Thursday, 2021-10-14

gmanndo we use these training labs? -  14:04
ildikovgmann: every now and then someone pops up with improvement ideas and when I last checked there was still at least one person looking at open reviews15:00
ildikovgmann: that's all I know, it's prolly not under heavy use, but hard to tell15:01
gmannildikov: ok, but do we use in our trainings like in upstream, CoE exam or other local trainings15:01
ildikovgmann: we don't use it for upstream institute, the virtual machine image we have is a separate effort as it was more suitable for us15:02
ildikovgmann: I don't have information regarding other trainings15:03
gmannildikov: i see, thanks. 15:04
ildikovgmann: np, I wish I knew more...15:05
gmannildikov: as you are here, we discussed in last TC meeting that we will move all the doc SIG repo under TC  -
gmannunder heading 'Call for 'Technical Writing' SIG Chair/Maintainers15:06
ildikovgmann: noted, thanks for the heads up!15:06
ildikovgmann: does this trigger contributor guide updates?15:07
gmannand one of step is to add tc members in all doc sig repo which include 'upstream-institute-virtual-environment' also. can you please add group 'tech-committee' also in core list of  'upstream-institute-virtual-environment'  ?15:07
gmannildikov: no, other updates we will discuss in PTG15:07
ildikovgmann: I added that group to the virtual-env repo. Should I add them any place else?15:16
gmannildikov: thanks, no other place I added. 15:16
ildikovgmann: cool, thanks15:16
gmannildikov: I will add the training repo part to discuss in TC ptg and we will see what best we can do15:16
ildikovgmann: sounds good, I'll try to attend the discussion if I can15:17
gmannildikov: cool, I will add a note to ping you that time15:17
ildikovgmann: perfect, thank you!15:19
gmannildikov: do you know who handle (or used to handle) the COA exam in foundation. Ashlee?15:51
ildikovgmann: I think it's Jimmy16:45
gmannildikov: ok, thanks 16:48

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