Wednesday, 2015-10-28

Zara_So far have discovered that email notifications are THE biggest desire04:49
Zara_Please please pleeeeease prioritise it. :)04:50
Zara_Next time I know not to only bring a stupid tablet to a summit... Considering going back to the hotel to rent a laptop...05:01
Zara_Other feedback: should have a dev branch05:50
persiaDid the auto-status-from-gerrit thing get documented?  Does it need development?06:46
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Zara_I believe it needs development. It's listed in 'vision' on the wiki but beyond that I'm not sure07:08
Zara_Getting lots of feedback, anyway, pity about timezones!07:41
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SotKgood morning!08:15
SotKsounds like we should look at emails as soon as possible then08:15
* SotK wonders how a "dev branch" would work08:16
SotKI guess the closest thing we have at the moment is
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Zara_Yeah, I mentioned that, hoping we can get something more robust with time. :)08:59
Zara_Yeah, email notifications has been coming up again and again, which isn't surprising09:00
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* SotK decides to look at krotscheck's old email patches09:52
persiaSotK: re: dev-branch: maybe add DNS to that for, and another staging.s.o.o that uses dev code and prod DB?09:59
SotKpersia: sounds sensible, I'll attempt to figure out how to do that today10:01
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SotKthe abandoned email patches look promising11:15
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SotKhmm, the problem with staging.s.o.o would be how to handle patches that need db migrations running13:02
persialifeless: do you remember the policy used in Launchpad to deal with that?13:50
SotKNikitaKonovalov: I wonder, do you know anything about the previous work done on email notifications (and are still awake at whatever time it is in Tokyo right now)?15:37
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lifelesspersia: hmm ?23:09
persialifeless: update policy for various instances, such that one could generally run staging as dev-close code against production data without migrations breaking everything.  My memory was that some changes were held back on some schedule, and that DB updates happened less frequently, but it is frustratingly non-specific.23:14
persiaBackground is an attempt to have sensible policies to allow a, as some user feedback has been a desire to comment on newly integrated things before they become the only things.23:15

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