Wednesday, 2016-08-31

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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Re-add note that markdown formatting is supported
Zaraoh hey09:45
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matthewbodkinAnyone provide any hints about doing the python client and script stuff so that I can create a list of stories and projects etc?10:31
Zarawhat have you tried so far?10:34
matthewbodkina lot of various things, I've been trying to make sense of what the instructions are in client.py10:35
matthewbodkinbut basically all I've done so far is installed the python client10:36
Zaraokay, the first step would be to make a script that imports the storyboard client, using that usage as a guide to the syntax (there are also draft docs in review now). do you have a drafty attempt at a script?10:37
Zara(or if any of that doesn't make sense, I can elaborate)10:37
matthewbodkinyes I do10:38
matthewbodkinI just keep running into errors when trying to import things10:38
Zaraokay, where is the script? and could you paste it?10:39
matthewbodkinI created the script in storyboardclient/v110:40
Zaraokay, that sounds right to me10:41
Zara(well, it's probably possible to run it from a bunch of directories but that one should definitely work)10:42
matthewbodkinthat is it's current state, but I've tried an array of things10:44
Zarathat seems like it should be fine; it should also work without the shebang10:45
matthewbodkin this is the error message I get10:46
matthewbodkinwithout the shebang I get
Zaraaha, that looks like it depends on pbr and you need to install that. (yeah, without the shebang you'd run it with `python`)10:48
Zara(the shebang means you can just run the script directly with ./ , but it should be runnable either way)10:49
ZaraI vaguely recall this; I can't remember if pbr is part of some other package10:49
matthewbodkinahhh okay10:50
Zaraso my tip there is 'every time you get a message like that, search the thing in case it's something weird, then try installing the thing (using pip)' xD10:54
matthewbodkinhahaha okay I'll git it a go10:54
matthewbodkinokay great so I now think I have pbr installed11:00
Zaradoes it work11:01
matthewbodkinnope think I need to install more things :)11:02
Zaraah, the installation docs suggest doing `pip install .` in the repo11:02
Zaraso that might be quicker.11:03
matthewbodkincan you link me these docs :)11:09
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Zarayeah, I'll have a look. in the meantime, they're in the repo, in doc/source/installation.rst11:10
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ZaraI don't think they don't have a dedicated home online yet11:11
matthewbodkinahh okay :)11:12
Zaraso I'll have to ask infra about getting those up, but everything will be in doc/source in the repo since the online docs would just show that (formatted nicely)11:12
matthewbodkinokay great everything installed and I don't now get an error when I run the script11:16
Zaraokay, so next you want to make it talk to your storyboard instance, so that's where the usage example in comes in handy11:18
Zarathat example talks to, but here you want to talk to your own instance, so your api url will be different11:20
matthewbodkinhmmm okay11:23
matthewbodkinnothing happened but also nothing burst into flames so11:24
Zarayeah, there shouldn't be anything visible yet so that's a good sign11:33
Zaraso next I'd suggest doing something simple like 'get one story and print it' (assuming your instance has one story)11:33
Zaraso you can see if it works11:33
Zara(print it to the screen, that is)11:34
Zaraat this point, the stuff in may be handy11:36
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matthewbodkinhmm those commands don't seem to work12:45
matthewbodkinmeant to send this before we discussed foot remedies.12:45
Zarawhat happens?12:48
matthewbodkinthat was with the command to create things12:51
Zaraah, I think you want for your api12:52
Zara(instead of
matthewbodkinsame result12:53
Zaracan you paste your script?12:54
SotKthe api will be running on port 8080 not 9000 by default I think12:54
matthewbodkinokay SotK I'll try that12:55
Zaraah, couple of things. firstly your api url still needs the http:// and the /api/v1 at the end, so it can find the api12:55
Zarasecond, 'mytoken' is a placeholder value for your actual access token12:56
SotKah, you can use 9000 if you include the /api part12:56
matthewbodkinah, I had tried it with the `http://` but not `/api/v1`12:56
Zaraso if you want to create a story, you'll need to replace that, but that's why I'd suggest starting with a 'get'12:56
Zarasince that doesn't need authentication12:56
Zara(3. if that paste accurately reflects the script, the script will probably error as the commands are partially pasted, so closing brackets and things are missing.)13:00
Zarayay, that looks like it's doing the right thing. it's failing because you've given it a token13:01
Zarabut the token isn't valid13:01
Zaraif you remove the token entirely it should work13:02
Zara(I'll add $ before mytoken in docs so it's clear it's a placeholder, and a bit about how to find it)13:05
Zarazaro: when you're about-- we have the storyboard meeting in a couple of hours, 15:00 UTC, in #openstack-meeting; I thought you wanted to add things to the infra meeting agenda so were going to add them, but now wondering if you thought persia or I intended to add them and they slipped through the cracks.13:10
Zaraso there's a chance to bring things up there if so, or we can add something to the agenda for next week's infra meeting13:10
matthewbodkinyay I think that works13:13
matthewbodkinI stress the 'think' though :)13:16
Zara:P well, what happens?13:17
matthewbodkinwhen I run nothing happens13:18
ZaraI think at the moment, it will get the stories but not print them to the screen13:18
matthewbodkinbut if I add `print get_stories` I get `[]`13:18
Zaraah, does your instance have any stories in it yet?13:19
Zaraif not, make a story and see what happens.13:19
matthewbodkinno but I tried to create one and just couldn't13:19
Zaravia the web ui or the python client?13:19
Zarathat looks like it's working so far, anyway since the empty list []  suggests it knows it should get a list, and it's correctly finding that there's nothing in it13:21
matthewbodkinon my instance13:22
matthewbodkinit says13:22
ZaraI wonder if your db needs an update13:25
ZaraI think we upgraded while you were on holiday, so the api code may be ahead of the db13:25
Zarathe command to upgrade might be somewhere here
Zara(my internet's bad so it won't load)13:27
Zaraah yeah, step 713:27
Zaraso that would be the thing to run in whatever tab the api is running13:28
Zaraif your api is on the master branch13:29
Zarahopefully that will solve it, if not you get to say 'I had a spot of trouble upgrading a database schema' and it sounds cool.13:29
SotKmeeting agenda is here:
SotKfeel free t add to it14:29
Zarazaro ^14:30
Zarasaid meeting is in 15 minutes, oooooh!14:44
Zara2 mins14:58
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openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Send notifications to subscribers for worklists
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Make it possible to get worklist/board timeline events via the API
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Don't allow users to subscribe to private worklists they can't see
Zarauh oh16:10
Zarathat seems to be my catchphrase today16:11
SotKargh, forgot to add a note in the docstring again16:11
SotKsorry Zara16:11
Zaraoh well at least I don't have to comment it again this time16:12
Zara+ it might just be common sense16:12
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Send notifications to subscribers for worklists
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Make it possible to get worklist/board timeline events via the API
Zarazaro: we had some discussion around your question about putting projects on storyboard today in the meeting,
zarothanks. i have a project that can go over and i don't even care about the bugs :)16:30
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Zaraoh yeah, should mention in here-- AJaeger just sent a patch to update the publishing jobs for storyboard things so that we can get docs up for our python client
Zaraonce we have some nice docs I'll update the index so they can be found.16:57
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