Wednesday, 2016-03-09

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Zarafinally made breakfast! you all get an announcement, because I started typing this in the wrong channel, and it's too late to go back!11:36
* Zara contemplates noting it in successbot11:36
ZaraI'm also nearly out of earl grey; my life is a dystopia11:38
Zaramade a couple of stories for things we know are issues but haven't got round to noting anywhere12:26
ZaraI'm also gonna suggest we start tagging storyboard stories with 'storyboard-bug' or 'storyboard-feature-request'; bit easier to search than 'bug' or 'feature-request', until we fix combining filters to work a bit more consistently12:28
SotKIt's the StoryBoard meeting in about an hour and a half!13:32
SotKThe agenda is here:
SotKFeel free to add to it!13:32
* SotK prepares to be in trouble for not getting round to resurrecting a test instance14:14
Zarayou have 45 minutes before you feel my wrath14:14
* SotK is doomed14:15
Zarawhere you feel my wrath = I find out what the blockers are14:15
Zaraso you got 45 mins to find out if you are blocked14:15
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Zarastoryboard meeting in 2!14:58
SotK-> #openstack-meeting15:00
pedroalvarezyay! is going to be merged soon! :)15:49
pedroalvarezmails one step closer15:52
anteayaso that patch has a revert for it offered16:00
anteayanibilizer felt it got merged while he still wanted to discuss it16:00
anteayait is a social thing, I think they are fine with the code16:00
anteayait is just a feeling of stepping on toes16:00
anteayaso let it ride and hopefully without much delay they will come to agreement on documentation and the code will be in16:01
anteayaping me if there is a problem with that16:01
anteayaand hello pedroalvarez16:01
anteayaalso would be great to see you in austin pedroalvarez if that is possible16:02
Zarayeah, I got the impression he was doing a separate docs patch, so hopefully no revert necessary, but we'll see, thanks for offering to be pinged16:02
* pedroalvarez now sees all the fun of storyboard meeting16:03
pedroalvarezthanks for helping there anteaya :)16:03
anteayaZara: yeah looks like it is getting addressed16:03
anteayayou are correct, it looks like a separate docs patch16:03
pedroalvarezwell, both things are happening :/16:05
Zarahaha, it got workflow +1d before I could +116:05
Zaraso the thing that's slowed us down taking over the other patch has been a combination of being really busy AND having almost 0 puppet.16:06
Zaraplus I *think* was the instance set up with puppet, so we couldn't troubleshoot, though maybe I'm getting mixed up again16:06
SotKyou are16:07
Zarahahaha16:07 is set up with string and hope16:07
pedroalvarezhaha loved that expression :)16:09
Zaraokay, so what do we do about that patch? wait and see? put a deadline on taking it over?16:14
Zara(given that we can't take it over this week anyway afaik)16:14
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* Zara pokes around s.s.c ... er, , sees last story was end of november, awwww16:22
Zaramaybe we should keep an ancient one around so we can show what we've done over the last few months xD16:23
* Zara find the old storyboard-dev story,!/story/200002816:41
ZaraI'm not sure how much is still relevant16:41
Zarareviews for patches linked in the meeting would be good, btw, especially: because I'd rather our dbs not get too out-of-sync with master (gets annoying next time we want to migrate)17:27
Zara\o/ thanks, pedro17:35
SotK\o/ now my automatic worklists rebase will be less annoying17:42
Zarathat was my thought ;)17:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Add an "in_reply_to" column to comments
* Zara considers tagging some stories it-is-a-mystery18:23
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Zarathe due-dates modal definitely needs height-limiting18:50
* Zara finishes tagging some stories with 'bug' vs 'feature-request', concludes that distinction is useless and the interesting one is 'annoying' vs 'cool future stuff'19:02
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