Saturday, 2022-08-20

opendevreviewMerged openstack/governance master: Retire openstack-helm-addons
gmannthanks slaweq for chair the meeting14:06
gmanndiablo_rojo: I have signed up the TC PTG. as ethercal is down what are you going to use to let projects book their slots?14:07
gmanndansmith: +1, once we will get to know how to book slot, and spotz[m] feedback from operators, TC can book 2 slots per day for 'operator hours' and let project to book out of those.14:08
gmannspotz[m]: knikolla: please let me know if you need help on asking operators availability for PTG over email, doodle poll, or twitter 14:10
fungigmann: ptgbot will be used to book slots directly going forward14:39
gmannfungi: ok and from when we can start that? as we need to update the slot date/times there
gmannalso inform project teams/PTL to do that14:42
fungigmann: once the survey is over so the organizers know how many rooms we'll need in parallel, they can get the slots set up in ptgbot for them and then teams can start booking those14:43
gmannfungi: ok, +1 thanks14:44
fungiwhile the survey is still going, they  don't yet know how many rooms to put on the schedule14:44
diablo_rojo_phonethanks fungi for answering all those questions :) 15:13
diablo_rojo_phonegmann: I will be contacting all the moderators to sign up for time after the survey closes and I have the bot configured. 15:14
diablo_rojo_phoneAround the end of August. 15:14
gmanndiablo_rojo_phone: ack, sounds good. thanks for updates and doing all the setup. 15:18
diablo_rojo_phoneNo problem. 15:19

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