Thursday, 2016-03-31

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Zaramorning, storyboard!09:30
ZaraI've pinged anteaya in #infra so we can talk about integrating storyboard with gerrit, though she's on holiday from tomorrow 'til the 11th. So once she's about, I'm going to make the most of that time; there might be a delay for me replying to other things09:34
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ZaraI'm also too tired to concentrate today, so sorry about that. :/10:31
openstackgerritBeth Elwell proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added comments to dashboard.html
betherlyZara: pushed one tiny change to dashboard.html re comments11:04
betherlydecided to change my development approach to storyboard and so trying to access code changes between mac and ubuntu vm11:05
betherlythis could be fun11:05
betherlyalso, Zara totally know that feeling11:05
ZaraI'll take a look, thanks! :D11:08
Zaraah, nice, never been sure of commenting conventions for html11:08
betherlyZara: its just easier to look at when im editing so thought would push up that as a start11:19
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Zarathat... seems very basic. there's nothing about task status?11:44
pedroalvarezZara: so, the way it's implemented for jira, is something that is already integrated in gitlab, not something running externally11:53
Zaraat a glance there, they make a jira user that's 'gitlab', and then give it permissions to change things in a project in jira. then they have a gitlab project and they add a service for that, like , with the relevant auth12:12
Zaraand then maybe things are automatic?12:12
Zaraso the issue there seems to be that it doesn't track very much.
Zaraso imo the suggested gitlab integration path is a really bad fit for any external issue tracker, as it pushes its own model of issues onto the external issue tracker12:21
Zarawhich kinda negates a bunch of the benefits of using an external issue tracker12:21
Zarathe examples lets you say, in gitlab, 'I'm talking about this issue in my issue tracker'12:23
Zaraand they let you say, in your issue tracker, 'this issue is now closed' when it closes in gitlab12:24
Zaraand that's it12:24
Zarathere's no integration with build status, review status, etc12:24
persia"review status" is a tricky thing in a pull-request model12:24
Zarayeah. and the first example is something you can do manually anyway with minimal effort.12:25
persiaI'm not sure what "build status" means: do you mean some CI integration?12:25
persiaGiven the Storyboard model, I don't think there's any meaningful difference between "A change is available for consideration" and "a change is available for consideration and some automation ran some tests and delivered an opinion"12:29
persiaUnless I misunderstand, the only bits you need to capture are 1) was a change proposed that relates to a task?  and 2) Was such a proposed change merged?12:30
persiaEach of these ought be a safe boolean (or, better, a positive signal on occurance and inactivity on non-occurance)12:31
Zaraso the gitlab model doesn't include tasks aiui. it talks about everything in terms of issues, which would map to storeis.12:37
persiaForcing one task per story?12:39
Zarawell, it assumes you have a project containing issues.12:39
persiaSo no cross-project issues?12:39
Zaraso you either map that in terms of project= story, issue=task; or project=project issue=task; or project=project, issue=story12:40
Zaraso it seems like the best fit conceptually is the last one, but stories are only tied to projects via tasks.12:41
Zaraand there's nothing to represent that12:42
Zaraidk I'm very tired today, which doesn't help12:42
Zaraall you'll get from the last one is 'story created, story changed', aiui12:42
Zara(I'm still looking at the example fields here:
ZaraI'm not yet sure how much is mandated by gitlab and how much is just that service12:45
persiaJIRA has it's own model, etc.12:47
persiaWould it be possible to have a mapping as "project=project" and "issue=task"?12:47
persiaThis means gitlab can't operate on stories, but perhaps that is fine.12:47
* persia may be entirely misunderstanding the problem12:49
Zaraso the issue there is that a task isn't a bug report, and people want this as a proof-of-concept of gitlab integrating with a bugtracker12:52
Zaraa story can be used as a bug report.12:52
persiaOh my.  I didn't understand the problem.  Good luck with that.  Advanced semiotics may be required.12:54
Zarayeah, roughly my view is that we could get something working, I think it would be worthless both as a proof of concept and as a thing in itself.13:16
Zaraurghhh, sorry I'm so tired today. can't concentrate at all.14:12
Zarahuh... the column for 'stories created by me' is going off the page on my test instance. when did that happen.14:17
Zaraohhh, nvm14:17
Zarait's because I have a story in there with a massive title14:18
Zarathat's a bug, but not one users will encounter a lot14:18
Zarapedroalvarez: btw, meant to ask a while back; you mentioned wanting a gerritbot for baserock; is there a reason baserock were unable to set up their own instance of gerritbot? just a lack of time? (I'm referring to this thing, , so that's totally separate to the stuff about updating storyboard based on gerrit etc )14:27
Zarajust remembered it since I'm on the bots page now14:27
pedroalvarezwell, I tried to install it and run it, but it didn't work14:28
pedroalvarezno error, no output, just not working :/14:28
pedroalvarezand tried to debug it a bit, but it uses pyton-daemon making it difficult to debug..14:29
Zaraah, I see there's separate config stuff and puppet stuff?14:30
Zara and
ZaraI don't know how generalisable any of that is...14:30
pedroalvarezone to install gerritbot, another one to configure it, as in storyboard too14:31
Zarayeah, idk how much would need to be changed there for baserock :/14:31
pedroalvarezyeah, I had a look at those first, I think I wasn't missing anything. I was expecting it to be a day-work14:31
pedroalvarezbut no logging output from gerrit bot made it impossible for me to debug :.(14:32
ZaraI wonder if the author(s) could shed some light on that at some point; I feel like they must have some way of debugging it.14:33
Zaraanyway, I'm not looking at that... I'm looking at this!
Zarastraight away, I see from launchpadlib import launchpad14:35
Zarafrom launchpadlib import uris14:35
Zaraso am wondering, is python-storyboardclient the equivalent of launchpadlib there?14:35
* anteaya witnesses Zara waffling14:38
Zarahi! :D14:38
Zararelevant waffling only starts at 15:3514:39
anteayaI'll be in and out do to mopping14:39
anteayathanks :)14:39
anteayayeah fact of life, water 'tis wet14:39
ZaraI hope that's the last of it, at least :(14:39
anteayayeah, so you were waffling?14:39
Zara15:35 < Zara> anyway, I'm not looking at that... I'm looking at this!14:40
Zara15:35 < Zara> straight away, I see from launchpadlib import launchpad14:40
Zara15:35 < Zara> from launchpadlib import uris14:40
Zarawas as far as I had gotten14:40
Zara15:35 < Zara> so am wondering, is python-storyboardclient the equivalent of launchpadlib there?14:40
anteayayup, saw that in backscroll14:40
anteayaI can witness, I don't know the answers14:40
anteayabut you do ask good questions14:40
ZaraI suppose my next question should be: who wrote that (and the things around it)?14:41
anteayaI think you found the right file14:41
Zaramy other question was 'why did zaro want to deprecate jeepyb, and why didn't that happen?'14:41
anteayathere is the log for that file:
Zaraaha, thank you14:42
anteayawhat leads you to the conclusion zaro wanted to deprecate jeepyb?14:42
anteayaI'm not saying your wrong, I'm saying this is news to me14:43
anteayahave to go mop, will read when I return14:43
anteayahold my cat?14:43
Zarazaro's comments here:!/story/200001214:43
ZaraI assume that's a canadian idiom?14:44
Zaraand interesting; suggests some work was done to plan around storyboard14:45
persialaunchpadlib is like, and entirely unlike storyboard-client.  Like in the sense of being a python library for local representation of a service API.  Unlike in the sense of being differently organised and covering a different scope.14:47
ZaraI'm only interested here in if I can import it in a similar way to use here, or if there's something else I should be importing instead14:48
Zarato use the python client, a script has to be written that imports it and initialises it with data from a  specific storyboard instance, so I assume that that would have to be in a different config files somewhere, if that's the right approach14:49
persiaThat sounds roughly right.14:50
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anteayaZara: okay I don't know as anyone else know khai felt this way15:16
anteayaZara: if you want to follow up with zaro that would be my suggestion15:16
anteayathe gerrit upstream patch he linked to has merged15:16
Zarayeah, as I understand it it was able to update comments, and then the second half still needed doing (update task status). pedroalvarez investigated how well the tool worked atm, so... hi pedro! am I right in thinking the patch works and gerrit is capable of updating sb comments, but nothing else? or have I imagined that?15:18
ZaraI think the blocker on this end for extending that plugin is that we don't really know java or the ecosystem around gerrit in any depth.15:20
pedroalvarezI take we are talking about the its-storyboard plugin here right? I never tested it, but looked through the code and it looked like it should work15:20
pedroalvarezjust to post some comments15:20
Zaraohhh, I thought you tested it!15:20
Zarayes, that's the one15:21
anteayai also don't know java15:23
pedroalvarezwell, tested that it builds, and given that they all use its-base code, I assumed that it works15:23
anteayai think is time you got to know zaro if you don't already15:23
Zarawe chatted a bit at summit, only a little since15:24
Zaraevery couple of months he gets a ping about that plugin, haha15:24
anteayawell I think it is time you launched yourself into the -infra channel in search of him and have a good chat about current status15:25
anteayahe usually is online in about 30 minutes to 90 minutes from now15:25
Zarapedroalvarez: I go by 'if I haven't personally tested it, it's broken', but I'm a pessimist. :P15:25
anteayaa realist15:25
anteaya<-- vacuuming water15:25
pedroalvarezZara: yeah, in this case I think it's possible to assume that it's not really broken15:25
Zaraanteaya: okay, will do, though I'm not sure I have anything new to add from last time. He said he wasn't motivated to continue it, and the first bit was merged. well, I guess I can check the original motivation for wanting to deprecrate jeepyb.15:27
Zaraand if that still applies15:27
Zarapedroalvarez: okay, what's blocking integrating the work so far on just a lack of time?15:28
Zara(that's fine, btw, I'm just trying to work out how much there's left to implement)15:29
Zara(so knowing whether it's a case of 'nobody has time to set this up' or 'there's not yet something that's ready to set up' is useful to me)15:30
pedroalvarezZara: to integrate it so that it does what it does? or also to make it do what we want it to do?15:30
Zaraso that it does what it does15:30
ZaraI'd imagine 'java, nooooooo' + no time is the blocker for making it do what we want it to do.15:30
pedroalvareznah, java is not a blocker for me15:31
Zaraoh, okay, good to know15:31
Zaratotal blocker for me, lol15:31
pedroalvarezso right we need:15:31
pedroalvarez1) way to create automation users in storyboard.15:32
pedroalvarez2) Convince -infra of including the its-plugin in Openstack's gerrit15:33
pedroalvarezs/its-plugin/its-storyboard plugin/15:33
pedroalvarezand of course, test first that it works :)15:34
pedroalvarezI think that will be it15:34
anteayawell if zaro isn't motivated to continue, having him add a comment to the story saying so is helpful15:34
anteayathen if you go a different direction you have evidence that this is the only direciton left open to you15:35
pedroalvarezanteaya: how likely is that #infra adds this plugin to Openstack's gerrit?15:37
pedroalvarez(once we prove it's useful, of course)15:38
pedroalvarezI was kind of expecting that waiting for infra to take a decision to include it or not may take a while..15:40
anteayawell infra won't make a decision until a plugin exists and is tested15:41
anteayaonce it exists and is tested and someone can share the testing data then we can have a conversation15:41
anteayainfra is supportive of storyboard succeeding as an application15:42
anteayaand having the ability to tie into gerrit is useful for storyboard's users15:42
anteayauntil we have data from tests that have run15:42
anteayaany conversation it academic really15:42
anteayaas we can't make a plan for implimenting it15:43
anteayapedroalvarez: does that make sense?15:43
pedroalvarezit does15:43
Zaraso it seems like the first step for any approach, gerrit plugin or not, is to have a way to create a storyboard user whose activities are automated, as pedro brought up for 1)15:45
Zaraso I guess now I'm wondering, how far does storyboard allow that currently? what, if anything, is missing for that?15:46
anteayaautomation users, do you mean a bot?15:46
pedroalvarezso, this plugin, or whatever that is going to modify storyboard (adding comments, or changing task statuts) needs some credentials, right?15:46
anteayaif you use the rest api15:47
Zarayeah. so far, python-storyboardclient allows you to submit some, haven't tested that yet (only done GETs)15:47
anteayait needs an account on gerrit yes, so it can create itself an http password15:47
Zaraso on the storyboard side, you could write a script that imports python-storyboardclient, feeds it some agreed upon credentials, and then does whatever based on the info it gets from gerrit (how it gets it, I don't know. how exactly it's written, I don't know)15:48
pedroalvarezZara: exacatly, using gerrit stream-events would be an option15:49
pedroalvarezof a python library for it if there is already on15:50
Zarathat's where I know absolutely nothing about gerrit stream events15:51
ZaraI assume they get interacted with somehow by jeepyb things15:53
anteayarun the following command15:53
anteayassh -p 29418 -l anteaya gerrit stream-events15:53
anteayareplace my username with yours15:53
anteayathe output is stream events15:54
anteayathere will be a lot15:54
ZaraI see 'em15:54
pedroalvarezwow! didn't expect everyone to be allowed to see openstack stream-events!15:54
anteayawe can close it or open it15:58
anteayarather than closing and having folks ask permission we just opened it15:58
anteayait has its drawback15:59
anteayaso read this:
anteayaand I'm going to suggest the name Storyboard Bot as a gerrit account name15:59
anteayaI think the docs I just linked will support me in that suggestion16:00
anteayabut do read them in case I am mis remembering16:00
anteaya<-- water16:00
pedroalvarezI think that a separate service is better than using its-storyboard16:00
* Zara reads16:08
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Zaraokay, so from that, I'm wondering... do we give it a normal reviewer account, or set it up as a third party system? it seems like the latter is designed for different sorts of things to what we want to do (afaict we only want to consume gerrit events, not cause any)16:20
pedroalvarezyup, we  don't need to send reviews to gerrit, just consume the stream16:23
Zarayeah, I believe those docs are based around something sending reviews to gerrit, so I'm not sure how applicable they should be.16:32
Zarawhatever kind of account it is, I'm fine with Storyboard Bot as an account name, anyway16:41
Zara(add cases or dashes or underscores as necessary)16:41
anteayaa bot account16:55
anteayain that doc it should use the word bot somewhere16:55
anteayaThis value should be CI for most CI systems but can be Bot if you are not performing continuous integration.16:55
anteayaitem 2
anteayaso an automation, non human not performing continuous integration16:56
Zaraah, thanks, sorry, I missed 'This new CI service account needs to use a different email address than any existing accounts you have, because Gerrit assumes email addresses are unique across all accounts.' at first17:00
Zaraso step 2) suggests a naming scheme17:02
Zarabut that's also very centered around CI systems17:02
Zaraah, there's a mention of bots toward the end17:03
Zaraso 'Codethink StoryBoard Bot' seems to be the required name17:03
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Zarabut that's getting ahead; seems first step is to make a launchpad acct for it17:07
Zarait needs a different email address; not sure what that should be17:07
persiaProbably makes sense to have it aligned with other mail from storyboard.17:26
persiaSo it can be handled by the storyboard mailserver.17:26
persiaI don't remember the details of what was decided for mail, but perhaps something like
persia(would be a different address for a different storyboard deployment)17:26
anteayaZara: zaro is in infra now17:32
anteayaI don't know what the best email is to use with launchpad17:33
anteayaCodethink StoryBoard Bot is fine17:34
anteayaI also think you could do StoryBoard Bot, let's ask in infra17:34
anteayaI'm of the opinion you announce what you want to do and give folks the opportunity to object17:36
anteayaif noone objects, you go ahead17:36
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persia+1 on effective strategies to get things done17:43
zara_the_lemur__I think it was storyboard@storyboard.openstack.org17:43
zara_the_lemur__and it's one of those things that needs fixing at some point... :D17:44
zara_the_lemur__for me, the main thing is that we have some kind of access to the account17:44
zara_the_lemur__if we're going to set it up, verify it etc17:45
persiaI'd recommend using different email addresses for different purposes.  I thought was the address used to send notices.17:46
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zara_the_lemur__I think we ended up using that one because it was recognised17:48
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zara_the_lemur__(yeah, it's that.) yeah, exim didn't like because it wasn't a thing17:50
zara_the_lemur__I think it was exim, anyway. something in the mail world17:50
* zara_the_lemur__ knows all the correct terminology17:51
persiaOh right.  Yeah  You'd need to create another user on the machine or an alias to use another address.17:51
persiaMy fear is that using the same address, if there were interesting notices, they might be all mixed up.17:51
persiaI may worry too much about these sorts of things.17:51
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zara_the_lemur__oh, I missed some backscroll17:52
zara_the_lemur__all anteaya's comments only just came up for me in the logs17:52
zara_the_lemur__is anyone free to ask? it's actually nearly my 7pm and I'm about to make tea and vanish for the night, unless it can't keep for tomorrow17:53
persia18:00 UTC is 11:00 PDT, so an excellent time to catch folk before lunch in that timezone.17:54
zara_the_lemur__I meant if anyone here was free to ask on my behalf, wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh (not that there's any reason why anyone else should)17:55
zara_the_lemur__infra suggest using
zara_the_lemur__so I think that's the account we'd want to use18:19
anteayazara_the_lemur__: I asked about the name18:19
anteayayes fungi said he was fine with StoryBoard Bot18:20
anteayanoone else responded18:20
zara_the_lemur__\o/ I must have missed that, sorry18:20
zara_the_lemur__I looked at logs18:20
zara_the_lemur__didn't see it, probably same way I missed some backscroll in here18:21
anteayaI didn't realize you were changing your nice18:21
anteayaI highlighted Zara18:21
zara_the_lemur__ah, yeah, sorry my eyes are just bad, it was in my tab all along...18:22
zara_the_lemur__I changed nicks because I went home in the middle and started using the web irc portal instead18:22
zara_the_lemur__so I also have no access to any messages sent to Zara18:22
zara_the_lemur__or any channels she's in \o/18:22
anteayathe web client doesn't know about such things18:23
zara_the_lemur__:) anyway, it seems like we can use hudson's credentials in a smallish python script that imports the python storyboardclient, and that script will be Storyboard Bot18:24
zara_the_lemur__sure there's loads of interaction with gerrit stream events to be done soooooooomehow18:25
zara_the_lemur__but.... seems straightforward so far... that can't be right :)18:25
anteayatake what you are given18:26
anteayaand don't make a fuss18:26
zara_the_lemur__:) nah, I love that openstack have so much infra set up; thank you all18:26
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zara_the_lemur__I just got an email notification about a story that had a tag! I'm so happy19:00
zara_the_lemur__it was your story, yay! :D19:01
pleia2I'm excited, added an agenda item to infra meeting on tuesday about starting to use them19:01
zara_the_lemur__\o/ I'm just relieved the email template told me the correct author!19:02
zara_the_lemur__I hope we don't find any strange bugs with them as time goes on... tags have done some interesting things in the past, round these parts.19:02
zara_the_lemur__but the only way we'll find anything is if people use it, so19:02
pleia2woo dogfooding19:02
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zara_the_lemur__'night, all, again.19:04
pleia2ooh yay, I got email too19:04
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