Friday, 2017-05-05

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openstackgerritIldiko Vancsa proposed openstack/training-guides master: [upstream] systemd instead of screen for DevStack
openstackgerritIldiko Vancsa proposed openstack/training-guides master: [upstream] systemd instead of screen for DevStack
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/training-guides master: [upstream] systemd instead of screen for DevStack
openstackgerritMerged openstack/training-guides master: [upstream] Governance - AUC and election activies
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jungleboyjildikov: ianychoi  The 'latest VM image' link from kmARC doesn't point to the latest ova .16:26
ildikovjungleboyj: the latest image sets the environment to use screen which we might not want though16:30
jungleboyjTrue, but the existing one doesn't have the devstack change for systemd.16:30
jungleboyjildikov: So, do we want them to use the older image and do a git remote udpate/git pull .16:31
jungleboyjOr the new image and change the screen setting?  :-)16:31
ildikovjungleboyj: bah, the issue is to be honest that I sent out the link to the old image beginning of this week16:31
jungleboyjildikov: Ok, question answered.16:31
ildikovso at least a few students might have that anyway...16:31
ildikovso I think a git pull should not hurt16:32
jungleboyjildikov: Ok, all good and I have already been through the issues they may see if they have already stacked and need to restack.16:33
ildikovwe will have a block to set up the image after the intro part16:34
ildikovso we can double check the settings, etc16:34
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jungleboyjildikov:  Sounds good.  Thanks for the input.16:34
ildikovjungleboyj: thanks for the attention to detail :)16:34
jungleboyjildikov:  Welcome.  Just take a quick run through things to make sure everything works.16:35
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ildikovjungleboyj: yeah, I planned to do that too today, just got snowed under the administrational parts as of yet...16:36
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jungleboyjNo problem.16:37
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trevormclrensing: welcome! One thing we have been focusing on is getting exercises ready for the deep dive. I think it would be nice to have a container exercise ready, you can use revert a new-ish bug fix  and use that or create your own.16:49
trevormcildikov, does that sound about right? ^16:49
trevormcjust remember they should be low-hanging-fruit type of fixes.16:50
ildikovtrevormc: I just explained your idea to lrensing and the desire to have exercise for that block :)16:51
trevormcoh nice, thanks16:51
ildikovtrevormc: what you wrote is a good summary16:51
lrensingi'll look into that16:52
ildikovtrevormc: lrensing: thanks!16:53
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jungleboyjFYI, the magic to get the new devstack working appears to be:  1) git remote udpate and git pull in /opt/devstack .17:34
jungleboyj2) ./clean.sh17:34
jungleboyj3) ./stack.sh17:34
jungleboyjNo no no ... 2) should be ./unstack.sh17:34
jungleboyjIf you do a clean you have rabbitmq issues.17:34
jungleboyjIf you don't do the unstack there is a VG left around that causes Cinder to fail.17:34
jungleboyjSo, 1) git remote update17:35
jungleboyj2) git pull17:35
jungleboyj3) unstack.sh17:35
jungleboyj4) stack.sh17:35
ildikovthat looks good17:58
ildikovI always do unstack17:58
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jungleboyjildikov:  Yeah, I should have thought about that.  :-)  Wasn't sure what state Mark had left it in though.18:08
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openstackgerritJay Bryant proposed openstack/training-guides master: [upstream] fix typo in official-projects slides
jungleboyjSweet, if you have the slide window open in the BG and open the notes view it changes slides on the original window when you change the notes view.18:20
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mlavallekmARC: ping18:37
jungleboyjmlavalle:  He might be traveling today.18:38
mlavallejungleboyj: ok18:38
jungleboyjYep, just guessing that as he hasn't responded to other pings.18:39
mlavallejungleboyj, ildikov: This morning I built a devstack in my laptop (using my own Vagrant config, not kmARC's). It utrns out that devstack doesn't use screen anymnore to start the services18:41
mlavallediablo_rojo_phon: ^^^^^18:41
mlavalleare you all aware of this?18:41
jungleboyjmlavalle:  Yes.18:41
ildikovmlavalle: Tnx18:41
jungleboyjmlavalle:  We have updated the slides and I was just playing with an environment to make sure it all works.18:41
diablo_rojo_phonYeah that sounds right.18:42
mlavalleildikov, jungleboyj diablo_rojo_phon: kmARC took care of it the vagrant config for the training:
jungleboyjmlavalle:  I have the steps in the scrollback that will take kmARC  's environment and get it up to the new devstack working.18:42
jungleboyjmlavalle:  We talked yesterday and decided that we want to go with the new dmesg based approach.18:43
ildikovmlavalle: in the meantime we decided to teach systemd18:43
jungleboyjSorry, systemd18:43
mlavalleildikov, jungleboyj diablo_rojo_phon: yeah, I think it is the right thing to do, teach systemd18:44
jungleboyjmlavalle:  That is the plan.  :-)18:44
ildikovmlavalle: +118:44
mlavallebut be aware that kmARC's vagrant still will configure with screen18:44
jungleboyjmlavalle:  Right.18:45
jungleboyjGoing to have the class do the following:18:45
mlavallejungleboyj: ok, perfect, that will take care of it18:46
jungleboyj:-)  Yep and the vagrant /image that is linked doesn't have the SCREEN change in it.18:47
mlavalleildikov, jungleboyj, diablo_rojo_phon just wanted to raise the flag. Trying to avoid surprises in the training. See you all Sunday afternoon18:47
jungleboyjmlavalle:  Thank you!18:47
ildikovmlavalle: thank you!18:49
ildikovmlavalle: safe travels18:49
mlavalleildikov: thanks. it is a small hop for me, I live in Austin. Do you fly from Budapest?18:49
ildikovmlavalle: that's still a flight :)18:50
ildikovmlavalle: already in Boston, flew from Budapest through Munich18:50
mlavalleildikov: well, that is real flight. Glad you are there, so you can recover from the jet lag. See you Sunday18:51
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ianychoijungleboyj, I see. the page ( ) does not point to
ianychoiAnother possible approach would be to indicate the link , disable SCREEN=True option in /opt/devstack/local.conf , and execute /opt/devstack/stack.sh19:44
ianychoimlavalle, it was because it had been made two days ago - before we discussed to explain systemd instead of screen19:45
mlavalleianychoi: yeah I figured19:55
jungleboyjianychoi:  Yes, I know.  I caught that earlier.20:09
jungleboyjianychoi:  We decided we wanted to leave it that way and we are going to have them update their devstack before stacking.  So, they will use the new systemd approach.20:11
mlavallejungleboyj: I just tested the re-stacking. Works fine20:39
jungleboyjmlavalle:  Good news.  Thanks for the update.20:40
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coffee_catmlavalle: jungleboyj: ianychoi: I kinda think that it's actually a good message in a way of how to adapt quickly and also we teach more things in practice right at the beginning of the course20:49
coffee_catso I'm optimistic about it :)20:49
mlavallecoffee_cat: ++20:51
jungleboyjcoffee_cat:  ++20:51
jungleboyjI have a bug out there now and a practice exercise, so that should be all ready to go for Sunday.20:51
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coffee_catjungleboyj: awesome! :)21:25
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coffee_catFor those of you who are around tomorrow for the training, let's meet at Dillons at 11am:
coffee_catI will send out an email too as a reminder23:52
coffee_catSee you soon! :)23:52
coffee_catThe plan is to meet at the Sheraton at 12:30pm the latest to get ready for the training!23:53

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