Thursday, 2017-05-04

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ianychoimarst, hello02:06
ianychoimarst, I have uploaded mentioning you as a co-author. Would you look at or help improve this?02:07
ianychoi(I need to sleep now... away for several hours then)02:08
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ildikovmarst: sorry, I was afk03:34
ildikovmarst: thank you for the heads up!03:34
ildikovmarst: I think especially for things like this just go ahead and propose a patch, the worst case scenario is that it gets landed after the training03:35
ildikovmarst: which is not the most ideal, but still it will be useful for the next training and/or for those who pick up the material for local trainings03:36
marstianychoi: Thank you!04:28
marstildikov: good morning! no worries at all, nobody expects you to be online 24/7. :)04:28
marstIan has already proposed a change:
marstildikov: can you have a look on it when you'll get a chance?04:30
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kmARCildikov: the VM does not work out-of-the box on vmware player, however with some manual steps it does. I'll document those and update you in a couple hours05:53
kmARCildikov, okay, I'm creating a new image... It will work out of the box07:38
ianychoikmARC, if you have time, would you just confirm whether the VM image with DevStack supports screen command or not? It is needed regarding
kmARCSO I don't know, whether this is already there in the released image08:15
kmARCI'm releasing a new image within two hours08:16
kmARCshould I put anything into local.conf?08:16
kmARCor screen is still the default?08:16
kmARCanyhow, I'm starting a build process right now, I'll see08:16
kmARCianchoi: ?08:17
kmARCianychoi: ?08:18
kmARCI think this is not the default yet08:18
ianychoikmARC, since merged, I think screen might be disabled by default if we run DevStack with master branch08:19
ianychoiIt was updated 3 days ago :(08:19
ianychoiHaha... yep I can download the new image... but I need to work with another thing from now08:20
ianychoiAnyone who would test this?08:21
ianychoiIf no, then I can test it after about 12 hours.. T.T08:22
kmARCianychoi: what you loink here says that ***IF*** USE_SCREEN is false THEN it uses systemd08:27
kmARC(BTW WTF, systemd? That thing really eats up every aspect of a linux system :-D )08:30
ianychoikmARC, unfortunately was also merged :(08:31
ianychoikmARC, AFAIK the new way rather than /etc/init.d08:32
ianychoiIMO including local.conf with "USE_SCREEN=True" would be safe. "USE_SCREEN=False" is fine if you are familiar with systemd haha (not too much familiar at least with me )08:37
kmARCokay. GIMME another 2 hours then09:34
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kmARCildikov, ianychoi,
kmARCWorks with VMware player11:23
kmARCUSE_SCREEN=True directive for devstack11:23
kmARCI tested it on vmware now, works perfectly, and there's screen11:28
csatari ianychoi, ildikov What do you mean on that the OpenStack bylaws contain incorrect info about UC?11:28
csatariIsn't the bylaws always correct?11:29
openstackgerritGergely Csatari proposed openstack/training-guides master: [upstream] Some corrections to the Governance slides
csatariI've removed the related line, but I'm still interested :)11:43
ianychoicsatari, I am not too much familiar with UC but I just wanna share what UC has been recently changed since about Barcelona Summit11:48
ianychoiUser Committee existed at least December 2012 - according to the existence of mailing list11:49
ianychoiAnd and are the same for what UC is11:49
csatariHow UC has been changed?11:50
ianychoiBut.. on the last Barcelona Summit, AUC (Active User Contributor) status was announced from UC11:50
ianychoiand AFAIK UC now represents a number of AUCs11:50
ianychoiThe concept of AUC was not existed previously11:50
ianychoiSo.. the election was held on January this year - it was the first UC election AFAIK11:51
csatariIt is vica versa.11:53
csatariUC members get AUC status11:53
ianychoicsatari, AUC recognition concept was not existed before around Barcelona Summit11:54
ianychoiAt least, "comprised of at least three (3) Individual Members, one (1) appointed by the Technical Committee, one (1) appointed by the Board of Directors, and one (1) appointed by the appointees of the Technical Committee and Board of Directors" sentence would be wrong - UC was elected on last January11:55
ianychoifrom AUCs11:55
csatariStill I do not see the problem with this sentence: " The User Committee shall be an advisory committee to the Board of Directors and shall be comprised of at least three (3) Individual Members, one (1) appointed by the Technical Committee, one (1) appointed by the Board of Directors, and one (1) appointed by the appointees of the Technical Committee and11:55
csatariBoard of Directors."11:55
ianychoiAUCs elected UCs but the sentence implies that UCs are being appointed by TC and Board of Directors11:56
csatariThis mail contradicts with the bylaws.11:58
csatariYou suggest, that this mail is the source truth and not the bylaws in this case?11:58
ianychoicsatari, the main source is the actual situation what UC did :) IMO discussing with Edgar during upstream institute with bylaws would be nice. I am not familiar with how bylaws is updated, but at least I am pretty sure that Foundation already know UC election was held :)12:00
csatariBut "The User Committee shall be an advisory committee to the Board of Directors" is still true, isn't it?12:01
ildikovkmARC: the guy has VMWare Fusion (Professional Version 8.5.6 (5234762))12:09
ildikovkmARC: I told him to try the image while waiting for figuring out what's up with VMware in general12:09
ildikovkmARC: hopefully the new VM image will be just fine, thanks for looking into it12:10
kmARCI guess this is now vmware compatible as is. I only have the free player. Please let him know to try with the latest iimage12:10
ildikovkmARC: ianychoi: I deployed and started the image on SUnday I think and screen was working12:11
ildikovkmARC: ianychoi: I can start up the image to double check if you need12:11
kmARCthat's just a coincidence :-)12:11
ildikovkmARC: awesome, thanks, I'll send the link to the guy12:12
ildikovianychoi: csatari: we will have Edgar with us on Saturday to present about the UC12:15
ildikovianychoi: csatari: I will share our latest slides with you and let's minimize what we have about this in the governance section12:15
ildikovianychoi: csatari: we will tweak that session for the upcoming trainings, I recognized it too late that we haven't added it to the .rst sources12:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack/training-guides master: [upstream] Some corrections to the Governance slides
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csatariianychoi okay. I can help in rst-izing the UC slides.14:33
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jungleboyjildikov:  Have a minute for a question.16:38
ildikovjungleboyj: shoot16:39
jungleboyjFirst, I am working on  a slide to address the Devstack issue.  Will push it shortly.16:39
jungleboyjildikov: Second, for the Cinder deep dive.  Where did you want me to put the patch in the sandbox for that?16:40
ildikovjungleboyj: one sec16:40
jungleboyjildikov: I don't see anything out there yet.16:40
ildikovjungleboyj: there should be a project_exercises_boston one there now16:44
jungleboyjildikov:   he he, magic!  ;-)16:45
ildikovjungleboyj: yep :)16:45
jungleboyjildikov: Thank you.  Going to get something up there to try.16:46
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ildikovjungleboyj: great, Tnx!16:47
jungleboyjJust shared the links to the schedule for the Upstream-Institute with Lenovo's sponsorship up to management.  Looks great!16:47
jungleboyjThank you for helping to make that happen.16:47
ildikovjungleboyj: thanks for offering and making it happen :)16:53
jungleboyjildikov:  Well, I am hoping it is just the first of many steps for us.16:55
jungleboyjUnfortunately, they are baby steps right now.16:55
ildikovjungleboyj: it's good, that's how things start :)16:57
ianychoijungleboyj, you would like to explain systemd for DevStack?16:58
jungleboyjianychoi:  Going to add a slide referencing the difference between our environment and where things are moving.16:59
jungleboyjildikov: +216:59
ianychoiI see. Now I just want to add USE_SCREEN=True option on the patch.17:00
ildikovianychoi: let's switch to systems17:05
ildikovianychoi: mtreinish is right17:05
jungleboyjildikov:  So you think we should just switch our image to use systemd?17:05
ildikovjungleboyj: bah, right that's now configured to use screen :S17:06
jungleboyjildikov:  Right and none of us are familiar with using DevStack with systemd yet.  :-)17:07
ildikovjungleboyj: personally I think we should switch back to the default option17:07
ildikovjungleboyj: as if anyone just deploys it from master that's what they get17:08
ianychoiildikov, systemd has been by default since just a few days ago. I am not still sure who in upstream institute is familiar with systemd17:08
ildikovjungleboyj: we have two days to figure it out17:08
ildikovjungleboyj: it shouldn't be rocket science :D17:09
ianychoiildikov, kmARC updated a patched image with SCREEN=True
mtreinishianychoi: it's really straightforward and it works the same way you'd run any other service on linux17:09
mtreinishianychoi: also provides examples for common dev tasks17:10
ildikovWe are trying to teach people to adapt and solve problems17:10
ianychoimtreinish, then how I can see for example nova logs in systemd with DevStack?17:10
mtreinishand an overall view of interacting with systemd
mtreinishianychoi: the second link17:10
ildikovSo I'm sure we can figure this one out :)17:10
ildikovmtreinish: Tnx17:10
mtreinishwhich is also in the first section of the first link (on inspecting services)17:11
ianychoimtreinish, for training purpose, I think explaining SCREEN is nice but I do not object explaining systemd if ildikov and other mentors are fine.17:11
jungleboyjildikov:  :-)  True, we should also adapt.17:11
jungleboyjOk, well, I can get pull the latest devstack and give it a shot.17:12
ianychoimtreinish, also note that some newbies might be confused with previous instruction w/ screen. So IMO leaving some slides would be fine17:12
ildikovianychoi: I think most of the students are not that familiar with screen either so why teach them if it's not the default anymore and will go away17:13
ildikovianychoi: we can keep the screen slide for those who know that with the config option17:14
jungleboyjildikov:  Right.17:14
ianychoiildikov, mtreinish: I see. I also agree that we pursue real "upstream" in upstream institute17:15
ianychoiBut.. some training perspectives need to be also considered17:16
jungleboyjSo, I think that it would be best to add a note here:
jungleboyjThat this is deprecated and add a slide about using systemd with links to the info that mtreinish added above.17:17
jungleboyjIs kmARC  Going to be able to respin the environment for this change?17:17
jungleboyjildikov: ianychoi  Any objections?  ^17:25
ildikovjungleboyj: yep, update the slides and keep all the info17:26
jungleboyjildikov: Cool.17:27
ildikovjungleboyj: we can look into the source files, unsure about the ova file17:27
* jungleboyj imagines Jean Luc Picard saying 'Make it so.'17:27
ianychoijungleboyj, ildikov - yep I do not object to our upstream ways :)17:28
openstackgerritIan Y. Choi proposed openstack/training-guides master: [upstream] systemd instead of screen for DevStack
ianychoijungleboyj, would you add your changes on ?17:31
jungleboyjianychoi:  Didn't know you already had that out there.  Yeah, I can pull that down and add to it.17:32
ianychoiJust adding you as a co-author would be fine I think - jungleboyj thanks a lot!17:32
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openstackgerritIan Y. Choi proposed openstack/training-guides master: [upstream] Governance - AUC and election activies
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jungleboyjWe also need to change the exercise so I am restacking to make sure I get it right.18:28
jungleboyjmtreinish:  You around still?18:35
mtreinishjungleboyj: yep, although I do need to find food in a bit18:36
jungleboyjmtreinish:  I am eating at the moment.  :-)  So, I just updated devstack and did a ./ .18:36
jungleboyjWhen I stack I get this:18:36
jungleboyjCan't find package systemd-python in requirements18:37
mtreinishjungleboyj: hmm, it does a pip install from global requirements. It should clone the latest g-r which definitely has that in it:
mtreinishjungleboyj: is the local checkout of your g-r up to date? Does it show the git_clone call before the failure?18:40
jungleboyjLet me look.18:40
jungleboyjHmmm, I don't see it updating the requirements directory.18:45
jungleboyjmtreinish:  Will that work if the requirements directory is already there?18:51
mtreinishjungleboyj: oh, you said you cleaned up an existing devstack env18:52
mtreinishyeah if I missed that18:52
mtreinishso set RECLONE=yes18:52
ianychoimtreinish, --unit option is really true in ? I am testing with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS but I cannot find such option.18:53
mtreinishjungleboyj: if you're curious18:53
jungleboyjmtreinish:  Oh, I am learning something new.18:53
jungleboyjCool.  Thanks.  I am in business now it looks like it.18:54
mtreinishianychoi: it's an option on journalctl18:55
mtreinishon systemctl you don't use it, it looks like a copy and paste bug I missed in my docs review18:55
ianychoijungleboyj, I am now testing: 1) retrieving latest kmARC's VM image 2) just disable SCREEN=True option in local.conf and 3) execute and it seems that it works well18:55
ianychoimtreinish, aha I see - then would you patch the doc in DevStack?18:56
mtreinishianychoi: I'm about to step away for a very late lunch, but if you push a patch to fix the docs I'll review it when I'm in front of my computer again18:56
ianychoiFrom my trial, without --unit option such as sudo systemctl status "devstack@*" looks fine18:56
ianychoimtreinish, +1 I see have a nice lunch :)18:56
jungleboyjianychoi: Cool, if you have verified that I can push up a patch here.18:58
openstackgerritJay Bryant proposed openstack/training-guides master: [upstream] systemd instead of screen for DevStack
jungleboyjianychoi:  ildikov ^^19:06
spotzjungleboyj: I thought you were holding off on that one?19:16
ianychoiyep I am now patching devstack documentation -
jungleboyjspotz:  No, we decided we are going to go forward with using systemd.19:26
spotzok I reviewed both your patches:)19:27
ianychoispotz, thanks! :)19:27
jungleboyjThanks!  I gotta run for a bit but will be back on later to push a patch if necessary.19:32
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