Friday, 2015-12-11

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Zaramorning, storyboard!10:07
ZaraI looked at this story yesterday because it was bothering me while gardening, but didn't make much headway. I was trying to split the task title into a link and a title, so that we wouldn't have to change the db, but it proved fiddly and I didn't get far.!/story/200041510:12
SotKI think I'd rather just change the db tbh :)10:13
Zarahah, I'm probably just irrationally nervous of doing that xD10:13
Zaraalso looked at this; don't yet know how to have a template that would load its contents into the 'description' window when a button was clicked, but that seemed like it'd be pretty straightforward.!/story/157 I tried seeing if we even needed to do that, by including instructions for bugs as help text under the description box instead, but it just looked a mess xD10:14
Zarahaving to vanish for the day because I am ill, might be around later11:29
SotKget well soon :)11:29
Zarathanks :)11:29
paulsherwoodpedroalvarez: what's stopping from using current sb?11:29
pedroalvarezpaulsherwood: I think I am like 3 hours away to make that happen11:35
pedroalvarezthat doesn't mean I'm doing that today. Is just  an effort estimation11:35
paulsherwoodpedroalvarez: ah, ok. reason i ask is that a user complained to me today that sb didn't do various things, and i think sb master actually does them...11:36
paulsherwoodespecially email notifications?11:36
paulsherwoodwhy is it so hard to upgrade sb installations, btw?11:37
SotKemail notifications are sadly still not merged, as I'm waiting on a reply from jeblair regarding his -111:37
* SotK has been trying to chase him up11:37
paulsherwoodffs :/11:37
pedroalvarezto be honest I don't think hiw -1 was a strong one11:54
persiaIs there any reason a non openstack storyboard could not cherry-pick that?11:55
pedroalvarezthere isn't11:57
persiaThat might be a reasonable option to use for s.b.o, to address paulsherwood's request.12:07
persiaI agree with jeblair that it is important to have good notifications, but I feel like the strategy of having them default to not being sent and enabling them for users that turn them on is a good plan towards getting good messages.12:08
pedroalvarezwe should try to discuss this. It has been blocked for a long time now12:08
SotKI agree we should have good notifications too, but I'd much rather iterate towards that than spend ages developing the perfect patch at this point12:18
SotKbut yeah, could easily cherry-pick the outstanding emails commits and have functioning (though rudimentary) email notifications12:21
pedroalvarezIf noone is using them, they won't improve12:21
pedroalvarezand it was a feature that everyone wanted to have...12:27
pedroalvarezI wonder if OpenStack has any kind of policy in place for the cases where a -1 reviewer doesn't answer to the  review comments12:29
SotKI think OpenStack -1s can be disregarded by people with +2 if needs be, not sure though12:30
* SotK may be wrong12:30
pedroalvarezSotK: quick question, with the email patches will I have to do some configuration in storyboard.conf to make this happen?12:44
pedroalvarezto make them work?12:44
SotKyeah, I thought the patch added to the example config but apparently not12:46
pedroalvarezbecause there might be something in there already12:49
SotK is the section that needs adding12:49
SotKheh, yeah, that is already there12:50
* SotK checked the sample in puppet-storyboard, which doesn't have it12:51
persiaYes, -1 may be overridden with +2: that is why -2 exists.  That said, -1 *should* be discussed, if possible.13:06
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add UI for complex permissions on boards and worklists
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Parse path correctly when it begins with /api
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Align comment timestamps on the right on dashboard
* pedroalvarez creates
pedroalvarezwith the email patches in14:30
SotKnice :D14:32
pedroalvareznot sure if the emails work, tbh :)14:32
* SotK tries modifying a story to test it14:32
SotK(there is only a template for that email at the moment)14:32
pedroalvarezthere are no recent-events happening, so my guess is that some bits are broken14:33
SotKhmm, so there isn't14:34
pedroalvarezthis is probably rabbitmq not being configured properly14:38
pedroalvarezI'll try to debug this whenever I have some time :)14:38
SotKpedroalvarez: what is your opinion on Zara's suggestion for
openstackgerritAdam Coldrick proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Make kanban cards be the correct width
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SotKhmm, I wonder if it's worth rendering the comments in the Recent Events list as markdown15:57
* SotK just left a comment with markdown and html in and noticed how weird it looked on his dashboard15:58
pedroalvarezSotK: not sure s16:21
pedroalvarezSotK: I had another idea but didn't communicate it16:21
pedroalvarezI agree it would be better to agree on the design before implementing it :)16:22
SotKme too, we will end up going in circles forever if we don't16:24
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openstackgerritOndřej Nový proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Deprecated tox -downloadcache option removed
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