Monday, 2018-08-06

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openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Removing dependence from SERVICE_VERSIONS
toskywhile waiting kopecmartin's answer on ^^ (welcome back!), you have some time (maybe) to check my small fixes09:42
toskythe "Document CLI option" is going to fail in the tripleo job thanks to a timeout on the local pypi mirror :/09:44
openstackgerritChandan Kumar proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: add jobs for python-tempestconf only
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Removing dependence from SERVICE_VERSIONS
kopecmartinarxcruz, chandankumar tosky hi, when you open this link what color have the three highlighted lines in the first example?13:03
arxcruzkopecmartin: jesus, can't see anything13:04
chandankumarkopecmartin: it is too much milky :-)13:04
kopecmartinme neither, i wanted to exclude my browser settings13:05
kopecmartinhmm, when i tested it, it was nice, what happened? :D13:05
kopecmartinhere it's nice
kopecmartinit's the build from the gates13:06
kopecmartinit's funny because openstack guides recommend usage of the parameter: :emphasize-lines: <lines>13:07
toskytime for a question on #openstack-doc13:08
arxcruzgod, pretty hard to remove a constant in python-tempestconf13:17
openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Don't expose credentials
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toskyarxcruz, chandankumar, kopecmartin: I'm asking on #openstack-infra about the failures; from a quick check, they seem to happen only when the node is ovh15:46
arxcruztosky: ovh or ovb ?15:46
arxcruzoh, i see, got it15:46
arxcruzovh15:46 :)15:48
openstackgerritMartin Kopec proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Don't expose credentials
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/python-tempestconf master: horizon: don't error out for certificate issues
openstackgerritLuigi Toscano proposed openstack/python-tempestconf master: Fix: return the flavor ID on autodetection
fungihogepodge: did you have any thoughts on what to do about the refstack team since we talked about it a month ago? as far as continuing to be ptl for the stein cycle to oversee wind-down of the team, folding the refstack service and client into the interop wg, what happens to python-tempestconf, et cetera? or would you like help getting those discussions rolling sooner?18:50
fungiyour friendly neighborhood tc liaison is here to assist however you need ;)18:50
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hogepodgefungi: we should fold it into interop wg20:13
fungihogepodge: seems when we talked about it before, python-tempestconf was the main sticking point. should it also go to the interop wg or somewhere else?20:14
hogepodgeI think that's a decision that's best left to the core developers, tosky and chandankumar have been leading those efforts20:17
toskyand arxcruz and kopecmartin :)20:19
toskyI think we need to discuss it; the interop wg is probably the closest project20:19
toskyout of curiosity, historically, what was the reason for having both refstack and interop as separate projects?20:21
toskyor was the interop wg be created later?20:21
fungii think it was mostly around board working groups not being responsible for source code repositories, once upon a time20:24
fungiso the only repo the interop wg had was the one containing the interoperability specifications20:25
fungiessentially metadata20:25
fungianyway, from the tc's standpoint if we hand off repos to the interop wg then all we really need is a governance change to dissolve the refstack team since we don't track repos controlled by board working groups20:27
toskyuh, then what does it mean exactly for us?20:29
toskyus as python-tempestconf?20:29
toskyI thought I've got the implications, but apparently I didn't20:29
fungii think it means you just continue working on what you're working on, but if you _only_ work on python-tempestconf then you don't get to vote in tc elections20:30
fungihowever, you could also apply to be a separate tempestconf team (as the remaining ember of the old refstack team essentially)20:31
fungiin which case you'd need a ptl for tempestconf20:31
fungithere's also a related question as to whether the interop wg wants to remain a working group under remit of the board of directors or transition to being a special interest group (sig)20:32
toskyweren't SIG supposed to replace WG?20:33
fungithough that's not really an urgent discussion20:33
toskybut would it be different from our point of view?20:33
fungithey were supposed to replace much of the need for wgs20:33
fungithere are some basic documents on what is expected of a sig, i'll grab them now20:34
fungiit's pretty much all on this one page:
toskya quick check does not show much differences regarding projects20:36
fungithe expectations of a sig are a bit lower than for a project team20:36
toskyso basically, if we don't go with a project on our own and we stay under a WG or a SIG, will we be more or less like a stackforge project?20:36
fungithose are separate options really: project team under tc, wg under bod, sig, or just a hosted project in the community infrastructure20:38
fungithough most of the remaining wgs that didn't become sigs are actually under the uc20:38
fungi lists three wgs under the uc formally at the moment20:39
fungi(the uc also has some "teams" and the tc also has some "working groups" too, just to make things as confusing as possible)20:40
toskydid you list 3 or 4 options? I think I didn't get "wg under bod"20:41
fungithe biggest difference is that sigs are effectively self-organized but for formality's sake their creation gets approved jointly by representatives from the tc and uc20:41
fungithe interop working group is, at the moment, chartered by the openstack foundation board of directors20:41
fungithe user committee also has "teams" and "working groups" and the technical committee has "teams" and "working groups"20:42
fungiso, yes, i guess that's 6 options (plus unofficial makes 7)20:43
toskyand I thought I understood a bit how the community worked20:43
toskyso 7 options, 1 as unofficial projects, 6 still being an official project, but voting for the TC only in one case == independent project20:44
toskyis that correct?20:46
fungithere was a time when there were working groups chartered by the board of directors and project teams approved by the technical committee, but then the user committee asked to be responsible for a number of the previous board working groups, and they also added some user committee teams which weren't working groups, and the tc added a concept of appointed working groups (which presently are just the set of20:47
fungitechnical election officials), and then to attempt to dissolve some of the siloing between developers and users/operators the sigs idea was born in an attempt to encapsulate topics of joint interest under no seeming bias from being within the jurisdiction of any one existing governing body20:47
fungias to which of those make sense for python-tempestconf, probably remaining in the interop wg (which might also become the interop sig) or being in its own project team (whether that's a renaming/rescoping of the refstack team or something wholly new) or going about it as an unofficial project are the 3 that seem likely20:49
fungiand you can also change your mind and switch between those pretty much at any time20:49
toskyI see, thanks20:50
toskyI will point out those logs to the rest of the team20:50
hogepodgetosky: interop wg is a board governed working group21:08
fungioh, and for completeness of reference, the current board-chartered committees and working groups are tracked at
hogepodgewhich is why it's not a sig21:08
fungiyeah, in my mind the one thing that makes it hard to turn the interop wg into a sig is that it sets requirements for trademark programs (though ultimately the board has to approve those anyway, so maybe that's not actually an issue)21:09
hogepodgefungi: interop wg also decided collectively to not be a sig21:10
toskyif we stay in the interop wg, do we need an approval from someone? Would we need to do something special apart from taking part to the meetings as we did so far here?21:10
fungiahh, cool. the story i'd heard (i forget where now) was just that you didn't want to become a sig at that time because you'd just gone through a rename and didn't want to rename again21:10
hogepodgefungi: we also felt being a sig would take us too far away from our board mandated activities21:11
fungimakes complete sense21:11
hogepodgebut people were also tired of renaming things :-)21:11
fungitosky: presumably the interop wg needs to approve taking ownership of the (former) refstack deliverable repos21:11
fungii don't know what form that approval has to take though21:12
hogepodgeprobably just approval by markvoelker_ and eglute at a meeting21:12
funginor do i know where they keep track of repositories for which they deem themselves responsible21:13
fungibut presumably they'll still delegate the maintenance of those repositories to whoever is working on/wants to work on them21:14
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