Thursday, 2016-09-15

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Zara(oh, morning (well, afternoon, now), storyboard. I'm still in #sprint.)11:18
Zaraso that's where the party is11:19
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Zara(grr, how many times can I misspell 'bugsquashers' before I'm able to print my bugsquashers_array)12:50
Zaramy own fault for using a horrible variable name but it was only meant to be a quick hacky script12:50
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Zarathere was a bug I was going to make a story for it what was the bug13:35
* SotK can't remember13:36
Zaramaybe I was thinking of gerrit plugin email story urls13:37
Zaraanyone free to take a look at ? clarkb discovered it yesterday during the bugsquash...14:25
pedroalvarezthat was easy14:27
Zarathe wacky thing is that I tried testing the same change on my own instance before adam sent the patch and it didn't help! then I tried his patch and it worked fine, so either I did something weird or I'm just cursed.14:28
Zarathanks, anyway :)14:28
ZaraI like trying to keep on top of the bugs!14:28
Zarateams teams teams teams14:33
Zarahm, pretty big difference between versions 7 and 814:34
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Reinstate the page size modification control in result-set-pager
ZaraI like the term 'reinstate' in that commit message; makes it sound noble14:39
Zaraspecifically, these fish:
Zarawell, wrong channel, but enjoy15:16
SotKnice fish :)15:19
bethwhite_Wow, amazing Zara15:19
Zara:D ooh, I think he's added some since I last looked!
bethwhite_I particularly like the indignant fish:
Zarahaha, I was just looking at those! I was about to say I never thought 'reaction fishes' could be a thing...15:23
Zara it just wants a friend...15:24
bethwhite_D'aww XD15:25
pleia2Zara: there's one last task here, is it still needed?!/story/200002815:58
Zarapleia2: yes, I think so15:59
* SotK thinks it is15:59
Zara(or at least, we want to test storyboard-dev with lots of data at some point, and the closer to production data, the better)15:59
pleia2ok great, just wanted to make sure :)16:00
Zaranp, thanks for checking! :)16:03
Zara(I need to write a thing that autogenerates the first part of a python client script but with my current access token16:49
Zaratrouble is, to get a token, I'd need to use a token :P16:49
Zarayay, setting a team for a story worked without a hitch (I spent a while trying to break that patch)16:54
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Zarapleia2: noted on etherpad, but hey-- the script I wrote picked up all tasks (todo, progress, review, merged, or invalid) associated with that project group and returned their projects; some of those projects only had merged or invalid tasks. so if it's worth filtering on only todo/progress/review ones next time, should be straightforward to adjust the script.17:29
Zaraoh, in the time it took me to write that, you saw it17:30
pleia2I am on the ball this morning, go me17:30
ZaraI had to look back at the code to remember what I even did yesterday, so I'm not.17:31
pleia2happens to me all the time :)17:31
Zara:) my mind goes: 'I've written this down, so now I can forget it'17:31
ZaraI should probably put some of these sample scripts up in a directory somewhere17:57
Zara'til tomorrow!17:57
Zara'night, all17:57
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