Thursday, 2015-08-20

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SotKyeah, it might not even just be Chrome08:33
SotKI thought that whitespace in html documents was ignored, but it seems to have a minor effect sometimes08:34
SotK(one of the checkbox-misalignments paulsherwood found a while ago was due to line breaks in the html document)08:34
* SotK googles and wonders how he has never noticed this before...08:53
ZaraI've noticed that sometimes <--> will appear on the page if I comment out html, and sometimes it won't08:56
Zarait's quirky08:57
Zarahahah, if you create a project and the clocks are out of sync, you'll be told that you created it 'in a few seconds' instead of 'a few seconds ago'14:45
Zaratiiiime travel14:45
Zarayusss got subscriptions working15:37
Zarathe code is absolutely *horrible* right now15:37
Zaraand you have to refresh between adding/deleting15:39
Zarabut 1 GET for the list and adding and deleting is enabled again.15:39
Zaraquite possibly the worst code I've *ever* written, but hopefully I can start tidying things and debugging tomorrow (and catch up with reviews!)15:44
Zarabut for now I'm running away for the evening; 'night15:47
SotKnight :)15:54
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