Thursday, 2016-11-10

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SotKpersia_: that seems sensible, though it would add an extra command to keep in mind before committing which some folk may dislike, idk10:28
persiaOnly an extra command for backfill work (when there was no task).10:46
persiaBut yeah, I can't think of a better way without breaking the one-tool-does-one-thing-well rule.10:46
dmsimardCan I just praise the UI/UX work in StoryBoard from these past few months ? From a guy that sucks at frontend work, you're my heroes13:46
ZaraSotK ^13:47
SotKthanks dmsimard :)13:48
ZaraI would share our method but I've yet to work out what it is :D13:54
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jeblairhi.  it looks like searching for a tag only returns the first 10 stories with that tag18:48
jeblairfor example, the 'zuulv3' tag18:48
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jeblairit looks like it returns the number of results in your profile page size18:55
jeblairif i set it to 100, i see all the results18:55
jeblairi think the main problem here is that there's no option to go to the next page with search results18:55
jeblaira secondary problem is that my profile resets to 10 every time i log in18:55
zara_the_lemur__huh, the resetting thing sounds very strange19:03
zara_the_lemur__(I think the searching for a tag thing is a known issue, just one that hadn't hurt anyone yet, so wasn't a high priority when we noticed it, though I might be mixing it up)19:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Cascade story deletes to tasks and events
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SotKugh that search bug is annoying20:05
* SotK didn't know that was a thing20:05
zara_the_lemur__I am mixed up then20:06
zara_the_lemur__I think I might be thinking of suggested filters for tags starting with the same letter20:06
SotKI'm not sure what the best fix is, given "load everything" isn't going to work20:07
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