Tuesday, 2025-02-25

*** mhen_ is now known as mhen03:00
M9d0cd7d2[m]Hi, I'm facing the error... (full message at <https://matrix.org/oftc/media/v1/media/download/AQL4ysfst9_kRUYOlHR8LjA2tNxiEUnamgcsDbwcz9ocxjtw8KMM3H2KVgC2XQ2WqonD6FSjsv32D1ug7OZJYupCeVhMUC0gAG1hdHJpeC5vcmcvS1pFelZqUUdRWUJaaVNjU0xjVUJvb2JG>)10:34
fricklerM9d0cd7d2[m]: that looks like cpu_allocation_ratio isn't set in your config, which is weird, since there should be a default value for it I think. how did you deploy your openstack setup?10:40
M9d0cd7d2[m]Charmed Openstack, but I checked for the cpu_allocation_ratio, and is in place in every /etc/nova/nova.conf file (both nova-compute nodes + nova-cloud-controller node)10:49
M9d0cd7d2[m]Is this value read purely from the files? Or is it obtained from the main DB?10:50
fricklerM9d0cd7d2[m]: it depends, in the end the data is read from the placement DB I think. here's a bit information about it https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/admin/scheduling.html#allocation-ratios11:20

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