Wednesday, 2014-01-15

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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added .gitignore for IntelliJ specific configuration files
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openstackgerritRuslan Kamaldinov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Add tests for Alembic migrations
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ruhemiqui: hi14:10
miquihi ruhe...14:24
miquithis weekend am going to re-image a machine, then i'll be ready to do some work....14:25 storyboard in a state it can be run? .i noticed some threads about removing django.....14:26
ruhemiqui: well, removal of django is postponed till we get something working with the webclient14:28
ruhein terms of new feature-set we have sqlalchemy stuff in master; you also can checkout patch-sets for REST API and send some basic queries14:28
miquiok..thanks ruhe14:31
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ruhemiqui: krotscheck is actively working on openid/oauth integration. so, if you have relevant experience, i guess he'll be glad to get some input on
miqui..ok, will take a  look, we are doing something similar with another app we are working on...14:39
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krotscheckThe irony of drinking too much coffee (meaning lack of sleep) is that the solution is more coffee.17:19
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krotscheckOooh, mordred just approved the webclient.17:51
krotscheckNo more trying to slide in features under the wire :D17:51
mordredkrotscheck: bwahahaha17:52
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gothicmindfoodping cody-somerville - you there?18:07
cody-somervillegothicmindfood: I am.18:08
cody-somervilleHow goes it?18:08
gothicmindfoodalright, thanks!18:08
gothicmindfoodI'm excited that krotscheck is landing patches :)18:08
gothicmindfoodhow are you doing?18:08
gothicmindfoodis it still freezing there?18:08
cody-somervillegothicmindfood: Doing well. It's actually warmed up substantially. Almost patio weather the other day. ;)18:09
krotscheckI wonder if I can come off as less of a javascript fanboi if I pretend to be a grumpy old man.18:09
krotscheckBack in my day, we didn't have closures! We had to use prototypical inheritance, and everything was public!18:10
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mordredkrotscheck: storyboard-webclient should be live18:34
krotscheckTime to switch my origins18:36
krotscheckmordred: ??18:43
krotscheckI'm guessing the upstream didn't get picked up?18:43
krotscheckWould it be easier for me to just add a pull request for my earlier work?18:47
mordredyou'll hit the auto-closer if you do18:47
mordred got picked up18:48
mordredso it's in gerrit18:48
krotscheckOh, finally18:48
mordredI had fungi trigger the replication for me18:48
mordredkrotscheck: now the real fun comes - if you submit a patch to that, do the unittests do the right thing18:49
krotscheckOn it18:49
* mordred throws the gerrit infrastructure at krotscheck18:51
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added route tests for authentication
krotscheckAlright, let's see what gerrit does19:12
mordredit's in the zuul queue at least19:23
krotscheckAhh, was wondering where to look for that19:24
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mordredit's doing SOMETHING19:39
krotscheckThat was it downloading node19:41
krotscheckNow it's compiling node....19:41
krotscheck(which hopefully will be faster in the future because of ccache19:41
krotscheckAnd it's on to running NPM19:43
ruhekrotscheck: i don't think it'll be faster in future; afaik these jenkins slaves are thrown away after each test19:43
krotscheckruhe: Wellllll.... crap19:44
krotscheckNow it's running the bower dependencies...19:44
krotscheckAnd now it's building...19:44
ruhebut we will have mordred and jeblair at the sprint19:44
krotscheckAnd the tests....19:45
krotscheckI think that worked19:45
ruheso we have a chance to make this thing work as fast as python test19:45
ruhekrotscheck: congratulations! :)19:45
krotscheckHah: One bug - 2014-01-15 19:45:11.436 | [SCP] ‘./reports/**’ doesn’t match anything, but ‘reports/**’ does. Perhaps that’s what you mean?19:46
krotscheckThe coverage is fun:
krotscheckFix submitted to config19:51
krotschecknow it's your show, ruhe: Time to get it all onto a server :)19:52
ruhei still wait for comments on my puppet module for storyboard19:53
ruheat least i will be able to test it with a real webclient tarball downloaded from tarballs.openstack.org19:53
jesusaurushow often will the version of node change? is that something that we want to pre-bake into the jenkins slaves?19:54
krotscheckjesusaurus: Two answers to that. The first is "about every month or so"
krotscheckjesusaurus: The second is 'we can probably pick one version for now and update it whenever we run into a problem'19:56
jesusauruscool, that should help a bit19:56
krotscheckThe majority of node updates end up being on the "running it as a server" bit rather than the "using it for build tools" bit19:56
ruhei remember jeblair saying that non-openstack dependencies aren't welcome in nodepool nodes; but i hope there is a way to workaround that19:56
krotscheckhorizon is thinking of splitting the client out entirely, building it separately, and making the resulting tarball be a dependency for horizon.19:57
ruhekrotscheck: so, they plan to have js-only client, like storyboard-webclient?19:58
krotscheckruhe: david-lyle can comment more on that, but for now I think they just want to use LESS.19:59
ruheso, anyway, it's good for us because it'll allow to bake all the dependencies, right?19:59
krotscheckruhe: Yes19:59
krotscheckruhe: One note- there won't be an offical tarball up until the patch is merged.20:00
david-lyleruhe: that's a proposal up for discussion20:00
david-lylea possible side step around a no nodejs requirement from distros20:01
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mordredfor some thigns - we may want to start looking at having different node definitions and stuff20:10
mordredbut yeah, there is tooling that we'll want to make better20:10
ruheat this moment storyboard-webclient tests are bound to ubuntu precise nodes; nodejs is installed from source; as a first step to speed it up, we can install nodejs from ppa; the next step is what mordred says20:11
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ruhehere is a link to ppa
ruheit has version which we need
mordredwell - it's more complex for unittest nodes20:12
mordredbecause we re-use those20:12
mordredoh - wait. nevermind. you're right. we're running those on single-use slaves20:13
* mordred shuts up20:13
ruhemordred: what would you recommend - patch webclient build script to install nodejs from ppa or at once start working on a separate nodepool/node type?20:15
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mordred_ruhe: neither. let's not spend too much thought on trying to optimize that yet - I think let's focus on functionality, and then when jeblair is back we can sit down and think about how to handle js tooling systemically20:50
david-lylemordred: ping me, when you do20:53
david-lylefor education, if nothing else20:54
* gothicmindfood feels a song coming on "everyone loves you when you make js tooling happen for them20:56
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gothicmindfoodmtaylor: yer name is so vanilla!23:16
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