Monday, 2018-01-22

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vkmchey all o/ anyone interested in mentor a student for Google Summer of Code?15:55
vkmcwe are planning to apply as an organization and we need to mentors15:55
vkmcplease ping me if you are interested!15:55
vkmcjungleboyj, kmARC, mrmartin15:56
jungleboyjvkmc:  What all is involved?15:56
vkmcjungleboyj, mentors for gsoc act as guides, it's not expected that you devote too much time on mentoring15:57
vkmcjungleboyj, we would need you to submit an internship idea (that can be done in the internship period, that is, 3 months) and to help any interested student on the onboarding (setting up devstack and such)15:58
kmARCvkmc: I'm always in for this kind of stuff. Let me know if I can help15:58
vkmckmARC, \o/15:58
jungleboyjvkmc:  Ok.  I am sure that we can find a project to work on for Cinder like that.16:00
vkmcjungleboyj, awesome16:00
vkmckmARC, if you are contributing to a project in particular right now and you can think in a coding internship task, we need to add all of them here
kmARCNah, unfortunately I'm only considering contributing to keystone, but TBH didn't have time for it16:01
jungleboyjvkmc:  Let me add it to our weekly meeting and see if there are ideas that people have.16:02
vkmcjungleboyj, when is the weekly?16:02
vkmcwe are a bit tight with time... we would need to have some drafts ready by tomorrow16:03
vkmcI sent an email to the mailing list but unfortunately we didn't get much (not to say any) response16:03
jungleboyjOh, that is Wednesday.  Ok, so you need ideas before then?16:03
vkmctomorrow is our deadline for applying as organization16:04
vkmcso it's kinda... fast... if you have something in mind now, just submit it16:04
vkmcwe can correct things later if needed16:05
jungleboyjOk.  Let me go chat in the Cinder Channel.16:05
vkmcjungleboyj, <316:09
jungleboyjOf course.  I am happy to help.  No one is jumping with ideas over there right now unfortunately.16:10
vkmcyeah... it's hard16:11
jungleboyjvkmc:  Hey, so I think e0ne has a project.16:21
vkmcjungleboyj, \o/16:22
jungleboyjvkmc:  We have been trying to get generic backup driver support in Cinder for a while.  He has been having trouble getting bandwidth for it.16:22
vkmcjungleboyj, sounds like a good and challenging project to me16:22
jungleboyjSo, I could help get the person onboarded and he could help with the technical project.16:22
vkmcjungleboyj, that's awesome!16:22
vkmcplease join #openstack-gsoc16:23
vkmcand ask e0ne as well16:23
vkmcwe are gathering there to submit stuff asap16:23
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/training-guides master: Disable publishing of training-guides folder
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/training-guides master: Disable publishing of training-guides folder
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/training-guides master: Remove name from project stanza
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