Wednesday, 2021-10-20

jungleboyjspotz_:  I am not going to make the First Contact Sig PTG meeting later.  I am sick and am going to need to get some sleep.19:36
spotz_jungleboyj: Feel better, I thought it was tomorrow though20:05
jungleboyjLet me look.20:10
jungleboyjspotz_:  You are right.  Not sure how I mixed that up.20:22
spotz_jungleboyj: Cause you don't feel well20:22
jungleboyjWell, I put that on my calendar a while ago.  I won't be able to make that time either though.20:23
jungleboyjI need to find a time to meet with you to get caught up on where the recordings are at.  It has been so long I have lost track.  :-(20:25
jungleboyjIt is great that Lenovo is keeping me busy but wish I had more time for upstream stuff.20:25

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