Friday, 2019-06-14

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slittle1sgw: So only generate tarballs when a new tag is seen ?15:05
sgwslittle1: no, I think we need to beable to generate tarballs in between tags similar to the way PBR works, using prior tag + offset of gits commits.  This will get defined in the Versioning spec next week if all goes well.15:16
slittle1sgw: And the list of repos to collect in this manner ?15:32
sgwin the current manifest naming scheme stx-*15:34
slittle1stx-integ, stx-tools as well?16:52
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sgwslittle1: yes even though we don't package those via rpm, we should generate a tarball still17:17
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slittle1sgw:  We don't package stx-fault as an rpm either.  At least not in it's entirety.  We do create many rpms from the content in that repo.17:42
slittle1sgw: Are we sure we want per-repo tarballs rather than per-package tarballs17:43
sgwslittle1: We have gone back and forth about per-repo vs pre-package, yes, per-package would be better, I was starting off on the easy path! This ultimately goes back to the idea of one package/repo which I know is not preferred by some in the community.17:51
slittle1sgw: ha ha,  Our most recent tag is 'final-non-containers-green'.   :)17:58
slittle1so tarball got the name 'stx-fault-final-non-containers-green-65.tgz'17:59
slittle1was expecting something more like .... 'stx-fault-2018.10.rc1-65.tgz'18:01
sgwyeah, gets interesting without the numbering there.18:06
slittle1sample output ... not including stx-tools18:23
slittle1tar tzvf /tmp/xxx/stx-fault-2018.10.rc1-116.tgz18:37
slittle1drwxr-sr-x jenkins/cgts      0 2019-06-07 16:44 ./18:37
slittle1-rw-r--r-- jenkins/cgts    270 2019-04-23 09:52 ./CONTRIBUTORS.wrs18:37
slittle1-rw-r--r-- jenkins/cgts  11358 2019-04-23 09:52 ./LICENSE18:37
slittle1-rw-r--r-- jenkins/cgts     46 2019-04-23 09:52 ./README.rst18:37
slittle1-rw-r--r-- jenkins/cgts  11358 2019-04-23 09:52 ./fm-api/LICENSE18:37
slittle1-rw-r--r-- jenkins/cgts    366 2019-04-23 09:52 ./fm-api/PKG-INFO18:37
slittle1drwxr-sr-x jenkins/cgts      0 2019-04-23 09:52 ./fm-api/centos/18:37
slittle1-rwxr-xr-x jenkins/cgts     92 2019-04-23 09:52 ./fm-api/centos/build_srpm.data18:37
slittle1-rw-r--r-- jenkins/cgts   4938 2019-04-23 09:52 ./snmp-ext/sources/mibs/wrsEnterpriseReg.mib.txt18:37
slittle1-rw-r--r-- jenkins/cgts     80 2019-04-23 09:52 ./test-requirements.txt18:37
slittle1-rw-r--r-- jenkins/cgts   3469 2019-06-07 16:44 ./tox.ini18:37
slittle1Do we want 'stx-fault/' prefix on all the files in stx-fault-2018.10.rc1-116.tgz  ?18:38
slittle1filtered out:  .git .gitignore .gitreview  *.zuul.yaml18:39
slittle1Left in tox.ini and test-requirements.txt18:39
sgwslittle1: yes name-version is the standard in the top level directory please18:43
slittle1tar tzvf /tmp/xxx/stx-fault-2018.10.rc1-116.tgz19:17
slittle1drwxr-sr-x jenkins/cgts      0 2019-06-07 16:44 stx-fault-2018.10.rc1-116/19:17
slittle1-rw-r--r-- jenkins/cgts    270 2019-04-23 09:52 stx-fault-2018.10.rc1-116/CONTRIBUTORS.wrs19:17
slittle1-rw-r--r-- jenkins/cgts  11358 2019-04-23 09:52 stx-fault-2018.10.rc1-116/LICENSE19:17
slittle1-rw-r--r-- jenkins/cgts     46 2019-04-23 09:52 stx-fault-2018.10.rc1-116/README.rst19:17
sgwYeah, that looks good19:19
slittle1publication path?    .../mirror/starlingx/master/centos/20190614T013000Z/outputs/tarballs/stx-fault-2018.10.rc1-116.tgz    ?19:27
sgwsure sounds good19:31
sgwThere will undoubtedly some refinement on the version19:32
sgwslittle1: great it's a start!  Have a great weekend.20:51
slittle1you too20:52
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sgwdpenney__: so there is a new conflict in stx-config, looks like you started spliting out the playbooks into the new repo before the sysadmin change, this is going to cause more havoc!21:18
sgwslittle1: seems we also lost all the git history with the move to the new repo, I know that dtroyer had a process to preserve the git history for other moves like this.21:26
dpenney__sgw: ah shoot... I didn't think about the wrsroot update when I gave my +2. It was a straight copy, though - no changes made to any of the content21:48
sgwdpenney__: it was a pretty short window and I don't always track the reviews all day long.21:51
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