Thursday, 2019-01-10

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fungioffice hour is at hand, for several minutes already now01:03
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fungiand that concludes another office hour. catch our next exciting installment 2019-01-102019-01-11 at 15:00 utc02:05
fungier, that should read 2019-01-11 at 15:00 utc02:06
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cdenta non-openstack colleague asked me yesterday if we (openstack) as a community have any concerns about amazon outpost12:45
cdentI made the usual assertions about openness and alternatives being important12:45
fungithat also presumes that we as a community wouldn't have similar concerns about the aws public cloud (openstack isn't just for private clouds, after all)13:06
fungitc-members: heads up, we're being asked to weigh in on
cdentfungi: sure, not suggesting this is an only/unique issue, just that outpost is new-ish and this person was curious if it is presented new/more concerns13:09
* ttx will look asap13:22
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fungiit strikes me as another case of something written in private and then brought to the community, so i can understand the hesitancy of the telemetry team to just adopt it as one of their deliverables13:55
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TheJuliaIdeally, I would say it can go in and later be adopted by a project if there is such a match and people find it useful13:58
fungiyeah, it's an option either way. they go it unofficially and then telemetry adopts it later once it's more proven, or they make a separate official team around it and then fold it into telemetry later14:00
fungimy point is more that 1. i don't think somehow "forcing" the telemetry team to adopt it is wise, nor 2. that there's any guarantee they would choose to adopt it on their own eventually14:01
cdentis the telemetry team much alive?14:02
funginot according to your health tracker update from july14:03
cdentthat was july14:04
fungittx and zaneb might have updated info?14:04
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fungibut yeah, while it might be nice if the existing members of the telemetry team saw this as an opportunity to get new people involved to share the load, i can understand why it looks to them like taking on more responsibility when they already don't have time for their existing responsibility14:06
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dimsright fungi14:13
dimsfolks seen this yet?
fungidims: nope, thanks!14:14
fungii find the headline misleading14:15
fungicould just as easily say it's mongodb who gave the middle finger to open source14:16
fungiand amazon is now simply reacting to that choice14:16
fungimongodb said "you can't charge for hosting a service based on our software" and amazon replied "good to know, i guess we won't then"14:17
ttxit's next on my Health tracking list... unless zaneb beats me to it14:22
smcginnisfungi: That's actually a good way to look at it.14:24
ttxOn that techcrunch article... it feels a bit one sided yes. Amazon is not perfect but when you give them a chance to contribute in an open collaboration manner they usually do14:24
ttxIt's just that MongoDB is not interested in contribution, they want money14:25
ttxand that's the last thing Amazon would give them14:25
smcginnisI could see this either deterring more projects from following that model, or driving them to extend their control to restricting who can use their APIs, if not their implementation (a la Oracle vs Google with Java)14:25
fungiit's certainly an opportunity for amazon to make an example of them14:26
ttxwhich is why this whole new licenses thing is so crazy14:26
fungii could see amazon justifying investing an unnecessarily large sum on development work to basically crush mongodb to a fine grit14:26
ttxWith such stable software it's so much simpler for Amazon to fork than to pay14:26
cdentclearly this is why we should switch to some versin of the GPL14:27
* cdent runs away14:27
fungii'm happy to run away with you on that one, cdent14:27
ttxcdent: no, you just need to make it easy to contribute and be happy when they do14:27
cdentI don't think that's enough14:28
fungii'm not personally a huge fan of the apache license, but it's doing okay by us so far and switching to a different free/libre open source license would be rather a lot of work for probably minimal gains at this stage14:28
ttxIf GPL could save MongoDB that's what they would use14:29
cdentI wasn't suggesting that gpl could save mongodb, rather that gpl provides protections against people "just taking stuff"14:29
ttxBut if they switched to GPL Amazon would do the exact same move.14:30
fungithe gpl wouldn't really constrain amazon significantly14:30
cdentand it is that latter which I think is _too_ enabled by the open source movement (as opposed to free softwar moved)14:30
fungithe agpl might, but that's a different ballgame entirely14:30
ttxit would only deter other non-Amazon potential contributors14:30
evrardjpI can't read that article, I cannot unclick to so many things I don't want to send my cookie data to :p14:30
ttxso... net loss14:30
ttxevrardjp: just run FF with content tracking protection14:31
cdentit's so hard any more to have a speculative noodling conversation about how to ideally change the world. somebody always wants to stick reality into the conversation.14:31
fungii have tracking protection cranked all the way up, along with eff privacy badger and ddg privacy essentials active... privacy badger notes 9 different trackers it blocked. that's pretty terrible i agree14:32
funginope, make that 10 trackers14:33
ttxcdent: it's almost as if people were looking for loopholes in order to make more money than the others14:33
cdentand there we end on the common root of all evil: money14:33
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ttxoffice hour topic: is money the root of all evil15:00
cdenttc-members, office hours15:01
ttxI like money.15:01
ttxIt can come in handy15:01
ttxI found some usage for it.15:01
ttx5star - would use again15:01
cdentwe could probably form a "two sides of the tc house" based on the money position15:01
fungicurrency is a convenient shared fiction which only exists because we believe it does15:02
fungiemphasis on the "convenient"15:02
dimso/ (again)15:03
cdentfungi: have you read "sapiens" (yuval noah)?15:03
funginope, sounds like i should?15:03
smcginnisHow many chickens does a new laptop cost?15:04
cmurphyI am wondering about the current health of the help wanted list; has it brought any good in the last year+ it has been around? and do we think the current list up to date or does it need to be refreshed?15:04
evrardjpttx: Excellent 5/7.15:04
smcginnisI have not seen any direct signs that it is being used.15:04
cdenta) yes, it is good and interesting, but b) one of the things it touches on is the ways in which those shared fictions are oppressive (in the wrong hands)15:04
fungicmurphy: the current list is mostly not yet up to date. i expect it to usually be up to 6 months behind reality since we currently look at it as a once-a-cycle touchpoint15:05
cdentwhen I've inquired about the impact, people didn't think it had had any, even where we've seen change15:05
cdentthat is the change came from somewhere else15:05
cmurphythe reason I ask is that evrardjp and I are going to present about upstream involvement internally and are considering pointing to it but I want to be sure it's actually a worthwhile document to point to15:06
evrardjpcdent: if it has no impact, we should not keep that15:06
evrardjpcdent: it can send a wrong message15:06
fungicmurphy: oh, whoops. i misread that as health tracker. the help wanted list yes it's probably suffering much more from stagnation15:06
evrardjpI believe it has impact.15:07
evrardjpcmurphy: even if it's not 100% accurate, I believe it's a good pointer15:07
evrardjpthings might change, but we can indicate that in our messages15:07
smcginnisevrardjp: Have you seen any sign of anyone using it to decide where to put resources?15:07
mnaseri know clarkb would love to get help in making our gate more stable and a lot of that gives the person doing it openstack operational experience which is honestly pretty valuable.15:08
lbragstadi was able to update most of the projects i volunteered for in November (with the exception of 1 I believe)15:08
evrardjpsmcginnis: If you mean a concrete corporate plan, no. But I have heard about contributors interested to contribute and that was a nice resource.15:08
smcginnisevrardjp: Oh, that's good.15:08
fungithe impetus of creating the help wanted list was that we had companies approaching openstack who wanted to know where to invest staff to be able to make a positive impact15:08
evrardjpsmcginnis: whether this was converted into real actions, that's a different thing.15:09
mnaserbut if you mean in a pov of someone who supports openstack, you learn an immense amount of operational knowledge through fixing gate issues imho15:09
fungiin subsequent discussions, it was suggested that sales pitches aimed at convincing contributors where to pitch in (which is what the current entries in the list mostly amount to) aren't relevant to the original audience who instead needs to see business cases for how helping in these ways will improve things for their customers/investors/bottom line15:10
evrardjpfungi: yes that's fairly true, that's what I meant behind the scenes when I said that I don'tknow if this converted into real actions, because it might not answer a business case for said contributor15:13
dhellmanntc-members: Last week in our meeting we talked about setting goals for ourselves for the rest of Stein. Do any of you have goals you think we should consider?15:13
evrardjpdhellmann: should we refactor health checking? It seems not scalable and more reactive than pro-active... I have yet to think of how to improve it though.15:14
mnaserdhellmann: while i don't have anything in particular, i think maybe if we make better use of storyboard, it would help use identify these more often15:14
mnaserand it can provide a way for the community to raise issues with the tc15:15
evrardjpThat could be a goal in itself, being able to scale better the health checking of projects would allow us more time on issues while still keeping an open eye on what's going on15:15
evrardjpmnaser: could you extend what you mean there?15:16
TheJuliamnaser: you do, but that can also require a significant amount of time to identify the actual root cause in some cases :(15:16
dhellmannevrardjp : I'm concerned that if this group can't manage to communicate with all of our teams at least 1 time per cycle, we're not really going to be able to provide much leadership.15:16
evrardjpdhellmann: totally true, but I think we should do more than once a cycle :p15:16
dhellmannmnaser : what does "better use of storyboard" look like in this context?15:16
dhellmannevrardjp : yes, that would be ideal15:16
mnaserdhellmann: when we identify things we can do better or we should work on, things that are actionable goals, we put them into storyboard.  as time goes by, we can pick out individual items and resolve them15:17
dhellmanndo you have anything specific in mind that we haven't written down somewhere?15:17
TheJuliadhellmann: evrardjp: at the same time, too often could be viewed as hovering and some projects just don't have the activity to warrant greater than once in a cycle15:18
mnaserdhellmann: i do not, i think the wiki task tracker page has been good to do the same15:19
* TheJulia casually wonders if we should get projects to clean up their wikis and put it in their in-repository docs...15:20
mnaseri think a cycle goal might be killing the wiki :)15:20
mnaserfor a lot of projects, it contains some really bad stale information unfortuantely that can be really confusing for users15:20
mnaserif soemone has the cycle goals etherpad handy...15:21
cdentI don't think where the docs live is a problem. the in repository stuff is often just as stale15:21
cdentwe don't prioritize written communication15:21
evrardjpmnaser: ++ on the wiki kill15:21
smcginnisI do think the in-repo docs are at least a little more up to date than some of the things I've seen out on the wiki.15:22
TheJuliacdent: indeed in some cases, but part of the conundurm is the multiple sources of perceived truth15:22
dhellmannI wonder if dealing with the wiki is really strategically useful. I agree it would be "nice to have" but I'm not sure it's a "must have" item15:22
smcginnisAnd would have the benefit that as things change in the project, there's a chance that it could include the documentation change related to it.15:22
mnaseri wouldn't say it's a must have15:22
cdentsmcginnis: yes, that's generally true, but simply moving content around isn't going to change our attitude to it15:22
mnaserbut it could be an easy one15:22
smcginnisYeah, if it's just a matter of copy/paste, check off goal, then that would be very unfortunate.15:22
TheJuliadhellmann: I do concur, it would be nice, but the resistance to must would be too great... and there might just not be time to get projects to transition off of it. For some things it kind of actually makes sense15:22
evrardjpdhellmann: depends if it really sends a confusing message to users or not. I am not able to judge, as I have my habits.15:22
dhellmannI'm much more interested in identifying some must have items for *the TC* to do15:22
cdentIf we say "clean up the wiki" why won't people will say "yeah, sure" and do something else?15:23
TheJuliasmcginnis: I suspect active projects would argue over contents15:23
smcginnisTheJulia: The nitpick potential would be very high at the other extreme of copy/pasting.15:23
TheJuliaThe TC could try to drive a grass roots campaign to move/cleanup the wiki15:23
cdentI think it would be useful for the tc to audit its docs in a consistent fashion, to make sure the references etc are fresh15:23
ttxI have been on the wiki kill project for a long while15:24
cdentit's probably a good way to review things and refresh our memories and get more clear on where we are aligned and not15:24
ttxmostly blocked on some other lightweight way for teams to publish documents15:24
ttxwhich we may soon have with gitea15:24
TheJuliaSo it seems like there is sufficient mass to at least consider strategic wiki activities. Perhaps something else?15:25
TheJuliattx: could you elaborate a little?15:25
TheJuliaspecifically on soon have15:25
ttxwiki should be free from most reference information now. Except board agendas15:25
evrardjpyes that's interesting but also weird15:25
* TheJulia laughs at the wiki content assertion15:25
fungithe gitea poc opendev has been working on (to replace cgit) has a wiki feature, though it's more like github's wiki concept than mediawiki/wikipedia's15:25
fungiwe're also planning to disable the wiki piece initially, for several reasons15:26
mnaserfwiw i think dhellmann is bringing a very solid point where we seem to be struggling to identify actionable things we should be doing15:26
ttxthe idea being we need a lightweight way to publish information, but one that makes it clear who owns maintenance of what doc15:26
ttxthe free-for-all aspect of mediawiki is a blessing and a curse15:26
TheJuliattx: at what point would we want to consider guiding the culture regarding documentation behaviors/ativities?15:26
mnaseri do like what cdent suggested but i'm not sure how much time folks have.  as someone involved in openstack deployment, i do this stuff way too often and it exposes you to a lot of whats working and whats not, it's very valuable15:26
ttxTheJulia: I worked to remove most "official" documents from the wiki so that it's seen more as a super-etherpad than as reference information15:27
fungifirst because that means we need to solve authentication in gitea (which we don't want to slow down getting a new repository browsing interface into the community's hands), second because "wikis" in gitea (or github for that matter) need to be tied to repositories and have author permissions delegated by repository "owners" which we won't want the opendev team on the hook to manage directly15:27
ttxthat's why we have governance.o.o or releases.o.o15:27
TheJuliattx: For at least the TC that makes sense.15:28
dhellmannHere's one: As the opendev transition continues, we will eventually need to make a decision about what gerrit namespace(s) we want the openstack project to use, and whether to allow unofficial projects to use "openstack/".15:28
TheJuliaThat... could  be interesting15:28
dhellmannit's still very cumbersome to rename a repo, so there's a technical driver for deciding to say "yes"15:29
fungiwhere "allow" might mean we grandfather in existing ones who don't want to rename straight away, but refuse to add any more to it15:29
dhellmannyes, that also15:29
ttxI'd take the opportunity to clarify that long-time confusion once and for all and say "no"15:29
lbragstadttx ++15:30
TheJuliafungi: including to refuse to add more that are likely to become part of a project or that are slated for project inclusion?15:30
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ttxyes, it might mean a transition for existing unofficial projects... but they will transition to OpenDev terms anyway15:30
cdentWould it make sense to allow people to choose? For plenty of people, being on the infra, without the namespace, is what they will want.15:30
TheJuliaI suspect there could be a lot of blowback from those impacted by varying "in" project considerations15:30
dhellmannanother option would be to use a separate prefix for each team, which would tend to avoid the rename problem (nova/nova, etc.)15:30
evrardjpI don't personally care what the namespace of a project is. I want to spend time for the users, not sure they will see an impact.15:30
fungiTheJulia: possibly either? that's part of what would need to be discussed15:31
dhellmanncdent : yes, not everything hosted on opendev is going to be on a path to become part of openstack anyway15:31
TheJuliafungi: okay, agreed15:31
fungihalf of the stuff hosted on opendev isn't officially part of openstack15:31
cdentI'm assuming that most _new_ projects that are not already strongly associated with an official openstack project will prefer to be seen as independent15:31
fungiwell, by repository count anyway15:32
cdentthe brand value is not what it once was15:32
cdentbut the infra value remains high15:32
dhellmannright, the question isn't a global one about all of opendev, it's just about what to do with things in the openstack/ namespace15:32
cdentMy choice would be: don't allow new, let existing choose, but if they don't make a choice, grandfather them in. This seems least effort.15:33
cdentwhich is valuable15:33
evrardjpleast effort +115:33
dhellmannif we say we're not going to allow new unofficial projects to use the name, how do we handle new project teams in the future?15:34
evrardjpnot sure what the "don't allow new" meant, but I suppose you meant follow the usual process15:34
cdentevrardjp: don't allow new was aligned with that ttx said: don't let new unofficial into the namespace15:35
evrardjpyeah, so for new projects to be in the namespace, they go through the usual governance process, which is fine for me.15:35
TheJuliadhellmann: and things being added on existing projects that are still working through other processes. I think we need to keep in mind that excess process is a major impact to velocity15:36
dhellmannour process right now calls for them to operate in the open for some period of time. which leads to them using some other prefix for a while, and then having to rename their repo. which is still work for the opendev team.15:36
ttxNote that there is a lot of non-openstack related projects up there15:36
fungialso, do we want to mandate specific namespaces for official project teams, or just let them choose whatever they want?15:36
ttxand a truckload of abandoned projects15:36
ttxI'd definitely not grandfather the ones that have nothing to do with openstack or are dead15:37
* TheJulia wonders if re-namespacing will be rocking the boat too much15:37
fungithere are rather a few abandoned git repositories listed as deliverables for official teams as well15:37
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ttxEvery time I look at that unofficial-but-under-openstack/ list I wonder15:37
fungiearlier this week i notices, for example, that the last substantive commit merged to the solum-specs repo was in 201515:37
fungier, i noticed15:38
ttxsure, but that is a support repo15:38
evrardjpI have a question, is that energy well spent to care about that? I am fine also fine letting the doors open, keeping current state, as its even less energy on this15:38
ttxopenstack/ailuropoda on the other hand15:38
evrardjpJust curious about the amount of energy required, before taking a decision15:38
dhellmannwell, it's a question we're going to be asked soon, so I think we should have an answer ready15:39
cdentIs there a published timetable on the opendev migration that we can publicise a bit louder?15:39
cdentI would guess that many are not aware of it15:39
dhellmanngood question; I don't know15:39
fungiwith both opendev sysadmin and tc member hats on, i'd be in favor of letting teams/projects pick whatever namespaces they want for their repositories15:39
fungicdent: there is no timetable/deadline for re-namespacing. current namespaces are being kept intact, but we'll start allowing repositories to rename into or be created into new namespaces in the not-too-distant future (no exact date yet)15:40
dhellmannI think I'd like to take an opportunity to introduce some consistency. So either all teams use a team-specific namespace, or none do.15:40
cdentfungi: i don't mean timetable on the namespacing, I mean the migration to the new domains and use of the new stuff, in general15:41
fungithat will be a slow effort which happens service-at-a-time15:41
fungiand will likely take a year or more to complete the transition15:42
cdentdoes the openstack-developer-on-the-street who is only paying mild attention know it is going to happen at all?15:42
dhellmanndo they need to, yet?15:42
fungiwe just successfully replaced the first. as of yesterday the old ns1/ nameservers and the silent master were removed, now that the domains they were serving have been moved to new nameservers15:43
cdentdhellman: I don't know, but that's not really the question15:43
dhellmannisn't it? part of change management is communicating at the appropriate points in the process.15:43
dhellmannif the change isn't actually scheduled, I'm not sure what we would say15:43
cdentI only heard about it by accident and I had a few different reactions, one of which was cool, this is good, productizing/demarking this stuff is good15:44
cdentthe other was15:44
dhellmann"change is coming" isn't actionable without details we don't have15:44
cdentshit, openstack is dead15:44
fungihow do you recommend reaching the openstack-developer-on-the-street? so far there's been
cdentI know that second reaction is overly-dramatic and hyperbolic, but it happened15:44
dhellmannI don't understand that 2nd reaction.15:44
cdentnor do I, but it happened15:44
fungioh, a few weeks ago we also created the first mailing list on
mnaseri think the 2nd reaction is expected if someone doesn't see the whole picture15:45
mnaserbut also, people seem to enjoy throwing "openstack is dead1!1!1" too so that crowd will always somewhat be there.15:45
cdentmnaser: right, which is why I think we have a task here of making sure that the whole picture is well publicised15:45
mnaseri think focus on messaging and explaining the "why" so folks can say "aaah, makes sense, great move".15:45
dhellmannis the plan to move everything to I wouldn't expect the mailing lists to move, for example15:45
cdentright, it _is_ a great move, and we need to be clear about that15:46
* mnaser suggests that maybe we can setup an adhoc meeting with some of the folks involved in opendev to coordinate and sync up on direction of things15:46
ttxfwiw I heard the first convincing "K8s is dead" rumors lately, by people looking at contribution curves15:46
fungithe plan is that mailing lists remain whitelabeled for domains that want them15:46
mnasernot to steer it, but just to know the direction, so we know what's headed our way :)15:47
ttxDownside of the commit metric: stable software means drop15:47
dhellmannfungi : ok, thanks, that's what I thought15:47
fungibut for projects who don't have a domain of their own and want a mailing list, we now have a listserv15:47
dhellmannclarkb's email (linked above) does a good job of laying out the plan15:48
fungii think the first looming change which will be public facing and noticeable is the new git browser for (based on gitea)15:48
fungithat's still in a very alpha poc phase right now, and there will be announcements once it's stabilized more15:49
fungiwe've been working through a ton of prerequisite behind-the-scenes stuff to start out15:49
mnaserand i can tell you they're working very hard on them from what i've seen :>15:49
dhellmannright, as individual changes start happening, it makes sense to reinforce that message and add more detail15:50
fungifor example, just yesterday i booted a instance to host the existing site. the vhost dns name will be the same as it has been for now, but the nova instance name and the hostname we use to apply configuration management to it is in the new domain15:50
smcginnisfungi: gitea will be great, but considering most casual folks still think repos are hosted on github, not sure how noticeable it will actually be. :)15:50
fungiand just getting our automation to the point where it doesn't assume domains for the instances hosting our existing services took a fair amount of prep15:51
dhellmannI can imagine15:51
fungithe idea is that for the vast majority of the work, there should be no noticeable impact. for things which will be noticeable we'll have announcements with dates15:52
fungiand in most cases also opportunities for feedback/assistance from the community well in advance15:53
fungii mean, ideally anyone who wants to help with any of this, even if it's just to test stuff out, is plenty welcome. but there likely will also be cases where we have to make quick decisions and so the opportunity for advance input won't be as long as we'd like15:54
fungifor now, opendev-related specs are reviewed at and get published to once approved. is probably the most exciting one for people here15:57
fungismcginnis: the good news is that with our new namespacing, we have the ability for projects to decide whether they want their repositories mirrored to github at all. up to now it's basically been mandatory15:59
dhellmannthat feels like another decision the TC should be involved in16:00
fungii don't see why the tc needs to be involved in that decision for non-openstack/unofficial projects16:00
mnaseri think fungi is talking about things hosted on infra like.. say, ara16:00
fungiit's certainly up to the tc, in my opinion, for official openstack projects definitely16:00
dhellmannwell, openstack is a project, right? so we should decide what we want to do about the syncing16:01
dhellmannthat's all I meant16:01
fungisure. we agree16:01
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fungirelated but not yet designed, i think we're going to want to put the terms on which repositories are mirrored to services like github into the hands of the governance bodies overseeing those projects16:02
fungimy current preferred solution is a zuul post pipeline job which pushes commits/branches/tags to third party mirroring services automatically and configurably16:03
fungiusing zuul secrets for the organization credentials16:04
fungithat makes it an entirely self-service mechanism16:04
dhellmannthat seems like a logical approach16:04
fungiand gets opendev out of the position of looking like we're endorsing proprietary git hosting services too16:05
fungiit becomes just another third-party publication solution like we already have for pypi, read-the-docs, dockerhub, puppetforge...16:08
fungiwhatever that nodejs package repository is called16:08
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evrardjpor npm-enterprise ofc!16:11
fungiahh, yeah i guess that's it16:12
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack/governance master: Mark never-released xstatic modules as deprecated
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evrardjpfungi: just one of the many :p16:15
fungitc-members: per the last sentence of the gold member representatives approved the proposed amendments to the bylaws, so now we just need to get the word out to the community to vote in the upcoming individual member election (need 10% of osf individual members to vote, and a majority of those to vote in favor before the amendments16:25
lbragstadack - thanks for the update, fungi16:26
clarkbsmcginnis: fwiw I think the switch to gitea is more about feedback we've gotten around cgits deficiencies than a hope that people will realize there is more than github. So we can be successful with that transition even if people are st ill confused by github16:26
smcginnisOh yeah, definitely. I think I was one of them that raised cgit deficiencies in the past.16:27
clarkbas for github, as long as they remain a dominant hosting platform I don't think you avoid confusion by mirroring to them. People will assume that is canonical beacuse it is for the other 95% of stuff they look at. And if you don't mirror you'll get confusion around why you don't use github16:31
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fungiactually that's less of a risk, it's more that if you don't mirror to github yourself, someone else will mirror your project to github so they can fork from it16:47
fungiand so all the forks on github will point back to someone who has no actual connection to your project16:48
fungiand _that_ will of course cause tons of confusion16:48
mnasergitea seems much nicer and usable, cgit is rough around the edges, search is hard to use, etc16:52
fungigitea suffers from feature creep and modern browser app bloat, but it's definitely pretty16:53
fungiunfortunately everyone who writes a git frontend these days wants it to be a full github replacement16:53
toskyoh, indeed, from the screenshots gitea looks like a rip-of... ehm, heavily inspired by github16:54
fungiwhereas all we *technically* needed was a very usable read-only git browser with good highlighting and search functionality16:54
fungibut everything out there with a nice ui also has a ton of "features" which in our case become liabilities, so have to be disabled16:55
fungiwhich for many of the alternatives, those features aren't even optional, so at least gitea allows us to turn them off16:55
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/governance master: Mark never-released xstatic modules as deprecated
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lbragstadi've been thinking about dhellmann's ask about what we (as the TC) want to do in the immediate future - and something i've been battling with for the last month or so (from a TC) perspective, is trying to find ways to make cross-project collaboration happen easier21:44
lbragstadi'm not sure how much of that we could get done, or what the deliverable for the tc would be in the short-term21:49
fungii love the sentiment, but similarly struggle to come up with a real solution22:05
lbragstadi think it would be great to have something tangible that makes it easier to close gaps across services22:07
fungialso wonder how/whether we could measure that22:16
clarkbin theory isn't that sort of what the oslo libraries do?22:19
clarkbthey are concrete deliverables that create consistency aross projects22:19
lbragstadkind of - yeah22:19
lbragstadbut thinking of cases like multi-attach22:19
lbragstadwhich really only impacted nova and cinder22:20
lbragstad(i think?)22:20
clarkbya there are certainly other cases of it22:20
lbragstadin my experience, and in my opinion, it's still pretty hard to get things done across projects22:21
lbragstadso i'm wondering if there is anything that falls within the tc's role that does something to help make that easier22:22
lbragstadi mean, contributing code is always a great thing to do and helps a ton, but if there are additional things we can do process-wise or guideline-wise, maybe people will find that useful, too?22:23
fungihard to disagree, unfortunately i don't personally have any suggestions. i'll certainly give it a thorough thinking though22:31
dhellmannlbragstad : a good first step might be to look at recent examples of that work and see what made them harder/easier22:34
lbragstadgood idea22:34
lbragstadi know ildikov did a bunch of work with multi-attach, as far as keeping the ball rolling22:35
dhellmannwe've already identified the need for a person to actually "project manage" it and drive the change22:35
dhellmannare there other common patterns?22:35
dhellmannmaybe talking to some of the folks who drove those things about their experience would be enlightening22:36
* lbragstad makes a note22:38
smcginnisYeah, short of the TC becoming a group of project managers, I've struggled with coming up with something we can do to encourage those efforts.22:39
lbragstadlooking at the community goals etherpad - we don't have a shortage of cross-project opportunities that people clearly care about22:40
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