Thursday, 2016-06-09

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Zaraoh, that's lovely, and a big improvement; you even have different icons for story changes vs task-changes! and I like the simplicity of making comments stand out via the branding colour (though I still think collapsibility should be an option for non-comment-things)09:15
Zara(finally saw wip patch :)09:15
SotKis collapsibility something more than changing your preferences?09:16
Zara(I understand that this patch is just about how the list looks, so we shouldn't expect auto-loading or anything now; please correct me if wrong)09:16
Zarawell in the past there was a story for having just comments show by default, with a 'show all' button to give the full list, which I liked09:17
Zaraso yeah, preference-changing, but not in the place we currently change it09:17
Zarabut on the list itself to quickly toggle between 'just comments' and 'full events timeline'.09:17
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: WIP: Rework timeline events into a timeline
SotKdmsimard: I tried to implement your suggestions in that new version ^11:22
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dmsimardSotK: awesome, I'll look, thanks!12:01
pedroalvarezSotK: wow, that timeline looks lovely12:11
* pedroalvarez sees the pagination of the timeline in:!/story/1112:12
pedroalvarez"NaN to 13 of 13"12:12
pedroalvarezalso, tried to modify one task: 400: GET Invalid input for field/attribute offset. Value: 'NaN'. unable to convert to int12:13
SotKyeah, the docs-draft breaks pagination on every patch for some reason12:13
pedroalvarezwasn't aware of that12:13
SotKthe task will still be modified, its just reloading the events that failed12:14
SotKme neither until yesterday when I looked at my timeline patch :(12:14
Zarahm, looking at the wip, I've noticed that task status seems to not be coloured in when a user is logged out. I doubt that's just on the wip12:38
betherlySotK: Zara: sorry took sooooo long to get round to it but about to put up a new patch for  a proposed favicon12:38
Zarahahaha, I like the favicon saga12:38
pedroalvarezbetherly: that was my request :) nothing to worry about, really12:42
pedroalvarezand sorry if the favicon saga is distracting you from doing other more-important things12:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add a cancel button to the Add Tag text box
betherlypedroalvarez: no dont worry on that at all. im taking a break from bashing my head against the desk12:44
SotKZara: doesn't happen on my test instance12:44
Zaramaybe it's a browser thing again12:45
SotK!/story/10 looks right to me too12:47
Zaraohhh, my mistake12:47
Zarait's because 'todo' and 'invalid' were the same12:47
Zaraso it looked like it wasn't picking up on differences12:48
Zaramaybe that should change, but I'm not too fussed and it's not urgent12:49
Zaraeh, if someone else gets confused later12:49
openstackgerritBeth Elwell proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: New Favicon
Zarahm, timeline seems not to know when story description changes... I thought it knew but didn't give a useful description?12:52
* pedroalvarez gets excited and opens ^ link five times12:53
Zaraahh no it's only showing the first 10 things, I thought it was showing all as pagination was broken12:54
* Zara picks a different story to test with12:54
pedroalvarezbetherly: nice!12:56
pedroalvarezany other opinions/bikesheeding?12:56
persiabetherly: So, from curiosity, why push the favicon to a new change, rather than taking over the old change?  I feel like I'm missing something cultural here.12:56
betherlypersia: krotscheck abandoned the old one12:57
persiaAh, so the normal thing to do is take over unabandoned changes, but not take over abandoned changes?12:57
ZaraI think it's clearer to see what it is than the old propoesd one, but possibly looks a bit like a refresh wheel from a distance (the pin and corner-fold look a little like they're arrows), but I wouldn't know how to fix that12:59
persiaI actually really like the new one: I just had trouble digging about for the old one (mostly because I didn't read the commit message carefully enough), hence my question.13:00
Zara^ me provides bikeshed as requested13:00
* SotK thinks its great13:01
pedroalvareznothing has been triggered in zuul, btw13:03
betherlyawesome glad people like it!13:03
betherlyre Zara's point would it work better if the pin was more central and upright rather than where it is?13:04
ZaraI have no idea, unfortunately, I'd only know after seeing it. BUT also my motivation for this is just to have a different icon from the standard13:05
Zaraso that I can tell if my tab is the docs page13:05
Zaraor a storyboard instance13:05
Zaraso I'm not too fussed about how it looks for my own purposes xD13:05
pedroalvarezthat's the main point, yes13:05
ZaraI was just asked to bikeshed and wanted to make sure I bikeshedded appropriately13:05
Zaraidealllly it'd derive its colour from branding, so I could distinguish between different storyboard instances13:06
Zarabut is that even possible?13:06
pedroalvarezthat might be over-complicated13:06
SotKdefinitely over-complicated13:06
Zarayes, especially as very few people have multiple instances13:07
SotKif people want to brand their own icon, they can edit the icon13:07
Zaramainly giving context on my use case and why I cared about it13:07
Zarawhich isn't the same as 'you should do this' xD13:07
betherlyok cool :)13:10
betherlyYe probably having different colours like that is a bit over complicated really13:11
Zarajust a bit ;)13:14
dmsimardSotK: the tag/status/priority changes are welcome :)13:40
dmsimardI don't know if it's in the scope of that review13:40
* SotK thinks they may as well be there since he already had to basically rewrite the template13:43
dmsimardI think I'd do away with the relative duration since the event (i.e, 5 minutes ago) in favor of timestamps. Maybe there could be some alt text over the timestamp for the relative duration, it's still useful information. Timestamps should probably be left aligned since the length of the timestamp will be the same and it'd make that information easy to find.13:43
Zarathe style of representing time shouldn't changed in that patch; it's a separate thing, across storyboard13:44
dmsimardAck :)13:44
SotKyeah, that's roughly my plan (hence the nonsensical "on 3 hours ago" at the moment)13:44
Zarain that it's better to keep it consistent.13:44
Zarabecause we get requests for different types of displays from different people13:45
SotKits already inconsistent in fairness13:45
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pedroalvarezfavicon visible at:!/dashboard/stories13:46
Zara:) my understanding is that that patch is for making it easier for a user to see which fields in the events timeline are relevant.13:46
dmsimardI'm no UI/UX expert, just giving feedback when I have the opportunity to. I think information that is "standard" across all events should be found at the same place on every line so they can easily be compared.13:46
Zaraso I'm wary of the timestamps discussion to hold up that patch, because this is a case where different parties clash13:46
dmsimardI'm going to add my project to storyboard soon13:46
SotKI was contemplating putting the dates on the left hand side of the timeline circle things at one point13:46
dmsimardbtw, I happened to browse storyboard on my cellphone last night13:47
dmsimardand there are some quirks here and there13:47
dmsimardbut I really appreciate that it works mostly well13:47
Zarahah, storyboard on phones is an exciting adventure...13:48
dmsimardit's probably far from being a priority but it's nice that it mostly "just works"13:48
SotKyeah, I use it on my phone occasionally but fixing the weird bits of that use-case isn't a priority for me right now13:48
Zarasome context on timestamps specifically, and why I would much rather silo that discussion:!/story/2000397 vs!/story/200063913:49
Zaraso if it's already inconsistent, I'm happy with however sotk wants to represent it there, I don't want that patch to be the place where people discuss the representation :P13:54
dmsimardZara: fair13:54
SotKI'm at least going to stop it being "3 hours ago" because I also find that annoying13:55
SotKespecially when my computer's time is out of sync with the server, and I get "in 2 minutes"13:55
Zarapffft, that's the best feature13:55
SotKoh, I think I made that be a timestamp already actually13:56
SotKbut then it switches to "a few seconds ago" after a couple of minutes13:56
Zaraand yeah, it's such a pretty patch; I don't want to hold it up! I should be sad that I didn't get to it, but I'm glad it ended up being you because mine would be nowhere near as pretty13:58
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: WIP: Remove pagination for timeline events
dmsimardwith pagination removed and the new timeline14:04
dmsimardit's really good14:04
dmsimardkeep on rocking.14:04
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zara_the_lemur__(so I'm not saying that I tried to do a comedy mockup of my idea of an events timeline on an online paint program, saved it, got one of those really long urls that crashes your terminal, and am now waiting for it to calm down, but that might've happened)14:07
SotKthis is why you do it on an offline paint program, and upload it to imgur :)14:08
zara_the_lemur__yeah, normally I do that... but I wondered if there were a decent online one14:08
zara_the_lemur__there isn't14:08
zara_the_lemur__how likely are we to get loads of events to the point where things slow down?14:09
dmsimardThere you go: :)14:09
SotKnice :D14:10
SotKzara_the_lemur__: define "things slow down"14:10
* zara_the_lemur__ awaits the pitchforks14:10
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Zaraoh hi me14:11
* SotK is intending to implement the preference filtering in the backend which should mitigate that a little with better defaults14:11
Zaraso, aiui we don't have unlimited results displayed for stories et al, as with a large quantity of results, storyboard slows down loads14:11
SotKwell, the response takes ages to arrive14:11
Zaraso... just that. I didn't have any clearer an idea of it in my head14:12
SotKshouldn't actually cause much global slowdown unless we're under heavy load I imagine14:12
SotKso, if a story gets to a few hundred comments/events it'll start loading noticably slowly I expect14:13
Zarayeah, I'm wondering how likely that actually is14:13
ZaraI can see it happening with events, less likely for comments14:14
Zarabut it might be worth looking at gerrit threads for the busier projects14:14
Zara!/story/2000175 is on 18914:15
ZaraI would imagine nova could be significantly higher14:15
SotKwe should look at launchpad14:15
Zaraah, that's a better idea than looking at gerrit, yeah14:16
SotKwe can't paginate easily if we want permalinks or non-annoying commenting14:16
SotKat least, I haven't thought of a way14:17
SotKand have been thinking about it for ages14:17
Zaraso is there another way to ameliorate the slowdown?14:18
ZaraI think in practice it'll just discourage people from going on bigger stories... well, maybe that's fine. :P but it might encourage people to ignore history.14:19
SotKif we set the default preferences to only include interesting events and filter on the server-side it'll probably be ok unless someone asks to see the whole lot14:20
Zaraokay, if we're relying on that I think we should try to avoid 'see the whole lot' ever being settable as a default14:27
Zaraotherwise we could get a repeat of zaro's battle with recent events14:28
Zarawell, maybe not. I'm still not sure what numbers to expect.14:28
persiaWould it be possible to consume the response as it is arriving, rather than waiting until it has all arrived?14:30
SotKperhaps, but I'm not sure if promises work like that off the top of my head14:32
SotKalso, can we please merge ?14:32
zaroi’m in battle?14:40
Zarazaro: ahaha, I meant when your dashboard was frozen and crashing, before we merged that patch at the summit14:42
persiaSotK: +114:42
ZaraI could see users getting into a similar situation with timeline events.14:42
zaroZara: ahh yes, i don’t think task transitions will be a big burden to SB, comments will probably much larger volume.14:44
zaroi was probably generating a ton of events for myself while testing the integration14:55
Zarayeah, it might not be so bad even if there are loads of events, as users (currently) don't have to go to any story when they log in... though it could be different if we implemented something like 'go to last story visited whenever you log in'14:57
Zarathen they might get stuck if they were using a story as a testing ground14:58
Zaraworst case, we patch it later, I just know to keep an eye on it now14:59
SotKthat would be very annoying for me14:59
SotKI'd be surprised if we had a story with as many events as zaro had15:00
pedroalvarezstory number 42, I'm sure :)15:02
Zarathat was task 42!15:10
Zarathough yeah, I was thinking of cases where someone was testing using storyboard-dev and effectively locked themselves out. which is a weird corner-case, but I'm wondering if it means there are less weird cases that I haven't thought of yet.15:11
Zaraoh yeah, is blocked because of linting rules, not because it needs a recheck15:23
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Only update changed fields when editing tasks
Zarasorry, I left a message on the thread the other day, but gerrit sends a lot of emails so...15:27
Zarathank you :)15:28
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anteayaZara: thanks for reading my story!/story/2000639 the timeline says you edited the story but I don't see what you edited16:33
anteayaand I agree the timeline tuneup patch was the motivation for the timestamps conversation but should not be held up by it16:34
anteayaand it is a shame jim and Paul seem to be taking opposite opinions on this issue, I see no point trying to put energy into working for convergence here16:35
anteayawould it be possible to make time output be a configured by a global setting that a storyboard admin could set for a given instance?16:36
anteayathat way Paul's instance could have it his way 'just rationalise to one timezone and be done' which works really well when all users are in the same timezone and the infra instance could have it infra's way, which is the preference for users in many timezones16:37
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SotKI think we would be better making it per-user configurable16:40
SotKmaybe with a per-server default configurable16:41
pedroalvarezthese things are normally per-user configurable in other places, ime16:43
Zaraah, the project was changed in that story, from storyboard to storyboard-webclient, since it's a web ui issue. the timeline should say that and doesn't. there might even be a task for that somewhere. :D16:45
Zara is failing the lint check, I'm not sure if it's a problem with lint rules or not16:46
anteayaSotK: I don't think infra would like per user16:46
anteayaper server would work fine16:46
anteayaZara: ah thank you16:46
SotKZara: doesn't look like it's a lint issue16:46
Zarait says 'callback called more than once' but no line is cited and it seems a bit strange16:46
anteayayes I do just set everything to storyboard since I don't know if that is right or not, thanks for fixing that16:46
SotKanteaya: then infra could set a server-wide default, and leave their timestamps as the default16:47
SotKI don't think its good UX to force a certain format on people who find it harder to read than other formats16:47
SotKespecially when we format the dates dynamically anyway16:47
anteayafungi: since the utc timestamps storyboard issue is a direct clash with the codethink person who is funding the code think developers, we could live with a per server config of timestamps, yeah?16:48
SotKsince at that point we are essentially making it hard for those people deliberately16:48
anteayafungi: and then codethink instances could have time be displayed the way the codethink people like it to be16:48
SotKftr, I'm happy to make the default server-default be a proper timestamp16:48
Zara(np, in general if you've encountered it in the web ui, then it's likely to be a web ui issue. sometimes there's an api change that's needed too. but I periodically go through and tidy up anyway.)16:48
anteayaSotK: oh thank you, I would like that very much16:48
anteayaZara: awessome, thank you, I will do my best and thank you for tidying up behind me16:49
anteayaZara: you do a great job16:49
fungianteaya: SotK: seems like it could be made a user preference pretty easily? with a deployment default state that's configurable too if you want16:49
SotKthat was what I was suggesting we do, yeah16:50
anteayafungi: jeblair had said that some things he didn't want on a per user basis, like timeline config, which is why I asked for per server here16:50
anteayafungi: but your call16:50
anteayafungi: and thank you16:50
fungiuser preference would entirely solve it for us i think, since people could decide themselves whether they want relative or absolute times (and possibly whether they want them translated into their browser's timezone or have it reported in utc)16:51
funginot sure what jeblair's concern was over making it a user preference16:52
SotKI thought he just wanted better defaults?16:52
fungibut if the default can be set globally for the server, that gives us the ability to default to absolute times on storyboard.o.o and let individual users there still select relative times if they want them16:52
anteayafungi: okay can you take a peek at!/story/200062016:53
fungican in a bit once i free up16:53
anteayafungi: Jim said "Yes, the problem with the red gear is that it requires users to perform an action in order to see important information which is normally hidden. Users often have no idea there are relevant comments buried on "page 5" of the timeline past all of those "foo did bar" entries."16:53
anteayafungi: yes, thanks16:53
anteayafungi: and in irc he said he doesn't feel that users should be required to set things that should be the same for the whole instance (my paraphrase)16:54
SotKthat is what I read as him wanting better defaults, rather than wanting to remove the user choice altogether16:56
anteayaso I'm fine with whatever Jim will accept here16:56
anteayaSotK: agreed16:56
* SotK disappears16:57
fungianteaya: oh, yes it looks like that was a discussion about pagination defaults, so i don't read that as necessarily meaning that he'd object to needing to adjust a (persistent) user preference once to get absolute times in all timelines instead of relative times. but i also agree (as someone who prefers absolute to relative) that having the ability to set absolute as a server-wide default would help17:04
anteayafungi: okay thanks, I appreciate you looking and understanding the interpretation I took based on that conversation17:05
anteayaand also willing to declare what we can live with as ptl17:05
anteayaSotK: so whatever makes fungi happy and thank you17:06
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Create a StoryBoard gui manual
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