish me luck :)16:52
corvusmordred: i figured as much and am sending you thoughts of fluffy javascript bunnies16:52
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Don't add implied branch matchers to project-pipeline variants
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corvusfungi made a suggestion in #openstack-infra which we may want to explore at some point: have zuul perform a kind of dynamic configuration on items without branches to figure out their "branced" config.  in other words, a way to have branch-specific jobs for tag/release based pipelines.18:31
corvusi think it would be possible, if a bit resource intensive (since i think you would have to perform that configuration on every item in those pipelines)18:32
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fungiyeah, i kinda expected it wouldn't be a slam dunk feature18:35
fungiwas more brainstorming, as the surrounding discussion was about branched configuration not percolating into tags for commits on their respective branches18:36
fungiand acknowledging that tags don't necessarily map to one (and only one) branch, but that we do potentially have configuration inside the repository state that tag represents18:37
fungisimilar to speculative configuration testing on proposed changes/pull requests18:38
corvusyeah, trying to identify the branch a tag is on is something we could have done in v2 but did not because the answer could be ambiguous (a tagged commit could be on zero, one, or more branches)18:39
corvusthe v3 suggestion of dynamic config is unambiguous at least as far as in-repo config goes.  it wouldn't let you, say, centrally define a project-pipeline which says "run foo on releases from stable and bar on releases from master".18:40
corvusso even that isn't a 100% solution to the "problem"18:40
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fungiright, explicit branch matchers wouldn't work, but implicit could still18:46
fungior rather, explicit branch matchers work today you just (as you pointed out) get a pattern-match on the tag name itself18:46
fungiwhich in most cases isn't much help18:47
fungiand i guess the implicit branch matcher in this case wouldn't be the normal one, but would be more akin to dynamic configuration in proposed changes18:49
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: Add min_avail_hdd governor for zuul-executor
pabelangercorvus: clarkb: okay, I've updated docs based on comments^18:51
pabelangerI'll look into a constant for /var/lib/zuul now18:51
corvusfungi: right18:52
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dmsimardI'd really like to add a role to the role path of the zuul executor and that role has nothing to do with zuul, is it not possible to have it available without jumping through the hoops of adding the role to the zuul config and adding it to the roles stanza ? The executor prohibits running local code so I can't clone or otherwise retrieve it "manually"19:16
pabelangerdmsimard: I believe that is the idea with but don't think it is implemented yet. Give that galaxy is just, I wonder if we should revisit that in the future19:19
pabelangerI've always wanted to see if we could have point to an ansible-galaxy requirements file too, so avoid duplicating that info in zuul.yaml19:20
dmsimardpabelanger: galaxy is a bit more than a wrapper over git but yeah, maybe a generic git driver19:21
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pabelangerdmsimard: right, IIRC I don't think galaxy has anything that hosts tarballs. It just depends upon github infrastructure for that19:22
dmsimardoh yeah galaxy uses tarballs, it doesn't outright clone19:23
dmsimardat least it was that way when I last looked at the code19:23
dmsimardwhich is not inherently bad, I guess19:23
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pabelangerdmsimard: which laptop did you get?19:27
pabelangerdmsimard: wrong windo19:28
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corvusclarkb, fungi, SpamapS, tobiash, mordred, tristanC, andreaf, EmilienM: is a subtle but important change to branch matchers and project-templates.  if you have a minute to think about that and/or suggest any use cases to compare against to make sure that it doesn't break anything unexpected, i'd appreciate it.20:11
* SpamapS will look at it later today20:15
corvusoh and i should have said it's not urgent :)20:16
tobiashcorvus: will look at it tomorrow when my brain is fresh20:18
tobiashSpeaking about reviews, it would be great to get a non-corvus vote on 57501420:22
tobiashThat blocks the github multi enqueue fix currently20:22
tobiashIt's a small logging enhancement20:23
tobiashcorvus: do you want to have another look onto the hdd governor or shall I +3 it?20:26
corvustobiash: i'd like another look, i only did a quick pass earlier to clear up questions20:26
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SpamapShdd governor? neat20:49
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Match tag items against containing branches
corvusfungi, clarkb: ^ because i have no self control and enjoy programming, i sketched out a "git branch --contains" approach might look like.21:07
fungii'll take a look after okonomiyaki are done21:08
fungialready starred your implied matchers change to look at this evening too ;)21:08
corvusthe number of lines added is about the same number of lines in the commit message21:09
fungimy review comments will hopefully not be influenced by the cheap sake accompanying the main course21:10
corvusfungi: "this change is full bodied with notes of jasmine"?21:11
fungimore like "fruity mold flavors"21:11
corvusyes that does sound like my code21:11
fungichristine asked if you had a direct between beijing and sfo, and what the flight time is on that21:13
fungithough i assume it differs depending on which direction you're headed21:13
corvusyes, and oddly enough, there was like no wind this time so it was, erm, 11:30? both ways.21:14
fungioh, neat21:14
funginot as bad as i imagined21:15
fungithough she thought it would be shorter21:15
fungihk/newark was a solid 18 hours for me21:16
corvusapparently it's 12:30 scheduled, but 11:30-12:00 are pretty typical times21:16
corvusand 12:00 scheduled back21:16
corvusua 888 / 88921:17
fungii need to get my entry visa process started21:20
clarkbfungi: is this for the TC thing?21:21
clarkbor are you going for fun?21:21
fungijust in general for future events21:21
fungii didn't go this time mainly because i was concerned about turn around time on the visa as well as just not wanting to travel so much21:22
corvussfo consulate turnaround is 4 days21:22
fungihaving a visa lined up without any future travel plans makes it a little easier for me to work with shorter timelines21:23
clarkbya I decdied against it and am honeslty glad about it. I've managed to get some stuff down around the house and go boating with my brother and I just wouldn't have time if doing another international trip21:23
fungibut wow, 4 days is lightning21:23
corvusto be fair, i did literally spend 1.5 of those days in the waiting room.  it did not feel like lightning at the time.  :)21:23
clarkbalso lots of grilling21:24
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: executor: add inventory_file path to the zuul.executor job variable
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add pause function to executor
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corvusclarkb: trivial +3
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: WIP: Match tag items against containing branches
clarkbcorvus: done21:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Add min_avail_hdd governor for zuul-executor
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Improve logging of GithubTriggerEvents
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul master: Fix missing dequeue on synchronized pull request
tristanCcorvus: could we please have a nodepool 3.0.2 tag? And maybe a zuul 3.1.1 too?22:47
clarkbtristanC: we are doing a nodepool burn in on openstack's eployment I expect a new release will happen soon as I am not aware of any major issues22:48
tristanCout of curiosity, what is the release process, can any core git push --tags?22:50
tristanCclarkb: thanks, that's appreciated :-)22:51
clarkbtristanC: any member of this group can push a tag,members. You should never push --tags and instead push the specific tag you intend on pushing (othrewise you can push all kinds of refs into gerrit that you never inteded to push) also the tags must be signed22:52
clarkbalso double check that the sha1 you tagged is in gerrit or you can push an entire set of commits to gerrit you never intended on pushing22:52
tristanCoh, that's a good advice, then i've been lucky so far22:54
funginote that whether someone can push a tag is not the same question as asking about the release process22:54
fungithe release process, whether codified or not, is certainly far more than pushing a tag22:54
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clarkbthe process zuul and nodepool appear to be adopting is to run the code in openstack (so ensure services are restarted) for a ~day and make sure it works then if so tag it using semver based version. Pushing this tag to gerrit then triggers artifact builds and publishing22:56
tristanCfungi: good point, i meant to ask if there was a repo similar to openstack/release where anyone could propose a new release22:56
corvustristanC: i thought you reported a problem with nodepool master?22:56
tristanCcorvus: i can't tell if it's related to the new getSupportedLabels logic or if it was already affecting 3.0.122:58
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corvustristanC: right that was the thing i was thinking of22:58
corvustristanC: can you work with Shrews to figure that out?  i'd like to wait until that's answered one way or the other, then i think we can release.  i haven't heard about any problems in openstack's deployment, so i think that's clear.23:00
fungide facto release process also seems to entail posting a release notice to the zuul-announce ml (pointing out any significant changes present in the release, hopefully represented by release notes)23:00
tristanCcorvus: did the openstack-infra^Wwinterscale launchers got restarted with the current master?23:00
corvustristanC: i believe Shrews did that, yes (not winterscale yet)23:01
corvusand i'm happy to continue actually making the releases (since that mostly entails checking with people that things are ready to go, which is something i do anyway)23:03
tristanCShrews: the KeyError silenced in does not happen in nodepool-3.0.123:07
tristanCcorvus: oh well, then the nodepool tag will have to wait, I don't think the exception is really an issue, but it makes launcher.log pretty messy...23:09
tristanCftr, here is our nodepool.yaml:
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clarkbtristanC: are those pools separated so that they can have different max server values?23:14
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tristanCclarkb: it seems like this is what pabelanger wants to do yes23:15
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tristanCwe used to have different tenant, but it seems better to have a single provider per openstack endpoint to reduce the number of api calls hitting the same services23:16
clarkbtristanC: were the number of api calls a problem? (nodepool should cache fiarly aggressively)23:17
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tristanCnot from our side, though i assumed this would be appreciated by the rdo-cloud ops to keep api load low23:19
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tristanCthis also makes tenant management easier23:20
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corvustristanC: yeah, before release i think we need to understand the issue more (why is it only happening now?), and, assuming it's okay, merge your patch to silence the traceback23:23
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tristanCcorvus: the proper fix may be to skip pool assignment early if it doesn't have the needed label23:25
tristanCfor example, when you have a static and openstack provider, then each request for a static label may get "declined_by" any openstack pool23:26
tristanCshouldn't the "declined_by" list only describe pool worker that could have actually process the request?23:27
tristanCthis get worst when you have many pools with unique labels list23:28
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tristanCthough i'm not sure how much work this refactor would take, and perhaps the proposed KeyError fix is enough for nodepool-3.0.223:31
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: zk: retry initial zookeeper connection attempts
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul master: zk: use kazoo retry facilities
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: zk: retry initial zookeeper connection attempts
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/nodepool master: zk: use kazoo retry facilities

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