Monday, 2017-04-03

*** openstackgerrit has joined #openstack-storlets07:22
openstackgerritKota Tsuyuzaki proposed openstack/storlets master: Refactor IPython extension and the tests
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openstackgerritKota Tsuyuzaki proposed openstack/storlets master: Cleanup test_ipython code
openstackgerritKota Tsuyuzaki proposed openstack/storlets master: Fix py3 unit test failures
kota_eranrom: ^^09:59
eranromkota_: Thanks! looking.10:03
eranromkota_: Can you run locally tox -e py35?10:06
openstackgerritEran Rom proposed openstack/storlets master: Adding invocation magics to the IPython extension
openstackgerritEran Rom proposed openstack/storlets master: Adding invocation magics to the IPython extension
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