Saturday, 2018-07-07

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zanebit was highly inconvenient that a power cut occurred right in the middle of that conversation :(01:15
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scas'openstack' and 'nova' are often synonymous, because most use cases are going to call for nova in some form. when i started working with openstack-the-product as but a consumer/deployer in folsom days, nova was just kind of expected, and largely what attracted my fleet of saved-from-ewaste servers03:55
scasone could argue that openstack-the-product has changed in its mission, but nova is still pretty much along for the ride03:55
scasi'd argue that most people don't think about the different subprojects when they want 'openstack'. they want some guide that doesn't take them through byzantine rabbit holes. that's where installers come in, but they're openstack-but-not-quite-openstack so we're in this grey area where the deployment is left to those with $$$$ or have the stomach for hacking out something from the open source bits04:01
scasthe tire swing analogy is pretty apt here04:02
scasregardless of who is downstream making money from repackaging, the users shouldn't have to go to a VAR to get the tire swing xl double deluxe supreme edition04:05
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fungiwell, i think part of it is that there quite a few scenarios where you can have a functional combination of some subset of openstack services which doesn't include nova (originally stand-alone swift but now the likes of keystone, ironic, cinder and neutron too, maybe more, have stand-alone-ish deployment options)13:13
fungibut conveying that as a concept while calling any and all combinations "openstack" is a challenge to explain13:15
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fungiit's enough of a challenge to explain what openstack is when you consider it all one bundle13:31
fungimuch less when deconstructed and reassembled in a variety of partial combinations13:32
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fungiconstellations, i guess14:10
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