Monday, 2022-08-22

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fungiseems like we could do both options if there's sufficient interest14:27
gmannspotz: thanks16:15
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knikollagmann: o/ creating the doodle poll today. do we remember what time slots we present usually in virtual PTG for people to sign up?19:06
gmannknikolla: in past it used to 4-7 UTC, 13-17 UTC and may be few more slots19:16
gmann13-17 UTC is the slots most of the teams sign up for except team having more contributors from Asia TZ side19:17
knikollathanks! 20:46
knikollaI'll go with those 2 blocks for the poll. 20:46
fungidiablo_rojo_phone: diablo_rojo: ^ might be good to confirm we're using the same timeframes again20:46
knikollathanks fungi :) 20:47
diablo_rojo_phonefungi in the email I sent on Friday I addressed all of that.  Also I will make sure to reiterate in the team list announcement20:50
knikolladiablo_rojo_phone: thanks, the email mentions that we're using the same time frames, I just couldn't find a place where the timeframes are defined so I could include them in the poll. sorry! 20:55
diablo_rojo_phoneOhhh got it! 21:09
diablo_rojo_phoneMy bad. 21:09
diablo_rojo_phoneThe first one starts at 13 UTC21:10
diablo_rojo_phoneAnd it's four hours long. 21:10
diablo_rojo_phoneThen it's 4 hours off and then 4 on and 4 off around the clock :) 21:10
diablo_rojo_phoneknikolla: 21:10
knikollaawesome! thank you! diablo_rojo_phone 21:11
diablo_rojo_phoneNo problem! Sorry I'm being a bit dense today :) 21:11
knikolladiablo_rojo_phone: not at all! the question wasn't clear.21:15
knikolladiablo_rojo_phone: one final question about the edges. Does Monday have a 05.00-09.00UTC slot or the PTG officially starts at 13.00UTC on Monday? And does the PTG have a final 21.00-01.00 on Friday (and Saturday) or does it officially end at 17.00UTC on Friday?21:25
diablo_rojo_phoneMonday will start at 13 UTC and Friday will end at 1:00 UTC21:31
knikollaawesome! updated. here's the link
clarkbdiablo_rojo_phone: it ends 01:00 Saturday right?21:49
diablo_rojo_phoneYeah I think technically that's correct @clarkb 21:50
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