Tuesday, 2016-08-23

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pedroalvarezZara: answered to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/355554/710:44
pedroalvarezmatthewbodkin: ^ it still looks weird to me, I'm not sure what is the problem though.10:44
Zaraah, my browser doesn't do that :(10:45
Zarathanks, I've changed vote10:45
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Zara(also tried in chrome emulated views, and the scrollbars look fine, but the dash seems unusable on mobile. I think people do use it so my guess is the emulation isn't representative.)10:50
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Zaraoh, I just didn't notice the 'you may need to refresh the page' hint10:51
Zarastill can't reproduce. :/10:52
pedroalvarezmaybe that emulator hides the scroll bars10:54
Zarayeah. I just tried emulating a bunch of phones and tablets in chrome, and there were no visible scrollbars for any of them10:54
Zarawell, it has 'enable text autosizing'10:55
pedroalvarezfrom phone scrollbar isnot visible, but i can scroll10:55
Zaraso maybe zoom is affecting it10:55
pedroalvarezprobably same behaviour from emulator10:55
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pedroalvarezok, not annoying at all from phone10:56
Zaraooh, is it the emulator getting confused then? :D10:57
Zara(if nothing else we'll learn which emulators are representative for use in the future)10:58
pedroalvarezNo, emulator let's you scroll too10:58
pedroalvarezbut emulator emulates as well the invisible scrollbars10:59
pedroalvarezso, well emulated I guess10:59
openstackgerritMatthew Bodkin proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Move 'Save' button up in 'Preferences' page  https://review.openstack.org/35911911:00
pedroalvarezZara: anyway, I happy to not -1 the patch if this is not a problem for anyone11:07
Zaraokay, I'm going to +1 but not +2 since I don't know that my testing environment is representative, and that should mean we get another pair of eyes on it11:08
matthewbodkinwhen I access storyboard on my actually phone there's no scrollbar and even if I try I can't scroll11:08
Zaraare icons cut off that you need to scroll to?11:09
ZaraI'll leave the +1 as a +1 then :)11:33
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Zara(btw, for context on the comments on the 'move save button up' patch-- we try to keep the 'what's displayed' separate from 'where it's displayed', so that it's easier to change one or the other. so while our html templates might say 'put this on the left', they don't say where the 'left' is relative to the edge of the screen; that's set in the css/less.)11:39
Zarait makes things easier to manage when all the little changes add up and changing the placement of one thing can break everything else.11:39
Zarabecause you don't have to work all over the codebase to fix it.11:40
* persia decides to be more fussy if style="" sections are seen in HTML templates based on that guidance11:41
SotKmight be worth looking at how the :last-child or :last-of-type CSS pseudo-classes work to add a margin to the last `row` on every page11:42
Zarapersia: sure, I believe style="" is rarely used in our html templates.11:43
Zara4 instances, I think11:44
* SotK thinks those 4 instances should go away11:45
Zarasome were in worklists so they might have been odd things11:46
persiaI also think that, but based on wanting to separate these things, if I encounter it in patches, I'll complain, rather than just feeling vaguely dirty.11:47
persiaOnly 4?  That's significantly cleaner than many projects.11:47
* persia blinks at a 180s post delay11:47
Zara(one in story search, one in story list, one in new worklist, one in worklist detail)11:48
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Zarayeah, I think it was designed that way from the start, rather than being tidied up after the fact11:49
ZaraI suspect storyboard in general is a good environment for best practices in web-development, though I don't have a nice sample to check against.11:51
openstackgerritMatthew Bodkin proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a margin to the bottom of all pages  https://review.openstack.org/35911911:56
Zara(ugh, forgot you can't do 'tasks matching tag and tasks matching status' for an auto worklist, as tags are story things and statuses are task things)12:23
persiaOh, ugh.  That's going to be a commonly-requested feature.12:25
* persia isn't sure of the best way to do things though: do tasks automatially inherit all tags from a story?12:26
SotKI think that is the only sane approach we can take12:26
Zara+ matching on stories gets stories rather than tasks-in-stories, which often isn't what I'd choose12:26
SotKI think tags are the only issue with that though right?12:27
Zarawell, that's the same thing really12:27
persiaZara: Could you expand on that?12:27
Zarasnap, hah12:27
ZaraI was thinking that, if I do 'stories matching $condition', the worklist will be a list of stories, whereas sometimes I want all tasks that are in stories that meet that condition. so if you could filter tasks by properties of their stories then it wouldn't matter.12:28
SotKand I think that the only one that is useful that we can't do is tags12:29
Zarayeah, I think so12:29
Zarasince projects and project groups are common to both12:29
Zarapossssibly story status (when combined with other filters), if you wanted to check that completed stories were actually complete, but that's too theoretical for me to think it worth spending much time on12:30
SotKI don't think that is very useful, since the story status is directly derived from the task status rather than stored in the db separately12:31
Zaragah, I meant the other way round, eg: for stories in project foo with story status !merged, display tasks12:32
Zaraso you can spot if something had actually been merged on that list12:32
SotKah, and people haven't been updating things you mean?12:33
ZaraI like that I said the complete opposite of what I meant before...12:34
SotKyou could emulate that with `Tasks where Project is foo and TaskStatus is not Merged`12:34
ZaraI was trying to think if there was any difference but I don't see how12:35
SotKonly difference is that you wouldn't see tasks related to other projects that are affected by the stories involved, which is probably not useful anyway12:35
SotK(since you could just add `Tasks where Project is bar and TaskStatus is not Merged` if you care about another project too)12:36
Zarayeah, I will decide to only care about tags, then12:36
* SotK strongly thinks that things will rapidly descend into madness if we start making it possible for `Stories where Project is foo and StoryStatus is not Merged` to return a list of tasks anyway12:37
ZaraI'm happy to not introduce any more complexity than necessary12:38
Zaraand yeah, you'd need to let the user choose12:38
Zaraand then horror awaits12:38
Zarabecause that's just the same as choosing 'tasks' anyway12:39
* persia got distracted, and is delighted to have nothing to add at the conclusion of the discussion12:41
Zaraso far testing notifications suggest everything's working-- including the recent events templates, this time! :D12:57
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Zaranow I can see them, I'm not sure about the appearance of the cards in teh timeline (since saying 'position' on the cards makes it take up more room, but it's hard to get useful info from it since it's not in context. but either way it's good that the api side all seems to work fine12:59
ZaraI'm also not sure how much use it's going to get; I'm planning to turn it off anyway so I'm not sure I have much input on how they should look.13:00
SotKit looked even more meaningless without being card-shaped to me, and without position being there they will just be "a card changed" which is entirely useless13:01
Zarayeah, I wondered about moving 'position' outside the card body, but really it's in my bucket for 'people who want to use it can demo the ui they'd find most useful'13:03
ZaraI don't know the right approach to it.13:04
Zara(and I think I'd end up leaning toward doing everything visually, so showing worklist before and after, and having 'private' with a checkbox ticked or unticked, etc, which would be complicated.)13:05
persiaI'm missing some context here, but are these about notifications for worklist change events (like add card, move card)?13:05
Zarayeah, in the recent events list on the dashboard13:05
SotKZara: not possible unless the worklist and its entire contents are tracked in the event info (which they currently are not)13:05
persiaI think those are most interesting when one has many stakeholders to which one is beholden.  For example, if the PTL increases the priority of some task within the set on a project in which you work, that might be interesting if your supervisor has recently deprioritised it, etc.13:07
persiaSaves actually looking at all the lists on a regular basis.13:07
ZaraSotK: yeah, I can see that getting awkward. it's motivated from a place of 'represent the thing in the same terms as its surroundings', so emails, it should be a textual representation, on a ui, visual, etc.13:07
persiaFolk with clearer direction and goals likely don't care about seeing the updates.13:07
SotK(Zara: Also I worry that showing the full worklist may lead to it appearing to be editable, same with checkboxes)13:08
ZaraSotK: yep, I think it's complex in a bunch of ways so it'd only be worth looking into if there was a good incentive.13:09
persia+1 on not showing the full worklists in recent events13:10
persiaIf people want to see it, there should be a navigation element that takes them away from the dashboard.13:10
Zara(SotK: if it tracked position and total of elements, you could have a dummy list that just displayed the diff in position of the element)13:11
Zaragreyed out items, something like that, idk13:11
Zara*greyed out and textless13:11
SotKthat doesn't really provide anything superior to a number though13:11
SotKand uses a lot more space13:11
Zarayeah, it gives context, though. right now the number doesn't communicate much.13:12
Zaraand stops a user having to pause to parse it. but I don't think it's sufficient benefit for the effort.13:13
SotKthe useful information from the context is seeing *what* it was moved above/below, which a bunch of blank cards don't help with13:13
ZaraI was thinking for situations where a worklist suddenly grew, but tbf other notifications would cover that. though we're assuming a user knows which end of the list the position is relative to. and I still think it's way easier to skim it laid out than to find at the numbers and work out the difference.13:16
Zaralet's have all the ascii worklists13:17
persiaI think a large portion of the confusion is because the view is new.  If users only ever see notifications with numbers, they will mostly ignore the numbers, until they ask "what does this number mean", after which they will probably say "cool"13:22
Zarathey're about three times the size of most of our notifications13:28
Zaraand the relevant bit of information is at the bottom of the card, which the user has to compare manually to get the meaning from.13:29
persiaHrm.  True.13:30
* persia will look more closely before having more opinions, but had expected something like "worklist foo changed, task bar in position i, was j.13:30
Zaraan example in my test instance http://imgur.com/a/07YZw13:34
Zarathat shows the difference in size13:34
Zaraonce the card title gets to about 9 words, it wraps, so they can be bigger.13:36
persiaAnd this is why I should look at more things in browsers than text editors.  That's massively confusing.13:37
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matthewbodkinI've just been using https://www.browserstack.com/start to test out the sidebar for length and if any icons are cut off or if there is a horizontal scrollbar and all was good on every device15:27
matthewbodkinI don't know how reliable this is but just thought it was worth a mention15:28
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Zararealised I should actually put review notes in review...18:14
Zaraoh yeah, re: browserstack-- nice to see it works in another place, hopefully there'll be more reviews soon! we generally prefer to use open source tools; from the discussion above it looks like the emulation in chromium was representative after all, so it should be possible to switch to that.18:22
Zara+ if there's something that that tool does that isn't available there, would be good to check if there's another open source thing that offers it.18:28
Zara(so also, I'm being hypocritical when I link to github; I do it because it's much quicker to query and find a relevant bit of code than other options I've found so far, but it is a faux-pas. http://codesearch.openstack.org/ is the best alternative, it's just a longer route to navigate)18:37
Zarawhich sometimes isn't feasible in a realtime irc conversation, but can be a good option for linking in review comments18:38
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