Monday, 2025-02-24

hditanoHello All,02:38
hditanois there any place where I can ask help about kolla-ansible? I've been trying for hours, w/o success. It's a basic AIO deployment, I tried through Vbox and an Azure VM, but I'm always having the same issue02:39
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joelm21hditano: You can try your luck over at #openstack-kolla but it's primarily a development focussed channel. Still, the folks there are the most in-tune with kolla-ansible.06:37
joelm21you could also try your luck with the documentation; it's a bit of a pill but there's a lot in there if you dig around it for long enough.
joelm21A lot of the community operate on Euro time, and the IRC is ... sometimes pretty glacial.06:38

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