Friday, 2016-03-18

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Zaramorning, storyboard!10:26
Zara^ The picture of health!10:27
ZaraI have a coupla small things waiting in review; I can poke about them but I've assumed people are aware and also busy, poke me if it is helpful for me to link10:58
Zarain the meantime I'll probably look at other small ui confusions10:59
pedroalvarezjust seen in infra: <kashyap> Is there a way I can subscribe to all upcoming bugs for a specific tag?11:06
pedroalvareznot saying it's related, and not saying (s)he is doing this in storyboard11:07
Zarastill, useful to know; I think it would be cool (or an automatic board populated by things tagged a certain way, just to make SotK's life better); aiui it's hard to implement11:09
Zarato say the least11:09
Zaraaiui atm subscriptions are mostly manual, and I'm not sure when they're automatic11:10
* Zara checks thing she wrote up a while back11:11
SotKthey're never automatic at the moment11:11
SotKunless there is a bit of them I've not seen yet11:11
Zarayeah, sorry, wrong way of phrasing it11:12
Zaraokay, I think I get what I meant11:12
Zarabut I could still be wrong11:12
Zarawhat I meant was, if you subscribe to a project, that sometimes subscribes you to updates from things in that project, but I *think* that's just tasks, because tasks are linked to projects. so if you change the description of a story, linked via a task, to that project, you won't see an update in recentEvents.11:14
Zara(well, just tasks = tasks, project description, project title, just not stories and things, if that makes sense?)11:14
SotKaha, it doesn't actually subscribe you to anything in that project, you just see the updates because they affect the project you're subscribed to11:15
Zararight, yeah, sorry, that's what I mean11:15
ZaraI wasn't distinguishing properly between 'subscribing' and 'getting updates for things'11:16
Zaraso yeah, calling it 'automatic subscriptions' was just misleading, sorry11:16
SotKI think "subscribe to all upcoming bugs for a specific tag" == "subscribe to a tag" though, which would be pretty easy to implement given some time11:17
Zara(what I meant was more "not explicitly saying 'I subscribe to x' to get updates for x"... ehh, anyway.)11:17
Zarathat's reassuring11:18
ZaraI'll come back to it, just before I forget...11:20
ZaraKrotscheck: odd question, but if you have a moment-- we've done something weird at some point, which has caused!/story/2000507 ; it doesn't seem like an important bug, but it's just a really *weird* one, and I wondered if you'd seen something similar before and might recognise what's going on. (if not, next time it happens I'll try to get a screenshot, but at this point11:20
Zarait's just my curiosity, since it's rare and doesn't seem to interrupt the user at all)11:21
ZaraI've been meaning to ask someone about whether that was familiar all week11:21
* Zara goes back to looking into subscribing to a tag11:22
pedroalvarezSotK: sometimes a tag can be reused in different projects (e.g. bug), but I would only be interested on subscribing to a tag of one project11:22
pedroalvarezsounds complicated the concept, I don't have the need either, just wanted to raise that here11:22
Zaraatm I'm getting around that with a convention, so I wonder how much is a social thing11:23
Zaraie: I tag bugs in storyboard 'storyboard-bug'11:23
Zarabut that won't give updates for new ones11:23
Zarafor that you'd have to search it, and see what was new11:23
SotKif you could subscribe to the storyboard-bug tag you'd get updates11:24
Zaraso that's the simplest way to do it, I guess; half social convention and half code11:24
ZaraI can start looking at that today, then11:27
Zara(my search stuff is kinda on hiatus because I'm not sure how the filters for automatic stuff intersect, and the '(re)move search icon' patch is still in review so I've assumed it'll take a while for people to get to look at it; I can go back to that if it's worth it)11:30
SotKthe filters for automatic stuff won't really intersect at all at first, its more that I'd like to also rework the search stuff to use the same code eventually11:32
Zaraah, okay11:33
ZaraI have realised the first step is adding probably tags as a target_type...11:33
Zarawhich I believe will require a db migration11:33
Zarawhich will be a pita if you're about to push a bunch of stuff11:34
Zaraso guess I'm back to search after all11:34
Zarathat was so exciting for a moment11:34
SotKhm, I wonder if it actually does need a migration11:34
Zarain models.py11:34
Zara# Subscription and notifications11:34
Zaraclass Subscription(ModelBuilder, Base):11:34
Zara    _SUBSCRIPTION_TARGETS = ('task', 'story', 'project', 'project_group')11:34
SotKah, it will then11:34
Zaraaye ;_;11:34
ZaraI got excited because at first my grep only seemed to show things in api/v111:35
Zarathen I scrolled up and it got sad11:35
Zara<3 <3 <3 the storyboard schema it saves me so much time with these things <311:36
SotKthe main issue is that we keep running into wanting to do multiple migration-needing things in parallel11:37
ZaraI wonder how we'd go about fixing that11:37
ZaraI like to think it would ease up a bit in the future11:37
Zaraand part of this is because we've been adding a bunch of new resources11:38
Zarawhere we shouldn't keep trying to do it at the same rate...11:38
Zarait'd also be better to batch some of this stuff11:39
Zaraeg: if looking at subscribing to a tag, that's also the time to do subscribing to a board and subscribing to a worklist11:39
Zaraon the db side, at least11:39
SotKyeah, probably11:39
ZaraI wonder how other projects work it out11:40
Zarado they just nominate one db person?11:41
Zaramaybe it'd be wise to plan a roadmap for db migrations ahead of time11:43
Zaraeven if it's a bit vague11:43
Zara'automatic whatever, task notes, subscription_targets, etc'11:43
Zaraso it gives people time to add things to the list to batch things11:44
ZaraI will make a story for that11:51
pedroalvarezsearch subscriptions11:55
pedroalvarezfilter subscriptions11:55
* pedroalvarez runs11:55
pedroalvarezI seriously didn't want to make anyone work on this :/11:55
Zara:P we'll have to come to it anyway because we need subscriptions for boards and worklists11:59
ZaraI'm not very interested in searching and filtering subscriptions at this point, but can be persuaded if people are likely to have loads of subscriptions11:59
Zara(but if they do, I'd wonder why they want that when they could just search for what they want)12:00
Zarasince who's gonna have time to read a wall of notifications12:00
Zarastory for db migration problem:!/story/200051612:01
Zarait's not very detailed, feel free to add anything12:02
Zaratl;dr is that: we have an inefficient workflow where we make db changes based on what feature we're currently implementing; we might be better off planning them ahead of time and carrying them out in advance of implementing the features across the whole of storyboard.12:05
Zarahave 'db migration friday'; so catchy.12:05
Zara(I like the idea of carving out blocks of time for specific things, since it'd also mean there'd be some dedicated time for people to get reviews, and generally help with bottlenecks a bit. but it can get inflexible if we take it too far)12:39
krotscheckGreen indicates it's a successmessage, not an error message, and that there's no interceptor available to handle it before it dumps through to the notification layer.12:46
krotscheckIt sounds to me like an ngResource implementation of yours tries to do wonky things?12:47
krotscheckAnd ignores the global interceptors?12:47
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Zarahm, is this something that could happen accidentally (by not telling the interceptors 'hey, pay attention to me!') or is there likely to be something explicit saying 'ignore these please'?12:54
Zarafor the first one, I can imagine we've copied something in from elsewhere in the codebase and missed a bit12:55
Zarahm, I wrote that the wrong way round for some reason, I meant (by not saying, "gee, I better pay attention to those interceptors')"12:59
ZaraNow I have an interesting mix of quotation marks12:59
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Remove 'Subscriptions' button from header dropdown
openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Remove 'Subscriptions' button from header dropdown
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Zaramisc. formatting I missed.13:07
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krotscheckZara: It should be automagic?13:08
krotscheckZara: Any new patches up in the last 24?13:08
* krotscheck is trying to figure out this firefox thing13:08
Zarathat failed the first time, so I rechecked, sorry13:09
Zarawe might also see something from the patch I've just sent, in a bit13:09
Zaranothing new *merged* since you last asked13:10
ZaraKrotscheck^ (sorry, always forget to tag people)13:14
krotscheckZara: whaaaaaaatisgoingon13:16
krotscheckZara: That firefox run passed.13:16
krotscheckMine are all failing.13:16
Zaramaybe it just really likes storyboard13:16
krotscheckOr maybe it hates ironic?13:17
Zaraor that :D13:17
Zaracould they be running on different operating systems (would that even make a difference?)13:17
krotscheckZara: No, they're both trusty, and they both use the same build environment.13:17
krotscheckZara: They could be running in different regions13:18
Zarahuh, I thought storyboard was on precise13:18
krotscheckZara: Oh, did that never get updated?13:19
krotscheckI know it used to install on precise.13:19
ZaraI was going by
Zarathough the logs do refer to trusty13:19
krotscheckHrm, they're both OVH, but one's in gra1 and the otehr's in bhs113:19
krotscheckI doubt that's a problem.13:20
Zara(so in conclusion, I have no idea, we haven't updated it since we started)13:20
Zarait seems like production is precise and testing is trusty. hm. maybe I'm missing something.13:21
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Zaratangential to your problem but still seems weird.13:21
krotscheckZara: Try installing on trusty, see what happens #whatcouldpossiblygowrong13:27
Zarait works; I ain't touching it. :P (in seriousness my test instance is trusty, so if there's something I can check there, I could do that)13:29
ZaraI've also noted that it's still precise on here:
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Zarathinking about it, I remember some trouble around xmas that was to do with the version for tests differing from production, I think in relation to puppet?13:38
ZaraSotK ^ (possibly I totally misremembered that)13:38
* SotK doesn't remember that13:41
ZaraI remember we merged stuff and everything was on fire, but possibly I've conflated it with 'puppet was hard to set up on trusty because the manifest was for precise'13:42
SotKthe "dragging cards broke everything" thing?13:43
Zarayeah, I think I've confused two things because they happened around the same time.13:43
SotKyeah, that wasn't related to puppet :P13:44
SotKI remember I tried to spin up an instance using puppet on precise, since the manifest suggested it was installed on precise, but I was also running the db on the same vm which I think caused trouble13:45
Zaraah, sorry for the noise, then13:48
Zarahaha, came across this in old logs:13:49
Zara* pedroalvarez clicks and 401!!!!!!!!!13:49
ZaraSotK           :D13:49
ZaraZara           saaaaaaaaaame13:49
Zarathe olden days13:49
pedroalvarezhaha :)13:50
pedroalvarezall hail the king in the north!13:51
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openstackgerritZara proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make it easier to find 'add task' button
Zara^ much prettier now14:14
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Zarabetherly: do you have any storyboard time left this week? I looked at some of the things in!/story/2000515 and sent a patch for one of them before I noticed you'd self-assigned (got used to ignoring that field on old stories, sorry), so might be of interest14:19
Zara , that is14:19
betherlyim working on horizon template page today so probably cant do much on it but i will definitely take  alook at it14:20
Zaracool, that's fine. I don't know how you use 'assiginee' in general; I tend to only assign myself stuff when I know I'll get to it in the next few days and/or nobody else will do it. as long as I know how you use it, I can work in line with that.14:22
Zarawant to make sure I don't tread on your toes14:22
Zara(that's not a 'this is the right way to use it', btw; my use might be idiosyncratic.)14:25
persiaMy historical use of "assignee" was that I assigned myself when I expected to start work immediately, and only subscribed myself (or others) when creating lists of things I'd get to soon.  I haven't played much yet, but with worklists, I expect I'd maintain a worklist for stuff I'm expecting to do soon, only assigning myself when I was able to actually get to it.  I don't suggest people must follow such a model, but it worked for me in the past,14:31
persiaif people are unsure.14:31
persiaThe group from which I learned that behaviour argued that to assign oneself earlier was to block others from doing the work.14:31
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* SotK suggests recheck16:41
Zarayeah, just a fun log!16:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix setting new task status and priority
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