Friday, 2016-04-01

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pedroalvarezspotted these 2 errors in my storyboard instance:
pedroalvarezfrom a while ago, I know08:11
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Zaraah, I think for the second one, we still don't know what causes that09:16
Zarathe first one is my bad subscriptions code09:16
Zarawhich I don't yet know how to fix, and really need to speak to someone with a better knowledge of angularjs about09:16
ZaraI hacked it together09:17
pedroalvarezright! spotted them looking at the logs to figure out why my workers weren't running09:17
pedroalvarezturns out it was because I'm stupid :)09:17
Zara(krotscheck, whenever you have a moment, I would love to point you to my old code and beg you to tutor me a bit, because it's a horrific frankenstein's monster and the codeacademy angularjs course just wasn't enough. :D)09:19
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perrylhi everyone! i'm trying to set up a storyboard instance using the instructions here but i'm getting the following error: does anyone have an idea what to do to fix this?11:29
Zarahi, perryl! :)11:30
Zara^ pedroalvarez, it's all yours :P11:30
pedroalvarezyeah, on it11:31
pedroalvarezthat one is confusing11:31
pedroalvarezoh, what version of ansible do you have?11:31
pedroalvarezansible --version11:31
perrylpedroalvarez: 1.8.211:32
pedroalvarezhm... that should be new enough I think11:32
* pedroalvarez digs a bit11:32
ZaraMinimum Ansible Version1.911:32
Zaraacc. to
perrylZara: thanks! i'll update ansible and try again!11:33
pedroalvarezyeah, I put  that requirement to make sure people at least uses the version I was using11:33
pedroalvareznote, it won't work for ansible > 2.0.011:33
Zaraperryl: yw, and thanks pedroalvarez! :)11:34
Zarahm, is there a way to note the upper constraint on that page, then?11:34
pedroalvarez`pip install ansible==1.9.0` should do the trick11:34
pedroalvarezim still not sure about this being the real error though11:34
Zaracan't hurt11:34
pedroalvarezanyway, the "ERROR: pkg5 is not a legal parameter in an Ansible task or handler" is a bit confusing11:36
ZaraI'd wonder about patching upstream but then... maybe they have in the newer versions11:37
Zaraalso I can't update the ansible role myself, or I'd put a note on the page that it won't work for > 2.0.0, gah11:37
Zarahow come it won't work, ooi? what happens?11:38
Zara(that way if someone else asks I can recognise the issue)11:38
perrylpedroalvarez: i did a quick search for pkg5 and only found roles/geerlingguy.apache/tasks/setup-Solaris.yml ; thought it might be an issue with the format so i changed it to but then it's the same error, just with `hosts is not a legal parameter` so i have no idea11:38
pedroalvarezZara: ugh.. well, the storyboard role uses other roles to install other things like rabbitmq, these things are done by other people. Other people complained, and sent patches too, but upstream is taking his time;... :(11:39
pedroalvarezperryl: somewhow, that role thinks you are deploying to a Solaris system! :/11:39
pedroalvarezgood research btw11:40
pedroalvarezhave you modified anything in the Vagrantfile?11:40
pedroalvarezor anywhere?11:41
perrylpedroalvarez: ack, what :( i've not touched anything otherwise11:41
pedroalvarezright.. 1.9.0 tried too?11:41
perrylyup :(11:42
Zarathis is exciting, it'll be great to get some decent operator install docs up; hopefully I can do that by the end of today! (we have developer install docs but not operator ones, since historically everyone has set it up that way. as a last resort, the developer docs will get you a system, but we *need* decent user setup docs; the install is too longwinded atm)11:48
perrylhooray, it's working! i just needed to specify geerlingguy.apache version 1.4.2, thanks pedroalvarez!11:50
pedroalvarezI'll try to find a way of setting that vesrion number in the dependencies metadata11:51
pedroalvarezthanks perryl :)11:51
Zaraomg betherly updated the docs to mention the admin bug that I just remembered11:53
Zaraeveryone is the best I am so happy11:53
Zaraperryl: further down the line, please be aware of ; I'm not sure if it will affect you installing via ansible, but probably.11:54
Zarait's jumping ahead a bit, but that way if you see it it'll ring a bell.11:54
perrylZara: it's currently failed on a mysql issue \o/ i'll check it out further in a while, but now i think it's lunch time :)11:55
pedroalvarezperryl: let me know when you are back11:56
Zaraheh, sure :)11:56
Zaraas long as things are logged, I can do a writeup later today for the docs11:56
Zarabetherly: seriously, thanks :) I suddenly had a 'ugh, there's a bug that means you can't make an admin user, and I can't remember what you have to do with the db to get around it, and SotK is on holiday and is actually treating it like a holiday for a change, what should I dooooo' moment12:01
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Zaraso I'm back to looking at
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ZaraI am also feeling a bit ill and resorting to copious quantities of tea.12:29
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Zarabtw, just went looking for houston again, am going to have to look in infra irc logs for the url; better seo might be good there12:31
Zaraidk if it's tucked away a bit on purpose12:31
Zaraokay so houston was called hudson12:32
Zaraand I am a fool12:32
Zaraso, the instructions say to then use the account (in this case hudson) to log into gerrit, to set the ssh username, acct fullname and ssh public key12:45
ZaraI don't know how to log into gerrit with that account, and I'm not sure if I'm meant to do that or if that's the job of someone in infra12:45
Zara*someone with root in infra12:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added comments to dashboard.html
Zaraperryl: had any success yet?13:24
ZaraI'm just procrastinating from investigating my own thing13:24
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Zaraanteaya: I've asked about the next steps for the bot in #infra ; no response yet. I should have done it last night, really. realised I didn't actually know how to access gerrit as hudson, or whether I should be doing that at all, or someone else needs to set it up.13:30
perrylZara: nothing yet, seems to be a mysql fault on my machine, currently looking into what may have caused it...13:30
Zarahuh. :( if you paste logs there's a chance someone here knows; openstack in general use mysql pretty heavily.13:30
ZaraI note that in the developer docs, we have 'NOTE: MySQL must be >= 5.6', so perhaps worth checking the version?13:32
Zaraand that'll be another thing to update in user docs if that's the issue...13:32
perrylaye :) want to see if i can fix it myself first!13:32
perrylgot a feeling i know what the issue is...13:32
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pedroalvarezperryl: helping you is being really easy :)13:38
Zaraheheh, okay. :) wanted to make sure you know you're welcome to ask anything in here. we have docs, but in general irc is the default place for support, so it's better to only do things the hard way if you enjoy it or won't be allowed to use irc in the future.13:38
Zaraperryl ^13:38
perrylhaha well, i only enjoy fixing an issue if it takes less than three attempts to fix, at which point i will be in here crying no doubt!13:39
pedroalvarezI'll be interested in the fix, though :)13:39
Zarahehe, good luck! :)13:40
Zaraand yeah, that, it lets us document things13:40
Zarabut I'm a hypocrite because I can take ages to ask while I check in case I've done something stupid, so hey.13:40
Zaraand then, when I ask, it turns out I've still done something stupid, so I should just stop worrying. :P13:42
perrylaaargh yeah my fix didn't solve it...thought it was an issue with mysql-server not being installed but apparently not13:42
Zarathere are dependencies listed in the developer docs13:43
Zaraso perhaps some of those also need to be mentioned in the ansible role13:43
Zara when you want to look13:43
pedroalvarezZara: the role tires to install all of them, unless I missed something13:44
Zarahm, so maybe not that!13:44
Zarain that case, I guess paste when you're ready13:45
perrylcurrently trying one...last...thing, the error log is already loaded into the pastebin13:45
perryland here is the error! thought it may be lack of mysql-client/server or outdated version, or not running `vagrant up` as root, but alas, none have worked13:58
pedroalvarezI hate the world13:58
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Zaraopenstack thinks there's hope14:00
perrylat least someone does :D14:00
pedroalvarezwhat ansible is trying to run and fails is `apt-get -y -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confdef" -o "Dpkg::Options::=--force-confold"   install 'mysql-server-5.6'`14:00
pedroalvarezthat should give you the same error, if you run it inside vagrant ssh14:01
pedroalvarezthe error looks like, ubuntu, when installing the package, tries to start mysql, but something fails14:01
Zaraooi, is vagrant used for the working ansible deployment (s.b.o )? I'm wondering if that could potentially cause any problems or if it's irrelevant.14:01
pedroalvarezin /var/log/mysql (or similar) you might have error logs14:01
perryli've managed to ssh into the vagrant machine, let's have a look what's going on...14:02
pedroalvarezZara: vagrant is a way to automathe the proces of: 1) creating a VM, and 2) running configuration scripts to install what you need14:02
Zarayeah, I'm wondering if it could be doing anything differently to the manual steps that'd cause trouble with installing mysql14:03
pedroalvarezhmm.. nah, same error will happen if you just `sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.6` in that OS14:04
Zarahuh, but my vm is ubuntu14:04
ZaraI wonder if the os version could be relevant, or if I did it differently14:05
ZaraI think I installed a different mysql version then updated it later14:06
Zaraso never tried installing 5.6 directly14:06
pedroalvarezpackages in ubuntu are updated, maybe currently installing 5.6 is broken? who knows14:06
pedroalvarezperryl: maybe, in this case, using a newer version of the mysql role helps..14:07
perrylpedroalvarez: possibly :( i tried manually running the Dpkg::Options:: commands and got the following in /var/log/mysql/error.log;
pedroalvarezI am confused now..14:11
pedroalvarezI don't know how to help right now14:13
perrylpedroalvarez: no worries :D you've helped enough already! i'll have a google around, maybe try again with a different ansible role version and see if i get something different :)14:15
pedroalvarezjust note that the error means "normal installation of mysql 5.6 in ubuntu 14.04, fails"14:18
pedroalvarezso, nothing  fancy being done here14:18
Zarahuh, that's even weirder, you're on the same ubuntu version as me14:21
perryli'm honestly starting to think i have a talent for somehow unearthing issues everywhere14:21
Zaraaw, the ansible role is pretty new, and afaik only pedro has installed an instance with it so far14:22
perryli could get error messages running `echo "HELLO WORLD"`14:22
Zaraperhaaaaaps sotk used it for setting up a demo instance one time14:22
Zaraanyway, if the role works for pedro and doesn't work for you, the best suggestion I can give is to try to get your environment as close to pedro's as possible. though I don't know where to start with that.14:25
Zarajust to be extra helpful.14:25
perryl:) i'll try experimenting...or working through !14:25
Zaraokay, I've asked in infra, though I've had to ask a very vague question xD14:29
Zaraone of us should make a story for it14:29
Zarabarebones thing here:!/story/2000535 , filling out now14:32
ZaraI'm heading off for a little while; back in a bit14:52
ZaraI'll put logs in there later if nobody else gets to it first14:52
Zarafeel free to add things14:52
Zaraoh, and infra view is now to just use my own personal gerrit acct for now to test a sb test-instance updating from gerrit14:53
Zaraanteaya: fungi has since answered the question I pinged you about; sorry for noise; hope you are having a good holiday by now14:53
ZaraI am taking one green and one yellow felt tip home with me this weekend, so continue to track features added to the python client. if anyone asks after them, that is where they are, and they should return on Monday14:57
Zara*so I can14:57
Zara(I'm working from a diagram, so can't easily track anywhere else)14:57
Zaracould be a novel use for storyboard picture uploads14:57
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anteayaZara: no worries16:02
anteayaI wish I was on vacation16:03
anteayawas up all night vacuuming water16:03
anteayaI will take a vacation at some point16:03
anteayaand yes as fungi said in backscroll when we have over 500 systems using ssh there are scaling issues16:03
anteayaalso any one of them can take out our system and has done so in the past16:04
anteayanot intentionally16:04
anteayabut it has happened16:04
pleia2Zara: if you're still around... how do you search for tags?16:28
Zaraah, hi again16:29
Zarapleia2: the search in the sidebar (not the header) should work16:29
Zaraif you start typing in the tag, it should come up in the dropdown next to a little 'tag' icon16:29
Zaranot the most fantastic search, but it's a start16:29
Zaraanteaya: aw, I hope you get some rest soon16:30
pleia2Zara: ah, I was using the wrong search box, that works, thanks!16:30
Zarayeah, it's depressing that there is such a thing as the wrong search box, haha16:30
pleia2would also be nice to be able to link to a query16:31
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pleia2is it possible to search for a story status?16:31
pleia2(happy to submit some wishlist stories when I finish asking my questions)16:32
anteayaZara: thanks, I"m hoping for some sleep tomorrow16:34
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persiaI don't think stories have status (aside from that inherited from the associated tasks), but that may not affect searchability.16:50
Zarapleia2: you can search for stories by 'active', 'merged' and 'invalid', yes16:51
Zaraand that's inherited from tasks16:51
pleia2Zara: in the same search box?16:52
Zaraso roughly, one box is 'search', which lets you search by criteria. the other one is 'jump to', and just searches by title, and lets you quickly go to anything in the dropdown16:53
Zarathey were originally both called 'search', just to make things more exciting.16:53
pleia2ah story status:active does show up now when I start typing active16:57
Zarathe search box even has focus problems16:57
Zarasearch is our nemesis16:57
Zarait's functional, but... quirky.16:58
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