Thursday, 2014-01-23

openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added storyboard API to webclient venv
krotscheckmordred: ^^00:01
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added storyboard API to webclient venv
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added storyboard API to webclient venv
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Load projects from yaml file
ttxkrotscheck: are we shipping jshint in the code ? Or just using it in builds ?00:20
krotscheckttx: Just using it.00:20
ttxkrotscheck: that should be fine then00:21
krotscheckttx: Works for me!00:21
ttxsorry I'm a bit behind on storyboard reviews00:21
krotscheckttx: That's ok, there's a backlog in infra/config as well00:21
krotscheckI'm just going to keep trucking00:21
ttxjust ping me if you need something quickly +2ed and i'll put it on the TODO pile00:21
krotscheckttx: Well, how about we say that everything in the queue should be either +2 or -2 by EOD next tuesday before fosdem?00:22
krotscheckttx: Also, uh, GO TO BED.00:22
ttxat 5pm ? Noo00:24
krotscheckttx: Oh, wait. You're in Utah?00:25
krotscheckttx: I still thought you were in france :)00:31
mordredttx: we're also operating a little bit on "dude, let's just get this bad boy up and going"00:33
mordredttx: you should play with the storyboard-webclient repo if you haven't actually manipulated it with your hands yet00:33
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added storyboard API to webclient venv
krotscheckOk, I'm up to my fourth chained commit00:38
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krotscheckActually, let me wrap it up in a ribbon before I make a big announcement.00:48
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Simple round trip API integration with /v1/teams
krotscheckAaaand there we go01:02
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Update ProjectGroups API to consume ID's rather than names.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Simple round trip API integration with storyboard-api
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Update ProjectGroups API to consume ID's rather than names.
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added node_no_api env
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Add a sample config file
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: API tests for rest
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: API tests for rest
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ttxfwiw Won't be around for the storyboard meeting14:05
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Auth controller
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Simple round trip API integration with storyboard-api
krotscheckHrm - just had a build fail because of network flakyness15:29
krotscheck....and there's another one.15:35
krotscheckI'm going to go out on a limb ad say that maybe having an npm mirror might be a good thing15:37
ruhekrotscheck: when i tried to add hbase to slave nodes, i got a reasonable disaproval from fungi. hbase is not in the official ubuntu packages. if the mirror we use goes down, then the whole system goes down15:40
krotscheckruhe: I'm confused- doesn't npm's repo run on couch?15:41
ruhekrotscheck: can you convert it to plain english?  i can't parse "run on couch" :)15:41
krotscheckruhe: Oh. RIght. So I'm thinking that creating a mirror of the npm package repository for openstack would be a good thing, so that when NPM master goes down we're not screwed. That's analogous to a pypi mirror. THe npm repository runs on couchdb, which does exist as an official package.15:43
ruhekrotscheck: aha i see now. this approach might be a soluation for my hbase/cassandra problem too15:44
krotscheckHrmmmm... savannah stuff?15:45
cody-somervillekrotscheck: npm mirror (or mirror of the stuff we need, similar to pypi I think or maybe we mirror it all - I'm not sure) is good idea.15:48
ruhekrotscheck: no, ceilometer stuff15:49
krotscheckruhe: Got it15:49
SergeyLukjanovdo we have a quorum today for storyboard meeting?15:51
krotscheckI think so.15:51
* ttx lurks15:54
krotscheckAnyone have a link to the agenda? I'd like to put Npm on there.15:54
* krotscheck should really bookmark that15:54
krotscheckFound it.15:55
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cody-somervillegothicmindfood: Morning!15:58
gothicmindfoodcody-somerville: good morning! :) how's it going?15:59
cody-somervilleNot too shabby, not too shabby at all.16:00
cody-somervillePainfully cold outside today though :(16:00
cody-somervilleLooks like meeting time, eh?16:00
gothicmindfoodaw - I was wondering. I won't talk about how gorgeous the weather is in san francisco16:00
cody-somervillettx: Are you chairing today?16:01
cody-somervillegothicmindfood: ;P16:01
ruhecody-somerville: quote "<ttx> fwiw Won't be around for the storyboard meeting"16:01
cody-somervilleah, ok.16:01
gothicmindfoodcody-somerville: last week we were in #openstack-meeting for it16:01
cody-somervilleSome folks are just wrapping up in there now16:02
miquimeeting today?16:02
cody-somervilleYes indeed!16:02
miquik, i was in the other channel...and saw other chatter..16:02
* ttx lurks, ping me if needed16:02
cody-somervilleStarting meeting now in #openstack-meeting16:03
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krotscheckFair warning about fosdem:
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mordredcody-somerville, krotscheck: oh - so - it looks like we might be able to use the current infrastructure and not need a new server16:58
mordrednpm-mirror downloads to local dir so that you can serve it with apache16:58
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cody-somervillemordred: that's what I said :P16:59
mordredthat means we just need a jenkins job that pulls the storyboard-webclient repo, runs npm-mirror on it, and then rsyncs the results to the mirror server16:59
mordredcody-somerville: sssh16:59
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ruhemordred: ping18:07
mordredhey ruhe18:07
ruhemordred: i need your advice on my puppet scripts for storyboard18:08
ruheKai left the following comment "i'm not sure why you are installing directly from git repo. I think the preferred way is to install is to setup a build, package and deploy to pypi.o.o. Then install from pypi.o.o"18:08
ruhei followed the same direction which is used to install zuul and nodepool18:08
ruhewhat would you recommend? install directly from cloned git repo or install from package?18:09
mordredI believe installing directly from git is fine - for exactly that reason18:13
mordredruhe: can you link me to the change and I can comment on that there18:13
ruhemordred: here
ruheline 7518:14
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mordredruhe:k. responding. the other comments about depending on wget-webclient - those valid?18:16
ruhemordred: at least one of them correct18:17
ruheone of them uses subscribe, another should use require18:17
mordredgreat. I'm going to leave the -1 real quick, but with the clarifying comment18:27
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ruhemordred: ok thank you. i guess i should add entry to site.pp too. so once merged this module will be ready to be used18:35
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mordredruhe: ++18:57
ruhemordred: i'll update my patch asap. monday is deadline for me18:58
mordredruhe: awesome. if you get it updated, I'll get the server up and going19:00
krotscheckSo, I might be able to use squid as an NPM proxy19:01
krotscheckAnd by proxy, I mean mirror19:02
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krotscheckNikitaKonovalov: Just sent you an email about auth. Go to bed. Then read it in the morning.19:15
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krotscheckHrm. Puppetforge fall down go boom19:28
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krotscheckAnyone have any ideas on how to use user/password in CURL without exposing it to the shell?23:24
krotscheckI'm one step away from getting this replication set up, but the bloody thing requires a curl request.23:24
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cody-somervillekrotscheck: What do you mean by "not exposing it to the shell" exactly?23:28
krotscheckSo, here's something that needs to happen:23:28
krotscheck curl --silent -X PUT http://admin:supersecret@
krotscheckIf that fails, it echoes it out to stderr23:29
krotscheck(puppet does)23:29
krotscheckAnd, well, that's the admin username and password to the couchdb23:29
krotscheckWhich is not something I want public.23:29
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jesusauruskrotscheck: i think you can tell curl to look in ~/.netrc23:44
jesusaurusand then keep the user:pass there23:44
krotscheckjesusaurus: Ooooooh, I like this.23:44
krotscheckjesusaurus: Let me see if that works.23:45

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